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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 100

<strong>Chapter 100: Where the Compass Points</strong>

Anima had been captured.

In a situation where no one dared to speak up, Yuri remained silent, eyes closed, unable to utter a word.

I hoped fervently that she wouldn’t make a hasty decision. Anima wasn’t killed but taken as a prisoner. Given Serpina’s quick wit, it was unlikely she would simply kill a prisoner of Anima’s value. As long as Yuri didn’t act impulsively, there should be a way out.

After a while, Yuri slowly opened her eyes, her pupils trembling visibly, betraying her immense anxiety.

It seemed she couldn’t fathom how things had come to this.

After a long silence, she finally turned to Jinor and spoke.

“…Jinor, could you handle this for me?”

Instead of acting rashly, she was delegating the responsibility to her strategist. In her state of emotional turmoil, it was undoubtedly the best decision.

“Of course.”

Jinor briefly nodded, then briefed us on the situation in place of Yuri.

“Lady Anima Ingram utilized her authority to launch an invasion on Hisphil Castle. This much, you all know. However, the operation failed, and she is now in the hands of Serpina’s forces.”

“What about General Ernandorf…?”

Jinor responded with a somber expression.

“He’s currently stable.”

“Stable means…?”

“He sustained serious injuries.”

The news of Ernandorf Arisian’s severe injuries started a murmur among the commanders of Aeshers Army.

“How could this have happened?”

“He rushed into enemy lines alone attempting to rescue Lady Anima.”

The mere discussion painted a vivid picture of the battlefield – Serpina’s forces retreating with Anima as their prisoner, and Ernandorf charging in alone upon hearing of her capture.

“It was a close call. Had the reinforcements arrived even slightly later, it could have been disastrous.”

“Reinforcements…? Ah, you mean the troops dispatched a few days ago?”

“Yes. They were sent towards Racline Castle.”

The room buzzed with new conversations, this time with a different tone.

“Always thinking ahead, Jinor…!”

“He had reinforcements ready…!”

Jinor glanced at me subtly without changing his expression.

I merely nodded.

Whether my plan became Jinor’s credit was irrelevant to me.

“Wait, does that mean Racline Castle as well…?”

“We sent reinforcements. The castle wasn’t lost.”

Then, a female commander raised her hand.

“There have been strange occurrences reported at Hisphil Castle. Are we involved?”

“That, I do not know. Something beyond our understanding must have occurred, but it worked in our favor as Serpina’s forces retreated.”

It was a lie.

Jinor knew exactly what had happened – I had informed him of everything, including how Reika’s “ability” was amplified.

“There seems to be a premonition of this happening…” despite such comments, Jinor accepted the explanation.

Ever since I was attributed with the ability to foresee the future, Jinor had shown immense trust in my words.

After the Q&amp;A session, we discussed our situation. Despite significant losses, we managed to prevent the castle from falling into enemy hands and acknowledged that Anima had been captured by Serpina’s forces.

“That’s the situation we’re in.”

The room fell silent again.

Jinor, after gauging Yuri’s mood, opened the floor for suggestions.

“What should we do moving forward? Feel free to speak.”

Just then, the doors opened, and a woman’s voice rang out.

“I’m late. My apologies.”

A female knight in blue armor walked in. It was Emma.


“You just arrived, it seems.”

Yuri and Jinor greeted her. She had been stationed with Epinel at Zelstrom Castle.

The battle there had ended in our victory, as predicted. Emma must have rushed here upon hearing the news.

“Yuri, what’s going on?”


“Let me explain,” Jinor interjected, summarizing the situation for Emma.

Emma, after listening, stated firmly, “There’s only one thing we must do.”

“And that is?”

“Rescue Anima, of course.”

Emma didn’t hesitate to advocate for a decisive action.

“I believe everyone here, not just the strategist, understands the importance of Anima to Aeshers Army. Yuri, you think the same, right?”

“That… that’s…”

“What’s with that look?”

Approaching Yuri, Emma began to press her, demanding immediate action.

“Emma, this isn’t the time for hesitation! Anima has been captured! Why aren’t you ordering a rescue?!”

The audacity of a mere commander challenging the sovereign in front of everyone was shocking.

“Emma, behave! Show some respect!”

Silenced by Jinor’s rebuke, Emma bit her lip and fell silent.

In the awkward silence that followed, Jinor tried to smooth things over.

“General Emma, this cannot be overlooked. Once this meeting concludes, we will discuss your conduct.”

“Jinor, I’m fine…”

Yuri, trying to calm an agitated Jinor, softly added, “Let’s focus on what to do next…”

Then, unexpectedly, Airen spoke up.

“I have something to say.”

“Go ahead, General Airen.”

“Launching an immediate military response, given our current forces, poses a high risk. It might not be wise to act hastily.”

Emma’s response was heavy and sharp, “Are you suggesting we abandon the fight to save Anima because it’s too risky?”

Airen, known for her resilience, responded calmly and firmly, “Not at all. I simply believe that fighting isn’t the only solution.”

“If not fighting, then what?”


Airen proposed, her violet eyes sparkling with conviction.

“Negotiation…,” Emma pondered, clearly taking Airen’s suggestion seriously.

Indeed, Airen had proven herself to be a formidable woman, both in strategic discussions and on the battlefield.

“However, what Serpina’s forces might demand in return is beyond our guess…”

“Still, I believe negotiation is a better path than war. I urge you to consider this, my lord.”

After finishing her argument, Airen bowed towards Yuri, who remained silent, visibly shaken by the events.

Seeing a ruler so perturbed over the capture of one of their own was disheartening.

“And that’s why you can’t be a unified ruler,” murmured Jinor, approaching Yuri with a question.

“What will you do, my lord?”

Yuri, finally regaining some composure after Jinor’s encouragement, sighed deeply and spoke.

“Everyone… I’m sorry. To Jinor, to Emma, and to all who have gathered here… I’ve shown weakness.”

No one could fault their lord for feeling this way.

We all waited for Yuri’s decision, which came after a moment of uneasy silence.

“First, those who think we should go to war, raise your hand.”

Emma and a few others raised their hands, but they were in the minority. Many commanders, understanding the impracticality of war under these circumstances, remained silent.

It was my turn to act.

“Is going to war the right choice?”


The response was as expected.

So, negotiation was indeed the path forward.

“Is negotiation the right approach?”

[Yes. However, it depends on the will of the heavens.]

This unexpected twist puzzled me. The response suggested the outcome depended on unpredictable factors or, more accurately, on my actions.

“How can I influence the outcome?”

I was neither a ruler nor a person of significant influence. How could the success of negotiations rest on me?

Then, it struck me. This situation mirrored a previous prediction where I was advised to negotiate directly. But why was the notion of “the will of the heavens” not mentioned before?

“What’s causing this insistence on my direct involvement?”

Despite my contemplation, the discussion around me continued, eventually leading Yuri to make a decision.

“Emma, I’m sorry, but we’ll follow the majority’s opinion. I understand your frustration, but I can’t justify waging war recklessly… I believe Anima would agree.”

Emma looked somewhat dissatisfied but eventually nodded.

“As the ruler, it’s your call, Yuri. As long as we can save Anima, I’m open to any method.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

In a world where the loyalty of a subordinate to their ruler was paramount, Yuri’s gratitude towards her commanders was both poignant and complicated.

“Then, we’ll proceed with negotiations. As for the emissary… Lutz, are you listening?”

“Yes, your command?”

At the mention of Lutz, a man responded eagerly.

“I’d appreciate your effort in this… What do you say?”

“If commanded, I will dutifully retrieve Lady Anima from Serpina’s forces.”

“Good. As for the terms… Jinor, your thoughts?”

“Financial compensation seems most straightforward. Considering our reserves, we could offer up to 7,900 gold.”

“7,900? Will that suffice? Won’t Serpina’s forces demand more?”

“The more we can offer, the better. It’s a significant sum for a ransom, likely too tempting for Serpina to refuse.”

As they discussed, I found myself raising my hand.

“May I make a suggestion?”

The room’s attention shifted to me. Given the conversation about the heavens’ will, I felt compelled to speak.

“Regarding the emissary for the negotiations.”

“Is there an issue?”

I nodded, proposing an unexpected alternative.

“Instead of the appointed emissary, may I undertake the role?”

The room fell silent, all eyes on me. But given the stakes and the mysterious guidance towards negotiation, I felt this was the only course of action left for me.

“How could I possibly influence the negotiation’s outcome?”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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