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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 101

<strong>Chapter 101: The Unknowable Before You Meet Someone</strong>

Upon hearing my request, Yuri tilted her head in puzzlement.

“Swen, you want to go?”


“Why? I mean, it’s fine if you go, but… is there a reason?”

A reason.

I couldn’t exactly say it was because something intensely compelled me to get involved, making me curious about what might unfold.

Just as I was searching for a response, an unexpected ally came to my aid.

“Let Swen go, my lord,” Jinor suggested.


“He is skilled in rhetoric and specializes in negotiating for what he wants. He has a history of securing several significant negotiations in the past. Given we’re dealing with the cunning Serpina, sending him can only be advantageous.”

“Really? That’s the first I’ve heard of it.”

I managed to maintain a cool facade, keeping my surprise under wraps.

Jinor’s claim was, frankly, a fabrication concocted on the spot.

While I had indeed engaged in negotiations before, particularly during my time with the Luna Army, and achieved commendable outcomes, I had never shared these details with him.

Thus, Jinor’s words were essentially a well-crafted endorsement to support me.

Even if it was just a roundabout way of speaking, his current title as “the nation’s strategist” and his reputation as “the Empire’s prime minister” lent credibility to his words.

“Um… if Jinor says so. Lutz, since Swen will take your place this time, please continue with your current assignment. Is that alright?”

“…As you command, I shall proceed.”

Lutz seemed somewhat disappointed as he responded, then glanced my way.

Perhaps he thought he was missing out on an opportunity to distinguish himself. His look wasn’t exactly friendly, but I let it slide.

After all, if he had gone, achieving the best outcome would have been unlikely. He might even thank me for stepping in, considering Serpina’s unpredictable nature.

“Then, Swen, I’d like you to act as the emissary and make contact with Serpina’s forces.”

I bowed deeply in agreement.

“I will ensure to bring back a result that satisfies you, my lord.”


Yuri closed her eyes for a moment, then stood up from the throne to address us all.

“…Thank you, everyone, for gathering at such short notice. Aeshers Army never abandons its own. Just as we’re doing our utmost to rescue Anima, you are all precious to me. Remember that and dedicate yourselves to your duties until called upon. Understood?”

“Yes! We will keep that in mind!”

With the soldiers’ response, the brief meeting came to an end.

“Swen, you may rest until I call for you again.”


As the crowd dispersed from the palace.

Airen approached me outside the audience chamber.

“Swen, do you have a plan?”

“A plan?”

“Whenever you decide to take matters into your own hands, it’s because you have a plan.”

A plan.

I had predictions, but no concrete plan.

There was no need to hide this fact from Airen.

“I’m just going to confront it. Sometimes, that’s the only way to open a path.”

“Is that so?”

Airen smiled faintly at my words, the same smile that had always supported me.

Her red hair lightly framed her fair face, enhancing its beauty.

“Yeah. I trust you, Swen. Although I’m concerned about Serpina’s notorious reputation… I believe you can handle it.”

Instead of replying, I gently took her hand.


Surprised by the sudden contact, she looked at me slowly and then… accepted my gesture.

“Are you headed to the barracks? I’ll escort you.”

“Ah? Uh… Yes.”

She blushed and looked down as she spoke.

In moments like these, she was truly adorable.

Then, a voice interrupted us.

“Sorry to intrude.”

Turning around, I saw Jinor had followed us.

Airen promptly released my hand and bowed.

“Good day, sir.”

“Hmm. General Airen. I have something to discuss with Swen, if you could spare us a moment?”

Airen glanced at me. I silently nodded, and she seemed to understand.

“I’ll leave you to it, then. See you later, Swen.”

I regretted not being able to accompany her, but it couldn’t be helped.

“Yes. See you later.”

As Airen departed, I matched Jinor’s pace, walking slowly outside the palace.

“Thank you for your help earlier. I was quite unsure how to persuade them.”

“I assisted because it seemed you wished for it… But do you have a plan?”

Jinor asked, looking directly at me without waiting for an answer.

“It seems a future requires your direct involvement.”

“Are we back to that again?”

“Whether it’s nonsense or not, the outcome of the negotiation will tell us. Isn’t that so?”

Jinor said with a slight smile.

I chose not to respond further, feeling it best not to divulge too much.

“It seems you think highly of her.”


“General Airen.”

Jinor mentioned, looking in the direction Airen had left.

“Her reputation among the soldiers is exemplary. Even compared to the highly esteemed Emma, Airen’s praise is unmatched. It seems she’s genuinely won the hearts of her troops.”

“Well, she always gives her all. She sincerely cares for her soldiers, doesn’t hesitate in battle, and is loyal to her lord.”

“Is that why?”


I turned to him, puzzled by his sudden change in topic.

“You’ve chosen her to be your first wife.”


I was momentarily speechless but Jinor maintained a serious demeanor.

“Was I wrong? It appears that way to me. Aren’t you already living together?”

“…Well, yes.”

“Then it’s as good as decided. Surely you don’t have reservations?”



He was right.

And since Airen wasn’t here… there was no need to hide it.

“As you said, I do hold feelings for Lady Airen.”

“Indeed. The woman who will be your wife will also serve as your shield and sword.”

“If that’s the case, then so be it… But it’s just my one-sided feelings for now.”


Jinor looked me in the eye.

“A woman does not smile at someone she has no feelings for.”


“I saw it from behind. General Airen smiling at you. It was the look of someone in love.”

Remembering Airen’s smile made me wonder if she indeed harbored feelings for me.

“But why bring this up now?”

“Just an old man’s whim. As you age, life seems to lose its excitement. Besides,” Jinor continued, his gaze softening with amusement, “while a sword and shield are valuable, having someone by your side who can wield magic just like you might be even more advantageous. I wanted to suggest that to you.”

“You’re being quite forthright now.”

“By this point, what’s there to hide? If you and Airen become family, she becomes my in-law as well. Compared to Airen, my daughter may lack in combat, but she could certainly assist you. She has a kind nature capable of supporting you. What do you think? Won’t you consider it positively?”



“Have you always been like this?”


Jinor laughed heartily at my question, then slapped my back a few times before taking the lead.

“Whatever you thought of me, I’m just a frail old man who doesn’t wish to be at odds with you. Excuse me, then.”

I stood watching Jinor disappear before sighing softly to myself.

Truly, until you meet someone and talk to them, there’s no knowing them fully.

Lunarien, Lynn, Yuri, Airen, Reika, and now Jinor.

Information about them, their ages, their stats – I could memorize it all a hundred times over, but until I met them, I knew almost nothing.

Perhaps then, I knew nothing about Serpina either.

With that thought, I left the palace.

At Hisphil Castle.

“The repair works on the castle walls are complete, my lord,” reported Lord Yuan, addressing Serpina who sat in the lord’s seat with satisfaction.

“Good work. Inform all the officers involved in the repairs to resume their original duties.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Just as Yuan was about to leave, Serpina stopped him.


“What is it, my lord?”

“How’s the situation with the prisoner we captured?”

“Are you referring to Anima Ingram? Well, it’s the same. She remains silent, refusing to speak.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. There were attempts to coax her into serving you, but she hasn’t eaten or spoken a word.”

A silent protest, then. They must despise me, having fallen into my trap.

It would be troublesome if she died from refusing food, not because I cared for her life per se, but because wasting a captured prisoner like that would be inefficient.



“Take me to the dungeon.”

“Do you intend to interrogate her personally?”


Yuan bowed deeply, responding loudly, “Understood! This way, please.”

Serpina rose from her seat and followed Yuan to the dungeon where Anima was held captive.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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