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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 102

<strong>Chapter 102: A Harsh Joke</strong>

Within the dungeons of Hisphil Castle, Anima, recently imprisoned, had been refusing all food offered by Serpina’s forces, consuming only the bare minimum of water to survive.



“Hey! Answer me!”


“…Stubborn one.”

The jailer would attempt conversation now and then, but Anima maintained her silence, responding with nothing but stoic refusal.

Without explicit instructions to do otherwise, the jailer didn’t press further, though he couldn’t help thinking,

“If this continues, her life will be at risk.”

Taking back the untouched meal, the jailer pondered whether it might be time to inquire about further directives. It was then that footsteps approached, drawing his attention to the presence of the one person who stood at the pinnacle of his world – the absolute sovereign with golden hair, exuding more grace and majesty than anyone else.

“If there were truly a crown for the sovereign of the continent, she would undoubtedly be its most deserving wearer.”

“Greetings, my lord.”

Serpina, receiving the jailer’s bow, commanded,

“Report the situation.”

“As I’ve mentioned before, she continues to refuse meals, consuming only enough water to survive.”

“I see.”

With a slight turn of her head signaling the jailer to leave, he quickly exited, leaving Serpina alone to approach Anima’s cell.

There, she found the one-armed woman sitting silently, head bowed in defiance.

“Anima Ingram.”

No response came, but Serpina was undeterred.

“Are you intent on continuing this foolishness? Your master wouldn’t wish harm upon you.”

Still no reply.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but this isn’t resistance; it’s merely childish self-harm. Meaningless. Ineffective. I’ve heard you’re intelligent, but it seems not.”

Then, with a tone devoid of any emotion, Serpina posed her question,

“Anima Ingram, have you considered serving under me?”


Anima finally broke her silence at Serpina’s words.

“Exactly as I said. I’ve heard of your talents. I wonder if you’d use them for me. I don’t expect you to agree, but if you change your mind, I wouldn’t refuse.”

Anima slowly raised her head to glare at Serpina, a fierce anger burning in her eyes.

“I will never forgive you, Serpina von Aingart. I swear… I will kill you with my own hands.”

“I’ve heard such threats before. Not just from you.”

“Ha! You’d do well to remember this. If you don’t kill me now, I’ll be the one to take your life.”

Despite Anima’s provocations, nothing she said could shake the absolute being before her.

“I don’t make a habit of damaging goods that fall into my hands, uninvited.”

“What did you say…?!”

“A good deal, no? By capturing you, Yuuri Aeshers has given me leverage.”

With that, Anima’s contained fury began to erupt.

“You cursed woman!”

“Go on, lash out. See what it gets you. Though, without proper nourishment, I doubt you’ll manage much. But even if you muster some strength, you know it’ll change nothing. You’re smart enough to understand that, aren’t you?”

With a slam against the bars, Anima glared more intensely at Serpina, who remained unaffected, maintaining her superior gaze.

“Take my advice. Eat.”


“You vowed to kill me, didn’t you? Well, you’ll need to stay alive to do that. A strategist for a nation ought to keep their word.”

Stunned, Anima eventually grabbed the bread laid out for her and began to eat, a desperate, animalistic consumption.

As the sounds of her eating filled the room, Serpina turned to leave. And at that moment,

“…Phybiola Academy.”

At the mention of that name, Serpina momentarily faltered, the first sign of disturbance in her otherwise unshakable demeanor.

“If it’s not unfamiliar to you, it’s because you obliterated it on a whim, for being backed by your rival.”

Silence followed.

“Phybiola Academy isn’t alone. There are others across the continent who seek your downfall. One day… they will catch you.”

As Anima resumed her frenzied eating, Serpina, without turning back, left the dungeon.

Once outside, Serpina sank into the lord’s chair, lost in thought over a past that seemed like a distant memory.

“Why… Why did you do it?! What did those people do to deserve this?”

“Quiet! This is the only way! To prevent that fool of a brother from inheriting the throne, we must consolidate power!”


A sharp rebuke silenced further protest.

“Mind your place. Understand?”

Serpina shook off the memories, closing her eyes to erase the past once more. These recollections served no purpose now.

From the moment she resolved to carry the empire’s revival and the Aingart name, she was destined to become the emperor who would unify the empire.

The recurring dream, the longing for a place and a person that seemed so dear, depicted her in a happiness she couldn’t grasp.

Me? Happy with someone else?

“A cruel joke.”

Serpina leaned back, indulging in the ritual she performed whenever her thoughts grew too heavy. A few sighs later, she would return to being the figure everyone expected.

Once again, the absolute ruler, the northern tyrant, capable of facing countless hostilities with composure.

Whether or not it was the most efficient method, she believed it to be the best approach. Like always, she would continue to move forward.

“Here is a total of 6900 gold. The travel expenses are in the pouch on top of the chest, with an additional 1000 gold for your needs.”

I accepted the wooden chest, its contents sparkling with wealth, making anyone feel affluent just by looking.

“Thank you.”

“Thank me? For what?”

“For bringing it here. It must have been heavy.”

“No, it’s my duty. But thank you for your consideration, Swen.”

The soldier who prepared the carriage saluted me.

If only I had the strength to carry it myself… Unfortunately, preserving my energy for emergencies was a priority, so accepting help was the wise choice here.

“Should we depart now?”

Upon hearing my question, the soldier seemed to remember something.

“Oh, right. Swen, there’s a message for you.”

“What is it?”

“The lord has assigned an escort knight to accompany you. They should be arriving shortly.”

An escort knight? It seemed excessive for a negotiation mission, but considering the opponent was Serpina, it made sense, especially if we succeeded in retrieving Anima.


“After you, then.”

After the soldier left, I watched the clouds drift across the sky until a familiar female voice called out.


Turning, I saw her.


Airen, dressed for a long journey, looked back at me.

It appeared she was assigned as my escort. With a warrior of her caliber, I had nothing to fear.

It made sense. She was the most trustworthy person I could have by my side.

So far, so good.

But then…

“Ah, hello…!”

Beside her, stood another familiar figure with pink hair, also ready for travel.


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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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