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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 108

<strong>Chapter 108: The Contest (2)</strong>

As Swen left to address the situation, Serena sat in her chair, lost in thought.


The man’s name is Swen.

And I know him.

This knowledge includes the fact that he’s the man from my dreams, but there’s a deeper recognition in the depths of my heart, suggesting perhaps I’ve always known Swen.

Yet, why this feels true, I cannot say.

Thus, I must keep him by my side.

That was the conclusion Serena reached.

Truthfully, even without focusing on the fact he’s the man from her dreams and considering purely practical terms, acquiring this silver-haired young man as a subordinate would be highly beneficial for Serena.

For starters, he’s recognized by the national strategist, Jenador, as a “potential magician” due to events at the northern fortress and recent happenings at Hesfil Castle, making it very likely he truly is a magician.

Having such a man under her command was surely worth more than the value of a single castle.

In any case, Serena found herself wanting the man—Swen.

And so far, there had never been anything she desired that she hadn’t acquired.

“If I win this wager, he will serve me…”

Reflecting on his words now, they seemed particularly meaningful.

While he talked about choosing a worthy sovereign to serve, Serena had encountered many similar individuals in her conquest of the northern continent.

Most were those whose loyalty to their sovereigns wasn’t particularly deep.

If they had been deeply loyal warriors, they wouldn’t have proposed a contest to her in the first place but would rather be dragged to the dungeons than betray their sovereign.

This wasn’t a bad thing. Serena didn’t intend to reprimand him for such a stance. In these troubled times, it was rather eccentric to stubbornly serve a single person.

Whether it was Brans Army or Aeshers Army, they were merely recently established military factions. Loyalty to such a faction’s leader was something out of a fairy tale, as Serena well knew.

Therefore, her approach was to treat her subordinates well, preventing them from even considering changing allegiances.

This raised a new question.

“He was indeed part of Brans Army.”

He left Brans Army for Aeshers Army and was now changing nations again.

If his goal was to serve “a truly powerful sovereign,” he should have come directly to us.

Then, perhaps his objective doesn’t currently exist?


Serena slightly raised one corner of her mouth.

“There’s no reason not to serve you,” meant there was also no compelling reason he must serve her.

After saying that and nonchalantly agreeing to serve, she was curious about the man’s true intentions.

If she grouped all the people she had encountered, they could be divided into three types:

First, those intimidated by her background.

Second, those openly hostile towards her background.

And third, those who, crushed by her background, openly vowed loyalty.

Swen, interestingly, did not fit into any of these categories.

“He’s the man who shook me in my dreams. He can’t be insignificant.”

Now the choice was up to Yuri.

If she were Yuri, no matter how important Anima was as a general, she would never hand over Swen.

Regardless of their relationship, seeing a sovereign sacrifice one general for another would surely unsettle those who serve under her.

Surely Yuri Aeshers isn’t that foolish. She’ll make a rational decision.

That means Swen will be released for now.

But—as mentioned before, Serena never missed out on what she desired.

“Even if you leave my side for a while, you’ll soon return to my hands. Swen.”

With that thought, she let out a soft chuckle.

If Swen knew this, he’d have to admit an undeniable fact.

He had just missed an opportunity to witness her enchantingly beautiful demeanor.


Five soldiers were down.

Airen, showing no sign of struggle, addressed the remaining soldiers of Serena’s Army with a challenging gaze.

“If anyone else wishes to try their luck, they’re welcome.”

“General Rendolf has fallen? Impossible…!”

“Damn… How can a mere bodyguard be so formidable?!”

The soldiers, shocked at the last man to fall, were in disbelief.

Given they referred to him respectfully, it seemed this man was not just any soldier but a commander under Serena’s pay.

The reason for their sudden aggression remained unclear, but if their situation was this dire, Swen was likely in trouble too.

There was no choice but to keep fighting. It was crucial to enter the castle where Swen was as quickly as possible.

Airen called out with a forceful voice.

“I advise you sincerely, if you wish to defeat me, bring more soldiers. At this rate, you’ll only get yourselves seriously hurt.”


“If you let me into the castle now, I’ll overlook your rudeness until now. Please, make a wise decision.”

As the soldiers hesitated, a shout came from behind them.

“What are you doing? Didn’t the sovereign order you to bind them?”

“But we’re outnumbered!”

“Reinforcements are on their way! Get into formation instead of dawdling!”

Caught off guard by the sudden development, the soldiers of Serena’s Army were in disarray. Airen sighed quietly.

“…So it comes to bloodshed.”

Although she had warned them and truly intended to fight if necessary, she was concerned about Reika hiding behind her.

Airen might be accustomed to life-and-death battles, but Reika was just a girl from Nightart, following Swen and currently involved in marriage talks with him.

Thus, protecting not only Swen but also Reika was naturally part of her duty.



“If you have something to say, wait. Don’t move. It’s dangerous.”

“But, that… I.”


Taking a deep breath, Reika spoke with a determined expression.

“I… appreciate your concern, but… I won’t hold you back, so it’s okay.”


“Could you just… step aside a bit?”

Step aside? That would unnecessarily expose her to the soldiers’ focus.

Yet, Reika’s voice was too sincere.

“Are you serious?”

“In this situation… I wouldn’t lie.”

Was there a plan to resolve this situation?

Airen moved slightly to the side, giving Reika room.

And then.


An unbelievable sight unfolded.

Though Serena’s soldiers hadn’t noticed yet…

A red, fiery sphere began to form in Reika’s hand.

“That is…!”


Just as reinforcements seemed to join, the soldiers began their assault towards Airen and Reika.

Were they going to be alright despite the numbers?


At that moment, from behind Reika, a familiar male voice rang out.

“Everyone, it would be wise to stop now.”

Swen’s voice reached Airen’s ears.


“Ah, Swen!”

Fortunately, all the soldiers’ attention was drawn to me at my interjection.

Seizing the moment, I continued.

“By Serena’s command, cease your attempts to bind us.”

“How can we believe that…?”

Just as a soldier began to challenge me,

“His words are true.”

A tall, dark-haired handsome man emerged from behind me.


So, his name was Ilian.

I had run into him on my way out

of the castle, explaining the situation and asking for help since the soldiers wouldn’t listen to me alone. He had agreed to assist, but amidst the chaos, I hadn’t gotten his name.

As the soldiers saluted Ilian, he nodded back and then shouted,

“The order to bind Aeshers Army’s envoy has been withdrawn! This is the sovereign’s will! Disperse to your posts!”

With Ilian’s command, the situation quickly deescalated.

In the end, the soldiers surrounding Airen and Reika withdrew.

“There are injured among you.”

“I hope to convey it was self-defense.”

Ilian nodded understandingly.

“I’m aware, no need to worry.”

I approached him.

“Thank you for your assistance.”

“It’s settled then. Excuse me.”

With that, Ilian went to tend to the injured soldiers, marking the end of the ordeal.

Finally, I could return to Airen and Reika’s side.

“Swen, what happened? Are you okay?”


Both seemed overly concerned, making me feel unnecessarily guilty.

“I’m fine. After all, I made it back safely… Though I suppose I won’t be returning to Balhart Castle for a while.”

“What? Not returning… What do you mean…?”

At Reika’s question, I explained the situation to them.

“So, you were nearly bound and taken to the dungeons, leading to our being attacked.”

“To the dungeons…! But Swen, you were just an envoy…”

“Given it’s Serena von Aingart, the rumors were somewhat accurate.”

At my remark, Airen slightly shook her head.

“Not entirely.”

“Why do you think that?”

“I’m not sure, but she accepted the proposal I made, right?”

Airen seemed to quickly understand, mumbling an acknowledgment.

Lately, I’ve felt she’d believe me even if I said I could turn beans into soy paste.

“Anyway, I’m sorry. Both of you got dragged into this because of me.”

“No, Swen. There’s no need for you to apologize. It’s fortunate that I could follow. Had I been separated from you, unaware of what was happening, I would’ve been quite lonely.”

“I’m okay too…! I was prepared for this, and I’ve discussed it with my father… I think he’ll understand.”

That’s reassuring, then.

After that conversation, I looked back at the castle.

There was nothing more I could do.

For better or worse, the outcome of this contest would be decided by Yuri, not me or Serena.

It was a waiting game now.

“Looks like it’s time to rest.”

I was used to waiting.

Back then, before Luna recommended me, I had spent days aimlessly, waiting for something meaningful to happen.

With Airen and Reika by my side, I turned back towards the castle, sending a silent question into the wind.

Yuri, what decision will you make?

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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