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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 109

<strong>Chapter 109: Choice and Consequence (1)</strong>

In the dungeon beneath Anel Castle, the capital of Brans Army.

“Here is your meal for today.”

The voice delivering the meal to the prisoner was unusually polite, but it had to be. After all, the person incarcerated was Parpalle, who once held the position of the national strategist.

“Thank you.”

“Do you need anything else?”

“No, thank you. You’ve been very accommodating, and I’m grateful for that.”

“It’s just my duty.”

“How is… the sovereign?”

“No word yet… but General Chel has mentioned they will try to persuade and asks for your patience.”

“I see.”

Parpalle nodded, responding with a determined tone.

“I’m deeply grateful for all the conveniences you’ve provided. I won’t forget this kindness.”

“Not at all. Then, if you’ll excuse me.”

The guard saluted Parpalle lightly before retreating.

With the guard’s footsteps fading, Parpalle’s emotions became clearer.

Imprisoned for disobedience and abuse of power, Parpalle faced the consequences of acting independently against orders to engage Aeshers Army, instead withdrawing troops near Anel Castle. Lynn’s fury over this “disobedience equals treason, and traitors face execution” was quelled by her advisors, leading to Parpalle’s solitary confinement instead.

Despite the solitude, her conditions weren’t harsh. She received regular meals, books, a private bathroom, and even a makeshift bed—special provisions granted after her imprisonment, which even Lynn didn’t dispute.

“Perhaps Lynn knows this was the right approach all along.”

Parpalle could only guess.


Despite her current state, Parpalle hadn’t given up on Lynn. She recognized Lynn’s flaws—stubbornness, arrogance, and a tendency to ignore others—but still saw her as a competent ruler who could lead decisively if she avoided certain pitfalls.

While some called Lynn a tyrant, she wasn’t as bloodthirsty as Serena from the north. In Parpalle’s eyes, seeking a sovereign’s charisma, Lynn was the only viable leader.

If Lynn were truly beyond salvation, Parpalle wouldn’t be alive to ponder these thoughts.

Sighing, she recognized that Airen Juliette’s situation had moved beyond her control. It was time to solidify her position within Anel Castle, ready to rush to Lynn’s side if called upon.

“Please, see clearly, sovereign…”

For that moment, she must survive, consuming her meal entirely to persevere.

In Anel Castle, Chel knelt before Lynn.

“Sovereign, weeks have passed since Parpalle’s imprisonment.”

Lynn remained silent.

“Please reconsider. Her decisions were driven by loyalty. With the threat of Serena’s Army before us, pardoning Parpalle and reinstating her would be wise.”

Chel spoke frankly, one of the few who could address Lynn directly due to their blood relation and his significant contributions compared to the less accomplished Carlince.

Lynn knew her authority wouldn’t last forever in these turbulent times. She was aware of the losses Brans Army faced and the dwindling loyalty among her generals.

Yet, she couldn’t afford to show weakness.

“Brother, don’t you find it strange?”


“If Parpalle was right, Serena’s Army should’ve attacked our territories by now… Yet, there’s been no movement. Our border defenses feel abandoned, causing unrest. I’m focusing on the capital’s defense for your sake, but even I have limits.”

“Time will tell.”

“But what if Parpalle was wrong?”


At Chel’s words, Lynn sighed deeply.

“I know, brother.”

She muttered, acknowledging Parpalle’s logic wasn’t flawed.

Despite her tough exterior, Lynn couldn’t continue her facade before Chel.

“If only Swen were here.”

Swen, the white-haired man known for miracles, who followed Airen to Aeshers Army.

“What would he have said? What would he advise…?”

Her voice shook, and her eyes trembled.

“He was always right… Betrayed by Airen… Did I…?”

She covered her face, breaking down in front of her subordinate for the first time.

“Should I have acknowledged Airen? Was all this because I refused to accept her, who was always deemed superior for our family’s sake?”


Chel knew better than to speak, understanding the harm it could cause.

“Can’t accept it. Airen… should’ve been killed sooner. Then Swen wouldn’t have…”

Betrayed by Airen, Swen, who vowed loyalty, had left.

“My Swen wouldn’t have been deceived if not for her!!!!!!”

“Sovereign, calm down!”

Chel rushed to soothe her.

“Let go! Leave me!”

“Lynn! Calm down!”

Surprised by her name, Lynn looked up, seeing not the nation’s general but her elder brother.

A gaze she hadn’t seen since childhood.

“Calm down, Lynn. It’s too late to change anything now.”

“Brother… I…”

“Think it over. You can rebuild from the start. You’re the sovereign. You can’t falter now. The country relies on you. Understand?”

Lynn didn’t respond, bowing her head as Chel stepped back and formally addressed her.

“Please, make the right decision.”

With that, Chel left the castle.

Alone, Lynn began to realize the consequences of her irrational ‘choice’ based on emotion.

And in Balhart Castle,

“A messenger from Serena’s Army?”


“Why? Our own envoy hasn’t arrived yet, has he? Did we miss each other?”

Given the time elapsed, their envoy should’ve arrived long ago.

Yuri, puzzled, listened as the messenger awkwardly explained.

“Sorry, I’m not clear on the details.”

“Let them in.”

Soon, a messenger kneeled before Yuri.

“I’m here to discuss the detainment of Anima Ingram.”

“Skip the formalities, what’s the main point?”

“We wish to negotiate the release of Anima Ingram.”

Yuri, startled, stood up.



But that was a matter for Swen, our envoy, to discuss. Why send a separate messenger?


“Our sovereign, Serena, is willing to release Anima Ingram.”

“Then just release her. Why this farce?”

Despite Yuri’s frustration, the messenger remained composed.

“There’s a condition.”

“We sent 7900 gold, wasn’t that enough?”

“It seems so.”

Realizing Anima’s importance, Yuri seethed internally.

“Crafty woman…!”

What could she possibly want? Not demands for more castles, surely?

By Yuri’s standards, that was the most Serena would ask.

If demanded, she could concede a castle. Though it’d be seen as an overpayment, securing Anima’s safety was preferable.

“Speak, then.”

The messenger’s next words were completely unexpected.

“A man you sent as an envoy.”

“Swen? Why Swen?”

“Hand him over to us.”

Yuri, shocked, listened as the messenger coldly presented Aeshers Army’s sovereign with an ‘ultimate choice.’

“Deliver Swen to us, and we’ll release Anima Ingram.”

[TN: You are not ready for what is about to come:)]

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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