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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 110

<strong>Chapter 110: Choice and Consequence (2)</strong>

In the hospital of Balhart Castle’s capital, surrounded by the founding members of Aeshers Army except for Yuri and Anima, Ernandorf lay recuperating.

“Epinel didn’t need to come.”

Ernandorf’s weary eyes met Epinel’s annoyed look.

“Shut it. How are you?”

“Barely alive.”

“Don’t whine after eating expensive food, Ern.”

Silence fell as Ernandorf’s hands trembled with suppressed rage.

“I failed to save Anima.”

“We heard. You did what you could.”

“To think I’d return alone while my family was taken in chains.”


Emma looked at him with a mix of sadness and understanding, having shared a long history with Ernandorf as loyal servants to Yuri.

“Don’t bother with the sentimental crap.”

“Epinel, don’t be too harsh. I would’ve done the same as Ern.”

Epinel clearly disagreed.

“What’s the use of moping here? Shouldn’t we be preparing for battle to retrieve Anima? What’s Yuri doing?”

“Negotiating, apparently.”

“Negotiation, my ass!”

Epinel’s outburst, although inappropriate for a lord to say to their sovereign, went unchallenged. Even if Jinor had been there, he might have only lightly admonished him for the lack of decorum.

“Hey, Ern, when will you recover?”

“The injury seems severe. It’s disgraceful.”

“So, retirement for now. Understood.”

Epinel turned to Emma.

“Let’s prepare, Emma.”


“For battle, of course. Anima’s been captured, and you want to just sit and wait? You’re not going to say we should observe the negotiation’s outcome, are you?”

“Calm down, Epinel. You’re overreacting.”

“I am not!”

After ranting for a while, Epinel collapsed into a chair.

“Damn, this is annoying!”

“We sent 7900 gold. Surely, Serpina isn’t greedy enough to refuse.”

“Like that mad witch cares about gold? Be thankful if she doesn’t demand a castle.”

“What can’t we give?”

Sighing, Emma covered her face with her hands.

“Without Anima, we’d be dishonored.”


Yuri entered Ernandorf’s room.

“Yuri, how are you?”

“Surviving. Sorry I haven’t visited much.”

“It’s fine. Just do what you can.”

Ernandorf spoke kindly, once a successor of a noble house, now a comrade sharing a deep bond with Yuri.

“I’ll do what I can…”

Yuri addressed the gathered.

“I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“Serpina has expressed willingness to release Anima.”

The bombshell left everyone momentarily stunned, quickly grasping the implied condition.

“If she’s willing, it means…”

“She won’t let her go for free.”


Yuri confirmed Epinel’s guess.

“7900 gold wasn’t enough? What does that witch want now, Yuri? Before you say anything, we can’t give up our territory. Anima would blame herself if we traded lands for her release.”

“Epinel, don’t worry about what I think. It’s okay to give up a castle. We can always take it back.”

Yuri looked between Epinel and Emma.

Despite their differing views reflected in their eyes, Yuri sighed deeply, showing her vulnerable side only in front of those she trusted.

“If only it were about giving up a castle or choosing between Zelstrom and Racline.”

“What do you mean?”

“The demand was for our envoy.”


“Hand over our envoy, and Anima will be released.”

Confusion reigned as Epinel and Emma tried to comprehend the unimaginable request.

“What are you talking about?”

“They want us to hand over the envoy we sent. Then they’ll release Anima.”


Realization dawned on Epinel and Emma, shocked into silence.

“What kind of nonsense is that?”

“It’s exactly as I said. They don’t want gold, treasures, or even territories.”

“Who did we send as the envoy?”


“Swen? Is there a connection with Serpina?”

“That guy, the white-haired mage. The one with a sharp mind.”


Ernandorf reacted to the mention of the white-haired mage.

“Are they after him for his rumored magical abilities?”

Yuri frowned at Emma’s suggestion.

“I’m not sure why they’re making this demand.”

“Could it be revenge from Serpina?”


Epinel nodded.

“It wouldn’t make sense otherwise to demand an envoy’s extradition. If they wanted to capture him, they would’ve done so already. They must have a quiet dispute with Swen and are indicating they’ll comply if we don’t interfere.”

“Indeed, it’s unusual without some grudge.”

Emma agreed with Epinel’s reasoning.

Was Swen fleeing from Serpina, not just following Airen? Recalling Swen’s actions against Serpina’s forces supported the theory.

Yuri pondered, with Emma cautiously suggesting a course of action.

“Isn’t it obvious, Yuri?”

“How so?”

“Keeping an enemy of Serpina in our ranks is risky. And leaving Anima in captivity is concerning. We should seize this chance to retrieve her.”

“But that would mean betraying a loyal envoy for another’s safety.”


Emma realized the gravity of her own suggestion.


Epinel, with a serious expression, shared the collective sentiment.

“The final decision is yours, Yuri. But here’s our opinion: life is a series of choices. Consider what benefits our army and decide. You know the answer.”

“A beneficial choice for Aeshers Army.”

Yuri mulled over their advice, realizing the weight of her decision.

“In this chaotic world, moral and familial bonds are often overlooked for personal gain. Swen is undoubtedly valuable, but his freedom seems restricted. Using his abilities might shorten his life, and we’re already exploiting his sacrifice.”


“Think about who’s more important to us. Whatever you decide, we’ll support you. Show your resolve as a sovereign.”

“Sovereign’s responsibility…”

Yuri reflected on Epinel’s words, understanding the harsh realities of leadership.

Even if Anima and the world condemned her, she had to bear the burden.

“I’ll accept responsibility.”

Resolved, Yuri’s steps grew heavier as she left the hospital for the castle.

Upon arrival, Jinor and other generals were already discussing the situation.

“Sovereign, we’ve heard.”

Jinor approached Yuri, seated on her throne.

“Reject the proposal.”


“There’s no need to explain. Trading one loyal subject for another is unheard of.”

Yuri nodded in agreement.

“Right, Jinor. I think so too.”

Jinor sighed in relief, fearing Yuri might accept Serpina’s outrageous demand. Anima’s significance couldn’t be underestimated, but thankfully, Yuri seemed to recognize the folly of such a trade.

“Can you hear me?”

“Yes, Sovereign Yuri.”

The envoy, still kneeling, responded.

“I’ve made you wait because I needed to think this through.”

“What should I relay to our lord, Serpina?”

Yuri exhaled softly, the weight of her decision palpable.

“Tell Serpina… we accept her offer.”

“What? You mean…”

The envoy’s voice trailed off in disbelief, while Jinor’s expression turned to one of shock, unable to comprehend Yuri’s declaration.

“We’ll hand over the envoy, Swen, in exchange for Anima’s release.”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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