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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 116

<strong>Chapter 116: The Fate of a Wanderer, Pointing to the Army of Serpina (3)</strong>


As I looked at the letter, Reika asked me a question.


“Why would Father ask such a question……? I mean, Swen is here, so naturally, it seems obvious that he would serve Lady Serpina…… I don’t quite see why he had to ask that.”



Indeed, just by looking at the wording, it was reasonable to think that way.

I am currently at Hisphil Castle, and Jinor would probably have a rough idea of what happened in the Aishers army. He’s a national strategist, after all.

Given that his daughter brought a letter, it seemed like the situation had eased, and if so, it wouldn’t be hard for him to deduce that I had come under Serpina’s command.

But, someone who could figure that out wouldn’t just ask a meaningless question for confirmation.

So, this is about whom I will ultimately serve—whether it’s Serpina.

“It’s a simple issue. It’s just a question about whether I will continue to serve Lady Serpina from now on.”

“Is that so……?”

Although Reika tilted her head in confusion, she did not pursue further questions.

I was a bit worried it would be complicated to explain, but fortunately, that wasn’t the case.

Jinor was among the people I’ve met who came closest to guessing my real abilities.

Though he speculated under the wrong premise that I could use magic to see the future… he accurately pinpointed that I knew the outcome but not why it happens.

Plus, since I volunteered to come here myself, he must have judged that I thought joining Serpina’s army was the most efficient future.

So, that question meant, “Is Serpina the right answer?”

Well… due to the change to Serpina’s command, I couldn’t answer myself, but based on my experiences so far, the answer was elsewhere.

The answer I had in mind was—Lunarien.

Then, should I share this answer with Jinor?

Sharing my true intentions would be tantamount to boarding the same ship with him.

In that sense, is Jinor a trustworthy person?

If you ask, “Is he a helpful person?” then, of course, that’s obvious. Choosing me over Yuri in this situation already shows he’s smart.

But if it’s about being trustworthy…

I turned my head and looked at Reika, who had shown me the letter.

She was assigned to me by Jinor. From looking at the letter, it seemed she didn’t necessarily have to be around.

However, it certainly didn’t seem like she was here to monitor me, not at all.

So, to conclude.

Jinor—wants a connection with me.

If someone asks for something from me, establishing a relationship by fulfilling that request is natural.

So, it might be safe to assume he’s trustworthy.

“Reika, do you have a quill pen?”

“Yes? Oh… just a moment. If this room is similar to mine, there should be one here…”

Reika rummaged through a drawer and brought a pen and ink.

I wrote just one line on the letter, folded it, and handed it to her.

“This is the reply. Could you please deliver it?”

“Of course…! I’ll deliver it. But, it seems a bit short…”

“I could write a few more words if necessary, but I think this will be enough for him to understand.”


Reika seemed not to understand but shrugged.

Jinor would know what it meant.

Changing the subject, I asked Reika.

“Reika, do you have any plans?”

“Yes? No… Later this evening, I’m supposed to have tea with Airen. Other than that, I don’t have any special plans…”

“Tea? Is there tea?”

“Airen always seems to carry it around.”

Right. Airen liked tea and always had tea leaves with her.

Seeing her drink tea always seemed to bring peace.

And Reika was good at baking.

If she could make cakes, she must be fairly skilled, right?

Suddenly, I imagined a future where her pastries were paired with Airen’s tea.

Even without the ability to see the future, if I had such a power, I wished the future would look like this peaceful scene.



“Then, how about we meditate for a while?”

Considering the situation when my rapier burst into flames, meditating seemed effective.

It’s best to recharge when you can.

“Ah, that, should we…? There doesn’t seem to be much mana here… But still.”

Reika said, smiling shyly.

It might be a bit silly, but it was a pure and cute smile, unburdened by any hidden thoughts.

“It’s been a while since I’ve done this with Swen…”

“Me too.”

“…Eh? Wha, wha, wha, what do you mean…!!! Not, not that I mind, but that, that’s…!”

Watching her blush as she looked at me, I laughed off and—

Spent a peacefully rare afternoon together.

* * *

Valhart Castle.

The rush of resignations among the officers had somewhat calmed down.

Although people had left the Aishers army, Jinor thought it commendable that the situation was managed to this extent.

Including Epinel, all the founding contributors had worked hard to protect Yuri.

And then—

Anima became the new national strategist after him.

Technically speaking, she was the strategist before Jinor intervened, so it’s more like a return to her position.

To those who had served in the Aishers army for a long time, affection and trust for Anima ran deep. Some were satisfied just with her return.

The founding contributors could exert their influence because many in the nation admired them, so it wasn’t surprising.

Or maybe they just had a good disposition. One or the other.

At that time, Jinor’s task was commerce.

Originally, Yuri wanted to spare him from duties, allowing him to write books in peace, but he insisted on taking up the role.

Even if he was to retire, there was no need to leave behind problems, considering all eventualities.

Though he could never be a unifying monarch in a hundred years, who could confidently predict the future?

Unlike Swen, who presumably could see the future, Jinor, unable to see what was ahead, had to consider all possibilities and act accordingly.

While managing the market and returning home to skim through a newly published military strategy book, one day,


The head maid brought a letter.

It seemed to be a reply from Reika.

“Thank you.”

“Not at all, Master.”

The head maid looked extremely pleased, which made me curious, so I asked.

“You seem in a good mood.”

“Me? Oh, that’s because—”

“Don’t worry. I’m not scolding you.”

“…It’s just, despite everything, it’s clear you care a lot for Miss Reika. I was just thinking it’s fortunate.”



“Well, seeing your face brighten up as soon as you saw Miss Reika’s letter…”


“It worried me that you were too cold towards her… but I guess it wasn’t my place

to judge.”

There was no need to tell her I was waiting for something other than Reika’s reply.

After dealing with the head maid, I immediately checked the letter’s contents.


Days after reading the letter.

In the royal audience chamber, Jinor knelt before his lord Yuri, reporting something.

“…So, you want to resign.”

“That’s correct.”

“The market traders will miss you. You didn’t work long, but you changed the entire system. They wondered if you were really a strategist or perhaps a wealthy merchant known for his business.”

“Unfortunately, as you see, I couldn’t accumulate such wealth. However, if they speak so highly of me, considering a career change after retirement doesn’t sound bad. War is only profitable in times of chaos.”

Yuri smiled at that.

They exchanged a few light jokes, then she asked with a slightly sad expression.

“Is it because of Swen?”


Jinor thought.

It would be cleanest just to say a few pleasing words and part ways.

But… this was a woman he had once bet his fate on.

After coming to the Aishers army, she indeed made things convenient for him.

Expelling Anima, a universally trusted strategist, and appointing him in her place must have been a huge decision for her.

For her sake, at least in this final moment, he could offer some advice.

“Yuri, the spilled water can’t be collected again. I understand your decision. I’ve served you for a significant time, after all. Whether that decision was right or wrong… no one can say for sure.”


“Accept the outcome of what has happened. Only by accepting can you move forward. This is my last advice as someone who once served as your strategist.”

Yuri didn’t respond but nodded.

“I wish you well, my lord. I will never forget your kindness. Stay healthy.”

With that, leaving Yuri unable to find words—

He left all his duties in the Aishers army behind, becoming a free man as he exited Valhart Castle.

He had entrusted the handling of his estate to trustworthy people, so they would manage.

He had taken good care of them, so they wouldn’t find themselves in a tight spot.

Now, where should I go?

“Going into the mountains doesn’t sound too bad.”

Originally, before joining the Aishers army, he planned to train disciples in the mountains.

Even though he was old, he wasn’t afraid of mountain life.

What’s important is surviving until the next era.

To preserve life, staying behind the scenes is safer than being in the forefront.

That day.

From Reika, no.

From Swen, he received a single line.

[Seek Lunarien Iniang.]

Lunarien Iniang.

An unfamiliar name. There were many nameless lords during the time of fragmented armies, but by now, they had all been eradicated by the Brans army.

However, this was the answer provided by Swen, who could presumably see the future.

He wouldn’t have mentioned a meaningless name in the letter without reason.

Deciding not to send Reika back with him indicated he trusted Swen’s words.

He planned to inquire around, but he wasn’t in a hurry.

If he couldn’t find it now, that name would surely reveal itself on the continent someday.

“Spending time writing a book until the new era arrives doesn’t sound too bad.”

In this era of chaos, confronting an unbeatable foe is foolish.

He knew better than anyone that there was no power to surpass someone who could see the future with magic.

If you can’t overcome, why not join?

And so, the man who had once again made his mark in history vanished from the public eye once more.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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