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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 117

<strong>Chapter 117: The Test (1)</strong>

* * *

By the time I had gotten used to life in the annex, Serpina came to visit my room after a while.

“Welcome, my lord.”

Serpina didn’t respond directly but looked at me and said,

“Follow me.”

“Right now?”


She nodded slowly.

Catching myself nearly getting lost in her beautiful appearance and the deep citrus fragrance that wafted with every move, I refocused my thoughts.

“It’s about time we started moving. So, testing you wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

“In that case…”

“We were planning to resume the invasion.”

So, she intends to actively resume her conquest activities.

“Hasn’t the battle at Zelstrom Castle left us short on reserve forces? Are you considering hiring mercenaries?”

“That’s right. Additionally, reinforcements are expected to arrive soon.”


I quickly understood and nodded.

It’s none other than the Serpina army, the current superpower that conquered the Northern Continent.

Does this mean they still have the manpower to operate even after extending the front lines this much?

But… is continuing the conquest activities here really the right answer?

The enemy countries directly adjacent to us include the Brans and the Aishers armies.

I haven’t made predictions yet, but proceeding with the war from here seems like not a very good move.

“What are you doing?”

Serpina, who was walking ahead, turned her head to ask as I was lost in thought.

“Ah, it’s nothing. I’ll follow.”

I’ll find out once we get to the castle.

I quietly followed her.


One characteristic of Hisphil Castle was that about 1/4 of it was in ruins.

It seemed this damage occurred during the process of seizing territory from the Brans army.

Aside from being a bit disorderly due to ongoing repairs, the building seemed to be fulfilling its role as a fortress.

Upon arriving inside the castle, I surveyed the officers of Serpina’s army present in Hisphil.

Except for Iren Al Kaski, whom I met upon arrival, I didn’t recognize any other faces.

The only weakness of Serpina’s army in this game was the near absence of S-grade officers.

Given the already strong base of power, it’s understandable that having officers who could alone turn the tide of battle would break the balance… but I didn’t expect to find so few memorable officers.

Officers I didn’t bother remembering were just there to fill numbers.

I vaguely remembered the face of a man named Yuan, who seemed to be the lord of the castle. Perhaps from when I played as a random lord fighting against Serpina and saw him a few times, leaving a mark in my memory.

That’s when.


A small female voice came from behind me.

“Lady Airen.”

She smiled warmly as soon as she saw me.

“Did you also come in response to our lord’s call?”

“Yes. And you, Lady Airen?”


“It seems she’s considering battle.”

Both Airen and I.

Glad that we weren’t being treated like sitting ducks after being recruited, I was thinking this when—

From afar, the golden-haired sovereign approached with footsteps that, while elegant, carried the sound of military boots rather than the expected quiet steps.

“Your Highness.”

As Serpina reached the lord’s chair, the subjects bowed their heads in unison to greet her.

Interestingly, they addressed her as “Your Highness,” not “my lord,” suggesting a recognition that Serpina von Aingarht’s army is of a different caliber from ordinary warlord factions.

With a light gesture of her hand, Serpina signaled for everyone’s attention.

“Listen, everyone.”

Serpina looked down upon us all, her every gesture emphasizing the gap between her and us.

“Before discussing our future course, I wish to hear your opinions. Freely share your thoughts on how we should proceed.”

Someone spoke up.

A young man’s voice. It sounded familiar.

“I have something to say, my lord.”

Here, they used “my lord.” Well, Serpina seemed indifferent to formal titles.


The speaker, Iren Al Kaski, clenched his fist and spoke with conviction.

“We must attack Zelstrom Castle once more.”

“Zelstrom Castle?”


It was where they were once pushed back by Epinel and Emma’s momentum.

A great fortune for Yuri to have such capable generals, though that fortune was fading.

“Curious about your reasoning for suggesting we attack a place we’ve failed before.”

If we’re to continue invasions, Zelstrom Castle was indeed the only option.

“Because there’s nowhere else to go if we continue our invasion.”


Seems like a smart one after all. I had thought he wouldn’t amount to much since I didn’t remember him.

“And why is that?”

“We concluded that leaving Brans army untouched is more efficient. Attacking Racline Castle would increase the number of enemy countries nearby. We can definitely have the upper hand in isolated battles, but extending the front lines and allowing them to form alliances could disadvantage us. Therefore, if we’re to seize territory, it should be Zelstrom Castle.”

His reasoning aligned perfectly with my thoughts.

If it were possible to take Racline Castle without shedding a drop of blood, under whatever condition or negotiation, that would be ideal.

But given our position to fight, the conclusion differs.

If we could inherit the territory without damaging the walls or alienating the people, we could manage. Otherwise, not engaging Brans army and attacking Zelstrom Castle was the correct move.

“Then, do you believe we can win?”


The real issue was, realistically, we lacked the strength to breach Zelstrom Castle.

We could possibly succeed by mobilizing all forces, but would Brans army sit idly by?

Lynn Brans isn’t foolish, despite being emotional.

Even with mercenaries, failing to secure a complete advantage would likely lead to another defeat.

At this point, I wondered what strategy he had prepared, so I kept silent.

However, his response was disappointingly naive.

“With me, it’s possible, my lord.”

Iren’s voice was filled with zeal.

“I’ve lived solely to achieve glory. I understand it’s a bold request, but with sufficient forces, I promise to reclaim the castle and secure a victory.”

This type wasn’t new to me. Carlince had a similar vibe.

The difference was Carlince overestimated his abilities, while Iren, perhaps due to his youth, seemed overly enthusiastic.

“I’m being a bit presumptuous for someone my age.”

As I thought this, Serpina coldly responded.

“Iren Al Kaski. What if you fail? You know well that losing this battle could mean we’d have to shrink the front lines instead of expanding.”

“Yes, but that’s okay.”

“You have an infallible plan?”

“I will prove that Aingarht’s soldiers do not lose.”

Iren spoke with fervor, but the reply was icy.

“I didn’t ask for pleasant words.”

“…I’m sorry.”

“I’ll ask again. What exactly is your infallible plan?”


As Iren struggled to answer, Serpina changed her question.

“Then let me ask this. How will you take responsibility if you lose?”

“If that happens…”

After hesitating, Iren boldly declared,

“You may take

my head.”

“Is that so?”

Serpina slightly raised her lips, but it wasn’t a smile of satisfaction.

Somehow, I understood. That smile contained not contentment but sarcasm.

“What would I gain from taking your head?”

“That, well…”

“Killing a failure might serve as personal vengeance and justify strict punishment. But what tangible benefits do I get? It’s easy to see what we’d lose, but gains are not as clear. Surely you’re not suggesting your head holds value beyond one or two territories. Would you care to explain?”


The room fell silent.

Truthfully, Luna’s case is unique; with a bit of thought, her words made sense.

Life is indeed valuable, but if one wished to be esteemed for it, being born in an era of chaos was a mistake.

“Let’s hear others’ opinions. Speak freely.”

Several more opinions were raised.

One suggested a surprise attack on the Brans army, but given the conclusions already drawn, it wasn’t worth serious consideration.

Yet, Serpina listened attentively, questioning and engaging with logic just as she did with Iren.

It was evident from her willingness to listen without dismissing any advice that she truly meant to “test” me when she claimed she wanted to see what I could do.

“Having joined her ranks, she’s allowing me to make my mark.”

Then, should I share my thoughts?

It’s not about making predictions, but a sense of “this is what I would do.”

“Any other opinions?”

At this moment, I slowly spoke up.

“My lord.”


She looked towards me.

Feeling the subtle attention from those around, I remained unfazed.

What mattered to me was not the others but Serpina’s gaze.

Her gaze was cold, not granting any special treatment.

To bring life to those eyes, I had to prove my capabilities.

“May I share my thoughts?”

“Of course. Why ask? Go ahead.”

If I were Serpina, I would simply…

“Halt the expansion into the Central Continent here.”


I nodded and said,

“Return to Aingarht Castle and focus on domestic affairs.”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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not work with dark mode