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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 118

<strong>Chapter 118: The Text(2)</strong>

As soon as I mentioned that returning was the right answer, the room immediately became abuzz.

To anyone’s eyes, Serpina’s forces were overwhelmingly dominant.

Brans’s forces were faltering, and Aishers’s forces seemed like they could eventually win through sheer numbers, at least on the surface.

Well, if they pressed on without considering the damage they would sustain, it might be possible, but it would certainly take enough time.

Expanding into the Central Continent was a long-cherished project for Serpina’s forces.

Most of her armed forces wouldn’t find it strange to hesitate about folding their troops in the current situation, which seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Thus, I understood their perspective.

Of course, I had no intention of accepting it.

What I had to persuade was only Serpina.

Hearing my words, she asked in a dry tone, without any change in expression as she had done with the other generals,

“I’d like to hear the reason.”

“Successfully expanding into the Central Continent is indeed an encouraging situation, but I suspect our soldiers have accumulated quite a bit of fatigue from the repeated battles. I believe now is the time to solidify the borders of the territories we’ve acquired rather than pushing forward.”

“The soldiers are tired, is that the entirety of your reasoning?”

Of course not.

If that were the case, I wouldn’t have spoken up.

“If the benefits of invasion were greater, I too would recommend continuing the invasion. However, we currently have two options for further expansion: towards Brans’s territory or towards Aishers’s. I believe our discussion with General Irian earlier has concluded why we must invade Gelstrom Castle instead of Raclain Castle, and why we cannot attack Gelstrom Castle.”

“Let’s hear it then, from your mouth?”

Serpina persisted with her questioning, refusing to let it go easily.

This all might be a test… I thought.

Since it’s a repeat discussion, a brief response should suffice.

“Securing Raclain Castle would extend our front lines, so taking Gelstrom Castle would be logical. However, from our army’s standpoint, there is currently no certain way to break through Gelstrom Castle.”

“Good. I appreciate the recap.”

She said, smiling faintly again.

That smile was… difficult to describe in a single word.

It wasn’t just a simple feeling of arrogance or intoxication with the power to control me as she wished, but rather,

a satisfaction in reconfirming something she already knew was going to happen.

Among the lords I’ve met, she was the hardest to read.

“And next, the Brans forces. As concluded in the previous discussion, ‘It’s better to leave the Brans forces as they are.’ Thus, we should cleanly give up on expanding our borders here.”

“Then I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“If it’s the Brans’s territory, which is not adjacent to any other nation, couldn’t our forces sufficiently conquer it? Might not failing to properly subdue the Brans forces leave a future threat? As we discussed earlier, although a complete subjugation is impossible, wouldn’t we have enough strength to acquire one or two more territories?”

I felt sorry for Serpina, but there was absolutely no sincerity in her words.

This was literally a test. She was curious about what answer I would give.

“No. To prevent the Brans forces from reorganizing, we must not acquire any more territories.”

“Why is that?”

“The Brans forces currently have almost no young recruits left to conscript within their territory. It will be difficult for them to gather a significant number of soldiers for a while. In this situation, compressing their territory might ironically provide Brans with a platform for resurgence.”

“So, you’re saying it’s rational to leave their current territories untouched because they’re beyond what Brans forces can manage?”

“Aren’t you aware of that, my lord?”

After all, wasn’t that Serpina’s policy?

Thinking to myself that she was questioning me even though she knew all this, I bowed my head, and once again, she let out a cold laugh.

Oddly… even though it was clearly a sneer, it didn’t feel particularly offensive.

If Lynn Brans had laughed similarly, it would have been hard to take it in good spirits.

“Finally, to summarize, Swen. Your opinion is ‘It’s most efficient to stop the invasion and return to the capital, Aingardt Castle,’ correct?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

This was it.

“Based on the assumption ‘If I were Serpina,’ I outlined actions that would likely be taken in the current situation.”

I thought it was the correct answer… but maybe it’s time to check the answer key.

“Is stopping the invasion and returning to the capital the most efficient course?”

As expected, the immediate response was ‘Yes.’


I sighed in relief.

Feeling relieved that my judgment hadn’t rusted, and knowing that if the result had been strange, I wouldn’t have the confidence to persuade Serpina right away.

Through discussions with Irian Al Kaski and the other generals, I could tell that Serpina was the type of person who couldn’t be persuaded without solid evidence.

If she wasn’t convinced, she wouldn’t move, so saying ‘I think this is the right answer’ wouldn’t work.

Anyway, until Luna mobilizes, I must pass the time without any problems.

To do that, proving to Serpina that I am a useful person was the easiest path.

“Indeed, I am confident.”

“Oh? Confidence, you say?”

“Yes. Confidence. Not just for that reason, but considering all situations, I believe that’s the only answer.”

With my voice full of certainty, she smiled as if amused.

I could be confident. With the prediction of [Yes], what was there to fear?

It wouldn’t hurt to implant the impression in her that ‘my words are always right.’

At that moment.

Serpina stood up from the lord’s seat and looked around at everyone.

“Everyone has heard the discussion, right? I understand your desire to continue fighting, but now is not the time. It’s not always about acquiring many territories to determine the outcome of the war. Now, we must step back from battle and reorganize our forces.”

Then, looking at me, she extended her pale hand.

Funnily enough, the way she slightly lifted her arm to look at me felt like a goddess bestowing a blessing.

Was Serpina thinking from the start that the troops had to be withdrawn?

Given that my intellect of 100 deemed it correct, it was reasonable to assume Serpina was also sharp-minded.

After all

, Serpina was a prodigy with high stats across the board, except for politics.

Whether controlled by the CPU or a player, once a player got the hang of the game, achieving a continental unification ending with her wasn’t too difficult.


As I looked into her golden eyes, I felt warmth despite her typically expressionless and icy demeanor.

I could tell.

—She was telling me, “I will protect you and Airen.”

With a short sigh, I finally admitted to myself.

Despite not receiving proper treatment from the lords, excluding Luna, her actions felt dangerously comforting.

“You have… left an impression on me, Swen. The way you look at me.”

“Left an impression…”

Even if all of this was just a calculated act, I was still swayed.

“It’s time to seriously get my act together.”

My place is not by Serpina’s side.

It’s by Luna’s side, whenever she decides to show herself.

Having promised her, and as long as the “predictions” continue to hold true—this fact will not change.

…It must not change.


As I got used to living in the annex, Serpina visited my room after a long while.

“Welcome, my lord.”

Serpina didn’t reply but just looked at me.

Despite feeling ignored, strangely, I wasn’t upset.

Perhaps this was part of her charm as a person. After all, her charm stats were quite high.

“Prepare to leave.”

“Are we leaving today?”


Preparing to leave didn’t mean much for me, as I didn’t have much baggage.

The 7900 gold for diplomacy and the carriage I arrived in, along with a minimal number of soldiers for escort, had already returned to Valhart Castle with Anima.

“Just to be sure, where am I destined to go?”

Hearing this, Serpina looked straight into my eyes and said,

“You will accompany me to Aingardt Castle.”


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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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