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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 122

Opinion Solicitation Meeting (1)

Chapter 122: Opinion Solicitation Meeting (1)

Thus, the opinion solicitation meeting began.

Under Serpina’s direction, a light discussion started.

“Amin. Let’s hear your opinion.”


The man named Amin bowed deeply and spoke in a spirited tone.

“We must immediately muster all available troops.”

“Muster troops, you say.”

Serpina, with her white hand on her chin, asked.

“And why do you think that?”

“To prepare for the conquest of the Central Continent.”

“As you know, I have only just returned to Ainhardt Castle not long ago. Yet, you suggest we prepare for another conquest?”

“Yes. First, please review the materials I have prepared.”

Amin took out a map from his possession and spread it out before Serpina.

“We must quickly seize Anel Castle from the Brans forces and push them to the central-west. Losing the capital, Anel Castle, will undoubtedly cause the Brans forces to crumble without a chance to reorganize!”


Something about his spirited explanation felt… like he was bringing up decisions that had already been made on the field.

The reason not to disturb the Brans forces was because it was confirmed that they were reallocating troops from the front to Anel Castle.

Partially giving up their territory meant focusing on defending the capital, showing a determination to protect the capital at all costs while indicating that there was no room to pull in more soldiers for some time.

Therefore, it was more effective here to maintain the territory and disrupt the Brans forces’ “focus and concentration.”

Of course, from the Brans forces’ perspective, they could conduct conscription if they wished.

If they were to drag in everyone, boys or old men, even those with minor disabilities, they could indeed fill their ranks –

But inevitably, this process would shatter the local sentiment towards the Brans forces, making it highly likely that they could never recover.

And the hastily assembled soldiers wouldn’t be effective in battle either.

Meaning, by not disturbing them and maintaining their territory, it prompts the Brans forces to make a mistake –

As if Amin, the man, was unaware of the situation that had already been decided on the field, he spoke with bright eyes and strong conviction.

“Hmm. I see. Then, I’d like to ask the rest of you.”

Serpina, without further comment, looked around at us and opened her mouth.

“What do you think about Amin’s opinion? Feel free to answer freely.”

Since a question has been asked, might as well input my response.

Regarding Amin’s opinion, namely “to quickly capture Anel Castle” and whether it’s the most efficient approach for us.


“Just as I thought.”

Now is not the time for battle, was the absolute conclusion reached at that moment.

“My lord.”

A female officer raised her hand.

“Speak, Shika.”

“While Amin’s opinion may seem valid at a glance, now is indeed not the time to prepare for battle.”

The subsequent discussion closely matched the conclusions reached on the field.

Of course, saying it was “closely matched” meant there was some redundancy in the opinions, and they weren’t fully refined, giving the impression of listening to an amateur’s answer.

Upon reflection, it was noticeable that the man who spoke earlier, Amin, and the woman in front, Shika, along with the rest of the civilian officials, were all quite young.

At this point, I could guess the actual purpose of this ‘opinion solicitation meeting.’

“Sorting the wheat from the chaff…?”

So, was it about gathering the newly joined civilian officials to check whether they had any eloquence or the insight to use it consistently?

This understanding made it clear why the officers participating here had a sense of honor on their faces.

If my assumption was correct, most of those present were probably called here for the first time.

Over twenty-eight sessions, the members kept changing, providing an opportunity to make an impression on Serpina…


I had thought it odd when Amin’s opinion, despite not being very good, was shared without Serpina responding directly, allowing other officers a chance to speak.

When Ilian from Hespil Castle had given his opinion, she had directly countered his logic.

“If you are part of Serpina’s forces, no matter how unknown or unrenowned you are, you get a chance…”

Considering how Lynn Brans, who once managed a territory of similar size, treated unremarkable officers, her approach seemed quite avant-garde.

For a monarch leading such a vast territory to check the abilities of all her subordinates was definitely not a commoner’s thought.

Yet, having Jena as an observer suggested she wouldn’t make decisions based solely on her own opinions.

Serpina von Ainhardt.

The more I knew about her, the more frighteningly formidable she seemed.

“Perhaps Serpina is Lunarien’s actual rival…”

“…That’s all for my opinion.”

“Understood, Shika. Now, Amin. I ask you again. Have your thoughts changed? Or, if you have any counterarguments, feel free to share.”

“…No. I withdraw my opinion.”

Amin responded with a slightly aggrieved and shaky voice.

It could have been a major faux pas depending on the situation, but Serpina seemed unconcerned and turned her head towards Shika.

“Now, I’d like to hear your opinion, Shika.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Shika nodded and spoke cautiously.

“I agree with gathering troops but not with conscription.”

“You agree?”

“Yes. However, instead of summoning, it would be better to newly conscript from territories currently capable of doing so. Those troops should not be used for invasion but stationed as border guards.”

From there, Shika based her logic on her own thoughts and developed her argument.

In short, “Now is not the time for invasion, but since we can’t predict when something might happen, it’s important to have as many troops as possible along the border.”

Certainly, a textbook answer. Expanding Serpina’s border defense with more troops wasn’t a bad opinion.

As Serpina listened to Shika, she slowly nodded and then looked at us again.

“What do you think of Shika’s opinion? Feel free to speak as you wish this time too.”

Not sure about the others, but I’m grateful every time she poses a question – I thought, putting that sentiment aside for a moment.

I lightly input Shika’s opinion in my mind.



It’s been a while since I’ve seen the opinion “close.”

But if it’s not the most efficient, does that mean deploying conscripted troops to the border is not the precise solution?


“My lord. May I offer an opinion?”

“Speak, Miles.”

A man named Miles responded with a firm tone.

“I agree with conscripting troops like Ms. Shika suggested, but those troops should be stationed here at Ainhardt Castle.”


“The foundation of a country is its capital. No matter how secure the location, unfortunately, many fools in the Northern Continent are swayed by the cursed rumors about our lord. Protecting the capital is more important than anything, especially now that the capital defense forces have been reduced by a third for the continental conquest. I believe it would be best to replenish this area.”

In other words, there’s still a risk of rebellion in the inland

areas of the North, so sufficient troops should be stationed in the capital.

“And what do you all think of this?”

Let’s input Miles’s opinion this time.


“This one’s close too?”

Then, is conscripting troops the correct action, but not for stationing them at the border or the capital?

While Shika and Miles were exchanging opinions, I was lost in thought.

“If conscripting troops is the answer, then where those troops are stationed becomes the ‘efficient’ point of contention…”

I still felt like a piece of the puzzle was missing.

I wanted to draw a conclusion, but the information available wasn’t enough to do so.

Afterwards, the rest of the members expressed their opinions.

There were views that conscription itself was the issue, and others suggested invading Aishers’ forces.

Both received a [No], so they weren’t particularly noteworthy.

Other opinions, like stationing troops at Kelstein Castle, also ended up with [Close], just like the previous two.

Finally, it was my turn.



“I’m eager to hear your opinion. You’ve been quite silent, haven’t you?”

Seemingly, my quiet observation had caught her attention.

But I didn’t really have anything to say…

“Conscription seems to be the right choice, but what to do with them lacks information…”


Hold on.

Didn’t Shika just say?

“Not conscription but recruiting anew from territories currently capable of doing so.”

“Territories currently capable of conscription means those not in a position to conscript are excluded, right?”

If conscription itself is the answer, maybe leaving the conscripted troops where they are is the most efficient approach.

I wanted to think more about it, but it was time to take a stand.

“I agree with gathering troops.”

“With gathering, you say. That sounds like there’s more to your sentence.”


So far, Serpina has been asking what we think of each opinion.

So, I’ll just use my wit to check again.

“However, the troops conscripted should be stationed in the territories where the conscription took place. That seems to be the most efficient method.”

“Oh? Is that what you think?”

Serpina asked with interest.

Simultaneously, I inputted my own opinion.


“Really, this is the answer?”

It seems leaving the conscripted troops as they are was correct.

Moving them was the issue.


“Interesting opinion.”


Serpina’s expression after hearing my words was somewhat ambiguous.

Not just her, but including Shika, the members looked at me with curiosity.

…Come to think of it, which territories are currently capable of conscription?

“…Um, Swen.”

Shika asked me a question.

“Yes, go ahead.”

“Do you argue that leaving the conscripted troops where they are is the most efficient decision?”


There’s no doubt now. My brain has confirmed it.

“…I’m sorry to say, but currently, there’s only one territory capable of conscription.”

“And where is that?”

“Mair Castle.”

Mair Castle.

A place I’m well aware of.

Located at the far eastern edge of the Northern Continent, it wasn’t a particularly important territory.


Stationing troops in such a remote area is the answer?

“Are you suggesting that stationing troops in such a remote area is the most efficient method?”


I was momentarily speechless.

But, should we not follow where the compass points?


I said so and gave a sly smile.

As if I had known everything from the beginning.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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Why is this locked on NU?


why did all the chapters get removed from novel updates


How come you stopped using NU? All the novels I read are on there, it seems like much to join a discord server just for one novel. Please use it again, I don’t think there is anything wrong with the website

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not work with dark mode