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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 125

Predictions, and Results (1)

Leaving Swen behind in the audience chamber, Serpina sat in her chair, deeply lost in thought.

“…My lord.”

No response came, but Jena did not mind and proceeded to pose her question.

“I would like to offer my thoughts on the discussion we just had, if I may?”

Serpina glanced at Jena.

Having spent a long time together, Jena understood this silent gesture as an invitation to continue speaking.

“The opinion indeed holds merit. It’s speculative, but credible, especially coming from someone who was part of Aishers’ forces until recently. However…”

“I’m not entirely convinced about Yuri acting solely based on emotion. If his explanation holds, it essentially means an invasion is imminent…”

Jena lowered her head slightly and spoke cautiously.

“It’s hard to fully accept that this is the most efficient opinion with such certainty. Wouldn’t this essentially be wasting our troops?”

“But she did, in fact, hand over her subordinate to us. It’s arrogant to assume humans will always act within the realm of common sense.”

“That’s true, but… back then, there was the Anima Ingram involved. Now, there’s seemingly nothing at stake. It was mentioned before, but there isn’t just one way to divert attention.”

“That’s a valid point.”

“Swen’s opinion does raise some doubts. It’s difficult to explain, but… it feels like he’s skirting around the essence of the issue, focusing instead on somewhat tangential arguments…”

Struggling to choose her words, Jena received a patient inquiry from Serpina.

“You mean to say, the crux of his opinion isn’t ‘the invasion by Aishers’ forces,’ right?”

Jena, slightly surprised by the insight, responded.

Indeed, sometimes Serpina managed to articulate even the thoughts Jena herself couldn’t express.

“Yes, exactly. More than the problem of Aishers’ forces invading, it felt like…”

“He was more concerned about stationing troops at Amir Castle.”

“It seemed like Swen’s opinion wasn’t so much about blocking Aishers’ forces but rather about garrisoning troops in Amir Castle. Perhaps that’s why it’s all speculative…”

Jena and Serpina had sharply identified a key aspect of Swen’s proposal: not the ‘surprise attack by Aishers’ forces’ but ‘reinforcing Amir Castle with troops.’

However, that was as far as they got. Jena was undoubtedly a skilled advisor, but not exceptionally astute.

Perhaps the smartest in the country was Serpina herself, reigning supreme above Jena.

“By the way.”


“Could this also be a kind of magic?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like, a magic that can foresee the future… Isn’t he likely a magician?”

“Your phrasing suggests you’re not entirely convinced yourself, Jena.”

“It’s just that… he’s a man who can summon stones from the sky, so it’s possible he has some unknown ability… But it’s strange to think that someone capable of such magic would be abandoned by their lord or keep switching countries…”

If he truly had the ability to see the future, it wouldn’t make sense for him to end up abandoned.

At this moment, Jena leaned more towards the likelihood that he wasn’t a magician.

“It seems this is as far as my wisdom can take us.”

Serpina chuckled amusingly after listening to Jena, then fell silent, seemingly entertained by the thought.

“Did you notice, Jena?”

“What would that be?”

“Swen’s expression. Or more accurately, his gaze.”

The moment Swen was deep in thought before presenting his opinion at the meeting.

For an instant, Swen’s eyes sparkled as if he had realized something profound.

While others might have missed it, Serpina had clearly seen it.

“What do you think?”

“Even if you mention his gaze… I’m not sure.”

“That’s okay. I expected you to say that.”

Jena knew Serpina wasn’t just being polite.

Serpina had an uncanny ability to read people’s thoughts, discerning even hidden feelings despite attempts to mask them with a poker face.

“Jena. What’s the situation with the troops at the border?”

“Most castles have evenly distributed forces. We should be able to hold off any attacks if war breaks out.”

“So we’re currently at ease, then?”

“Yes, but…”

Only then did Serpina turn to face Jena.

“Jena. Issue a conscription notice for Amir Castle immediately.”

“After issuing the notice, what should we do?”

“Keep them stationed there, ready to defend.”

“And then…?”

At Jena’s words, Serpina smirked and tilted her head slightly.

“I’m willing to gamble on that look in Swen’s eyes.”

“You mean to follow his advice?”

“Yes. But before we trust him completely, we need to verify a few things.”


If, as Jena suggested, such magic truly exists, why not test it?

Serpina mused quietly to herself, not voicing her thoughts this time.

“What makes him so confident… that’s the question.”

* * *

“You had a suggestion meeting?”

At Genis’s words, I simply nodded.


“So soon? You’ve hardly been here, and I haven’t even had one yet!”

“Do many people want to do it?”

Genis nodded in response.

“Of course! It’s one of the few chances to appeal directly to the lord! Just getting noticed there can lead to significant positions. There are so many who want that opportunity!”

“I thought it was something all newcomers did.”

“Everyone does get a chance… but with so many guards serving directly under the lord, it can take some time. Anyway, Swen, you’re really lucky, huh?”

I scratched my head, wondering if it was such a big deal, and Genis started chattering away again.

After spending a few days together, I learned that Genis was quite talkative.

“Right. I meant to tell you about this. You know, the tea leaves on the table!”

“The tea leaves?”

The ones Airen had given me.

Seeing Genis’s interest, I had allowed him to have a cup, thinking it was fine.

“That’s incredibly expensive, how did you get it? You seem like quite the gourmet.”

“A friend gave it to me.”

“A friend? Like a close one?”


I stopped short of saying ‘someone precious to me.’

It didn’t seem necessary to delve into personal details.

“It’s guaranteed by the prestigious Clement family, known for their tea. The peach scent is truly exquisite! It’s a shame we don’t have anything sweet to go with it.”

“Genis, you seem to know a lot about tea.”


He looked puzzled as he asked.

I casually responded, just making small talk.

“I mean… don’t most men not care much about that stuff?”

But somehow, Genis’s expression began to change after hearing my comment.



After a brief silence-

Genis broke the quiet again.

“No, it’s just! That, um… Men can be interested too! I belong to the Kaski family, after all! This kind of knowledge is basic cultural literacy for nobility! Being able to serve a lady exquisite tea is a quality of a nobleman, isn’t it?”

His somewhat desperate justification made me decide to just let it go.

“That makes sense. I don’t really have a family name to speak of, so I wouldn’t know.”

“It’s fine! What does nobility mean in this day and age anyway? It’s just a name.”

Genis said, laughing awkwardly.

Though a bit overwhelming, he definitely wasn’t a bad person.

The only thing that bothered me was-

“Ilyan and Genis are people I don’t remember encountering in the game.”

I had never encountered either of them in the game, which was somewhat troubling.

While Genis could be overlooked, based on what I heard, Ilyan al Kaski seemed to be a promising talent from a distinguished family in Serpina’s forces… Why couldn’t I remember such a figure?

Considering his decent looks, he should have been memorable, but there was no trace of him in my memory.

Serpina’s forces did have S-class generals, but there were a few regulars I should have seen at least once.

“What are you thinking about?”


“Just wondering. You looked lost in thought.”

Realizing I had zoned out, I nodded and returned to the present.

“It’s nothing. Just a bit tired.”

“Really? I hope I didn’t talk too much… Sorry. Don’t worry about responding; just rest. I have night patrol tonight, so don’t wait up for me.”


Maybe they’re just unremarkable enough not to stick in my memory…

With that simple thought, I lay down on the lower bunk.

Lying in bed, I naturally found myself thinking…

…I missed Airen.

It felt somewhat amusing that Airen was the last thing on my mind.

I wondered who she was thinking of.

Hoping it was me, I rested in bed.

* * *

The next day.

After returning from night patrol, Genis told me that Serpina had summoned me. I left for the rendezvous, alternating sleep shifts with him.

The meeting place wasn’t the castle but a nearby annex.

Curious about the reason, I hurried my steps, thinking I’d find out soon enough.

“Mr. Swen, we’ve been expecting you. Please, this way.”

Upon arrival, a guard adorned in a splendidly decorated armor greeted me.

Passing through the main gate, a charmingly decorated garden welcomed me.

It was certainly beautiful, but from a royal perspective, it seemed rather modest.

Entering the building and following the guide, I arrived at…

“A basement…?”

Descending the stairs into the basement-

There she stood, right in the middle of a spacious room.

“Come in, Swen.”

She wore the officer’s combat uniform I saw her in the first time, not the glittering dress.

Even in such attire, her undeniable feminine allure distracted me.

“Greetings, my lord.”

Looking around, the atmosphere of the room was peculiar.

A few dummies donned in armor.

Various weapons hung on the walls.

In the center of the empty space, there seemed to be something resembling an arena.

“My lord. What is this place…?”


Serpina addressed me with an unchanging, cold tone.

“Is the weapon you’re carrying suitable for your use?”

Her gaze landed on the green rapier always at my side.

“Yes? Weapon, what do you mean…?”

Instead of replying, she walked to the weapons rack, picked up a rapier similar to mine, and approached me… then whispered as if confiding a secret.

“Excuse the suddenness, but I would like a duel, Swen.”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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