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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 127

Predictions, and Results (3)

Chapter 127: Predictions, and Results (3)

Amir Castle.

Located in the outskirts of the eastern region of the Northern Continent, Amir Castle wasn’t situated at any notable crossroads nor did it possess any special resources to boast of significant development. However, it managed to maintain a semblance of peace, especially during turbulent times, by slightly steering clear of chaos. Currently, it was manned by a minimal defense force of about 3,000 soldiers and was not making any special preparations for defense when a new order from Lord Serpina was just being delivered.

“Are you saying to deploy the conscripted troops for strengthening our castle’s defense and public order?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Is this a command from our lord?”

Pavel von Amir, the lord of Amir Castle and the 13th head of the Amir family—one of the seven influential families that had served the Aingart family since the former empire era—asked with a puzzled look, stroking his chin.

“That’s right.”

“Isn’t it about reinforcing another castle or something?”



Stationing troops in such a remote place, what’s going on?

It’s not that Pavel doubted the decisions of their lord now. In his eyes, Serpina von Aingart was far more exceptional than the emperor himself, and all her decisions thus far had their reasons.

Yet, he couldn’t easily accept this.

“Is something happening around here?”

There seemed to be no signs of turmoil, and the surrounding villages were as peaceful as ever.

Pavel shook his head vigorously, coming to a conclusion.

“Let it be. Our lord must have her reasons.”

It wasn’t particularly unethical, merely a command to fortify the defense, so there was no need for unnecessary complaints.

“Understood. I will issue the conscription notice immediately, please inform the relevant department.”


Thus, a conscription notice was issued at Amir Castle.

Having not conscripted for a long time and maintaining peace for many years, there was a sufficient number of young men.

Among the residents, there was no particular resentment, and it was possible to gather about 18,000 soldiers who would become a formidable force.

Among these 18,000 soldiers was a young man named Louis, who had just turned twenty and was helping with the family’s farmwork without any special occupation.

At first, being drafted was not very pleasant, but-

The public sentiment towards Serpina in Amir Castle was quite good, and thus, it was easy for the conscripted soldiers to develop a sense of pride.

Louis, a common young man, started to enjoy patrolling here and there for public order activities, wearing impressive armor.

Most of the conscripted soldiers, including Louis, were trained to specialize in defensive tactics to protect Amir Castle.

After days and weeks of continuous training, they were constantly told to prepare mentally for a possible surprise invasion.

Although it seemed unlikely for a surprise attack to occur in such a remote place, Louis, who had not even set foot in an academy, let alone basic education, didn’t think deeply about it.

“The higher-ups will handle it, I guess.”

Anyway, he enjoyed the time spent holding a spear and training.

Being a soldier for Serpina’s army, working for her gradually made him feel more alive.

The fact that no forces had invaded for several weeks seemed trivial compared to those feelings.

How many weeks had passed?

Just when he started to feel more like a soldier than a farmer.

Louis, like any other day, was patrolling to establish public order.

With 18,000 more soldiers, rotating patrols significantly improved public safety throughout the territory.

Therefore, wherever the soldiers went, they were always followed by the residents’ gratitude.

Despite being on physically demanding alternating shifts, being able to do this job thanks to the honor that came with the residents’ looks, Louis was sure.

Thus, today, as usual, while on patrol duty.

“Is anyone there?”

Louis lightly knocked on the door of a rundown house.

Part of the patrol team’s duty was to roughly understand who lived where.

It also served a purpose similar to a simple census, but places like this could also be used as hideouts by thieves.

Although public safety in Amir Castle was not poor, the previously small garrison couldn’t check every nook and cranny, which they were now making up for.


A young boy appeared behind the slightly opened door.

“…What can I do for you?”

“I’m patrolling the area.”

“Is that so? Um… My parents aren’t home right now. They said they’d be back soon…”

He’s still a child.

His clothes were ragged, and his skin was dry, clearly showing signs of malnutrition.

Thinking of his younger siblings at home, Louis, in a very youthful manner, meddled more than necessary.


He had packed some food to eat during the patrol in case he got hungry in the evening.

Since it would be dark soon anyway, why not share a meal with this kid today?

“May I come in?”

“Eh? Why…?”

“Your brother will make something delicious.”

“But… But.”


Hearing the words “something delicious,” the boy’s stomach reflexively made a sound, embarrassing him as he quickly bowed his head.

Louis smiled warmly and said,

“It’s alright. You don’t have to be shy. I need to eat anyway, and it’s better to use cooking utensils, right?”

Hearing that, the boy pondered for a moment before hesitantly nodding.

“May I enter?”

The interior of the house was not as badly deteriorated as it appeared from the outside.

Of course, the absence of any visible food items suggested that the family was not in a good financial situation.

“Where is the kitchen?”

“Uh… over there, that way.”

Following the boy’s guidance to the kitchen, they found various items scattered around.

“Should I clean this up a bit?”

Louis quickly tidied up the items, then took out the cooking ingredients from his pocket.

He planned to make a homemade vegetable stew. Although it contained no meat, the flavor of the butter made it a fairly delicious specialty and his own creation.

It didn’t take long to prepare, and soon they were able to enjoy a warm meal that filled their stomachs.

“Delicious, right?”

Nod, nod.

Yes. I’m also a soldier serving under Serpina’s command now.

Lord Serpina, who governed more wisely than in the times of the former empire, enjoyed the support of the territory’s residents.

To avoid being a burden to such a lord, it was natural to take care of each and every resident to the best of one’s ability.

Thus, after a somewhat special dinner.

After saying goodbye to the boy and leaving the house, Louis continued patrolling for a few more hours before returning to where the barracks were located for the change of guard.

“Everyone, you’ve worked hard today. Even during rest, be ready to mobilize at any moment in case of an unexpected attack by the enemy.”

“Yes, sir!”

Although they had been continuously warned every day about the possibility of an “enemy attack,” honestly, it didn’t feel very tense… Just then.

“Hey, you.”

“Ah, yes!”

Responding promptly to his superior’s call, Louis answered with strict military tone.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Louis, sir!”

“Right, Louis. As a soldier of Serpina’s army, what’s considered most important?”

“To conduct oneself with propriety and maintain a dignified posture, sir!”

“Then why do I see a soldier, who’s supposed to dislike being seen with a pocket full of junk, carrying around such a bulging pocket?”


Hearing this, Louis looked down to see his pocket protruding in an unsightly manner.



During dinner with the young boy, in his rush to take out the cooking ingredients, he must have inadvertently packed up the miscellaneous items.

“I’m sorry, sir!”

“Sort it out immediately.”

Louis hurriedly began to empty his pockets of the miscellaneous items.

Now that he thought about it, it had been too dark in the kitchen to see clearly… but what was this?

Relying on the light of the torch, he examined the round object he had pulled out.


This… it’s an emblem.

The emblem of the Aingart family.

Even if he was uneducated, he could recognize the emblem engraved on his own armor.

So, was this a brooch or something with the family emblem on it?

More pressing than why it was there, a fundamental question struck Louis.

“The emblem looks a bit different?”

Where there should have been an eagle, there were three diagonal lines that shouldn’t be there…

“Are you not hurrying up with that cleanup?”

“Ah, yes! But, this is…”


The superior came over to see what Louis was staring blankly at and, upon inspecting the brooch, his demeanor became stern.

“I don’t know what that is, but hurry up and clean it up so we can…?”

To be precise, he attempted to speak sternly but… he too lost his words upon seeing it.

The Aingart family emblem with three diagonal lines.

Upon recognizing it, his face turned pale, and, staring blankly at Louis who was still standing there dumbfounded, he said,

“…Soldier, sir?”

Drawing his sword from his waist, he aimed it at Louis’s neck and demanded,

“Answer truthfully, lad. Where did you find that object?”

Aingart Royal Palace.

Seated on the throne, Serpina was lost in thought with a look of ennui.

The conscription order issued at Amir Castle had been smoothly executed, adding approximately 18,000 soldiers to the castle’s forces.

The troops continued their training within the castle, assigned exclusively to Amir Castle without being deployed elsewhere.

The soldiers assigned to the castle patrolled its interiors, taking charge of the territory’s public order.

With the territory’s soldiers increasing from about 2,000 to roughly 20,000, the security of the castle was assuredly bolstered.

2,000 soldiers wouldn’t have been enough to thoroughly patrol every corner of the territory.


That was all there was to it.

Serpina had been waiting for “that time” mentioned by Swen.

If his words were accurate, the banners of Aishers’ army should have been visible across the river by now.

But— the area around the river was unnervingly calm. Even sending scouts deep into the mountains yielded no signs of an approaching army or any unusual activity.

If Swen was correct, there should have been a few days left until their arrival, yet peace continued to prevail.

At this point, doubts inevitably began to surface.

Was I overestimating that man because he came from a dream, seemed to wield magic, and had those sparkling eyes?

At that moment.

The doors of the palace opened, and a man walked towards her.

With a green rapier at his waist, concealed by his cloak in a somewhat unique attire, it was Swen, the man with white hair.

“Swen, at your service, my lord.”

He was here because Serpina herself had summoned him to this place.

She believed she had waited long enough.

“Raise your head, Swen.”

Serpina looked straight into Swen’s eyes as he lifted his head.

It was time to have a discussion with him.

To find out what he was thinking and his true intentions.

After taking a deep breath, as if confronting an envoy rather than her subordinate, she carefully opened her lips.

“Swen. Do you not have something to say to me?”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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