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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 13

Female Knight Airen


Brans’ second barracks, while nominally a training center for new recruits, wasn’t particularly important. Basic military training took place here, but the true transformation into soldiers happened at the first barracks, where a more rigorous curriculum was followed. Essentially, the second barracks served as a filter, weeding out those unfit for military service. Except in cases of obvious physical disability, almost everyone was conscripted due to the times.

Given its low significance, those managing it were essentially in sidelined positions. Here, Airen Juliet, once a celebrated female general in Brans’ army, was now fulfilling the duties of an instructor.

‘Knight’ Airen Juliet, with her long red hair and skin that remained pale despite sun exposure, embodied the image of a knight. Her silver armor, bearing the Brans family crest, only accentuated her loyalty. The only thing betraying her as more than just a knight was her voluptuous figure, which her armor couldn’t conceal, especially her pronounced chest.

Her relegation to such a minor role would have surprised any onlooker aware of her past glory.

Her role as an instructor was limited to determining if new recruits passed basic combat tests. It was an open secret that she had been demoted due to Lin Brans’ disfavor, though it wasn’t openly discussed.

“Alright, that’s enough for today. Good work, everyone.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

After the inconsequential ‘observation’ training session ended, Airen emotionlessly left the training ground.

‘Good. Time for personal training.’

Despite her demotion, Airen remained committed to maintaining her physical prowess. She harbored no resentment towards Lin Brans, her lord, choosing instead to wait for the day she would be called upon again.

In truth, leaving Brans’ army and being immediately scouted by other lords was a certainty given her capabilities. However, Airen’s strict moral compass and warrior ethos kept her loyal to Lin Brans.

‘Sooner or later, she’ll recognize my worth again.’

Just as she was about to leave for her personal training,


A man’s voice called out from a distance. It was the commander of the second barracks.

“Good day, Commander. As I’ve said before, you don’t need to use formal language with me, given my position.”

Despite her lower rank, the commander instinctively felt the stark difference between them. He was just an ordinary soldier, while she was capable of leading troops to glory.

“No, I can’t be casual with you, General Airen… But that’s not important right now.”

He handed her a letter.

“What is this?”

“The lord is summoning you, Airen!”


Airen’s eyes widened at the mention of Lin Brans.

‘She’s calling for me?’

“I knew it! Every day, watching you train in solitude, I felt your talents were being wasted… Surely, she sent you here for a reason!”


Truth be told, Airen had hoped for this moment, yet she hadn’t let herself expect it. She knew she had fallen out of favor with Lin Brans, though the exact reason eluded her. Still, as a loyal soldier, she continued her duties.

‘Once I prove my worth, she will surely recognize me.’

Lin Brans was cunning and sometimes cruel, but not inherently evil. Airen firmly believed that leaders like Lin were necessary for true peace, especially in troubled times like these, with tyrants like Serphina wreaking havoc.

“Understood. I will leave this place in your care for now.”

“There’s no need to return here. Please, go and achieve great feats!”

With a respectful exchange, Airen left the barracks and headed towards the castle where her lord awaited, stepping into the familiar corridors after a long absence.


“Lord. Airen Juliet has arrived.”

“Let her in.”


Lin Brans sat indifferently in her chair, crossing her legs as she responded disinterestedly.

Shortly after, Airen walked up to her, knelt down, and spoke solemnly.

“I, Airen Juliet, have arrived upon your summons, my lord.”

“Yeah, yeah. Enough with the formalities. I need you to fight.”

“Anything you command, my lord. I shall accomplish it with my life.”

Airen’s loyalty was evident, but Lin responded casually, almost carelessly. Even considering the lord and vassal relationship, this scene was quite unconventional.

“I want you to capture Jeilant Castle. I’ll give you 23,000 soldiers. Can you do it?”

“Jeilant Castle…”

Airen was well aware of the situation surrounding the castle, the only territory of the small nation of Lunarien. Recently, Kalintz had led 8,000 soldiers in a disastrous defeat there, the most humiliating loss for Brans’ army since their emergence.

23,000 soldiers were more than triple the force that had failed previously. Despite rumors of mercenary bands aiding Jeilant, Airen judged the task feasible with such a force.

“What? Don’t like it? If you’re not up for it, just say so.”

“No, my lord.”

Airen quickly bowed.

“I will ensure Brans’ flag flies over Jeilant Castle.”

“Good. That’s all then. Oh, wait. I can’t give you much in terms of supplies. We’re stretched thin on multiple fronts. I think we can only manage about a week’s worth, but you can handle it, right?”

Lin smiled, but the condition was absurd. A week’s supplies for an army embarking on a siege? Given the higher difficulty of siege versus defense, it was an unreasonable demand. Yet Airen, without protest, confidently accepted.

“Yes, my lord. I will capture the castle as swiftly as possible. Do not worry.”

Lin didn’t hide her displeasure with Airen, despite the latter’s perfect loyalty. Sometimes, people just don’t click, and Lin simply didn’t like Airen, without any plausible reason.

“Okay, go. Wait for the victory news.”

After Airen left, Lin pondered. Despite disliking Airen, her skills were undeniable.

‘Suck it up. It’s for victory, right?’

She had no choice but to rely on Airen, particularly with limited supplies. This wasn’t a personal whim but a necessity. Already, two mercenary bands had joined Lunarien, necessitating a significant force. Supply issues weren’t an excuse but a harsh reality.

‘Reason. Just reason. For the greater good.’

Unsatisfied, Lin once again strategized for the siege of Jeilant Castle.

* * *

Despite the addition of two mercenary bands, they weren’t truly Lunarien soldiers. They remained loyal to their leaders, not Lunarien. Considering their volatile allegiance, it was imperative to bolster our own forces.

“Conscription, you say?”

“Yes. Assign both Kein and Tifa to recruitment duties.”

Lunarien pondered my suggestion in the privacy of her quarters.

“But the shadow of the typhoon still troubles our people. Is it wise?”

Conscription meant drafting young men, which would deplete the workforce rebuilding the town.

Delay was no longer an option. We couldn’t always rely on luck.

“The recent relief efforts have boosted public morale. Missing this opportunity may mean never being able to raise an army. Despite the mercenary bands, we only have 3,000 soldiers. Our territory remains vulnerable. Please decide.”

After deep thought, Lunarien agreed.

“If you insist, Swen… We’ll conscript this month.”

Good. There wasn’t much else for Kein and Tifa to do. Lunarien always sought my advice, and I’d have noticed any other pressing tasks, thanks to my intelligence of 100.

Then, a soldier rushed in.

“Lord! Urgent news!”

Lunarien responded calmly, noting the red cloth tied around the soldier’s arm – a messenger.

The game ‘Garland Eternity Saga’ started invasions after a year, turning it into a defense game for small nations. Now, in this reality where time restrictions didn’t apply, the fate of small nations to play a ‘defense game’ seemed unavoidable.

“Brans’ army… 23,000 strong… is marching towards Jeilant Castle!”


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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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