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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 130

Perhaps I...

Episode 130: Perhaps I…


Everything started with that prediction.

“Is it right to station the troops gathered from the places where conscription is easiest?”


My intelligence was 100. However, there was never an incident where I suddenly became incredibly smart or showed a clear superiority in strategy/tactics.

What I could do was know the outcome.

And it was always the correct outcome.

This time too, I simply knew that stationing the troops at Serpina’s army was the most efficient conclusion.

Why stationing troops at Amir Castle was efficient, I couldn’t tell.

What I chose to do was work backwards.

If a conclusion is reached, inevitably calculating the situation that must lead to that conclusion.

So far, I think it has more or less worked out well.

Thus, I formed a hypothesis of my own.

It was that “Aishers army would attack by coming up the river from Zeta Castle.”

The reason for such a hypothesis was that, at least in my mind, there was no other possibility.

Coming up against the river? I knew it was reckless.

Would there be nothing for Aishers army to gain by doing so? Of course, I thought so too.

Yet, why did I insist on it? Because I had my own reasons.

Before coming here, I was part of Aishers army.

Aishers army, as I had observed up close, was not always a group that acted rationally.

For instance, I was certain that Jinor would never suggest ‘attacking up the river’. However, Anima was different.

The core members of Aishers army, including Anima, regarded Serpina as an enemy, and therefore, it seemed plausible they might launch such an invasion for internal cohesion, even if it was somewhat reckless.

After all, they are the people who abandoned me. Would it not be unsurprising if they made such a decision?

A strong conviction from my experience of being ultimately abandoned by Yuri.

With that conviction, and the [Yes] prediction that is always correct, I was confident.


As time passed, the surroundings of Amir Castle remained peaceful.

Even when scouts were dispatched around the river regularly, time passed peacefully without any ships being spotted.

“…What’s going on?”

By this point, I couldn’t help but feel anxious.

Is this the first time my otherwise accurate speculation has missed?

No, on second thought, it’s not the first miss.

There was that time when I was certain lightning would strike, and instead, a meteorite fell.

Sure, as a human, I thought there might come a time when I’d be completely wrong.

So far, I had managed to navigate through with knowledge accumulated from playing games-

But just like when Tifa found a treasure chest filled with gold coins in Jelant Castle, there are results that simply cannot be predicted unless it’s after the fact.

“Looking back now, I can only think that I strung together plausible sentences to gloss over the situation.”

And now, being called by Serpina and asked such a question.

I had no choice but to admit that my hypothesis was completely wrong.

“Aishers army wasn’t coming.”

Enough time had passed. If they were going to invade, they would have done so long ago.

If more time was needed, it would mean ‘the most efficient method’ would be far off.

However, if that’s the case.

“Why is stationing troops there considered the most efficient method?”

Whether Aishers army was coming or not, that was a secondary issue.

Since my brain predicted [Yes], it had to be correct.

Stationing troops there was the right decision.

So, perhaps it’s best to bluff my way through this.

Like in the negotiations with Lynn, it will eventually be revealed that I was correct.

I diligently organized the most plausible words in my mind.

Facing Serpina von Aingart, perhaps this would be the hardest battle yet… But behind me lies the absolutely correct conclusion.

I slowly raised my metaphorical brush.

“My lord. The first thing I want to say is-”


Rather, I tried to raise it.

“My lord, General Zephyr has arrived. He says he has an urgent matter that must be reported immediately.”

Behind me, the sound of a soldier’s footsteps approached, and suddenly a certain general appeared.

His name was Zephyr. I seemed to remember seeing him, but it wasn’t clear, suggesting he was just another general.

The real issue was-

From that moment on, the situation began to turn peculiarly.

“This… this was discovered…!”

I glanced at what he was holding.

It was a trophy with some emblem engraved on it.

It looked similar to Serpina’s army’s, but there was a subtle difference.

And then.

Seeing that, an expression of shock gradually spread across Serpina’s face.

Facing Serpina after that, it was the first time since our initial private meeting that she was so agitated.

A few days later-

It was revealed that the emblem belonged to Serpina’s deceased second brother, Sidmid.

It was inevitable. Several of Serpina’s generals began to be arrested one after another.

The most troublesome part was how the emblem was found.

A soldier had accidentally taken it from a place he stumbled upon.

So, when the word came out that finding it was sheer luck-

—I subtly realized it was not mere luck.

If troops hadn’t been stationed at Amir Castle, there wouldn’t have been patrols for using surplus troops either.

Though details were unknown, rumors suggested that if the rebellion had succeeded, it would have been very troublesome for Serpina, given some of the arrested armed men were quite significant.

Following that context- I finally understood why an intelligence of 100 predicted stationing troops at Amir Castle was the most efficient method.

“So… after stationing the troops and forming a guard, there wasn’t much to do, so they were sent on patrols of the territory… And during that process, by an incredibly slim chance, one of the soldiers found the hideout of those plotting rebellion? So, conscripting then stationing the troops was the most efficient method?”

After finishing my thoughts, I let out a chuckle.

Not because I intended to laugh, but it was just so naturally humorous.

“…How could I have possibly known?!”

There’s a limit to back-calculating.

How could anyone predict this?

To summarize:

[Troops increased at Amir Castle -> Defense troops used but no combat occurs -> To avoid idleness, troops are sent on patrols for general security -> Coincidentally, one of the soldiers discovers a rebel hideout -> The soldier accidentally takes an item from the house -> The item was an emblem -> Based on the physical evidence, the rebels are apprehended early -> As Serpina’s forces catch the rebels, it’s the most efficient method]

But what I could know was this:

[Troops increased at Amir Castle -> ??? -> Anyway, it’s the most efficient]

Just two propositions!

And with only these to draw the above conclusion?

I assure you, it would have been impossible for anyone else as well.

There’s a limit to guessing, but how could someone guess this?


Wouldn’t it be nice if you could be a bit more detailed and not just say yes or no?

Though occasionally it would be slightly more detailed… never once did it answer the question of ‘why’.

Anyway, after the plotters were executed-

After some time

passed, I was summoned by Serpina again.

The first thing I pondered upon being summoned was how to package this situation in a favorable light.

After all, since my words had proven correct, her perception of me must have changed somewhat.

I had prepared my responses, thinking I could somewhat predict her inquiries, but fortunately or unfortunately, she began to lay out her thoughts before I could speak.


“Yes. Speak, my lord.”

“Did you… know everything that would happen?”


No. How could I, not being a seer, know any of this?

“You knew too, Swen. Among the rebels caught this time, there was that woman… Shika.”


I nearly showed my surprise but managed to suppress it just in time.

This was news to me.

Wait, hold on. So… she thinks I purposefully spoke in riddles?

“That’s why you used somewhat unclear reasoning. ‘We need to prepare for Aishers army coming up the river,’ you said. Looking back, that was the only choice that could lead to that conclusion… right? There’s no need to station troops there in case of a revolt in the neighboring villages or a possible uprising in nearby castles…!”

Serpina, more animated than I’d ever seen her, continued her enthusiastic questioning.

In that moment, all I could think about was how varied her expressions could be.

“But Swen, you couldn’t possibly say everything directly! With a traitor among us, and without concrete evidence, I wouldn’t have listened! So… you used your experience with Aishers army to craft that hypothesis. A very plausible hypothesis to convince me!”


While I was passively standing by, the situation had unfolded terrifyingly in my favor.

Is this… the real power of intelligence 100…?

“That’s what… was invisible.”

Ah, right.

I did say something along those lines.

I had a vague confidence that glossing over the situation with plausible words would pay off later since my prediction would eventually be right.

But the current situation… went beyond mere gilding.

To her now, I must appear as a diamond, not just because…

Her golden eyes wouldn’t blaze with such intensity otherwise.

“You knew… everything…! And, to somehow let me know, you gave desperate advice… Is that not so, Swen…?”

What should I say?

It’s probably best to affirm, for now.

Fundamentally, gaining the monarch’s trust was essential for my position.

I had felt this keenly in the Brans and Aishers armies.

If this was some sort of opportunity for me…

I slowly bowed my head in as graceful a manner as I could muster.

Then, mentally conditioning myself to be ‘a loyal servant to Serpina’, I responded with the most heartfelt tone I could find.

“It was fraught with danger, but it was your decision to heed my words, my lord. I am merely grateful that I could be of assistance.”


This should be enough to earn her trust, right?

To safely return to the Lunarien army eventually, I needed to be trusted for now.

Honestly, I didn’t think so, but she was known as a tyrant.

Even in the game, Serpina often showed herself to be merciless. Wasn’t she the one who had me executed in the first place?

So, I couldn’t afford to seem too incompetent. Earning just the right amount of trust was my strategy to safely leave this place when the time came.

Her response was predictable.

Probably something along the lines of, “Impressive, Swen. I am astounded by your insight. I hope you will continue to utilize your talents for me,” to wrap things up.

Being overly dramatic didn’t fit the Serpina I had observed.

…Or so I thought.


That was until I saw Serpina’s face, enraptured.


“Swen, truly… you are an intriguing man… For the first time since my birth, I feel thrilled. Do you sense it? To you as well… this feeling in my heart…!”

She looked as if she couldn’t contain herself, as if she had found something too precious, experiencing a thrill that radiated through her entire being, gazing at me like I was a fan who had just met their idol.


That’s not quite right, is it??

Of course, my unattainable outcry naturally went unheard.

Shouldn’t a monarch say something like, ‘Hmm, is that so?’ and maintain their composure in such a situation?

Given her surprising reaction to a single successful prediction… perhaps, the situation was less stable than I had imagined.

Serpina then rose from her throne and began to approach me.

She aligned our eyes, lifting my chin.

…It smelled of yuzu.

A scent I had encountered a few times before… but this time, it was overly intense, a deeply personal fragrance.

Not just the scent of yuzu… this was Serpina’s body scent.

A deep and intimate aspect of Serpina as a person…

Targeted me precisely.

“Become mine, Swen.”


A chill raced up my spine to the top of my head.

My nervous cells furiously warned me.

This woman… will consume me…

“Your body, your heart… serve me. If not…!”

She spoke, then…

Pressed her beautiful face close to mine.

…She’s beautiful.

Foolishly, that was the first thought that crossed my mind, captivated by her overwhelming beauty.

Her golden eyes, her pale skin, her ragged breaths, her large chest inevitably brushing against me as she drew near, and the sweet scent of yuzu tying it all together…

—will destroy you.

In that moment, as Serpina loomed so close, issuing a one-sided decree, I realized a crystal-clear truth, without needing any predictions.

Perhaps I… have stepped into a situation far more complicated than I ever imagined.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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not work with dark mode