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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 17

Zeeland Defense(4)

“What do you mean…?”

Lynn looked at Sven with a stunned expression. He was suggesting that instead of us paying them gold, they would take gold from us?

“Hey. What did you just say?”

Lynn’s voice was low but firm. However, Sven, undaunted and maintaining his confident demeanor, replied.

“I said if you give us 3,000 gold, we will agree to a truce and promise not to pursue the retreating Brans army.”

“You… Do you realize who you’re trying to con here?”

At her words, Sven bowed his head and then spoke.

“Con? That is not it, Lynn. I am here solely for diplomacy.”

“Then why are you asking me for money?!”

Lynn raised her voice, losing her composure. Her shout could likely be heard outside the audience chamber, potentially causing unrest among her waiting generals, but in the current situation, Lynn couldn’t afford to care about such things.

“Didn’t I explain? You refused our initial offer of a truce for 1,300 gold. Didn’t I ask you repeatedly? And now, the situation has changed. Until a moment ago, it might have been more beneficial for us, but now, doesn’t the Brans army gain much more from a truce? So, naturally, it’s only logical that we receive compensation.”

“You’re being ridiculous. Even without bringing the Jeilant invasion force back, we have enough soldiers to fend off 55,000.”

“Do you? Well, that’s good to hear… though it doesn’t quite seem that way.”


Lynn scoffed, knowing his words were bluster, but feeling like she had no choice but to play along in her current state of mind. After all, rationally, his words made sense – the truce had ironically become more favorable for the Brans army. Retreating soldiers inevitably have lower combat effectiveness than those prepared for battle, and for the Brans army, which needs to preserve as much manpower as possible, the presence or absence of pursuing forces could make a significant difference.

And this man… since the beginning, he’s acted as if he knew all this would happen. As if he was certain of Serpina’s invasion – no, as if he had been sure of it all along. Without bluster in front of such a man, her pride as a sovereign who had been outmaneuvered by an envoy from a minor country would be damaged.

“What will you do if I refuse the truce?”

“I can’t do much as a humble man. It will just be like before. A lost opportunity, nothing more.”

At that moment, Lynn Brans grabbed the ornamental sword next to the throne and walked toward where Sven was kneeling, each step echoing in the chamber.

Then, with a swish, she drew the sword from its scabbard. The blade, despite being ornamental, was sharp and real. She positioned it right next to Sven’s neck.


Sven said nothing, just looked up at Lynn. His expression showed no fear or panic, an almost transcendental calmness that made Lynn feel a sense of dread.

‘What is this man…?!’

Lynn bit her lower lip again and let out her frustration.

“Hey. You seem to be misunderstanding something, but fine, I’ll admit it. Capturing or killing envoys sent for diplomacy is something only tyrants like those in Serpina would do. And if word got out that I beheaded a diplomat, I wouldn’t be able to conduct diplomacy with any lord. I’d be seen as a bloodthirsty scum. Even my subordinates would be disappointed in me. Some of the more honorable ones might even leave my service.”

Lynn pressed the blade a bit deeper.

“But you know what? I have little patience. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I don’t care. I could just kill you right here, regardless of a truce or anything else. I can deal with the aftermath later. Sure, it’ll be a big hassle, but it’s manageable. But you, you’ll lose your life. Do you get it? This is the difference between you and me.”

Her voice was cold and full of genuine intent. She put more pressure on the sword in her hand.

“Keep talking if you’re not afraid to lose your life. I can kill a few more envoys from minor countries like yours. Reputation? Who cares, right?”

Lynn pushed the sword a bit closer to his neck. Just a slight touch would be enough to wound him.

She had pushed him this far.
By now, he should have backed down, but –

Sven, without showing any signs of fear, calmly looked up at Lynn and spoke.

“Do as you wish.”


“Kill me, if you wish.”

Lynn spoke confidently, but her pupils trembled uncontrollably.

“You’re serious?”

“What can I do? If Lord Lynn is the kind of person who would kill an envoy just because they are a bit angry right now, it’s obvious to anyone that they wouldn’t agree to a reasonable ceasefire. What more can I do? However.”

Sven began to explain in a steady, soft voice, as if hammering his words into her ears.

“Killing me, Lord Lynn, would mean losing more than just your reputation among the feudal lords or the loyalty of your subjects. Without a place to immediately withdraw your soldiers, you would naturally lose the Kelshtein Castle. You would face significant difficulties in advancing your frontlines from the North to the Central region, losing a bridgehead-like castle. It will undoubtedly turn your current campaigns in the Central and Southern continents into nothing. Since the North is breached, Serphina’s army will continue to attack.”


“Is that all? With Bran’s army preoccupied with blocking the Northern Serphina forces, do you think they will have time to pay attention to the Southern lords or others? From that moment, Bran’s army will become a breakwater blocking the Serphina forces from the North, which is a welcome development for the Eishers army that had been hindered by Bran’s army. The only significant threat they faced was now protecting their nation from a greater danger, wasn’t it?”

‘This man… what is he saying…?’

Lynn was shocked. Why does a man from a minor country know so much about the continent’s political situation?

“Probably all the lords in the South will unanimously praise you, Lord Lynn. While you block the Serphina army, they will grow and establish their own order. Aren’t you curious how different Bran’s army’s status will be at that moment, when they are solely busy fending off the grand offensive of the Serphina army?”

“That… is.”

“Lord Lynn, it’s fine if you kill me. Although a ceasefire won’t be achieved, our 20,000 soldiers will pursue Bran’s army withdrawing to defend Kelshtein Castle. Known for their bravery, the Raven and Chilean mercenary groups will inevitably leave vulnerabilities while retreating, and we will follow them to the end, killing as many as possible. Our Lord Lunarien shares my thoughts.”

Sven looked into Lynn’s trembling eyes and said,

Although Lynn was the one pointing the sword and in a dominant position in this situation, it was Sven who was leading the conversation.

“Of course, that doesn’t mean our army will gain anything, nor will we be able to kill all 20,000. We might even suffer more losses. But from our perspective as a minor nation, it’s just a loss of soldiers. But what about Bran’s army? If they lose significant forces in the pursuit and fail to defend against the enemy at the right time? What if Kelshtein Castle falls before the troops stationed at other borders can arrive?”


Lynn’s eyes widened in shock. At this point, she didn’t feel any semblance of a ruler’s dignity. She was engulfed in an emotion she had never experienced before.

It was fear. The primal fear of not being able to outtalk this man, no matter what she did!

“…Lord Lynn. You said it yourself, didn’t you? I might lose my life, but it could be managed. However, that’s only half right.”

Sven slowly said,

“With a threatening tone, as if he was about to devour Lynn.”

“I might lose my life, sure. But Lord Lynn, in exchange for my life… you will lose the world.”


“The life of an envoy from a minor country is worthless compared to the world Bran’s army might conquer in the future. Don’t you think so?”

Sven slightly smiled as he spoke.

“Will you lose the world to maintain your pride, or will you set aside your pride to seize the opportunity to conquer the world? The choice of which path to take as a ruler, Lord Lynn, is all up to you.”

Lynn froze on the spot, as if time itself had stopped.

Will she take this man’s life and lose the world?
Or will she quickly agree to a ceasefire and plan for the future?

Lynn Bran, who had proven her capabilities and reached the top of Bran’s army, had an obvious choice.


Lynn threw away the sword she had been holding irritably. Her face reddened, and tears welled up in her eyes, which she desperately held back.

Then, looking at the still unmoving Sven, she opened her mouth with a trembling voice.

“What’s your name?”


“Right, Sven. Sven…”

She repeated the name ‘Sven’ several times.

“Then she said in a slightly calmer tone.”

“I will never forget you, Sven.”


She shouted to a guard standing behind her, trying to keep

his expression.

“Hey, you!”

“Yes, yes!”

“Prepare 3,000 gold. Right now.”

“3,000 gold… are you sure?”

Lynn snapped at the questioning soldier.

“What are you doing? Hurry up and prepare it!”

“Alright, I will!”


Lynn sighed deeply, swallowing the tears that threatened to spill.

Then, she slowly turned her head and looked straight into Sven’s eyes.

“…I’ll have it ready outside the castle.”

Finally, Sven nodded slowly and rose from his seat.

“On behalf of our Lord Lunarien, I thank you for your wise decision, Lord Lynn. As promised, we will not touch a hair on Bran’s army as they retreat. Farewell.”

After he slowly left the audience hall,
Lynn trudged back to her throne and collapsed.

‘Sven… Sven. Sven…’

A name she had never heard before.
At least until today, it had never appeared in the annals of history.

That a man, a mere envoy from a minor nation,
Had completely outmaneuvered her, the ruler of Bran’s army.

‘In Lunarien’s army… there was such a man?’

Lynn’s mind began to piece together the puzzle.
The recent surprise attack by the mercenaries.
She was sure that this man, Sven, was behind Lunarien’s recent actions. And somehow, he knew about Serphina’s army planning to invade Bran’s army.

It made sense of his consistently confident demeanor.

Though Lynn didn’t know how Lunarien had discovered such a man,
In a way, it was fortunate.
That such a man was merely serving under Lunarien Iniange.


The way Bran’s army had risen in the Central Continent.
It was by absorbing the surrounding minor nations, but also by prioritizing and acquiring exceptional talents from those nations to prevent others from taking them.

Gurupa from the recent Walnut army was one of the top targets.
Although she couldn’t get Gurupa, she instinctively knew.
Compared to this man named Sven, Gurupa was nothing more than a mere commoner.

Lynn recalled Sven’s clear, confident eyes, even as a sword was at his throat.
His handsome face held a certainty.
Though she had been overwhelmed by surprise and fear at the time,
On reflection, she found him incredibly desirable.
She wanted to paint that face with her colors.

‘Sven. I wonder what expression you’ll make when you come under me… Hehe…♡’

The conquest of Jeilant Castle can wait.
First, she needed to secure Kelshtein Castle and stabilize other regions, then move on to Jeilant Castle… No.

What she really wanted wasn’t a piece of land like Jeilant Castle.
What Lynn truly desired was the man named Sven.

‘I’ll make you submit to me like a dog, Sven…♡’

Her face flushed again.
But this time, it was a different meaning.
Not anger or hatred, but a more primal and sticky emotion.
The desire to dominate over someone who had bested her.

It was an obsession.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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