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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 23

Episode 23. If You Trust Me (2)

“Of course, as you mentioned, it is indeed a risky method.”

When a good opportunity arises, it must be seized.

That has been my method of survival, as all I can rely on are predictions.

“But it’s okay. The likelihood of me not dying is very high.”

Even though a future where I don’t die is 100% certain, I deliberately chose the word ‘likelihood’ to not give away too much. It would resonate more with Cain, showing how far from my mind betrayal is.

“Lynn is after me as a person. She will likely spare my life. But without me, Lynn, failing to achieve what she wants, will use her overwhelming forces to thoroughly search for us. We won’t last long. Moreover, if Lunarien falls into Lynn’s hands, she will surely die. Lynn has a habit of not forgiving those who competed with her for the world, even if they were monarchs of minor countries.”

I looked Cain in the eyes as I spoke.

I could feel the momentum shifting towards me.

“As Sir Cain said, raising a new army is indeed a difficult task. It could take years. But, if you die, that’s the end. Everything ends. However, as long as you’re alive, anything is possible. As long as we can breathe, even if it takes time. As long as our leader, Lady Lunarien, lives, we can do anything. At this moment, when Lunarien Kingdom is in dire straits, the best way to keep the flame burning without extinguishing it is to flee.”


After hearing my words, Cain let out a short sigh, then smiled faintly.

“You’re truly putting your life on the line.”

Well, technically, I’m betting on a brain with an intelligence of 100, which is a safe asset.

“I understand. I’ll trust you this time.”

“You won’t regret it.”

A method to save Lunarien, Cain, Tifa, and both mercenary groups.

Remaining alone in the deserted castle, surrendering to Lynn Brans.

This must indeed be the best course of action.

I turned to the leaders and said,

“Gustav and Aaron, please take your mercenary groups and leave the central region for a while. When Lunarien Kingdom reemerges, you can rejoin us.”


“Well, it’s not a difficult task, but…”

“And as I mentioned earlier, we will divide Lunarien Kingdom’s troops in half and allocate them to each of your mercenary forces. Please take them all.”

Hearing this, the two leaders were visibly surprised.

“Swen… Are you serious about this?”



Gustav slowly nodded, then spoke,

“We are a mercenary group. We take on assignments without belonging to any country. And as long as Lunarien Kingdom does not exist on the continent, we could potentially work for other countries with these troops.”

“That’s fine. Lunarien Kingdom will reappear on the stage of history. Just help us out when that time comes.”

“Such confidence. Swen, you are truly a remarkable person.”

Hearing Gustav’s words, Aaron nodded and added,

“Understood. We will leave this place for now. The soldiers will be treated the same as our existing mercenaries.”

“That is appreciated.”

I turned to Tifa and Cain,

“Tifa, please help Gustav and allocate the soldiers to the Raven Mercenary Group. Cain, assist Aaron with allocating soldiers to the Chilean Mercenary Group. The enemy forces will soon invade, so please move as quickly as possible.”


“Ah, is there really no other way?”

As the four of them left,

I also gave instructions to Luna, who remained in the castle alone.

“My lord. Please gather as many troops as possible without hindering the escape and prepare to flee. Take Tifa and Cain with you, and plan for the future. This will give our army a new opportunity.”


Luna couldn’t respond, just hung her head.

“My lord?”

After calling her again,

She finally looked up at me with an expression fragile as glass, ready to shatter at the slightest touch.



“Do you… have to risk your life? Can’t you come with us?”


If going with them was the right decision, I would have.

But, my “intelligence 100” brain asserts that I must leave Lunarien Kingdom.

For the future, at this moment, I cannot be with them.

“Yes. Lynn Brans’s goal is not the destruction of Jelant Castle or Lunarien Kingdom. It’s me.”


“As I mentioned, it seems she wants to recruit me under Brans army.”

Hearing this, Luna’s voice trembled as she barely squeezed out her words,

“But… I, I can’t.”

Slowly, Luna raised her trembling hand and firmly grasped my sleeve.

It was then I realized. She was crying.

“I can’t… leave you, Swen. I can’t push you into danger and run away by myself.”

“It’s not dangerous. I will surely survive. And I will definitely return to your side.”

“But, but… even so, for the future, to use you as a sacrifice…!”


Perhaps, I was moved.

Had I developed affection for this woman during our time together?

I placed my hand firmly on her shoulder, grasping the fabric of my clothes.

A soft thud filled the empty castle.

And I shouted at her.

“Lunarien Inieng!!!”


She looked up at me, startled.

Her ruby-colored eyes were shaking like a lost puppy.

“……Didn’t you say you would bring peace to the world? That you yourself would unify the continent, not someone else, on the day you appointed me?”

“That… is.”

“Do you remember saying you would place your utmost trust in me? Was it all a lie?”

“……No, I… just…”

I spoke to her sincerely,

“I’m not trying to become a sacrifice. As your servant, I’ve chosen the best path. I will survive. And we will surely meet again.”

And then, looking into her eyes,

I made a promise that was bound to be fulfilled someday.

“Lunarien. If you trust me, in return, I will place the world in your hands.”


Her pupils shrank in shock at my words.

This was no lie.

This decision would accelerate her unification of the continent.

“So… for the future, please flee. I will handle Brans army.”


Drop by drop,

Tears began to flow from her eyes again.

And then… she silently embraced me.

I naturally hugged her back.

Allowing her to calm down and regain her composure, I comforted her as best I could.

“It’s okay, Lady Lunarien. Trust me. I will surely come to find you again.”

“……I will.”

She slowly stepped back from me-

Wiped her tears, and with trembling lips, she spoke.

“……You must return, no matter what.”

“I promise. I will return to your side.”

This was also no lie.

As long as Lunarien is to unify the continent, being by her side was the correct answer.


I called out to Luna as she began to run away


“My lord! Stay healthy! And when the opportunity comes, do not let it slip away! I will surely return to your side!”

She paused for a moment, looked back at my face-

Then turned her head away again and quickly left the castle.


Thinking back-

Was Luna perhaps the only monarch who would trust me just on my word?

Without asking for any further explanation, just hearing a single sentence…

Now that thought crossed my mind.

Even if I had said, “If I’m wrong, behead me,” and she responded, “I doubt your neck is worth that much,” it would have been over.

No matter how weak the country or lacking in talent… trust was something a monarch could decide entirely on their own.

In fact, the reason I could confidently push my opinions was because she, the monarch, trusted me unconditionally.

Even advice from someone with an intelligence of 100 is meaningless if the monarch doesn’t listen.

With that realization, I found tears welling up in my eyes.

I roughly wiped them away with my sleeve.

“This isn’t the time to be sentimental.”

I had tasks to complete.

I stepped forward to fulfill my last duty as Lunarien Kingdom’s strategist.

* * *

Luna, having rushed out of the castle, quickly made her way to the barracks where the soldiers were gathered.

Even as she ran… she continued to shed tears.

“Swen… Swen.”

Swen had spoken with certainty. Lynn Brans would spare his life.

But- Luna had heard those words.

The sincere conversation with Cain.

The likelihood of survival being “very high.”

Always confident in his opinions, it was the first time he had used such a vague term as “very high.”

High likelihood doesn’t mean 100%. It implies a very low chance- a situation where he could end up dead.

So, Swen is now…

Potentially sacrificing himself for Lunarien Kingdom.

“I’m sorry, Swen. It’s because I’m… I’m a powerless monarch. Unable to do anything in this situation, such an incompetent leader…”

The only person who came to this weak country that no one else would join, despite numerous recruitment attempts.

Luna herself had used the sudden wealth for the people’s welfare, supporting her actions instead of opposing them, understanding her decisions to not maximally conscript, considering the well-being of the territory’s people.

If I had been a bit more ruthless as a leader.

If I had invested all the gold in urban development and conscripted as many soldiers as possible.

Then maybe, just maybe, it wouldn’t have been necessary to sacrifice Swen.

Of course, she knew that nothing would have changed.

The enemy was an overwhelming force of over 80,000.

From the moment Lynn set her sights on them, the weak country was doomed to destruction.


As she repeatedly murmured Swen’s name, she realized.

Regretting not being harsh enough in the past and continuously murmuring apologies he couldn’t hear wouldn’t solve anything.

If she truly cared for him, who was sacrificing everything for their army- now was the time to fully trust his words, believing this situation was our best option.

Swen had said.

If you trust me, I will place the world in your hands.

He also said not to miss the opportunity. He would survive and return to her side.

“……I, I’ll trust you. I’ll trust you, Swen, and somehow survive. Even if it’s a heartless decision, I won’t miss any opportunity that comes our way. Everything that happened today, and every word you said to me… I’ll remember everything and live on. Swen.”

Luna thought.

If the qualification to unify this continent exists in the form of a person- it’s undoubtedly the man named Swen.

“So, please, we must meet again, Swen. If you can’t come to find me, I’ll do whatever it takes to find you… Please…”

In a corner of the leader’s heart- the woman named Lunarien Inieng,

A piece that could never be removed was firmly embedded deep within her.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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