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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 23

Episode 24. Lunarien Kingdom, Vanishing from the World


In front of Jelant Castle’s gate.

Gustav, the leader of the Raven Mercenary Group, and Aaron, the leader of the Chilean Mercenary Group, were saying their final goodbyes to Lunarien.

“Please take good care of our soldiers.”

Lunarien’s request was met with Gustav bowing his head.

“You don’t have to use formal language with us.”

“For now, I’m no longer a lord anyway.”

Hearing this, Gustav’s expression turned bittersweet, but then he spoke with a serious tone.

“When Lunarien reappears on the stage of history, we will definitely come to assist.”

“Please stay healthy until that moment.”

Aaron also bowed, showing his respect.


“We’ll see you again, Lunarien.”

With that, the two leaders departed with their forces.

The mercenary groups had been augmented with about 70% of Lunarien Kingdom’s original troops, split between them.

Those among the soldiers who wished to retire were allowed to live as civilians of the territory, while the rest, who wanted to continue their lives as soldiers, would probably adapt well to their new mercenary groups.

About 3,000 soldiers remained.

It was the number Lunarien would take with her to the south, considering food and travel speed among other factors; taking more would exponentially slow them down.

As she saw off the leaders, Lunarien thought.

Having trained under Tifa, the soldiers could perform their roles adequately—

For some reason, Swen’s voice, advising her while watching the training soldiers, came to her mind.


If you trust me, I will place the world in your hands.

Could I really re-establish a nation?

Survive… and settle anew in a different land?

She closed her eyes briefly, deciding not to harbor such doubts any longer.

I can do it.

I will trust Swen’s words unconditionally.

Because Swen said so, I can do it.

“My lord. The departure preparations are complete.”


Lunarien was brought back to reality by Cain’s urging voice.

The same number of troops as before meeting Swen—was it a coincidence?


Tifa, scratching her head, spoke up.

“Man, this bothers me.”

“What’s the matter?”

At Lunarien’s question, Tifa looked down and then, with a sigh, said,

“Is this really the best? Leaving someone as frail as Swen behind in the castle, is that really the right thing to do? Are we just abandoning him? I hate that kind of thing.”

It seemed Tifa thought this action was a cowardly way to preserve their lives.

Lunarien shook her head and responded.

“No, Tifa. Swen said this was the answer. I trust Swen. No matter what.”

Tifa looked at Lunarien’s expression.

Her red eyes were filled with faith and trust, shining brightly.

“Well, I might be simple-minded and not fully understand what’s being said, but hasn’t everything he said been correct? As you said, we should trust him. If we don’t trust someone who outright asks for it, who will?”

“Right, Tifa. Swen has extraordinary talents. If he says there’s an opportunity, then there will be one.”

Hearing Cain’s words, Tifa nodded.

Their overwhelming trust.

To Lunarien, it was the only way to repay Swen.


Then they must flee as quickly as possible.

That was how to return the faith to the man who promised her the world.

Lunarien mounted her horse, standing firm in front of the 3,000 soldiers, and spoke.

“Listen, everyone!”

At that moment.

All the soldiers’ eyes were fixed solely on Lunarien.

“We are heading south now. We might come under the service of another lord. It’s alright if you choose to leave or stay in the new land we settle in. But.”

Her voice carried a persuasive power.

A charisma that naturally drew people in.

Despite her small stature and somewhat fragile personality… she undeniably had the presence of a ‘leader.’

“If you choose to follow me to the end… I will take responsibility for your lives for as long as I live. I will never abandon you halfway. I promise not to use you as expendable chess pieces. I promise you this!”

A roar of approval burst from the soldiers, a morale booster before the long journey.

“Mount your horses! We will depart immediately!”

And so—

Lunarien, with Tifa, Cain, and 3,000 soldiers in tow, left behind Jelant Castle, her first stronghold.

It was, for the time being, a farewell to her first strategist.

Yet—she had no doubts. He would surely return to her side.

“Swen… We will rise again. We must meet again.”

Thus, Lunarien, the monarch of Lunarien Kingdom, temporarily vanished from the pages of history.


Near the old throne of the monarch, by a pillar in the castle.

I was casually leaning against it.

More accurately, I was tied to the pillar beside the throne, hands bound.

It was necessary to appear as if I had been abandoned by Lunarien.

After all, joining Brans’s forces without any troops or gold, with the castle in this state, would provide a good excuse for defection.

And the soldier who tied me up, after listening to my last instructions, stood before me, kneeling on one knee to report.

To an outsider, it must look quite odd, making me smirk unintentionally.

“Swen. As you ordered, a white flag has been raised over the castle.”

A white flag signaled surrender.

Placed in a highly visible location, it should deter unnecessary attacks.

Such actions would surely lose the hearts of the civilians.

“Good work.”

“And here…”

The soldier handed me a neatly folded flag.

Unfolding it revealed the bright lime flag of Lunarien Kingdom.

It seems he had taken it down before raising the white flag.

“What should we do with this?”


For a moment, I considered keeping it.

But a general surrendering with the defeated nation’s flag?

That wouldn’t leave a good impression on the new ruler.

“Just dispose of it properly.”

After all, for the time being, the flag held no significant meaning.

“If it’s okay, I’d like to keep it.”

The soldier carefully packed away the old flag.

“Is there anything else you need?”

“No, that’s all. You’re free now, so move as you see fit. Thank you for your service to our army.”

“It was my duty.”

I scrutinized the soldier’s face.

Seeing him up close, I realized something obvious.

This soldier, always rushing to the monarch at the first sign of war, was our army’s messenger.

Seeing him in person, the reality that messengers were living people, not just a system, hit me.

I asked him.

“Did you decide not to follow Lunarien and the mercenary groups?”

“Yes, this is my home. My parents and grandparents are buried here, and my family is here. It would be too burdensome to wander with them.”

“Will you stay here then?”

“Yes, but without the armor.”

The former messenger laughed.

“Wearing this would mean working for Brans

, wouldn’t it? So, I plan to return to farming. If they try to conscript me again, I might just cut off a finger or something.”

“I’d prefer you didn’t.”

“Just joking. Ha ha.”

Removing his helmet, the soldier continued.

“I might be uneducated, never having attended an academy, but I have no doubt that a monarch like Lunarien should unite this world. She didn’t hesitate to use a fortune for the welfare of her people and didn’t forcefully conscript like other leaders.”


“I trust in the decisions of Lunarien, Swen, and our generals. I’m sure Lunarien will raise an army again. Until then, I’ll live my life doing what I can.”

I looked into the soldier’s eyes.

They were incredibly clear.

He was an extra. Not a notable talent, nor even a C-rank general. Just a digit in the conscription count.

Yet now, this existence was profoundly shaking my heart.

The soldier stood up, bowed deeply at a 90-degree angle towards me, and said,

“So, stay healthy until then, Swen. I’ll wait for the day we can serve Lunarien again. Goodbye.”


I stopped the departing soldier.

“Could I know your name?”

“Mine? I’m James. Just a commoner, so no surname.”

A name that could shatter the immersion, yet so common among extras.

Yet, this soldier—James—was shining brightly in his universe.

“Please survive, James.”

Hearing me, James smiled, then left the castle.

Now, I was the only one left in the castle, without a single soldier guarding it, entirely alone.

Lunarien Inieng.

Just another monarch among the central region’s extras, one of many leaders without presence, not even a meme among players for hardcore play, just one in the list of leaders ABC.

Yet, there were those who wished for her to seize the world.

And my predictions still insisted, “She will become the unifier.”

I recalled her face.

The ruby eyes shining when we danced…

“We will meet again.”

Now, my priority was to survive in these tumultuous times without drawing too much ire.

After all, to return to my original world, I had to be under Lunarien, the unifier.

Until that day, whatever may happen—I will avoid a fate of dying caught in the currents of history. Definitely.

My intelligence of 100 will guide me like a compass.

It was time to wait.

Ready or not, I had to move forward.

To greet the new master.


Leading the vast force of 81,000 was the monarch herself, Lynn Brans.

It was rare for her to personally lead the troops. It wasn’t considered wise for a leader, unless they were a battle-oriented monarch.

But she couldn’t wait any longer.

About to capture a ‘delicious prey,’ sitting still in Anel Castle was unbearable.

Leading the vanguard were Chel and Airen.

Originally, only Chel was to be appointed, but Parfalle, resuming his role as strategist, repeatedly sent messages to Lynn.

“Make good use of General Airen. She will undoubtedly be a great asset. At least place her in the vanguard with Lord Chel. She shouldn’t be stuck guarding the safe walls of Anel Castle.”

Although Parfalle had advised using Airen before—

“I just don’t like her.”

Being good at sieges was one thing, but Brans army wouldn’t crumble without her, would it?

And despite her reputation, she failed to take Jelant Castle.

Well… it’s somewhat leader-like to give someone a second chance despite a failure.

That’s why she called Airen back.

Whether it was the right decision or not—Brans army, with Lynn as its absolute will, didn’t question it.

She was the monarch, after all.


“My lord!”

A soldier rushed towards her from afar.

“What is it?”

Had Lunarien prepared something against such a massive force? Excitedly, she asked, thinking of Swen.

“White flags are hanging on the outskirts of Jelant Castle.”


Lynn knew what white flags meant.


And for Lunarien Kingdom, with only one territory, raising this flag meant—

The end of Lunarien Kingdom.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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