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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 27

Episode 27. Seeking Refuge with Brans’s Forces (2)

I was a bit startled by the unexpected voice of a woman, but a double-check confirmed that this house was indeed located at East Anel No. 32.

I slowly began to speak.

“I have come here under the orders of Lord Lynn.”

No immediate response followed my words, but soon enough, the door opened.

Before me stood a woman in what appeared to be a white nightdress.

Her skin was chillingly pale.

Her hair, a long cascade of red.

Her eyes, a deep violet.

I knew her name.

“Airen Juliet.”

An S-rank warrior with the uncommon specialty of [Siege], earning her the dual titles of “The Knightess” and “Master of Siege Warfare” for her exceptional prowess.

Considering her impressive stats alone, she was undoubtedly an outstanding general, fiercely loyal to her lord Lynn, thus never betraying her, yet…

Ironically, due to her terrible compatibility with Lynn Brans, – almost reaching -100 – when the CPU controls Lynn, Airen’s fate is almost invariably sealed by the very lord she serves so faithfully.

To witness her battle prowess, one had to play as Lynn.

During my time with Lunarien’s forces, when I ventured to Anel Castle as an envoy, it was she who had invaded Jelant Castle.

Lunarien didn’t show it much, but after returning, it wasn’t hard to realize that Jelant Castle would have fallen if we had delayed any further.

Considering that sieges generally require more soldiers than defensive battles, she was indeed Brans’s best card.

Despite her capabilities, her fate was sealed.

Thinking under the premise that “Lynn and Airen are incompatible,” I could deduce why I was sent to live with a woman.

So… Lynn was treating Airen harshly.

Sending a new “male” general to live in her room as if saying, “Take him in. What are you going to do about it?” was far from appropriate for a young female general like her.

Even in a world blended with medieval fantasy, common sense regarding such matters wasn’t vastly different.

Airen blinked her large violet eyes and finally, seeming to grasp the situation, nodded her head without sighing—a remarkable display of self-control.

“So, you’re the new addition…?”

“Yes. My name is Swen. As of today, I serve under Lord Lynn Brans. The lord has commanded me to reside here as your roommate for the time being.”

“I see.”

She responded briefly and then stared at me intently.

Though it felt odd to say thanks in this context, I observed her in return.

The game’s pixel graphics hadn’t done justice to her… the size of her chest was no joke, nearly as large as her face.

While armor might have concealed it somewhat, her casual attire did nothing to hide her feminine figure.

“With such a chest size, battling must’ve been inconvenient, yet she managed to gain widespread fame and the title of Knightess… quite remarkable.”

While marveling at a peculiar aspect, I added,

“However, I didn’t expect the person residing here to be a woman. If it’s inconvenient for you, I’m perfectly fine staying at an inn. Please feel free to let me know.”

I was the one feeling uncomfortable.

Living with a woman I barely knew was as tiresome as it could get.

Yet, she shook her head.

“No, that’s not necessary. If it’s the lord’s command, I will follow. You may come in.”

Feeling reluctant to prolong the situation, I nodded slowly and said,

“Then, I will intrude.”

And so, I began living under the same roof as Airen Juliet.

A big city, a nice house, living with a beautiful woman with a sizable chest.

To an outsider, this might seem like a meteoric rise to fortune.


Airen’s house was remarkably simple.

Despite her stunning appearance, she was born a warrior through and through.

Where an ordinary woman might have placed beautiful furniture, stood two scarecrows scarred with countless sword cuts.

Beside them were some unidentifiable devices likely used for strength training.

There wasn’t even a wardrobe; instead, several suits of armor were casually hung on the wall.

“Feel free to sit down.”

I took a seat at one of the chairs by the table.

She prepared something in the kitchen, then brought it over and sat opposite me.

She served hot tea and light snacks.

It seems everything that should exist in this world does. Of course, that should have been obvious.

“I would have prepared more if I knew you were coming… I apologize for the modest hospitality.”

“No need to apologize. I’m the one who showed up unannounced. But, do you always speak like that?”

“You mean my way of speaking? Yes, I do…”

In the game, since you always play from the lord’s perspective, I didn’t really know how subordinate generals like Airen spoke to their inferiors. It felt like talking to a typical monarch.

Thinking about it, wouldn’t it make more sense for Lynn to speak like Airen, and vice versa?

She looked at me and spoke,

“My name is Airen Juliet. You can call me ‘Miss Airen’ in private. I hope you won’t feel too burdened.”

“How could I dare to address you so informally, Miss Airen? I’m more comfortable this way.”

“Well, as you wish.”

After saying that, she sipped her tea.

“By the way, Swen, I understand you were with Lunarien’s forces until recently, correct?”

“That’s correct.”

“I heard Lunarien abandoned you and fled.”

“Yes. For some reason, she suspected me of colluding with Lynn Brans. No matter how many times I explained, she wouldn’t listen.”


Airen fell silent for a moment, then spoke as if resolved,

“I’m not one to beat around the bush, so I’ll speak plainly. I find it hard to believe your story.”

“Is that so?”

I took a sip of tea, seemingly unfazed, and asked,

“May I know why?”

“The Lunarien I met didn’t seem like someone who would do something so cowardly.”

“But you only saw her once during battle, didn’t you?”

“True. But you can tell by looking into someone’s eyes. She had the eyes of a true leader. She wasn’t intimidated in front of me at all. Even when our swords clashed, I could feel the aura of a strong warrior.”

Airen spoke with conviction.

“That’s why I suspect this might be some kind of scheme. I apologize for saying this to your face.”

“It’s okay. I’ve heard it from the lord herself.”

“Is that so? But why would…”

She trailed off, then abruptly cut herself off,

“No, forget I mentioned it.”

“Regardless, Lunarien has a weak personality, not suited for a ruler. I’m not sure about her eyes, but she’s not as principled as you say. Perhaps there was some circumstance that made her suspicious of a newcomer like me… but it’s no longer important.”

“I see.”

She closed her eyes, took a sip of tea, and then looked at me, nodding slightly,

“Regardless, I apologize for starting off with such matters. I couldn’t help but ask, fearing I might treat you unfairly without knowing. I hope you can forgive my impudence.”

“There’s no need for forgiveness. You are my superior, Miss Airen. We’ll be living together for a while, so it’s better to have this conversation early.”

“Thank you for saying so.”

For the first time, Airen smiled at me.


If Lunarien was the warmth of the sun, Airen was a fragile, pitiful beauty.


Is Airen… destined to remain under Lynn and die by her hand?

“That would be a waste.”

Airen was one of the few S-rank generals. If only she could join our side, it would be a tremendous help.

Of course, her loyalty to her lord was immense, but I couldn’t give up just yet.

I needed to gradually build up her favor towards me.


Airen stood up, pointing towards a corner of the room where a single bed lay.

“It’s late, so you should get some rest. You can use that bed.”

There was only that one bed in the room, and no other doors leading elsewhere.

Meaning—there was nowhere else to sleep but that bed.

“And you, Miss Airen…?”

“I can sleep on the floor. I don’t want to inconvenience the newcomer.”

Under normal circumstances, I would’ve insisted, “No, please, it’s fine,” but having walked from Jelant Castle and followed Brans’s troops, I felt physically drained.

Sleeping on the floor vs. a bed? The choice was clear.

“…Then, I gratefully accept your kindness.”

“Go ahead.”

Airen smiled again and lay down in a suitable spot after turning off the lantern.

Though I felt a bit guilty… my priority was to recover.

Thus, my first night living with her passed.

* * *

“…Swen, are you alright? Swen, Swen! Open your eyes, Swen!”

Consciousness slowly returned to me.

What I recognized… was the voice of Airen, my roommate from yesterday.

I slowly lifted my heavy eyelids.

“…A dream?”

Was it all a dream?

If so, it was a horribly vivid nightmare.

Though I was half-dazed, the sweat on my back felt real.

As my eyes adjusted to the sunlight streaming through the window, I began to take in my surroundings.

After a while…

The scene before me grew clearer.

I let out a sigh.

“Am I still dreaming?” I wondered, exhaling softly.

…Airen was waking me up, dressed only in underwear, her pale skin starkly exposed.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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