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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 28

Episode 28. Seeking Refuge with Brans’s Forces (3)

I slowly rose from my seat, shaking off the grogginess, and spoke.

“It was just a nightmare.”

“Is that so? I’m glad then… You were moaning in such agony, I worried you might have fallen ill.”

Airen sighed deeply, then smiled faintly.

Her manner of speech was still taking some getting used to, but she seemed to be quite a compassionate person.

“Rather, it seems the greater issue has occurred on your end, Airen.”

“What do you mean?”

As she asked with a tilt of her head, I inquired,

“Do you usually walk around the house in your underwear?”


Realizing the implication of my words, her face turned a rapid shade of red. She quickly stepped back three paces, covering her chest and hips with her hands, though not entirely effectively.

“I, it’s that… I was changing into my training clothes when I heard your distressed cries and… just…!”

“Understood, please get dressed. This is awkward for me too.”

“…So, so, sorry… If… if you felt uncomfortable, please forgive me. It wasn’t intentional…!”

“It’s fine.”

I wasn’t particularly offended.

Frankly, her physique was quite admirable.

The size of her chest was noteworthy, not only for its sheer volume but also for its aesthetic appeal. Despite the size, there was a firmness indicative of her diligent training as a knightess.

Her waist revealed well-defined muscles, testament to her battles, and her thighs were robust and sturdy, a solid foundation for her combat prowess.

Atop her striking figure, she wore black lace underwear and garter belts, creating a compelling sight that effectively jolted me awake from my grogginess.

After the initial commotion had settled,

“…Hmm, hmm. I’ve shown you a sight for sore eyes. I apologize once more.”

She reappeared in her training clothes, which, problematically, didn’t seem much different from her earlier attire in terms of exposure. The outfit consisted of a tank top-like shirt and shorts, with her thighs snugly wrapped in something akin to stockings, held by garter belts.

“Is there a difference between this and your underwear?”

“Eh? Of course, there is. This is training wear. What you saw before was… under…wear.”

She blushed with embarrassment.

Was it less embarrassing because it was officially labeled as clothing?

Indeed, in fantasy games like this, even the armor of female knights exposed the midriff, so perhaps it wasn’t so strange.

“What will you do today? Will you continue with your assigned duties?”

“Duties, huh…”

She chuckled bitterly.

“I would if I had any assigned tasks… but the lord hasn’t given me anything specific.”

“Huh, that’s unfortunate.”

Airen was an S-rank general with high combat abilities. She could have brought significant efficiency to training or conscription tasks, or even fortification repairs.

Of course, by now I understood why Lynn didn’t utilize her.

“Truly despised to an extraordinary degree.”

From sending me, a man, to live with her, a woman, to openly tormenting her, yet her loyalty remained unshaken.

It was a pitiable situation.

In-game, the -100 “compatibility value” was just a number, but its cruelty was now vividly apparent.

“So, then?”

“Why ask such obvious questions? What do you think I’m wearing this for?”

Airen picked up a sword from the corner of the room.

“Time permitting, I train. It’s necessary to keep from rusting, to be ready when the lord calls upon me to shine. It’s simply what must be done.”

“Admirable dedication.”

“Interested in joining? I have a practice sword suitable for beginners.”

She seemed to have quickly deduced my lack of combat prowess.

I hesitated but ultimately declined.

“It’s fine. I have other matters to attend to.”

“Is that so? Well, if you’re busy…”

“Actually, there’s something I’d like to ask.”

I pointed to the paper and quill pen on the desk.

“May I use these?”

“Paper? Go ahead.”

“Thank you.”

She returned to her practice, and I began the most crucial task at hand: drawing a map.

This game’s continents remained constant, but each game randomized the locations of the nations.

Having played for over 10,000 hours, I knew the countries but couldn’t accurately depict their territories. Yet mapping Brans’s immediate surroundings was essential.

My ability only determined outcomes, not the reasons behind them.

Organizing my knowledge through mapping would provide insights into why certain outcomes occurred.

As I picked up the pen,


Airen’s efforts became a welcome background noise to my tedious task.


The day waned.

Airen led an almost superhuman routine: wake, cleanse, train, eat a simple lunch of rye bread and butter, drink tea (the type was unclear, perhaps black or green), resume training, then dinner of dried fish, bread, and a salad.

After dinner and a bath, I saw her, water dripping from her hair, and asked,

“Will you rest now?”

“Eh? Yes, but…”

“Do you always follow this routine?”

“Unless there’s work, yes.”


Airen didn’t respond to my admiration, instead tearing into her bread and asking,

“I saw you drawing a map earlier.”

“Yes, to better understand the situation around Brans.”

“The map’s quality was quite high. Have you had experience in map-making?”

Naturally, it was high quality.

I’d seen this map countless times during my gaming hours, clicking endlessly over it.

But I couldn’t admit that directly.

“A bit.”

“Unexpected expertise.”

Seizing the opportunity, I inquired,

“Speaking of which, Miss Airen.”


“While I’m familiar with the terrain, I’m not sure about the nations surrounding Brans. Could you assist me?”

Hearing this, she nodded.

“You want help with the map?”


“Hmm. I’m not sure how much help I’ll be.”

“You’ll be of great help. You’re a person of many talents, Miss Airen.”

My honest feelings slipped out, but she took it as flattery, smiling subtly.

“Compliments won’t get you anything. But I’m not displeased.”


Despite her words, she seemed quite pleased. Perhaps she was starved for recognition, especially since her efforts were met with disdain from the one she sought approval from.

“Why wouldn’t they? You like them, Miss Airen.”

“…Do you speak to everyone like this?”

“Of course not.”

Smiling, I watched as she approached, her imposing chest inadvertently pressing against me.

Not an unpleasant sensation.

“First, to the west, there are several small nations… but you’ve covered this area.”

“From my time in Lunarien’s forces.”

“Then let’s move east. There are three powers here, with Aesherus directly bordering us. Aesherus is the main concern, but beyond them, Charam and Alephel govern small territories as weak nations.”

Charam and Alephel.

Names I knew all too well.

Minor nations with little to offer.

Without player intervention, they’d leave no mark on history, mere extras.

It seemed I spawned near Aesherus in this world.

Better than near Serphina, but without a way to defeat Aesherus, their prospects were dim.



Two minor nations… still surviving?

Typically, one would be conquered by Aesherus by now, given the balance of power.

Was there a balance struck, or an alliance formed against Aesherus?

Then a question remained: why hadn’t Brans attacked Aesherus, divided by two fronts?

“…Something’s off.”

Without knowing exactly what, it was clear this was an unusual situation.

I ventured to ask,

“Miss Airen, do Charam and Alephel still exist on the continent?”

“Yes. Charam recently sent us gold as a tribute.”


They gave money?

While diplomatic gifts were part of the game, nobody used them because they didn’t significantly impact alliances.

More so, those gifts usually preceded a stab in the back.

“We’re being set up.”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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not work with dark mode