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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 30

Episode 30. Monthly Regular Meeting / Brans Army (1)

Monthly Regular Meeting.

In the Lunarien Army, the royal conference was, in nice terms, a conference, but it was just like a small gatheLynng where the four of us, including me, huddled together to decide ‘what shall we do this month?’

Even so, since Monarch Luna almost entirely trusted what I said, it often ended in less than an hour.

However, the situation in the Brans Army was different.

Every month, from the most basic subordinate generals in Anel Castle to the lords who were in charge of the practical administration of the surrounding castles, dozens of people gathered to propose commands to Lynn and receive missions to execute.

Perhaps, at this moment, I am experiencing this ‘monthly meeting’ for the first time.

“First, let’s receive last month’s reports. Lords, come forward in turn and speak. The order is the same as last time.”


The first to step forward, a blond middle-aged man from the left of the line, walked up.

“I am Rashion, the lord of Kelshtein Castle. I will report on this month’s objectives of ‘training’ and ‘armament enhancement.’ The number of soldiers has increased by 3,300, with a current total of 39,000 soldiers stationed.”

Seeing a familiar face was comforting.


An average A-grade general, but a reliably good general who did his job well no matter what he was asked to do.

Though not exactly loyal, as he almost always surrendered when captured as a prisoner, he was a general I frequently saw when playing the game.

I also made extensive use of Rashion.

His dot portrait was just some extra guy, but in reality, he had a significantly dignified charm.

Moving to the real world from the game world seemed like a significant upgrade for all dot characters.

“Any other notable issues?”

“Two new talents were recruited, and a small fortress, begun under the leadership of Lord Calintz in front of the castle, is expected to be completed by next month.”

“Got it. As for the fortress defense commander, it seems best to leave it to Calintz as it is. Let him know.”

“Yes! Understood.”

After politely concluding, Rashion stepped back, and the next man came forward.

“I am Daltreek from Jog Castle. First, I will report on the accomplishments of the past month.”

In this manner, each of the lords gave their presentations.

The Brans Army’s territory was vast, and including both large and small, there were a total of nine castles.

After the lords’ presentations, Lynn looked down at everyone and said,

“Now, today, I plan to appoint the lord of the newly acquired Jeilant Castle to our Brans Army. Those who are assigned to move to that castle, please head to Jeilant. If anyone couldn’t attend here, let the lord of the castle they belong to convey this message. Shall I call them out?”

This atmosphere.

It was unfamiliar yet somehow familiar.

Yes. It felt like a recruit waiting for the assignment announcement.

“The lordship will be given to Anima Rem. Banya, Mirica, Yuz, Diaka, Bran. The following five will work under the jurisdiction of Jeilant Castle.”


After a few responses,

Then, Lynn stood up from her throne and said,

“Now, let’s decide on this month’s action policy. Any good ideas? Feel free to speak.”

Action policy, though it sounds significant, was similar to the ‘proposal of ideas’ in Lunarien Army’s meetings.

As a newcomer, I decided to listen rather than step forward and kept my mouth shut.

Actually, a few people raised their hands and started to propose their ideas.

“I think the most important thing now is to organize our internal affairs. Implementing policies focused on commerce and agriculture seems like a good idea.”

“Since we are surrounded by enemy countries on all sides, I suggest implementing policies focused on military enhancement.”

“The defense of Chelam Castle in Roland Army to the south is weak, so we should prepare to attack it. We need to conscript and train new soldiers at Saintica Castle on the southern border with all the nation’s effort.”

One by one, people raised their hands and offered their suggestions.

I could instinctively tell.

Those who were raising their hands and voicing their opinions here were all decent talents who were more than pulling their weight in the Brans Army.

That’s probably why they felt free to propose their ideas to the monarch.


“Lord, may I also offer an opinion?”

At the words of Parfalle, standing next to Lynn, Lynn nodded.

“Go ahead.”

“It seems that last month you were mainly focused on the west, but I have obtained intelligence that the Aeshers Army in the east is planning to punish the Alephel Army in the west soon.”

“Really? If that’s true, it’s a great opportunity, isn’t it?”

Parfalle strongly agreed with Lynn’s response and said,

“Yes. It’s a golden opportunity to invade the Balharat Castle of Aeshers Army with 56,000 troops. It would be best to prepare for the invasion as soon as the truce ends.”

“Really? You must have something you’re relying on, then?”

Instead of answeLynng, Parfalle just smiled faintly.

Lynn nodded and then turned to us.

“Um… Any other opinions?”


Breaking the silence, someone raised their hand.


A now somewhat familiar female voice.

The one who spoke was Airen.

“…Go ahead.”

“I think the Serpina Army has been quite quiet for a long time. Instead of focusing elsewhere, it might be better to strengthen the defense by deploying more troops to Kelshtein Castle in the north.”

“Really? The north?”

After heaLynng Airen’s words, Lynn responded with an indifferent expression.

“Didn’t they just build a fortress there? Calintz is there too. And the troops are already the most deployed among all the borders. Do we really need to send more there?”


As Airen tried to explain, Lynn raised her hand to stop her.

“Nevermind. Well, everyone is free to give their opinions.”

Lynn said this with a slight smile, but there was a prickliness in her words.

A strange atmosphere formed in the meeting room.

The flow of the atmosphere itself seemed to target Airen with the will of the absolute ruler.

This pressure.

Even as a third party, it was enough to make me feel intimidated… Had Airen always been treated this way?


Airen, without further argument, obediently bowed her head and submitted.

Lynn, as if to wrap up the situation, said,

“Anyone else want to propose? No more?”

Soon after, Lynn summarized the opinions that had been presented.

“First, we implement policies focused on internal affairs. Do you think this is the best approach for our Brans Army? If so, raise your hand.”

HeaLynng this, a few people in the room raised their hands to show agreement.

This system, I seemed to understand.

In the game, generals would propose ideas, and the player monarch usually executed policies based on majority decision.

Of course, the monarch could ignore the meeting’s outcome without any issue, but doing so would lower the loyalty of generals (except for those deeply loyal) and worsen relationships

, so unless it was a concept play, there was no need to do so.

It seemed they were deciding by majority here as well.

In a minor country like Lunarien Army where there were hardly any people, ignoLynng the majority’s decision might be manageable, but it would be burdensome for a monarch here.

“Let’s see.”

I inputted “Is it most efficient for the Brans Army to implement policies focused on internal affairs?”

The conclusion was [No].

“First, to give the impression of doing the job properly, it would be best to choose ‘Yes’ to what I think is right.

Since these were just opinions, it was possible that all answers to my questions could be [No].

In such a case, if Lynn just asked me ‘What would be the most efficient way?’ like Luna did, it would solve everything—

I just wanted to help moderately, not to make a significant effort to gain achievements.

After all, there’s no need to exhaust myself when Luna is going to unify everything anyway.

So, moving on.

“Second, implementing a policy focused on military enhancement seems best. Raise your hand.”

Again, a few people raised their hands.

I didn’t raise mine.

“Third, it seems best to gather troops in the south and prepare to invade Chelam Castle. Raise your hand.”

This time, surprisingly, only one person raised their hand.

The proposer seemed a bit embarrassed, but what can you do?

If they disliked it, they should have prepared a line that would follow their suggestions properly.

Of course, I didn’t raise my hand this time either.

“Fourth, we deploy 56,000 troops to attack Balharat Castle of Aeshers Army. Those in agreement?”

And then,

Many previously hesitant vassals suddenly raised their hands in unison.

Parfalle witnessed this scene and smiled satisfactorily.


She was the national strategist of the Brans Army.

In this game, a national strategist meant someone who served the monarch closely and had a deep involvement in various decisions of the monarch- arguably the highest position a vassal could reach.

Of course, if the territory expanded further, positions like army commanders could be created, but that was a story for another time.

Anyway, agreeing with Parfalle’s opinion and giving the image of agreement would be a good tactic for strengthening relations with her.

I inputted her opinion in my mind.

“Is attacking Balharat Castle the best opinion?”



I knew her intelligence was over 90.

So, I was supposed to raise my hand in agreement with her. High intelligence usually meant correct statements.

But it seems that wasn’t the case this time.

Agreeing with an opinion would increase the favorability with the general who proposed it.

If Parfalle’s opinion wasn’t absolutely correct, then I should just agree with Airen’s opinion and raise her favorability towards me.

I was really taking this matter lightly.

“Looks like it’s almost decided.”

Lynn added a comment before continuing.

“Lastly. It seems best to deploy more troops to Kelshtein Castle in the north and strengthen our defense against a possible invasion by the Serpina Army. Those in agreement?”

And this time,

Apart from the proposer Airen, not a single person agreed with her opinion.

Airen was someone Lynn disliked. Only her talent allowed her to participate in such meetings.

But in such organizational life, it seems as hard in this world as any to find someone loyal enough to side with a person disliked by the leader.

“I’d raise my favorability alone if I raised my hand, right?”

At that moment, I thought so and casually inputted her question in my mind.

“Is deploying troops to Kelshtein Castle to prepare for an invasion by the Serpina Army the right move?”

And, the result came out.

[Almost there.]


What do you mean it’s not “No,” but “Almost there?”

“Is there something happening in the north?”

Honestly, while I thought of agreeing with Airen’s opinion-

As Lynn said, they were already building a fortress there, and the most troops were deployed, right?

It seemed unnecessary, but this opinion was the most efficient?

“Anyone else?”

Rushing, I raised my hand at Lynn’s words.

My action caused all the generals present to focus their gaze on me.

Their looks were very diverse, but ultimately, they could be summed up as, “What’s he thinking siding with her?”

Airen, too, seemed surprised that I raised my hand, looking at me with astonishment.

Lord Airen, please raise your head proudly. Surprisingly, among these, your opinion is the most efficient.



Lynn seemed amused by the situation, slightly lifted the corners of her mouth, and then pointed at me, saying,

“Swen. You raised your hand for Airen’s opinion?”

Lynn’s words fixed all the gazes previously on me directly onto my face.

It would have been intimidating, but compared to when Lynn once pointed a knife at my neck, this was nothing.


“Ho? Why?”

“Because I agree with her words.”

“So, you think we should send troops to the north? Even though we are already building a fortress there, and it’s where the most soldiers are deployed?”

“Yes. That’s correct.”


She smiled as if amused, then looked at Parfalle and said,

“What do you think, Parfalle?”

“Uh, well…”

What was Lynn thinking?

By this point, I had a guess.


“Parfalle. How about we have a debate? I’m curious about the newcomer’s thoughts.”



This referred to the in-game 1:1 debate, more commonly known among players as a verbal duel.

Just as high-strength generals would compete in 1:1 combat, the intellectual version of this was the debate.

Given that this world was based on the game’s world, it seemed that this system, albeit in a formal manner, existed here as well.

Parfalle, upon heaLynng this, seemed to have an epiphany and nodded.

“That makes sense. Agreed.”

Lynn, satisfied with her response, then asked me,

“How about it, Swen? It’s okay if you’re scared and don’t want to do it.”

She seemed to be testing me.


Because I sided with Airen, whom she dislikes?

Or because she acknowledged my abilities to some extent, but on the contrary, wanted to be persuaded by me?

Regardless, now that it had come to this, I couldn’t not step forward.

The more enthusiastically I defend and support Airen’s opinion, the more her favorability towards me would increase.

Thinking only of that, I said,

“If you say so, then may I dare to try to persuade you, the strategist, and everyone here in the Brans Army?”

“Ahaha. Fun!”

Lynn laughed heartily, as if she found my bold attitude to her liking.

Then, Parfalle slowly walked towards me.

I, too, slightly moved forward to stand in front of her.

“Would it be alright, strategist? I would like to request a lesson.”

I bowed slightly, speaking in a very polite tone.

Hearing my words, Parfalle slowly nodded and said,

“I, too, request the same. I welcome it anytime. If you can persuade me, I will follow General Airen’s opinion.”


I walked slowly to the center.

She, too, came forward from beside the throne to stand in front of me.

Facing each other-

I began my first 1:1 debate.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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