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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 33

Episode 33. Just That

After the meeting, I checked the tasks assigned to me.

“Commerce… huh.”

I’m not sure what my political stats are, but I guess I have to do what I’m tasked with anyway.

I’m not exactly sure what I’m supposed to do at the market, though.

After all, in this game, the intelligence stat doesn’t directly influence commerce.

And I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do.

When I was with the Lunarian Army, aside from one exploration, I mostly did maintenance work… Embarrassingly enough, due to my lack of strength, Tifa and Luna did all the physical repairs on the walls, while Cain and I felt like we were just providing support.

“I’ll figure it out when I go to the market.”

The official duties were to start the day after the meeting ended.

In the Lunarian Army, things weren’t systematically organized; we just rolled with whatever happened. I guess large organizations operate differently.

Anyway, my work for today was done.

And she, Airen Juliette, who came with me, once again had no assigned tasks.

With so many generals in the Brans Army, there were a few others like her without tasks, but they were mostly average C-grade generals.

Only Airen had high abilities but was left without specific duties.

Silence prevailed until we reached home.

Her face, always maintaining a stoic expression, visibly softened with an evident sense of guilt.

“I’m sorry, Swen. It wasn’t my intention to ignore you, but I was worried that if we appeared too close in front of others… it might not end well for you.”

“It’s too late for such concerns. I’ve already agreed with your opinion in front of all those people.”

“That’s what I wanted to ask about! Exactly why?”

Airen seemed peculiarly excited as she questioned me.

“Exactly… are you suggesting that Charlam Army plans to betray us by forming a secret pact? Do you truly believe that?”

Oh, thank you.

Grateful for the question Airen gave, which I had wanted to input, I entered into my thoughts, “Is Charlam Army planning to betray us?”

But the output was [Unknown].

This result wasn’t new to me.

It was similar to when, before joining the Lunarian Army, an old man used me as a conversation partner and asked if he would win or lose in gambling.

“I thought so, but it seems impossible.”

In this game, the advice from a strategist with intelligence of 100 pertained to matters like the ruler and the state, the outcomes of battles or strategies, tasks to assign, or the most efficient policies.

Apparently, such specific questions were beyond the help of intelligence 100.

It seemed I had no choice but to wrack my brains for answers.

I still didn’t understand the criteria clearly, but I’d learn as more data accumulated.

“And you think we should attack Serpina’s territory in the north? What does that even mean? Isn’t that too reckless?”

I responded calmly to her, who was agitated.

“Airen, if you don’t mind me asking before answering your question, may I ask you something first?”

“…Go ahead.”

“Why did you propose sending troops to the north to fortify our defenses?”

Airen sighed briefly before answering.

“Have a seat first.”

After she hung up her heavy armor and settled at the table, I sat across from her, ready to listen.

“Are you aware of the several months’ battle in the north between us and Serpina Army?”

“I’ve heard about it.”

When I was enjoying peace in Jelant Castle, Brans Army must have had a tough time fighting Serpina Army.

“Although we managed to hold them off… despite it being a defensive battle, we couldn’t efficiently defeat the enemy forces. Winning the battle means we were victorious, but in the long run, Brans Army is at a disadvantage.”

“So, you mean we were outmatched in terms of engagement ratio?”


It seemed Airen, with her specialty in sieges, had some insight into such matters.

“The north has a sizable population. While most of our territory in the central region is very fertile, it’s still in chaos. Even if the area around Anel Castle is peaceful, many people living in the borderlands have already been conscripted as soldiers. In such a situation, with nowhere to quickly draw more troops from, I think it’s premature to mobilize 56,000 men to subdue Aeshers Army. I’m convinced Serpina Army will seize the opportunity to attack Kelstein Castle again.”

After saying this, Airen excused herself with a “just a moment” and got up to prepare tea.

She was always so diligent.

Before long, I took the teacup she offered and sipped the tea, which had a subtle smoky aroma.

“Since Parfalle brought up the idea, it’s highly likely to be adopted. She’s the most trusted woman in our army.”

“So, you raised your hand because of that?”


She nodded and took a sip of her tea.

I see.

Knowing she was disliked, she still raised her hand out of concern for the country, even though Lynn wouldn’t appreciate it, and Airen no longer expected anything—still, she spoke her mind.

Truly a loyal retainer, but in most game world lines, her loyalty resulted in tragedy.

Would she end up dying?

Because of her resolute character?

One fact I knew: “Lynn Brans kills her disfavored subordinate, Airen Juliette, with her own hands.”

The puzzle pieces started to fit together around this sentence, which only outlined the outcome.

I looked at the teacup and cautiously asked her.

“…Airen, if it’s not too rude to ask—”

“It’s fine. I can’t progress by considering every subordinate’s words as impolite. Feel free to speak.”

“Then I’ll be blunt. Are you aware that you’re disliked by your ruler?”


She smiled bitterly and responded.

“Yes. I know.”

“Yet you remain loyal?”


“Why is that?”


Airen Juliette.

An S-grade general with red hair and violet eyes, [Siege] specialty, high military prowess, and a tragic fate of being beheaded by her ruler, Lynn Brans.

The game only provided this basic information about her.

The tips were straightforward, stating, [If you want to utilize Airen, you must either choose Lynn Brans or quickly annihilate Brans Army! Even if Brans Army falls, Airen is unlikely to join easily, so be patient!] That was all about the woman who was just that.


The Airen Juliette who was merely that was diligently practicing every day, waiting for her ruler’s call.

The Airen Juliette who was merely that, despite knowing she was disliked, always spoke truthfully for the sake of the country.

The Airen Juliette who was merely that was generous even to her subordinates, never overestimated her abilities, and didn’t vent her frustrations on others even after being humiliated.

I was curious.

Why, despite being disliked by Lynn Brans, did Airen continue to serve so loyally?

Not just because of her character setting of [deep loyalty], but the living, breathing woman in front of me who made tea, practiced daily, and didn’t plot against her ruler despite being hated, intrigued me.

And I wanted to save her if possible.

The woman in front of me, with a fragile smile, seemed like she needed someone to lean on.

“…It’s a bit personal.”

She began, lightly tracing the rim of her teacup with her finger.

“It’s because of my father’s request.”

“Your father?”

“Yes. After the empire fell, the first to claim the prime lands of the central region, including Anel Castle, was the empire’s famed hero, Orland Brans. You’re aware, aren’t you?”

Orland Brans.

I’ve heard the name but never controlled him in the game.

By the time the game started, he was already deceased, and Lynn Brans, his third daughter, had taken over Brans Army.

“The man who served as Orland’s escort knight was my father, Kafka Juliette.”

This was the first time I heard this name.

Unlike the prominent ruler Lynn Brans, Airen was just a capable general in the game.

Such detailed backgrounds weren’t depicted for a mere general.

“From the day I first held a sword, my father always said we lived to serve the Brans family. That our existence was because of them. Indeed, while Orland was alive, our family lived without much worry.”

I listened intently to her story without interjecting.

“My father died protecting Orland’s life.”

“What happened?”

“There was an assassination attempt on Orland.”


I could guess what had happened.

“At that time, just after the empire’s collapse, people still identified as ‘imperial citizens,’ and many followed the Aingarth family. After my father’s death, my mother also fell ill and passed away.”

“So, you’ve continued your father’s legacy… until now?”


Airen looked at me more clearly than ever, pride evident in her eyes despite its faded luster.

“Serving and living for the Brans family. Serving for Lynn Brans, who succeeded Orland, is naturally my duty. Swen, don’t you think so?”


I didn’t answer and just sipped my tea nonchalantly.

Saying “I don’t think so” wouldn’t convince her otherwise.

In this game, the most influential stat for recruiting generals was the charm stat.

With a charm of 100, you could easily recruit difficult generals.

Based on my average looks, my charm was probably around 50 to 60, but that was a meaningless thought.

The methods I used in the game to recruit [Loyalty 100] legendary generals were:

1. Maximize affinity.
2. Establish a special relationship (like a deeper friendship).
3. Use strategies to decrease loyalty.

I could think of at least three ways off the top of my head.

Of course, from my perspective of just pressing buttons, I had no idea how to apply these methods in this world, but doing what I could seemed the best approach.

Even if she had her reasons, there must be a way to bring Airen to our side.

“Let’s start by raising affinity.”

Feeling more at ease with this thought, I spoke with as much consideration as possible.

“I understand why your loyalty to Lynn hasn’t wavered.”

“Although I’m glad you understand… I might have burdened you with too personal a story, worrying if it was too much for someone I’ve only recently met.”

“It’s fine. Getting to know you better is a very splendid thing for me.”


Airen’s pupils dilated slightly at my words, then she turned her head away, her cheeks reddening.

Was she uncomfortable with men?

Well, it was a good reaction since I said it to increase affinity.

“Ahem. Um… Anyway, since it’s okay with you, let’s leave my story here and move on. I want to know the basis for your conclusion… that we should attack Serpina’s territory in the north.”

“The basis.”

Honestly, I don’t know.

I just deduced from the results and applied what Parfalle conveniently asked, confirming it as the correct answer.

But if that’s the conclusion, something indeed happens.


I considered making up an explanation on the spot, but it seemed fine to wait for a clearer understanding before explaining.

It wasn’t a debate now, and the directive had already been decided, plus Airen couldn’t do much even if she listened.

“There’s a vague idea, but my thoughts aren’t fully formed yet. Could you give me some time?”

“That’s fine, but…”

“Thank you.”

With no immediate answer, it worked out well.

This issue seemed like something I needed to ponder alone.




“…Thank you.”

She spoke, her cheeks slightly flushed.


Perhaps because of my tone, the tough warrior Airen now seemed like just a woman in need of support.

“Thank you… for supporting my opinion. It’s the first time that’s happened.”

I spoke earnestly.

“Airen, if I may, I didn’t raise my hand out of pity for you. I did it because I thought your opinion was the most rational. Please remember that.”


She smiled at me again.

This time, it wasn’t a fragile expression.

That night.

After Airen, who had finished her training, fell asleep, I spread out the map of the northern territories and, relying on the dim lantern light, stared at the map lost in thought.

“Something definitely happens in the north.”

The prediction based on intelligence 100’s outcome was that attacking the north was the most efficient method.

But no matter how I looked at it, it didn’t make sense.

The northern castles had large troop concentrations, and mobilizing forces here would inevitably create an ideal situation for an attack on Kelstein from other areas.

Even considering variables related to newly built fortresses, nothing seemed to fit.

“Parfalle had a reason to be incredulous.”

Even I, who had cleared the game thousands of times, felt it was absurd; imagine how she must have felt.

Of course, from a tactical standpoint, given the game’s disregard for realism, using cheats to bring along SS-grade warriors and those with the [Siege] trait might work.

But for now, that was a meaningless assumption.


If “attacking the north” is indeed the most efficient method, then something unbelievable must happen.

I recalled all possible variables within the game.

Every possible event in the game.

From those, I selected events that seemed suitable for Serpina Army to be in trouble yet still provide us an opportunity to invade, focusing on those that seemed plausible.

First, I eliminated events that, even if they occurred, wouldn’t significantly benefit us.

Quite a few “variables” were dropped at this stage.

Then, I organized the remaining ones. There were three.

First, a natural disaster occurs.

The game featured natural disasters.

If you were really unlucky, an earthquake could destroy your castle in a truly absurd event.

Earthquakes, or even being hit by a meteorite, were more plausible than some of the game’s random events, considering there were a few magicians who could use magic in this whimsical world.

However, the probability was too low. Even with intelligence 100’s prediction as a basis, recalling a scene I’d seen only a few times in the game felt far-fetched.

If this were the only possibility, maybe.

Let’s dismiss this one.


, the sudden death of a ruler.

If a ruler dies without appointing a successor, especially in a large country, there’s a high chance the country will split into two or three parts.

Some players even exploited this by save-loading to assassinate major country rulers.

If a country splits, it would naturally be a good opportunity to expand northward.

But Serpina dying?

She was one of the game’s main characters, practically the face of the game, who unified the continent in most world lines.

Plus, she was young and healthy.

So, this was virtually as unlikely as a natural disaster.


That leaves one.

An increase in fronts that Serpina Army needs to address due to a coup.

That is—

I marked two northern castles with an O.

Chorel Castle in the northwest and Cherien Castle in the northeast.

One of these places—

“Will there be… a rebellion?”


A rebellion and uprising within a castle due to a coup.

The more I thought about it, the more this seemed like the answer.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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not work with dark mode