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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 38

Episode 38. Battle in the North (2)

Days had passed since General Calintz’s army had left to assault the fortress.

As one might expect, the news that reached us was not good.

“Is it true that our army is in a dire situation?”

“Yes. Currently, 18,000 have become casualties, and preparations for retreat are underway with the 5,000 troops that had secured a retreat path. Although General Calintz has not yet made a decision… I believe a retreat is likely.”

“Huh… I see. So it has come to this.”

Fark, who was in charge of the fortress, let out a short sigh.

Even an ordinary commander like Fark had expected a disastrous outcome from a battle recklessly engaged in.

“Are there about 10,000 troops left?”

Somehow, Airen had managed to persuade and position 5,000 soldiers at the rear to secure a retreat path.

It was a silver lining.

Decisions should be made quickly to retreat, but hesitation to do so means-

“The situation is dire, but it seems we’re barely hanging on.”

Calintz is an S-class commander, and Airen has a ‘siege’ specialty.

So, it seems we’re somehow managing to hold on.

Just a bit more and we could breach the gates. If only we could breach the gates, we could turn the tide… perhaps that’s the thinking behind continuing to push forward.

If we retreat now, it would be better, but considering a separate messenger was sent, it doesn’t seem likely.

“……Understood. We will prepare to receive the wounded here. I wish we could send support, but with only about 3,000 troops left…… I’m sorry. We’ll inform Kelstein Castle as well.”


After sending the messenger who brought the news, Fark sighed deeply and then turned to us, gathered in the meeting room, and said,

“I don’t know what to do now.”


Fark sighed deeply.

Jack, Sylin, and the total of 6 commanders present, including myself, said nothing.

The competent commanders who had been defending this fortress had all gone out with Calintz, leaving only C-class commanders of lesser ability behind.

There wasn’t much hope for a solution.


Jack, who was beside me, cautiously raised his hand.

“Excuse me, Fortress Commander.”


“I’ve been worried from the beginning that our forces within the fortress are too few. If we were to be invaded, it would be quickly overtaken. Shouldn’t we send a request for reinforcements to Kelstein Castle now?”

I had been thinking along those lines as well.

The Serphina army, having been struck first by our forces, wouldn’t just stand by.

If we had successfully taken the castle, we might not have cared about this fortress and focused on reclaiming the lost Cheryn Castle instead. But the situation wasn’t like that now.

“Hmm… I’m not sure if Lord Rashion would send help, but it’s worth asking.”

After that, as expected, no further suggestions were made.

We disbanded and hurriedly began organizing the troops to send for support.

It seemed we had decided to send about 3 commanders, including Jack, to receive our retreating soldiers.

My only concern was one thing.

Airen’s survival.

Airen was a formidable commander and since I had already informed her of the inevitable defeat in battle, she wouldn’t have taken unnecessary risks.

However, if this pointless war were to result in Airen being captured, it would be extremely troubling.

“No, that’s not it.”

I realized that my concern wasn’t just about her utility as an S-class commander for future use in the Lunarien army.

I was worried about Airen Juliette, the woman herself, being safe.


I roamed through the throngs of soldiers, searching for her.

How long had I been searching among the wounded soldiers groaning in pain when I finally heard a familiar female voice?

“Just hold on a little longer. We’ve arrived at the fortress.”


I looked towards the source of the voice.

There she was, Airen, clad in her armor bearing her crest, tending to a wounded soldier.

“……ha, ha.”

It was only then that I realized how frantically I had been searching for her, and a deep sigh escaped me.

I was already of poor constitution, and the reckless running had made my head slightly dizzy.

Then, Airen, noticing my gaze, turned towards me.



I slowly approached her.

When I reached her, my legs gave out, but she caught me.

“Sw, Swen?! Are you alright?”

“Airen… I’m so relieved you’re safe.”

Damn it.

I felt like crying.

It was a feeling similar to when I had to part ways with Lunarien.

Was I always this emotional?

Airen, looking surprised, supported me as I gasped for breath.

Then, with a very kind smile, she gently patted my back.

“Didn’t I promise you? That I’d return alive.”


Her warmth was palpable.

Not as an S-class commander, a specialist in siege warfare, or a commander persecuted by her sovereign, but simply as Airen Juliette, a woman breathing and existing here, conveyed her presence to me entirely.

And that fact was a great comfort to me.

“……Uh, you.”


“That… I don’t mind, but how long do you plan to stay like this? It’s… a bit embarrassing.”


It was then I realized my face was buried in her chestplate, which, despite being hard and offering little in terms of comfort due to the armor… must have been somewhat embarrassing for her.

As I stepped back a bit, she cleared her throat a few times and then spoke.

“Ahem. More importantly… although we managed to retreat safely without being pursued, in the end-”

“Calintz has been captured, right?”

“You’ve heard.”

“What exactly happened?”

Airen spoke with a gloomy expression.

“Just as it sounds. The soldiers of Cheryn Castle were much stronger than expected. There was no sign of their morale falling or their ranks breaking. We managed to inflict significant damage, but, naturally, our losses were greater. It’s only because I managed to persuade some to position 5,000 at the rear that we’re not in a worse state, but those in the vanguard were almost completely wiped out.”

“And the casualties?”

“……A total of 28,000.”

So excluding the wounded, the number of soldiers who returned alive, aside from the 5,000 positioned at the rear for the retreat, was barely 2,000.

“It was a narrow defeat. Had we had just a few more soldiers, perhaps we could have taken the castle.”

Airen said this with a bitter smile.

She realized something.

That this battle ended up serving the interests of the Serphina army more than anything else.

Hearing her words, I looked around.

All around were soldiers groaning in pain.

Just looking at this scene, one could think of it as a depiction of hell.

“A catastrophic defeat.”

I was relieved I had suggested not placing Airen in the vanguard.

Had that been the case, she might have been the one captured.

“Anyway, it’s good that you returned safely. It’s fine to tend to the wounded, but let’s go report to Fark now.”

“Right. Let’s do that.”

Just as we were about to turn away.


Losing strength, I nearly fell, but Airen caught me.

“Are you okay, Swen?”

“Thanks to you, I am. Thank you.”

Being physically weak was truly inconvenient.

As I thought this, Airen slightly blushed and then said,

“If… if it’s alright with you, I could… hold your hand… and walk you.”


“No, that is… I mean… support you. Swen, you look like you’re having a hard time even walking. I’m… it’s okay. I don’t mind holding your hand.”

She coughed, trying desperately to hide her embarrassment.

It was somehow cute.

Maybe I should accept her kindness here.

“Then, I would appreciate it.”


I took her offered hand.

It was warm.

The warmth I wanted to preserve was felt vividly.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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