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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 4

Laying the Foundations (1)

“Huff, huff… Let’s take a break for a moment.”

Plopping down by the roadside, I called to Luna, who was leading the way. I couldn’t believe how quickly I had become exhausted from walking. I hadn’t realized that having a low physical strength rating could be this inconvenient.

“Ah, yes…!”

Luna, who had been walking ahead, approached and slowly sat down beside me, apologizing as she spoke.

“I’m sorry we couldn’t rent a carriage… We are close to our territory, so let’s take a full rest soon. Ah, here is some water.”

I took the water bottle she offered and drank eagerly. Hydration brought my tired body some relief, and I felt my mind becoming clearer. Only then did I notice her apologetic expression and spoke bluntly.

“By the way… Are you still using honorifics with me?”

“Excuse me? What do you mean…?”

“Starting today, I have been commissioned into Lunarien’s army. That means you are my lord. I don’t think it’s appropriate for a lord to use honorifics with their subordinates.”

I wanted to imply that as a ruler, it’s right to treat subordinates according to their position. Modern people, educated in the ideals of equality and inherently resistant to class systems, might praise such behavior as ‘a true leader’ or ‘lacking in authority.’ But this was a medieval period with a strict class system, especially during these chaotic times. A ruler lowering themselves too much was not the right conduct.

Luna, hearing my words, hung her head with a disheartened look.

“That… makes sense. But I’m just so grateful to you, Swen.”

“Are you referring to me?”

Luna replied, slightly blushing.

“Yes. Excluding those who have been with me from the start, you’re the first to join our army. So, I honestly wish to treat you well, if you’re okay with it.”

‘So, I’m the first real subordinate to join Luna’s army?’

I recalled my experience playing as Luna in the game. It was really hard to appoint subordinates. Well, the state was weak, and the ruler’s reputation was so-so, which was expected. If it wasn’t for the royal concept play, nobody would choose Luna in the game.

“Let’s do this. When it’s just the two of us, you can speak casually if you like. However, in the presence of third parties, other subordinates, or in front of soldiers, please treat me as other rulers treat their subordinates. How about that?”

“Other rulers… you say?”

“Yes. To lead many people, it’s important to appear capable, even if it’s hard. The ideal of a leader varies with the times, but as you have ambition, it’s only natural to strive to be seen as a leader fit for this era.”

Sadly, it was a barbaric era. To give soldiers a sense of stability, a strong leader was needed.


Luna, hearing this, looked troubled and said,

“That… ambition, you say? I just… wish for everyone to live in peace, so rather than ambition, I think it’s more appropriate to call it a dream-”


I intentionally cut off Luna’s words. A normal ruler might find it offensive for a newly appointed subordinate to interrupt them. They could even be executed for it.

“Yes, yes.”

She didn’t seem offended at all and just waited for me to continue patiently.

“Have ambition. In an age without dreams, harboring dreams only leads to being killed. Didn’t you say you wanted to bring peace to everyone? Being hung up on trivial matters like word choice is not fitting for a ruler who wishes to bring peace to a continent in turmoil. Do you understand?”

“…Peace to a continent in turmoil, you say.”

I looked straight into her eyes. Her red pupils trembled pitifully. She didn’t look like a ruler capable of unifying the continent, but…

I was 100% confident in my intelligence of 100.

“That’s right. Don’t be faint-hearted. If you, as my lord, become a ruler capable of unifying this continent… I, Swen, will certainly fill that vessel with the lands of Garland.”


She blushed slightly upon hearing my words. It’s redundant to mention again, but she was truly beautiful, with a frailty that made one want to protect her. She gave the impression of a flower blooming alone on a cliff. It was hard to imagine how she ever thought of becoming a ruler.

“…I understand. If Swen says so… I won’t shy away from having ambition.”

“That’s good to hear.”

I lightly changed the subject to lighten the mood.

“It seems we are farther from my original location than I thought.”

“Yes? Oh… well, yes. It’s not an unreachable distance if we spend a whole day.”

Luna nodded

to my comment.

This woman.
She had come to recruit me five times.
That meant she had traveled this long distance back and forth five times.

The story from an old novel, where a character recruited someone after visiting them three times, suddenly made sense. Continuously seeking out someone like me, without much fame, was a kind gesture.

‘Right. Since I’ve enlisted, I should do well and not just get by.’

I looked up at the sky. The sun was still up, but it would be good to return to the territory before it got dark. My body hadn’t fully recovered, but I couldn’t just rest forever.

“Let’s start moving.”

I slowly got up. It was still difficult to move, but I had to adapt to this body.

“Ah, yes…!”

Luna, hearing my words, stood up and once again led the way through the bushes.


“Huff, huff.”

Damn it.
My body, which I resolved to adapt quickly, was already putting me through trials. To think I’d be this exhausted from just climbing a hill. I started to suspect that my physical strength stat might be even lower than the 10-15 range I had anticipated.

“We’re almost there… Are you finding it difficult?”

It was already sunset. Nighttime could be dangerous, and camping out would mean losing a day.

Given Lunarien’s army’s situation, where they could be attacked at any moment, wasting time on the roadside like this was not ideal.

“No, it’s not that… Let’s hurry. I’m fine…”

I wished that this sort of physical activity would increase my stamina, but this game, being somewhat outdated, didn’t have commands for stat improvement. Given how things were progressing, it seemed this world strictly followed the game’s rules. Since I couldn’t be certain how this aspect would play out, I couldn’t take decisive action based on it.


Luna pondered for a moment and then came closer to me.



Luna looked at me, then turned her back and, bending down, said nonchalantly.

“Do you want a piggyback ride?”

“…Excuse me???”

What? Did I hear that wrong?

“Swen, you seem very tired… If it’s okay with you, I can give you a piggyback ride. We’re almost there.”

“No, it’s not about that…”

I wanted to say something, but my legs were too wobbly to speak properly. I recalled Luna’s physical strength stat. It was above average, but could she really carry me? Looking at her, she didn’t seem strained at all.

Still, as a man and a subordinate, being carried by a female ruler seemed embarrassingly pathetic.


‘…Wouldn’t it be more pathetic to waste time like this?’

Realistically, it made sense to accept the piggyback ride. With that thought, I hesitantly leaned against her.

“Thank you.”


She lifted me with ease, balancing well as she stood up. Perhaps my body weight was on the lighter side. My arms and legs were thin, giving a generally slender impression. I hadn’t been eating much either.

Riding on her back, I thought to myself.

‘She wants to unify for peace, huh.’

One might think there would be players who desired to unify the continent as a peace-seeking ruler, but the game already had a ruler designed for that concept.

Makana Carelia.
She led the Carelia army, a descendant of the royal line of the Makana Kingdom, which had been destroyed by Serpina’s nation before its downfall. She had a very righteous personality, serving as the arch-enemy and rival of the tyrant Serpina in the game, with long brown hair. The tutorial set her up as the de facto protagonist, teaching the basics of the game. Although the talent pool was narrow, they were all top-notch, making it a beginner-friendly nation.

So, what I’m trying to say is –
Lunarien’s army was truly insignificant in this game.
Nothing remarkable, never leading anything. Even in-game random modifiers didn’t favor them. They were always one of the early nations to fall, a minor country that couldn’t unify ‘absolutely’ unless picked by a player going for an eccentric concept.

I, or rather –
My intelligence of 100, was certain several times over.
Lunarien’s army would unify this continent.

A unification that neither Serpina’s, Brans’, nor Aishers’ armies could achieve.

‘It’s hard to understand, but…’

My predictions in this world were always correct. Whether for better or worse, I had to stay by her side, based on that assumption.

That’s how I safely entered the small town of ‘Jeilant,’ the territory of Lunarien’s army.

“Is this the place?”

A dilapidated small castle.
A dark and lifeless market alley.
A landscape exuding a gloomy atmosphere.

My first impression of Jeilant, merely categorized as a ‘small town’ in the game, was that of an abandoned city.

“Yes, this is it. Swen, this house will be your residence.”

She pointed to an old wooden house with a calm face. I hadn’t expected a luxurious life here, so I wasn’t disappointed.

“When day breaks, please come to the castle in the center. Have a peaceful night.”

After bidding farewell to Lunarien, I entered the wooden house. A creaking noise sounded, and a very small room with a window bathed in moonlight welcomed me. Aside from an old bed for sleeping, there was no furniture.

The house might be like this now, but…
As the city grows, I’ll be able to stay in better places.

‘Let’s sleep for now.’

I lay down on the old bed.
My first day as a strategist was about to begin.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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not work with dark mode