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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 47

Episode 47. Northern Fortress Defense (6)

Seeing me frozen in shock at the sight of Callintz, Airen approached me with a gentle voice.

“Ah, Swen. Since you were unconscious… you probably don’t know.”

I turned to look at Airen.

And from her, I learned what had happened while I was unconscious.

Fast forward.

Having successfully escaped from the dungeon of Cheryen Castle, Callintz commandeered a horse from a soldier and dashed towards the fortress.

He had heard that his troops had been deceived into lowering their defenses and that Serpina’s army, numbering around 50,000 soldiers, was marching towards Cheryen Castle.

Inevitably, the atmosphere was tense, which he used to his advantage to escape… but what followed was the problem.

“I was foolish.”

As his head cleared from the cold dungeon, he realized just how stupid his actions had been.

Firstly, the morale of Cheryen Castle’s soldiers wasn’t low at all.

He knew well that Serpina, despite subjugating the North, hadn’t fully won the people’s hearts, leading to various unrests.

Considering that, he could have inferred that the rebels might remain loyal to Ian, yet he proceeded without caution.

The outcome of the battle he initiated was disastrous.

Callintz, no one else but himself, had unwittingly made it easier for Serpina’s army to suppress the rebellion!

He had achieved a great military accomplishment, indeed.

Just not for Brans’ army but for the enemy, Serpina.

“Damn it!”

What a humiliating situation!

Only now did he feel the full extent of his arrogance and foolishness.

Moreover, having messed everything up, it was inevitable that the fortress he had spearheaded the construction of would also be lost.

The fortress was built on his strong insistence.

After being humiliated in the battle against the small Lunarien army and achieving little in the North, he felt compelled to show something, to prove his worth.

Being not just any general but a blood relation to Lynn Brans, the ruler of Brans’ army, he didn’t want to be seen as incompetent, placed in his position merely because of his lineage.

Objectively, he was a very capable commander, but constantly being undervalued compared to his siblings made him impatient.

To have the fortress, questioned for its strategic value from its construction phase and barely completed, recaptured?

And as a result of recklessly engaging in battle, making things easier for the enemy?

He had received advice several times during the construction that losing the fortress could benefit the enemy, but he had ignored it, blinded by his ambition. Now, he realized they were right.

Looking back, he was always picking the wrong battles.


Callintz thought.

Having disgraced himself, he decided not to beg for his life.

He’d rather die in the fortress, fighting.

For the honor of the Brans family, he had to die on the battlefield.

After such foolishness, it was the least he could do to face his brother, the ruler, and his brother, the top swordsman of the Brans army.


He was anxious, thinking that Lynn, his sister, would likely order a retreat, given her nature to not risk battles they couldn’t win.

If he arrived at the fortress only to find not the blue flag of Brans but the yellow flag of Serpina…

Callintz was even prepared to fight against the fortress alone in a drastic move.

“Please… just hold on a bit longer…!”

Perhaps Callintz’s wish was heard.

Thankfully, the flag flying over the fortress was the blue of Brans’ army.


Something was off.

“…What’s that?”

On the ramparts, a man was doing something strange.

He seemed to be shouting something between two drums.

Approaching closer, he recognized a young man with white hair.

There was indeed one such young man in the fortress, wasn’t there…?

But before he could ponder further, something caught his attention.


As he looked up at the sky.


After hearing the situation from Airen, I grasped the current state of affairs.

“So, it was an escape.”

High-ranking officers often don’t get captured, and if they do, they frequently escape.

That’s why they’re quickly appointed to new positions or used as diplomatic assets.

Given the situation, it seems Ian’s forces couldn’t handle it properly.

Well, I understood. In the middle of quelling a rebellion and managing prisoners, how could they?

It was highly likely that Serpina’s army had been dispatched.

Callintz, somewhat overwhelmed, nodded and spoke.

His gaze towards me seemed unusually intense.

“Swen! Your name is Swen, right?”


“Good! I’ll remember your name, Swen. I’ll make sure never to forget it.”


Why is he suddenly acting like this? Though it seemed improper to dampen his enthusiasm, I decided to play along.

“Thank you.”

“Thank me? I should be thanking you. I’ve heard that in this fortress, where everyone had given up, you were the only one who, despite not receiving direct orders, defied and decided to fight…”

I wasn’t sure where he heard that, but it seemed accurate, so I might as well agree.

“That’s correct.”

“Yes! Swen… you defied orders and risked your life to protect this fortress! For me, Callintz Brans!”


What is he talking about? Why would I fight for him?

However, unaware of my thoughts, Callintz continued with high spirits.

“Swen! I, too, witnessed the miracle you created! I saw it on my way to the fortress on horseback!”


Hearing that, my mind cleared up.

I had thought about using Callintz as a reason for my defiance, but it turns out he had seen me performing my charade.

Which means…

Callintz Brans now saw me as an incredibly impressive figure, beyond mere acknowledgment.

“…It’s terrifying.

The accuracy of a 100 Intelligence prediction.

Even though it was my doing, there were times it was chillingly accurate.

“He built an altar, communicated with the heavens with minimal food to barely survive each day, and played the drums to continually knock on heaven’s door, right?”

The story seemed to have gained some embellishments.

It looked interesting, so I decided to let him continue.

“Ha! You look surprised.”

Callintz didn’t wait for my response and excitedly rambled on.

“The soldiers who fought alongside you in the fortress! I was able to hear the detailed circumstances from them! Swen! I’m truly proud of you! To have someone as incredible as you join our forces, it seems the lord’s judgment in people is not mistaken!”

“Thank you.”

“Yes, that’s the spirit!”

Callintz smiled broadly, his confident tone suggesting he was sure I would be moved by his words.

“I will never forget that you risked your life in this battle for me! As long as you are with Brans’ army, no one will dare to underestimate you! I promise you that, on the name of Brans!”


Though I found it somewhat bothersome, it was true that letting him sing my praises like this was more comfortable than having him against me.

After Callintz made a scene and left the

room, only Airen and I remained.

I turned to Airen.

She looked worriedly at me with concerned eyes.

“Swen. I hope you can rest for a while longer.”

“I’ve slept for about a day; I’m fine.”

“Please listen to me. I’m asking you.”


I thought I could get up now…

Well, maybe I’ll accept her kindness for now.

Thinking of it as a chance to replenish my low stamina seemed like a good idea.

“Alright. But if there’s anything, please call me.”


Once again, silence fell.

It was then I realized something odd and asked.



“Are you going to stay here?”


Airen nodded immediately.

“I’m in charge of nursing you. Now that Callintz has returned, he’ll take care of the fortress’s matters.”

“Is that alright? Don’t you have your own duties?”

“No. Right now… Swen, taking care of you is the most important thing to me.”

She spoke with firm conviction.

But her eyes, rather than being cold, were warm.

Though her attitude seemed a bit different from before I lost consciousness…

Honestly, I didn’t mind her being like this.

“Then, I’ll leave it to you.”


She smiled at me.

That smile, being able to protect it-

For the first time, I felt grateful for my Intelligence being 100.

Several days passed at the fortress.

News arrived that Cheryen Castle, along with Mati Castle and the rest of Ian’s castles, had fallen to Serpina’s forces. Ian’s army was annihilated, and Ian Rashpalt, who had led the rebellion, was executed.

Not just Ian but also Solana Rashpalt and all the rebel leaders who sided with him were beheaded.

It was a brief rebellion.

Even knowing it wouldn’t last, why did they rebel? I wondered, but now there was no way to find out.

Ian had left this world.

“What will happen to the North now?”

The suppression of the rebellion and the executions sent a clear message.

Anyone who defies Serpina’s army will be killed without exception.

Serpina’s influence in the North would grow even stronger.

Once the North stabilizes… the target will undoubtedly be Brans’ army.

“The lord must prepare well.”

But surely, she’ll manage.

I just needed to find the right timing to escape with Airen.

And then, a few more days passed.

Finally, reinforcements sent from Anel Castle by Lynn arrived at the fortress.

Airen and I welcomed the reinforcements in the meeting room with Callintz.

“I am Taltin, arriving just now on the lord’s orders, General Callintz.”

“Um, yes.”

“I was relieved to hear that you had safely escaped, General Callintz. The lord must have been pleased to hear the news as well.”


Callintz didn’t respond and changed the subject.

“Alright. The reinforcements will then be deployed here at the fortress, correct?”

“It seems that won’t be the case.”

“What? Return? Then who will stay here?”


Taltin hesitated slightly before carefully speaking up.

“Additionally, after securing whatever resources we can… the lord has ordered the destruction of the fortress.”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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