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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 48

Episode 48. Northern Fortress Defense (7)

“To burn the fortress?”

At Callintz’s words, Taltin nodded.

“Yes, it’s the lord’s command.”

“That’s… impossible.”

Callintz, shaking with disbelief, clenched his fists. However, I thought Lynn’s decision was incredibly wise.

“The strategic value of this fortress is almost zero from Brans’ army’s perspective. If taken by Serpina’s army, it could become a deadly weapon against us. It was tolerated because the initiator was Callintz, but now that Callintz acted on his own to gain merit, trusting him further is questionable. Burning down the fortress and returning is the most rational decision.”

Indeed, I also initially thought my 100 Intelligence would predict “destroy the fortress and flee.”


If this was the decision all along, it should have been made when Callintz was captured. To command resistance and then, upon successful defense, order the fortress’s destruction?

This made Lynn’s intentions somewhat clearer.

“I won’t be able to stay with Brans’ army for long.”

Even if I could manage, I couldn’t continually put Airen in danger.

It seemed like time to consider moving to another country.

“Damn it…!”

Though Callintz held a high status within Brans’ army, his position stemmed entirely from being a member of the Brans family.

No matter his achievements, he couldn’t refuse an order from Lynn Brans, the lord.

“I’ve relayed the command, so I’ll start preparing for our departure. Please get ready to evacuate today. Farewell.”

After Taltin left, Callintz sighed deeply and looked at me regretfully.

“I’m sorry, Swen. That the fortress you risked your life to protect must be destroyed.”

Well, I hadn’t exactly risked my life, but exploiting that misunderstanding didn’t seem wrong.

“It’s alright. If it was for you, Callintz, I’m satisfied.”

“Really? You think so?”

Hearing my flattery, Callintz approached, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“I’ll try persuading the lord once more! If you could perform that… ceremony to communicate with the heavens just one more time! We could annihilate Serpina’s army, gather our forces, and finally plant Brans’ flag in the North! What do you say? Will you help make history with me?!”


I thought he’d reflect on his hasty actions, but seeing my “ability,” he seemed to think it feasible.

Of course, I have no power to summon natural disasters, let alone meteorites from the sky.

So, it was best to politely decline at this moment.


Before I could speak, Airen, standing beside me, intervened.

“We cannot afford to put Swen in such danger again. Please refrain from including him in any reckless plans. If you insist on taking him, you’ll have to kill me first.”

Callintz, taken aback, shouted.

“Are you defying me, Airen Juliette?”

Despite Callintz’s stern tone, Airen stood firm, directly confronting him.

“This is not defiance but advice. Please heed my words, Callintz. We must not risk more lives with another poor judgment.”

“How dare you…!”

“And, the lord has ordered ‘to demolish the fortress and retreat.’ I believe disobeying the lord’s command is the real defiance, don’t you agree?”

Airen’s sharp words left Callintz unable to contain his anger, his hand reaching for his sword.


To prevent further escalation, I quickly stepped in and bowed deeply.

“Please calm your anger, Callintz. Performing the ceremony to influence the heavens requires many conditions. Even if we conducted another sacrifice, success is not guaranteed.”

“Sw, Swen…!”

Though it was bothersome, provoking Callintz here would do no good.

I mixed in words I thought he’d want to hear.

“Moreover, ignoring the lord’s command now could tarnish your reputation. A great general knows when to be patient. And to my knowledge, you, Callintz, are considered the most patient among Brans’ generals. Even the top swordsman, Chel, admits you surpass him in this regard.”

“Is… is that so…?”

“Indeed. That’s why I wished to serve under you.”

“Hm, hmm.”

Callintz cleared his throat a few times, his anger seemingly dissipated.

Easier to handle than expected, thankfully.

“Airen and I are exhausted from defending the fortress and currently cannot make sound judgments. We only hope for a decision reflecting your patience. Please consider this and make a decision befitting of you.”

“Hmm… patience, indeed. Well… considering Swen’s and everyone’s efforts, and the lord’s orders… it’s probably the right thing to do.”

Callintz wasn’t completely foolish. A little thought revealed what was right.

He must’ve reflected while imprisoned.

He sighed deeply, then looked at Airen beside me.

“Airen, I’ll let this incident slide, considering your efforts for the fortress. But next time, think more carefully before you speak. Understood?”

“Yes. Thank you for forgiving my rudeness. I’ll keep your words in mind.”

Fortunately, Airen also chose not to escalate further and bowed her head.


“Must the fortress be destroyed, then…”

Murmuring, Callintz left the meeting room.

Alone with Airen, I finally addressed her.

“Airen, there’s no need to be so confrontational with Callintz.”

“No. I don’t want to put you in danger anymore, Swen. It would be the same with anyone else. I can’t compromise on this.”

It seemed her sense of debt to me was greater than I realized.

Then… perhaps it was time.

I cautiously asked a daring question.

“Even to Lynn, the lord?”

Airen turned slowly to face me upon hearing that.

Her violet eyes, clearer than ever, looked solely at me as she whispered.

“Swen… I have something to tell you. Now’s as good a time as any.”

“What is it?”

Airen, with a grave expression, drew her sword.

As the blade left its sheath, she planted it firmly into the ground.

Holding the sword with both hands, she spoke solemnly.



“After closing her eyes momentarily – perhaps contemplating her once cherished Lynn Brans – but now knowing she could never protect Lynn again, Airen opened her eyes.

With a calm expression, focusing solely on me, she whispered softly.

“From now on, I shall live not for Lynn Brans, but for you, Swen.”

I simply looked at her seriously, without a word.

“I shall exist to protect you. My body will serve you. I, Airen Juliette, from this moment forth, belong solely to you, Swen.”

“If anyone seeks to harm you, whoever it may be, I will use all my strength to protect you. And…”

Blushing slightly with a girl-like expression, she continued.

“If it’s alright with you… I was thinking… of continuing to make tea for you.”

“That’s the most important thing, Airen.”

At my words, a gentle smile appeared on Airen’s face.

A strong, unbreakable smile.

“You’re lighthearted even

at times like this.”

“But it’s true.”

Airen then said, more seriously.

“While we’re in Brans’ army or wherever we may be, I, Airen Juliette, will serve as a knight solely for you, just as you said you would protect me.”

Hearing this, it finally felt real.

I had succeeded in changing our destined paths.

I saved her from a fate where she’d die clinging to a belief.

I was glad I came to Brans’ army for this reason alone.

“Thank you, Airen.”


After our brief ceremony, she sheathed her sword and asked with a slightly serious tone.

“By the way, Swen. I have a question for you.”

“Please, go ahead.”

“It seems the lord, Lynn, isn’t truly in your heart.”

I shrugged at Airen’s observation.

Was it that obvious?

“Seems like it.”


Considering her usual loyalty, her stance would’ve been different. But now, her body and heart were no longer Lynn’s but mine.

“Who truly is your lord? I’m curious. Whoever it is, I shall follow them as well.”

My lord.

There had only ever been one person I intended to serve.

“I serve the only person capable of conquering this continent and becoming its unified ruler.”

“Who might that be? If it’s someone I’ve met a few months ago…”


Thank you, Airen, for providing the perfect question.

“Is Lunarian Iniang the one who will become the unified ruler?”

And as always-

The answer came swiftly.



Relieved, I exhaled.

You’re safe, my lord.

In the Madlan Castle of the Carleria Kingdom, the capital of the southern continent and the largest city, a girl with cute, short, cream-colored hair and red eyes was…

“Great work, everyone! Just a little more effort! We’re close to reaching our goal!”

…working alongside peasants in the fields, holding agricultural tools.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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