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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 52

Episode 52. His Existence Becomes Known on the Continent (3)

After encouraging Ginor several more times, Yuri finally brought up the main topic.

“By the way, Ginor, you’ve heard the rumors, haven’t you?”

“Are you referring to the incident in the north?”

“Yes. The story about the man with white hair who performed a ritual, and then a rock fell from the sky.”

Upon Yuri’s words, Ginor nodded.

“Of course, I’ve heard. It’s currently the hottest topic on the continent, isn’t it? All the lords must be paying attention to that man.”

Literally like a comet appearing out of nowhere, a man who brought down a comet from the sky.

It was certain that his existence was being heatedly discussed on the lips of all the feudal lords.

“Moreover, there are quite a number of eyewitnesses who actually saw it. It doesn’t seem to be a false or exaggerated story.”

“Then… has a magician already appeared?”

Ginor let out a long sigh before speaking.

“It’s most likely.”

“We’re a step behind, then.”

“It’s alright. If he had to perform a ritual, it means he’s not a true magician.”

“Is that so? But wouldn’t it be better if we could bring him over? If he’s a real magician, being under Lynn Brans would be a waste, right?”

“If your highness wishes, I won’t dissuade you… but I’m not sure if he’ll understand your intentions. After all, our Aeshers army is a minor power compared to Brans’s army.”

“You were skeptical about joining our army at first, too. Couldn’t we somehow persuade him? Or would it be too difficult?”

To that, Ginor bowed his head and said,

“It’s alright. Just give me a little more time. If we can just withstand the giant wave that is Brans’s army, the goddess of victory will surely favor our Aeshers army. Then, the man with white hair will naturally be drawn to our side.”

Their conversation had a clearly different point from that of other lords.

Vanessa of Karelia’s army argued that [Since he’s not a magician, he must have predicted the timing].

Jena of Serpina’s army argued that [Since he didn’t predict the timing, he must be a magician].

However, Ginor definitively concluded he was a magician.

This was distinctly different from the argument that excluding the impossible leaves magic.

It felt as if the premise “Magicians exist” was taken as a fact.

“I trust you, Ginor. And all my comrades following me trust you too. Being part of the Aeshers army means entering into a strong relationship of trust that will never betray. I told you all about it on the day I came to bring you over, right?”

Hearing her words, Ginor bowed deeply to her.

“I will surely repay your highness’s trust.”

Though the strategy failed, it didn’t mean the downfall of the Aeshers army.

The mindset he had when leaving his seclusion.

The ideal of building a nation for his lord, Varanga Yuri Aeshers.

Ginor had bet the rest of his life on the future she was painting.


Before going out on his business, Ginor briefly returned home, where a woman’s voice greeted him.

“Father. Have you arrived?”


She was a young woman, appearing to be around twenty years old.

With long pink hair and a somewhat vacant expression, the woman called Ginor “father.” However, considering their significant age difference and the lack of any resemblance, their relationship didn’t seem to be that of father and daughter.

“How was the result of your practice today?”

“I haven’t reached the level you mentioned, but…”

She hesitated for a moment, then slowly extended her hand.

Soon after—

A small flame ignited in her hand.

However, it was only for a moment.


She collapsed right there.

“I managed to create a spark, but… I’m not sure how to maintain it. I’ve been reading all the ancient texts you mentioned.”

“It’s alright. Just being able to materialize it is no ordinary feat. So, can you somewhat sense it?”

“If you’re talking about [Mana]… faintly, maybe.”

Ginor nodded and said,

“Yes, Raika. Continue practicing like this. Your talent will bring peace to this continent. Understand?”

“I will keep and re-keep your words in mind, father.”

The pink-haired girl, Raika, simply nodded with an empty gaze and responded.

Then, she cautiously opened her mouth.

“Father, I have something to tell you—”

“I’m busy. I must go now. Is it related to your training?”


After hearing Raika’s reply, Ginor turned and left immediately.

Although living conditions had improved since joining the Aeshers army, her life hadn’t changed at all.

Reading [Mana] and practicing how to use it.

Her life, like a bird trapped in a cage, was growing colder and colder.


Destroying the fortress was, of course, not the decision of the lord or the generals who oversaw its construction but the soldiers who had carried each brick and toiled in its construction.

Now, those soldiers were demolishing the barely standing fortress with their own hands.

“What an irony.”

Given the era, it was unavoidable, but seeing such a scene unfold as if it were normal caused the modern ego still lingering within me to react with rejection.

The soldiers, too, seemed to question what they were doing, as their expressions were far from happy.

Even if they weren’t modern people, their sentiments couldn’t be that different from mine.

Seeing Lunairen and Airen being popular among the estate people and soldiers made sense.

Unable to stand the sight, I tried to help out, but perhaps due to my low strength, I ended up being more of a hindrance than a help.

Sweating profusely just from carrying a few bricks was embarrassing.

Fortunately, since Airen, of all people, was helping out with the soldiers’ demolition work, my image didn’t seem too bad for working alongside her.

After demolishing the fortress,

On the night before our departure, I sat in front of the campfire, pondering what to do next.



Airen, who had been with me all day helping with the fortress demolition, approached me with a tray in her hand and spoke in a cautious tone.

“May I sit?”

“Of course.”

She sat down next to me, slightly too close, so I could feel her body brushing against mine.

Since that ritual, the distance she kept from me felt strangely reduced.


She handed me a cup from the tray she was holding.

“Is this… tea?”

“One of the soldiers had it. Said it was part of their supplies.”

“Did you confiscate a soldier’s supplies?”

At my words, she panicked and shook her head.

“No… it’s not confiscated. I just borrowed it…! I thought it would be nice to share it with you… The soldier said it was okay…!”

“I’m joking.”

She blushed and puffed her cheeks at my words.

Unknown to her, her actions were quite adorable.

“…You seem to enjoy teasing your superior quite a bit.”

After laughing a few times at her reaction, I took the tea she offered.

The warm sensation envelop

ed my body.

“What’s the matter?”

“I was wondering when you’d make a decision.”


Yes. Airen’s heart had already left Lynn Brans. I also had no intention of staying here long.

But I hadn’t heard any news of Lunarien raising an army.

That meant—I would inevitably have to find another lord to serve.

“Looks like I’ll have to live as a journeyman again.”

I could have stayed in Brans’s army, keeping a low profile and wasting time comfortably.

But then, I would have lost Airen, who looked at me with such eyes.

Just that fact alone made me not regret my actions and decisions so far.

It might be tough, but so what?

I had a loyal red-haired knightess by my side, believing in me.

And she had a large chest.

“I might have to spend some time under another lord.”

“Another lord?”

“Since Lady Luna hasn’t raised an army.”

“…I see.”

She nodded and said,

“It doesn’t matter who. I will stay wherever you decide to stay.”

Her gaze was unwaveringly steady as she spoke.

“But while you’re still here, I hope you don’t show too much that your heart has left. Just enough so Lynn doesn’t notice. Like before. Can you do that?”

Hearing my words, Airen smiled bitterly.

“You don’t have to worry. That’s what I’ve been doing all along.”

After all,

It’s easy to speak of loyalty and noble spirit.

But her heart must have been rotting away from everything she had gone through up to now.

“I’ll let you know when the time comes.”


We then silently watched the campfire for a long time.

And at that moment—


I felt something lean against my shoulder.

It was Airen.

She had… used my shoulder as a pillow to lean on.

Turning to look at her, I could see her face was as red as a beet.

Her ears were bright red as she looked up at me cautiously, showing an expression of shyness not usually seen in her, and asked,

“…Do you mind?”

“No, well… I don’t mind.”

“…If you don’t mind… let me stay like this for a bit.”

I could feel her body warmth.

The sensation of her large chest pressing against my arm was vivid.

The scent of the tea leaves we had just drunk made the atmosphere even more peculiar.

Yes. I had to admit it.

I was feeling a bit fluttered.


Come to think of it, this game. It allowed polygamy.

A man could marry up to four women.

Did that rule apply here, too?

With such foolish thoughts,

I spent time in front of the campfire with Airen, feeling each other’s presence.


After completing the destruction of the fortress, we returned to Anel Castle as soon as daylight broke.

The journey back was slow due to the number of wounded, but since we were within the territory, there was no need to rush.

Moreover, thanks to Airen’s daily care, there were significantly more soldiers in good condition than right after the defeat.

Arriving at Anel Castle, which remained bustling and peaceful, made the events in the north feel like a mere lie, enveloped in tranquility.

The expressions of the people here were distinctly different from those living in Kelstein Castle.

Just wandering around this place made it difficult to realize it was a time of war and conflict.

Naturally, the first place we headed to was the castle where Lynn resided.

Although I wanted to return to the East Anel family home and leisurely drink tea with Airen, we had duties to fulfill.

“…The responsibility is mine, so you don’t need to worry too much.”

Despite everything, Calintz seemed to understand his current position.

He was the one who decided to build the fortress and to march out, not someone else.

Airen and I, if anything, just followed orders.

I was concerned about being seen as defiant, but “wanting to fight for the country” should be somewhat mitigating, right?

With Calintz leading, we immediately headed to the audience room upon arriving at the castle.

“It’s time to conclude this matter.”

This was, in some ways, the true end of the northern battle.

It was time to face our lord, Lynn Brans.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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