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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 54

Chapter 54. Audience Room / Anel Castle (2)

* * *

Several hours earlier, inside the castle before Calintz and his party arrived.

Lynn sat on her throne, repeatedly reading a letter from Parfalle that a messenger had brought.

The content was as follows:

[Swen’s predictions have all come true. From the start, the Charlam Army was conspiring with the Aeshers Army to stab us in the back. We’ve also received news of the uprising. Everything he said was correct. His ability is extraordinary. Although his opinions do not always align with mine, they seem trustworthy.]

Parfalle was not an arrogant person, but neither was she the type to downplay her considerable abilities out of false modesty.

She confidently rarely heeded others’ opinions and disliked having hers altered by someone else.

For the first time, she was telling her sovereign, ‘Even if his opinions do not align with mine, they are trustworthy.’

Unlike with Airen, who had a completely different realm of talent, Swen was competing in the same waters as herself.

At this point, Lynn’s mind was overwhelmingly complex.

Undoubtedly, a tremendous talent had entered… but her feelings were anything but settled.

How could his predictions all be so unrealistically accurate?

To have a general whose predictions all come true… then why do the emotions felt not ‘reassurance’ or ‘reliability’ but rather ‘fear’?

Lynn Brans fundamentally did not trust others.

The main reason she could ascend to the position of successor was precisely because she trusted no one.

The fact that her father, Orlando Brans, chose Lynn over Chel or Calintz for the successor, due to her absolute unwillingness to rely on or trust anyone, was already a well-known fact among the siblings.

Honestly, though Parfalle was considered quite intelligent in the central continent, Lynn knew she wasn’t as exceptional as other nation’s strategists.

But that’s exactly why Lynn could comfortably employ her, believing she could control her since she was moderately used but never fully trusted.

Scouring for talent hidden in minor nations was also part of her strategy.

Instead of trusting one person absolutely, she preferred to amass a variety of people who could offer opinions, allowing her more options to choose from.

However, her tranquil ‘Brans Army operation plan’ began to skew with the entrance of Swen.

She herself had recruited Swen.

He seemed to have a somewhat functioning brain for a strategist from a minor nation, capable of occasionally providing chillingly accurate advice.

That was all she expected from him – advice on the state of the continent, discussions on strategies, just that.

But, he kept making ‘impossible’ claims, which after some time, inexplicably turned out to be ‘possible.’

Not only that, but he also remained in the fortress, defying her orders and even invoking a celestial stone through a ritual sacrifice in a battle thought unwinnable…

Lynn sensed that Swen was not someone she could control.

Thus, he became a source of fear.

She was terrified of her subordinate general who kept making accurate predictions, seemingly beyond her control as a sovereign.

At first, she tried not to show it.

After all, Swen was her subject.

She thought if any signs of rebellion showed, she could deal with him somehow.

Even when Calintz and he entered the audience chamber, she wasn’t overly nervous.

It’s nothing serious.

Even after sending Calintz and Airen away, starting the private conversation with Swen… it was still fine.

But, the more she talked with him, the more she began to fear him again.

She feared she couldn’t control him despite whatever measures she took, a suspicion slowly creeping up on her.

Unknowingly, her voice began to shake.

Unknowingly, chills ran down her body.

Surely, she was the sovereign.

She could, at any moment, command his imprisonment or execution without cause.

Yet, Swen, kneeling before her, calmly muttering about ‘reading the stars’ or ‘interpreting human actions,’ actions utterly impossible, filled her with unbearable dread.

“Swen… what exactly are you…?”

Barely managing to utter, she questioned his existence.

What are you?

How much do you know?

Do you know I’m afraid of you?

As she mulled over her words, Swen smiled gently and said.

“Lynn. It’s okay.”

“It’s okay…?”

“My talent is entirely at your disposal, Lynn. There’s no need to fear.”

She was stunned, realizing Swen saw through her fear.

Yet, simultaneously…

He humbly bent down as if begging her, presenting himself to her service.

“Use me as your compass, Lynn. I will gladly comply.”


A bit taken aback by Swen’s sudden humility, she managed to collect herself and asked.

“That means…?”

“Literally, sovereign.”

Swen looked up at Lynn, speaking with respectful tone.

“Although my talent is modest, your high regard allowed me entrance into the Brans Army. I consider this place an excellent stage to fulfill my dreams. My dream isn’t to hold the world in my hands but to assist the person who will.

“And that person is…?”


With confidence, Swen replied to the slightly trembling Lynn.

“Specifically, Lynn.”


“My goal is to achieve greatness. I ask for nothing special. Fulfill my desires, and I will fulfill yours.”

After saying this, Swen bowed his head even lower.

“Please, grant me wings, sovereign.”

After Swen left, Lynn, now alone in the audience room, finally managed to regain her composure after melting away the hours.

The first thing she did, now capable of rational thought, was to ponder over Swen’s words.

“Use me as your compass…?”

Did that mean he wanted to be appointed as the national strategist


Not necessarily that, but it was clear he wanted to be valued and utilized.

He said his aim was to achieve greatness and that the person meant to rule the world was none other than herself, Lynn Brans.

So, essentially, he was saying not to fear him but to please use him.

Honestly, when she heard his goal was to achieve greatness, she felt a bit deflated.

With such extraordinary abilities, was that all his ambition amounted to?

Moreover, boldly declaring her, Lynn Brans, as the person to rule the world.

She indeed thought so herself, but hearing it from someone else felt different.

It seemed more like flattery to gain favor from her, the sovereign, than a genuine belief.

Lynn couldn’t shake this thought from her mind.

“Did I overestimate him…?”

She twirled her hair around her finger, lost in thought.

Swen clearly knew she feared him.

Hence, he said there was no need for fear.

So, knowing she was afraid, yet still prostrating himself, offering his abilities for her use…

Coming on too strongly with such a low stance made Lynn even more puzzled.

Then, she naturally recalled their first meeting.

“His previous sovereign, Lunarian Iniang, thought he was conspiring with the Brans Army, a traitor,” he had said.

Surely, his former sovereign Lunarian also feared Swen’s abilities to the extent of treating him that way.

It was easy to imagine the frail sovereign of a minor nation, whose capacity couldn’t possibly be that vast.

Having experienced such treatment, opting for self-preservation over grand dreams wasn’t incomprehensible.

“Maybe I judged Swen’s person too highly based on his extraordinary abilities…”

The extraordinary nature of abilities and noble human character do not necessarily correlate.

Thinking back, his reason for defiance was straightforward.

To earn distinction.

Likely, he attempted to climb Calintz’s ranks, knowing it was hard to get close to her with Parfalle and the heroes around.

The fact he stayed at the fortress for distinction, even defying orders for a meaningless fort, didn’t seem like a false claim of ambition.

Considering that made Lynn feel a bit better.

Of course, Swen had another true reason for staying at the fortress, but Lynn had no way of knowing.

“Actually, that’s probably for the best. If someone has a clear desire…”

Lynn smirked.


Providing what he wanted without fully trusting him, extracting what she needed from him.

Perhaps, that would form a win-win situation between her and Swen.

If Swen’s goal truly was to achieve greatness, she was confident she could provide that.

By making him dependent and loyal to her – then she would find a way to deal with him.

Nothing was easier than handling someone with a clear desire.

“Ha ha ha.”

Lynn’s laughter filled the quiet audience room.


There was no need to be afraid. After all, the absolute ruler was herself.

“Swen… let’s see you prove your abilities slowly. If you do, I’ll make you unable to live without me…”

She thought so, continuing to twirl her finger through her hair.

The action stopped only about 30 minutes later.

* * *

After finishing the audience and stepping outside the castle, Airen was waiting for me.


“You could have gone home first.”

“How could I leave without you? We’re headed to the same destination.”

She said, then suddenly lowered her head slightly, blushing as she looked up at me.

“And… it’s been a while since we’ve been home. I wanted to enter with you.”

“That’s nice. I feel the same.”

Hearing my words, Airen smiled warmly.

Lately, I’ve been seeing her smile more often.

“…That’s a relief.”

On the way home from the castle,

She posed a few questions to me.

“Did things go well with the sovereign?”


“What did you discuss?”

“Nothing much, just planted some illusions.”

“Planted illusions?”


I smiled slyly.

“I instilled confidence in her that she could control me however she wants.”

“Instilled confidence… Why?”

“Well, it’s easier to deceive someone who thinks they can handle you rather than someone who’s afraid.”

“Being afraid is concerning, but what do you mean by deceiving?”

“It’s about time we left.”


Her pupils shrank sharply at my words.

“Before we leave, we should take what we can, right?”

She glanced around subtly, then cautiously asked,

“If it’s time to leave…”

“Yes. Airen, prepare yourself. We’re soon going to serve a new sovereign.”

Yes, before anything else, for Airen’s safety…

We needed to leave this place as soon as possible.

Hearing my words, Airen said nothing at first, then softly smiled.

“…Right. Swen, if that’s what you think, I’ll follow you anywhere.”

“That’s good to hear.”

We shared a smile.

Between us, a bond stronger than ever was palpable.

“Shall we go back? To our home.”

“Our home…”

Airen repeated the word “our” several times, then smiled at me warmly.

The sunlight made her face appear more radiant than ever.

“Yes. Let’s go back, Swen. Together. To our home.”

Back to where our story began.

It was time to return to East Anel Street No. 32.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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I ‘m intrigued

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not work with dark mode