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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 55

Chapter 55. Even After This, Will You Kneel Before Me?


After that day,

I began to take on the role of providing advice to Lynn, standing by her side.

Without any specific orders, whenever she called me to the castle, I offered my advice.

Since the state strategist Parfalle was still dealing with the situation in the east, it was a logical decision for Lynn to call on me.

I, for my part, advised her as my intellect of 100 dictated.

It was necessary for her to trust me to some extent.

“Swen, we have three idle forces. What should we do with them?”

“There are still hidden talents around Anel Castle and this domain. Searching for them might yield good results.”

The search result was the discovery of a B-grade general and a treasure worth about 2,000 gold.

“We’re considering tidying up the western region, thinking of invading the Garamil Army. What do you think?”

“It’s not the right time yet. It would be better to gather more soldiers and focus on defending the border.”


A few days later, news arrived that the Brans Army, having attacked the Garamil Army west of Jerant Castle with 30,000 troops, was defeated.

It seemed that Lynn had decided to attack despite my advice, resulting in a sudden outbreak of disease in our camp that lowered morale, failing to breach the defenses of the fiercely resisting Garamil Army.

It’s okay. If she didn’t act this way, it would be problematic. The more she tests, the more she’ll unconsciously trust my opinions.

“…Swen. It seems you were right again.”

“I merely thought that reinforcing the defense line was necessary. There’s no need to overestimate me. It was purely due to luck that we were defeated.”

“Then we should just stay put for now? The soldiers’ morale is incredibly low, and it would be awkward to pull more troops from the border.”

“Not at all. Regroup immediately and attack. This time, you will be able to conquer successfully.”

And once again, a few days later.

News arrived that the Brans Army had breached the walls and captured Hoero Castle, previously held by the Garamil Army, which then faded into history.

“…We won, as you said.”

Despite hearing the victory report, Lynn’s expression was complex. I added a plausible situation to her story.

“The soldiers of the Garamil Army never considered their previous victory as such, thinking it was only due to an outbreak of disease in the Brans Army. Therefore, even after winning, their morale wouldn’t have increased. They merely got lucky in repelling us.”

“When they thought they could finally rest, hearing that the Brans Army’s forces were advancing again naturally broke their spirit. Realizing that defending repeatedly would lead to a futureless battle isn’t hard to deduce.”

I concluded, bowing my head.

“It was merely good timing that exploited the enemy’s low morale, not everything went as I said. Everything is thanks to your decision, Lynn.”

Of course, the part about morale increasing and such was purely my own embellishment, based on any words I could string together to look impressive.

All I knew was that the first invasion would ‘fail,’ and the second would ‘succeed.’

Yet, the outcome was accurate.

This would surely resonate with her.

During my free time, I deliberately entered a cave far from the domain to meditate.

With two soldiers stationed outside to prevent anyone from entering, I aimed to create one image: “Swen meditates here alone without any disturbance.”

Through days of assisting her like this, one day she asked me a question.

“Swen, you’ve worked hard. Parfalle will return tomorrow, so from the day after, you won’t need to visit daily like now. More importantly, do you want anything? You’ve helped me a lot these past few days, and I’d like to reward you.”

“Didn’t I tell you? I want to make a name for myself. Please continue to use me thoroughly.”

“That’s all?”


She didn’t say anything for a while, then smiled sweetly again.

“Still, I want to reward you. If you go outside the castle gate, I’ve prepared something you’ll like. It’s a token of my appreciation, so I hope you’ll accept it. Make sure to take it home and look at it alone. And then, tell me your thoughts. I’m curious about how you feel. Got it?”

A token of appreciation?

The instruction to take it home and view it alone already made me wary, but regardless, I needed to show loyalty to Lynn here.

“Thank you for your kindness. I will never forget this gesture.”

“Good, haha.”

Leaving the castle,

What awaited me was definitely something I hadn’t anticipated.

“Are you… Swen, by any chance…?”

It was a woman.

She was extremely beautiful, dressed provocatively, with blonde hair and a voluptuous figure.

She didn’t seem like a Brans Army general. More like a civilian, if anything.

No. Considering her makeup and attire…

“She works in a brothel.”

And then, I easily grasped Lynn’s intent.

She was trying to ‘tame’ me.

By bestowing a brothel woman as a reward for loyalty.

The implication of “you’ll like this” along with the instruction to take her home and then share my impressions was ludicrous.

This wasn’t a reward. It was an insult.

Lightly considered, it meant, “Let’s see how far you can endure” or “Even after this, will you kneel before me?”

In short,

She was testing how much I would submit to her.

Before trusting my abilities, she deemed this process necessary.

“Ah, well.”

If I were genuinely a loyal subject, I might sigh and accumulate resentment over this situation.

But I was a subject with full intent to betray her, utterly disloyal.


“It’s time to act as if ‘Even given such humiliation, I will follow your orders for my personal gain.'”

I smiled faintly and said to her.

“I was planning to return home now. Would you accompany me?”

“Yes? Oh…”

She blushed as she looked at my face, then nodded, agreeing.


A sovereign resorting to such petty tactics against a subject using a civilian from a brothel – what was she thinking?

Her persistence was nauseating, but at the moment, I was rather grateful.

That persistence would eventually lead her to be complacent at the final moment.

Thus, I took the lady home with me.

As expected, Airen’s eyes bulged in shock when we arrived.

“Sw, Swen…? Who is…?”

“Think of her as a guest who’s just visiting. Ah, could you perhaps serve us some tea?”

“Well, that’s not difficult, but…”

“I’ll explain everything.”

After hearing me out, Airen, though initially confused, nodded and regained her composure.

“Hmm. Alright. It might be modest, but please make yourself comfortable.”

“Yes? Oh, yes…!”

I sat down at the table with the lady, appropriately positioning ourselves.

Then, the woman leaned in close and whispered to me.

“Um… Swen.”


“It’s just… I was told to… provide you with a man’s pleasure… but, do we have to do it in front of this woman?

I mean, if that’s what you wish, I’m willing, but… this is a first for me, even considering my profession…”


I sighed briefly before asking.

“What’s your name?”

“Me? I’m… Lynna.”

“Lynna. I’m not sure what you were told by our sovereign, but what I’d like you to do isn’t that.”


“Just have a cup of tea, spend some time, and then leave the house.”

“Really? Swen, do you have such a strong will? I’ve heard men have diverse tastes, but…”

“It’s not about willpower…”

“Hm? Willpower? Swen, were you doing some fortification work today?”

Airen approached, placing a tray with three cups and a teapot on the table.

I explained the general situation to Airen while we drank tea.

“That’s… But then, fortification, that’s not what… I mean, that’s what… Ah.”

Airen’s face turned as red as a beet, shaking as she sipped her tea.

Then, she suddenly coughed uncontrollably.

“Are you okay, Airen?”

“No, I’m fine… Umm…”

“Um… So, we’re not doing anything today?”

Lynna asked, and I nodded.

“Yes. However… if you could act as if we ‘did something’ after leaving, I’d be very grateful.”

I had a reason for not sending her away immediately.

I suspected Lynn Brans might have someone follow me.

Although I wasn’t particularly perceptive, I never felt like someone was following me or felt their gaze.

Still, acting this way seemed prudent. If Lynn found out I sent her away immediately, she might overestimate me unnecessarily.

Appearing utterly submissive was essential for a perfect exit.

“That’s easy, but… it’s a bit disappointing.”


Surprisingly, she seemed intrigued.

“Actually, when I first got this request… I thought I’d have to deal with some old man again. But to my surprise, someone as handsome and charming as you, Swen… I was looking forward to it…♡”

“Cough! Cough! Cough!”

Airen choked on her tea again.

I patted her back a few times before asking Lynna.

“…Do you often receive such requests from her?”

“Yes. I have some connections with Lynn Brans.”


“Calintz is a regular of mine.”


So Calintz had been living quite the colorful life.

“Did you know? Calintz is physically fit, but as a man… he’s not that impressive. He finishes in 3 minutes.”


I certainly didn’t need to know that.

Airen continued to cough as a side note.

“Anyway, I hope you’ll grant my request. Please act as if we ‘did something.’ It’s not much, but take this with you.”

I handed her half of the gold I had earned from my salary working for the Brans Army.

To me, it was useless gold, but to her, it seemed valuable as she brightened up.

“Oh, you’re giving me all this!”

She pocketed the money and nodded.

“Sure! I can’t refuse a request from a handsome man like you. Don’t worry!”

“Flattery won’t get you anything, but thank you.”

We chatted for a while about trivial things.

After some time had passed and she left the room,

Airen finally asked me seriously.

“That Lynna… was she someone the sovereign assigned to you?”

“Yes. It seems like a test. Will you still follow me after this?”

“I see…”

Airen bowed her head, smiling bitterly.

She must understand this situation better than anyone.

After all, she had been subjected to such sinister torment by Lynn more than anyone else.

“…Am I causing you to be hated because of me?”

“What does it matter? Being hated by Lynn doesn’t bother me. Unless it’s Airen who hates me.”

“Uh, um…?”

“If Airen hated me, that might truly upset me.”

Hearing my words, Airen’s face flushed deeply as she bowed her head.

Then, in a barely audible voice, she squeezed out a response.

“I won’t… hate you, Swen…”

“Me neither.”


She fidgeted for a while, staring at an empty cup, then cautiously looked up and asked me.

“Um… I have something I want to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“That… about the fortification…?”


I wondered if I had heard her incorrectly and replied.

“I didn’t do any fortification work today.”

“No, that’s not it. Not that… I mean… the conversation with Lynna earlier… about that… that kind of thing…”

“You’re curious about that?”

“No, not curious, but…! It… it’s just that… the conversation came up, and… you didn’t answer, so… men have various fortifications, I heard… no, I mean… that’s not what I meant…!”

By this point, her face was beyond red, practically glowing, as if it would burst at any moment.

If she was going to be so embarrassed, why ask in the first place?

Suddenly, she seemed incredibly cute to me.

At the same time, I felt an urge to tease her.

“Fortification… I’m not sure if you call it that, but I like women with large chests.”

“Ah? Ah… Yes…! Br, breasts, yes. Men… like breasts, I’ve heard…!”

Seemingly proud of herself, I wondered if it was just my imagination.

“And, women with red hair are my type.”

“Re, red hair?! Hmm, hmmm, yes…!”

“Being skilled with a sword is even better. I have a knight fetish.”

“Knight fetish…?”

Airen seemed to sense something off and looked at me quizzically.

I smiled at her and continued.

“It would be perfect if she practices daily. Oh! And women who can make tea really turn me on.”


Airen, uncharacteristically, puffed up her cheeks and confronted me.

“I, I was asking seriously… why are you joking…!”

“I was answering seriously too.”


And again.

Her face flushed, she opened her mouth but said nothing, as if broken.

“I like chesty, red-haired knights. Really, I was serious. I’m sad you thought it was a joke.”

“That… was it?”

She seemed genuinely apologetic and at a loss for words.

“Sorry. I… thought it was a joke, not because… it all seemed like me… Ah… that, that means… um, that… that is…!”

I laughed heartily at her reaction.

After a good laugh, the annoyance from Lynn’s antics seemed like a distant memory.

“Sorry. It was a joke.”

“…So, it was a joke after all-”

“But regardless, I like Airen.”


Hearing my words, her face turned crimson once again.

Airen was much more expressive than I had thought.

The image of her always wearing a heavy expression, being rejected by Brans Army people, and feeling dejected seemed like a lie.

I wanted to see more of her varied expressions.

Suddenly, I felt that desire.

“Please continue to be with me from now on. You got that?”



She didn’t speak for a while, just looking into my eyes.

My reflection was clearly visible in her violet pupils.

“…Yes… Swen. I understand.”

The bond between Airen and me felt stronger than anything else.

There was no room for Lynn Brans to wedge herself into this relationship.


The next day,

When I visited the castle, Lynn smiled and asked me.

“How was it, Swen? What about the ‘gift’ I bestowed?”

I smiled unshakably and replied.

“Thank you for your care. Thanks to you, I had time to recharge. I will never forget this kindness.”


She laughed as if amused by my response.

“You won’t forget that level of kindness? Swen, you’re also a man! Well, I understand! My brother felt the same way!”

I just smiled appropriately.

In her eyes, I must have seemed pitiful.

With such abilities, yet only seeking her approval.


It was time to start setting the stage.

“Sovereign. Since today is the last day, I have something I wish to say.”

“What is it?”

“As much as you have rewarded me, I too boldly wish to present a gift to you.”

“A gift? Just so you know, my taste is like Swen, pretty and delicate boys, so keep that in mind.”

“Something far better than such trivial things.”

I grinned, probably catching her off guard with the word she least expected.

“Valhalla Castle.”


I shone my eyes brightly, appearing as if I could see through everything, and said with a confident tone.

“It seems the time has come to clean up the nuisance that is the Eishar Army for you.”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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