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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 57

Episode 57. The Last of the Military-Lord Relationship


Rewinding the time a bit, a few days before I made the proposal to Lynn.

“A letter?”

“Yes. I have a place to send it to. I’ve just finished writing it.”

“Alright. You said you had something to tell me? Just wait a moment.”

After finishing the letter, I, having been served a cup of black tea brewed by Airen, briefly explained the upcoming plan.

“Send me back to the battlefield again?”

“That’s correct. As the administrator of the newly constructed fortress, you will have full authority over approximately 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers.”

“Full authority… But I’m not sure if that’s possible. The lord doesn’t trust me that much. Last time at the fortress, it was practically an order to die, so she might have handed it over for a moment, but leading entirely new troops is a different story.”

“We’ll use that to our advantage.”

“Use it how?”

Airen asked, her face showing interest.

“Lynn seems to want to get rid of you, strangely enough. So, we’ll provide her with a scenario where she can do that. If giving you full authority is the only way to remove you, she’ll likely go for it.”

“Give me full authority just to remove me…? I’m not quite following… Anyway, what exactly does this full authority entail?”

I spoke with confidence.

“I plan to suggest building a fortress in the front yard of Valharat Castle. And temporarily grant you full authority over that fortress.”

“Valharat Castle, as in the capital of Aeshers’ forces?”

“That’s correct.”

“Why though? Even if it’s your plan, the lord is inherently suspicious. Without any solid basis, suggesting ‘let’s build a fortress to attack Aeshers’ forces’ is unlikely to be approved.”

“I’ll create a situation where she can’t help but agree. I have something prepared.”


Airen looked puzzled for a moment but then smiled lightly.

“Alright, Swen. If you say you’ve prepared something, I’ll just believe that. Even if you propose something utterly implausible, I’ve sworn to draw my sword for you.”

“Thank you for trusting me.”

“So, what am I to do after obtaining full authority? It doesn’t seem like just fighting Aeshers’ forces. Rebelling would be impossible from a fortress, not a castle.”


Why did I devise such a complicated plan?

It was time to explain.

“Make contact with Baranka Yuri Aeshers, the ruler of Aeshers’ forces.”

“Contact her and then?”

I looked straight into her eyes and said,

“Surrender to her.”


Only then did Airen, who had maintained a calm tone, falter.

“Surrender to her…?”

“That’s correct. Our new lord to serve will be Baranka Yuri Aeshers of Aeshers’ forces.”

We had to leave Brans’ forces.

The most crucial reason was to save Airen Juliet in front of me.

Inevitably, Airen would lose her life to Lynn if she stayed here.

Having successfully turned her deeply loyal heart, leaving as soon as possible was the only way to ensure her safety.

But- this was merely my own justification, regardless if it made me seem like a traitor to outsiders.

That part didn’t matter much.

After all, I was planning to return to Lunarien, who would eventually unite the continent.

That part was fine.

However, simply surrendering wouldn’t be meaningful if I took Airen with me.

Leaving Brans’ forces would inevitably make us the target of Lynn Brans’ resentment, and we couldn’t deny she held a significant force, regardless of her character.

In the worst case, Airen and I could be captured and killed by her.

Therefore, it was necessary to take as many surplus soldiers as possible to disrupt the balance of Brans’ forces.

That’s why I was obsessed with constructing a fortress and granting Airen full authority over it.

With full authority, she could take all the soldiers with her when surrendering!

Of course, since it involved moving soldiers, the range of countries that could support us immediately after surrendering was limited to those adjacent to the border-

Since disrupting Brans’ forces was more efficient by empowering a country along the border, that part was not a concern.

Then, there was only one question left.

Which country should we go to?

Brans’ forces were located in the very center of the continent, surrounded by borders on all sides.

There were many countries on the map, but ultimately, there were four main options.

First, the north. Serpina’s forces.

Serpina von Aingardt was a tyrant. Even if we went to surrender, she might just decapitate us on a whim. She was infamous for not showing mercy to enemy leaders.

Our surrender wouldn’t be a significant advantage for her. While we would be approaching in submission, dealing with a super power would be problematic in many ways.

Plus, after being defeated by Calintz in the north, persuading Lynn to expand northward again was difficult.

Thus, she was out of the question. Pass.

Second, one of the two countries to the south that bordered ours.

Not a bad choice. However… they were likely to refuse us to avoid friction with Brans’ forces.

Accepting traitors would instantly make them hostile towards Brans’ forces, which wouldn’t be pleasant for them, considering the southern continent hadn’t been conquered yet.

It would be very inconvenient if, after building the fortress and taking soldiers, they refused us.

Critically, there was a chance we would have to fight against Lunarien in Carelia, which wasn’t directly bordered.

Third. The small countries in the central western part of the continent.

This was also out of the question. Eventually, Brans’ forces would dominate here. Pass.

Fourth was Aeshers’ forces to the east.

Though she hadn’t dealt with Charam and Alephel forces yet, she was clearly the strongest force in the east.

Her territory was small, but with many S-class generals, adding soldiers would pose the biggest threat to Brans’ forces.

Meaning, the soldiers and fortress we could hand over would be very tempting for both us and Aeshers’ forces.

Thus, even if it meant becoming enemies with Brans’ forces, the likelihood of Aeshers’ forces accepting our surrender and protecting us was high.

After all, for Aeshers’ forces to stretch their wings, they had to push Brans’ forces back.

While there were many countries, organizing it like this left us with only one destination.

“Baranka Yuri Aeshers is a very wise woman. She will quickly realize that gaining us is a benefit, not a loss. Plus, I suspect there’s a very wise strategist in Aeshers’ forces. They’ll quickly weigh the pros and cons. It’s most likely they’ll accept us.”

Of course.

This path wouldn’t be entirely rosy.

But to save Airen, this was the only way.

“We’ll both be branded as traitors by Brans’ forces, but being part of Aeshers’ forces means we won’t be easily messed with.”

“Is there evidence for the presence of a strategist… May I ask?”

“They tried to deceive our forces using Alephel and

Charam forces.”

This “betrayal” strategy couldn’t be used without an Intelligence of 95 or higher and without the [Betrayal] specialty.

Someone smart was definitely there.

“I see… Baranka Yuri Aeshers.”

Airen pondered for a moment and then asked me very cautiously.

“But, the final destination isn’t Aeshers’ forces, is it?”

“That’s correct. If Lunarien’s forces ever mobilize, we plan to go there.”

“I see…”

She said, her expression turning serious.

I felt I understood why she looked that way.

Airen was fundamentally a person of deep loyalty.

Even if misplaced, she placed significant importance on the military-lord relationship.

From her perspective, constantly changing who she served, like a migratory bird, was undoubtedly concerning.

Following me meant wandering like I did.

I bowed lightly to her.

“I’m sorry, Airen.”

“Hm? What for?”

“Because you have to keep changing lords because of me. I thought it wouldn’t be pleasant for you. I wanted to apologize for that.”

Hearing my words, Airen started to wave her hands.

“Uh… No, no, Swen. It’s okay. That’s not a problem.”


“I’m just worried… about how Aeshers’ forces will treat you. I might have a plausible reason for being disliked by my lord, but you don’t. Suddenly surrendering generals aren’t always welcomed… and it’s because of me that you’d be branded a traitor, making it harder for you… I’m just worried about how to safely bring you to Lunarien. That’s all.”


“Isn’t that right? You could have made a name for yourself here in Brans. In fact, it would be easier. You’ve already shown and proven so much. So… it’s obvious that leaving here is for my sake, not anyone else’s.”

Shocked by her words, I found myself inadvertently revealing my true feelings.

“I’m fine, Swen. My conviction is to protect you. Who I serve at that moment means nothing.”

She said this with a gentle smile.

Her face, illuminated by the lantern, seemed more beautiful than ever… and without realizing it, I let slip my deepest feelings.

“Airen. As long as you’re protecting me, I, too, will definitely protect you. Even if it means bearing a name worse than that of a traitor. And… when the time comes…”

“…When the time comes…?”


I scratched my cheek.

And just as I was about to speak,


Airen placed her hand on mine.

Then, with a very kind smile, she said,

“It’s okay if it’s not now. When everything is over… please tell me. I’ll be waiting.”


My face was burning hot.

I always thought I had the upper hand when talking with Airen.

Not because I felt superior, but because she… had a strangely quirky side.

Her expressions were more varied than I expected.

Whenever I said something, she always seemed drawn to me… or so I thought.

But at this moment,

I had to admit,

At least now, she was dominating this conversation.

Do you know, Airen?


“Well, then, I’ll just wait for my lord’s command, shall I?”

“Huh? Oh… Yes, that’s right.”

“Good. I’ll be parting with this house soon. I had grown somewhat fond of it.”

She stood up and started to tidy the table.

“It’s getting late. We should go to sleep soon. It’s going to be busy from now on.”

With that, she sat down against the wall, as she always did, instead of using the bed.

I turned off the lantern and instead of going to the bed, I went to sit next to her.


“Let’s sleep together tonight, Airen.”


Even in the darkness, I could tell her face was flushing.

After hesitating for a moment as if she didn’t know what to do,



She said, and rested her head on my shoulder.

I, too, rested my face on top of her head.

Together, we spent one of the last nights in Brans’ forces, leaning on each other.

* * *

Unlike Swen, who fell asleep early,

Airen spent a long time awake, her face flushed as she stared at his sleeping face.

“Airen. As long as you’re protecting me, I, too, will definitely protect you. Even if it means bearing a name worse than that of a traitor. And… when the time comes…”

Thump, thump.

Even now, my heart was racing.

My chest was warm. My stomach was tingling.

So… I hastily cut him off.

If he had blurted out what I was anticipating… it might interfere with him before a crucial task.

Of course, half of me thought differently.

But… my heart felt like it was going to burst from embarrassment, so I quickly changed the subject.


She knew.

Swen was leaving this place to protect me.

A man who had risked his life for me.

Now, he was ready to abandon a guaranteed position for my sake.

I remember the scene.

At the fortress, when he held me after our defeat, glad that I was alive.


For the first time, she experienced emotions that kept provoking her.

But if this is what my heart says…

Airen had no intention of going against it.

And so-

Airen, unable to sleep, spent the night feeling his warmth.


A few days later, at Anel Castle.

Airen, called by Lynn, knelt and listened to her lord’s words.

“Airen. You’ve been through a lot recently.”

“Not at all. I only did what I had to. It’s enough for me that I could help my lord.”

Lynn, looking at Airen bowing to her, smiled kindly.

And then… began to act exactly as Swen had predicted.

“I trust your abilities, so I thought I might use you once again.”


Airen bowed even deeper and spoke firmly.

“Whatever the task, I will follow your command.”

“Good. I like your spirit.”

Lynn smiled and said,

“I’m thinking of invading Aeshers’ forces to the east. I think your help will be needed there.”

As soon as she heard that, Swen’s voice echoed in Airen’s mind.

“…Your words were correct, Swen.”

Airen slowly closed her eyes.

And then, in her heart… she bid farewell to the one she had once so desired to serve.

Goodbye, my lord… no, Lynn Brans.

I wish you all the best.

“Will you earn us glory, Airen?”

“Yes! I understand!”

Airen responded more valiantly than ever.

That was the last of their military-lord relationship.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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So exciting

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not work with dark mode