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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 62

Episode 62. Transferring to Aeshers’ Forces (3)


In the southern part of the continent, at Tepelo Castle, occupied by the Karelia forces.

Adjacent to the border with Ohana forces, this castle was under the command of Lunarien Iniagne.

Initially, there were opinions questioning whether it was too significant a position for her, given her recent arrival.

However, as time passed and Luna proved her capabilities, complaints quickly subsided.

Her thorough management, even of minor details other lords might overlook, silenced any doubts about her appointment.

Considering Karelia and its advisor, Vanessa, prioritized talent in their appointments, this was hardly surprising.

And now, in the royal chambers of Tepelo Castle-

Tifa and Luna were having a long-overdue private conversation.

“Cain wanted to see even me?”


“Why? I’m busy training the kids.”

“He said he has something to show us.”

“Really? What about the others?”

“He preferred it if it were just us.”

“Huh, interesting.”

Tifa smiled.

“Me, Cain, and Luna… gathering together reminds me of the old days.”


Luna thought the same, albeit with one difference from those days…

‘That person’ was not here now.

“Yeah. You heard about the white-haired wizard in Brans’ forces?”


“I’m 100% sure it’s Swen.”

“You think so too?”

“Of course. How many young men with white hair capable of such absurd feats could there be?”

Just as Luna had immediately recognized ‘That must be Swen’ upon hearing the news,

Tifa had quickly deduced it was Swen as well.

“Magic really exists, huh?”

“But was it really magic? Rumors say he conducted a ritual to the sky.”

“If dropping a rock from the sky isn’t magic, what is?”

“Still, Swen never used magic when he was with us…”

“Maybe he was just hiding his power?”


Luna seemed puzzled, but Tifa, undeterred, clapped her fists together and declared,

“Anyway! If even that wimp can use magic, then so can I!”

“That’s if it’s actually magic-”

“Don’t care! I’ll start practicing from today. Of course, I’m strong without magic!”

Recently, Tifa had been undergoing almost lethal training routines.

Repeating simple movements thousands of times to strengthen her body and running 3km around Tepelo Castle’s domain three times a day.

Since the day she was utterly defeated by Airen Juliette, realizing her strength was insufficient even for her own protection, she had been driven by a sense of crisis to rigorously train her body.

Knowing Tifa’s heart, Luna had assigned her to train the soldiers since becoming the lord, allowing Tifa to efficiently use even her duty hours for physical training.


“You both gathered quickly. Sorry for the delay.”

Cain approached from a distance, not alone.

“Hurry up, old man! Wait, who are those with you?”


Yes, but more precisely, seemingly young boys and girls.

Cain was accompanied by a young boy and two girls.

The oldest-looking boy appeared to be about 16 years old.

“Cain, who are these children?”

“Just about to introduce them to Lady Luna and Tifa.”

Stepping aside, Cain prompted,

“Lunarien, greetings.”

The three youths knelt and greeted Luna together.

“They are my relatives. Due to certain circumstances, they are all now orphans.”

“Huh, old man? You had relatives? Thought you said you had no family.”

At Tifa’s remark, Cain nodded and explained,

“When I was at Jeilant Castle, that was true. These children were in an orphanage in another city.”

“An orphanage?”

“Yes. Now that some time has passed, I thought it best to introduce them to Lady Luna.”

As Cain finished, the oldest boy began to introduce himself, followed by the others.

“My name is Francis.”

“I’m Charlotte.”

“Violet, at your service.”

Luna looked into Francis’s eyes.

Golden pupils, slightly dull blonde hair.

He seemed familiar… but perhaps it was just a feeling?

Charlotte’s eyes were also golden like Francis’s.

Violet’s eyes were black, similar to Cain’s, and both had black hair.

“It’s nice to meet you all. I’m Lunarien.”

“So, what’s the purpose? Introducing relatives can’t be the only reason you called us here?”

“Well, listen.”

Cain, more serious than ever, looked at Luna and said,

“Lady Luna, please take these children under your guardianship.”

“Me? Take care of them?”

“Yes. It’s embarrassing to say, but they all possess exceptional talents. They will undoubtedly be of great help in your grand endeavors.”

“Grand endeavors, meaning…?”

At Luna’s question, Cain nodded.

“I don’t believe serving as a lord under Karelia is your ultimate ambition.”


Realizing Cain’s reasoning, Tifa nodded.

“These kids will be on our side?”



Indeed, as Cain said, Luna never intended to deviate from her path.

Hadn’t she promised Swen? Given the chance, she wouldn’t let it slip by.

Hoping he’d return to her side, she never forgot his words.

“Lady Luna, perhaps it would be best if they stayed at your estate, planning for the future. Since you currently employ no servants, taking them in as such wouldn’t seem odd to others.”

Luna had been given a massive mansion in Tepelo Castle, far too large for one person.

“Why me, though? Since they’re Cain’s relatives, wouldn’t it be better if Cain took care of them?”

“Ha… Lady Luna, I understand your point, but I’m already of advanced age. I might die next month. But it’s natural for someone who has lived as long as I have.”

“Don’t say that…!”

“Yeah, old man. That’s the lie old people tell the most. ‘I’ve lived enough, so it’s time to die.’ At least wait until Luna has rebuilt the nation, right?”

Cain smiled wryly at Tifa’s words and continued,

“Well, by introducing these children to Lady Luna, I believe I’ve fulfilled my duty.”

“Seriously, though, how talented are these kids to be so confidently introduced?”

“Tifa, you’ll understand in time. What I mean by that.”

With that, Cain turned to Luna, bowing slightly,

“Anyway, I hope Lady Luna will take them in. Preferably before anyone else. I promise they will be a great help.”


Luna knew she would eventually have to break away from Karelia and rise to power.

Having more people on her side was never a bad thing.

“Please, stand up, everyone.”

At Luna’s command, the children rose.

She approached the eldest, Francis, and said,


“Yes, Lady Lunarien.”

“Just Luna is fine. You can consider me your guardian. I’m counting on you.”

At Luna’s words, Francis blushed slightly, perhaps unaccustomed to dealing with women.

“Ah… Understood. I’ll do my best.”

After exchanging brief greetings with Charlotte and Violet, Luna felt reassured by their lack of apprehension towards her.

Cain, watching Luna, contemplated,

“Perhaps I rushed into this decision…

but indeed, the only lord worthy of my service is Lady Lunarien.”

He had kept these children, born of noble blood like himself, hidden, knowing they could lend legitimacy to Lunarien’s cause, shaking Serphina’s rule built on absolute legitimacy.

Unbeknownst to them, their fates had drastically changed since meeting him.

Originally, Cain might have passed the children to Luna only on his deathbed.

But now, having fled to the south with her, he chose his new lord much sooner.

Tifa’s path was also altered.

Instead of discovering mana by a miraculous coincidence, she learned of it through news of “Swen,” the wizard, moving her closer to awakening her potential as the only martial lord capable of perceiving mana.

From a minor lord to a prominent figure in Karelia, Lunarien’s transformation was remarkable.

Tifa recognized the existence of wizards earlier than expected.

Cain quickly chose his new lord to support.

All this was possible thanks to one person – Swen.

His presence significantly shortened the “King’s Buildup” period for Lunarien’s forces.

* * *

A week had passed since arriving at Balhart Castle.

During this time, Airen and I had enjoyed some truly happy moments.

“Should I tie it here?”

“Yes, that’s right. Then tie it like this… and it’s done. Only three more to go.”

First, we made training dummies for Airen’s practice.

Considering she prioritized this even in her living space, I couldn’t help but smile at how characteristic it was of her.

We spent our spare time walking around Balhart Castle, enjoying its unique charm.

The castle, serving as a border post, managed to maintain a peaceful atmosphere, unlike Kelshtain, which couldn’t afford such tranquility due to its location.

I relished the peace, reminiscent of my time with Lunarien’s forces.

Dancing with Lunarien in Jeilant Castle after the harvest changed the atmosphere there, I felt the same peace now with Airen.

“I wonder how she’s doing.”

Moving from Brans’ forces to Aeshers’ didn’t provide the answer to whether “Lunarien Iniagne could unite the world,” but still, I believed she was somewhere, doing well.

“Spending time like this with Airen isn’t so bad.”

I knew this peaceful period wouldn’t last.

Brans’ forces weren’t fools; trouble was bound to erupt soon.

Instead of worrying about that, I chose to enjoy the peace for now, spending fulfilling days with Airen.

About ten days later, while returning home after shopping for tea leaves and necessities, something caught my attention.

“What’s that?”

I noticed some commotion in a back alley.

“What is it, Swen?”

“Over there… Something troubling is happening.”

A young woman, veiled, was surrounded by three sturdy men, seemingly strangers to each other.

Even from a distance, it was clear the woman was in distress.

“Are they thugs?”

As Aeshers’ forces’ officers, our stroll also served as a patrol, maintaining order.

Having seen this, we couldn’t just walk away.

I approached the group.

“What’s going on here?”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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