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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 63

Episode 63. Transferring to Aeshers’ Forces (4)

Upon hearing my voice, the men turned their heads to glare at me.

“What’s with you?”
“Are you acquainted with this woman?”
“No, but.”
“Ha! Then mind your own business and scram.”
“What’s this? Despite being skinny, you’ve got a pretty face, eh, boss? Are you really a man?”

They jeered and laughed among themselves at their own words.

This was unbelievable.

Their cliché thug dialogue almost drained me of my energy.

I managed a smile as kindly as I could, hoping they’d just let it go.

“This is a warning. It would be in your best interest to stop now and leave quietly.”

“What? Ha!”

One of the men approached me closely.

“So, you think you can talk big, huh? Just remember, you brought this upon yourself.”

Saying so, the other two thugs behind him drew their swords.

“So, after all that talk, you pull out swords?”

“Exactly. 100% real swords. You dared to warn us, now you’ll pay the price. Go ahead, call the guards. I wonder whose side they’ll take?”


I silently prayed for their souls.

The moment they drew their swords… they had no chance against us.


And the one who ensured they stood no chance-
Airen, slowly drew her sword and approached.

“Come at me all at once. It’s annoying otherwise.”

“What? A pretty lady carrying a sword? Are you supposed to be his bodyguard or something?”

“Acting all high and mighty with a bodyguard, looks like some nobility wannabe. The empire has been gone for years. What’s the point of lineage? Power rules the streets here!”

Ignoring the man’s rant, I spoke to Airen.

“Let’s deal with this quickly. It’s starting to get annoying.”


“What? Annoyed? You little… Do you look down on commoners, you filthy brat!”

“Kill that bastard!”

Enraged by their own conclusions, the men charged at me all at once.

And then…


As expected…

They stood no chance against Airen. Absolutely none.

“…please, spare us…!”

“Noble sir, please, we beg for your mercy…!”

Moments ago, they were mocking and raging, now kneeling and begging for forgiveness.

Disgusted by their pathetic display, I looked at Airen and asked.

“What should we do?”

“Let’s hand these thugs over to the city guard. The lord will appreciate it. Look, the guards are on their way here.”

True to her words, guards, alerted by the commotion, were rushing towards us.

“The lord…?”

“Could it be…?!”

Hearing “lord,” the men’s faces turned ashen.

From their perspective, they had meddled with officials of the state, akin to challenging the ruler of the land. Their fear was understandable.

“Please, spare us…!”

Attempting to flee, one of the thugs was swiftly tripped by Airen.

“Where do you think you’re going? You’d better realize the gravity of whose wrath you’ve incurred, in jail.”


Thus, the thugs were handed over to the arriving city guard.

There was no need for me to step in, as Airen handled everything adeptly.

Thinking about it, this was essentially a patrol for public safety.

Given her prowess, it was no surprise she was skilled at such tasks.

Did our actions count as a contribution in the absence of orders? I mused over this unnecessary thought and then realized I had forgotten something. I turned to the trembling woman.

“You’re safe now. Please calm down. It’s all over.”

“Uh… ah… uh…”

Slowly, she lifted her head.

As she did, the face hidden under her veil came into view for the first time.


Pink hair, eyes a shade lighter than her hair…

In this game, there was only one woman with pink hair.



A character as unforgettable as the lord characters for anyone who delved deep into [Garland Eternity Saga].

The reason was simple.

Reika was the continent’s first and strongest magician.

She was the character that cemented the reputation of “Pink Hair” as an overpowered character in the gaming community forums.

I desperately recalled the pixelated graphics in my mind.

Indeed, there seemed to be a resemblance.

Of course, the Reika before me was far prettier than her pixelated counterpart, but that was the case for most female generals I had encountered so far.

“But why is Reika here?”

As per my memory, her prominence was supposed to come later in the game.

Her character background suggested she should be wandering as an orphan at this point.

Yet, judging by her attire, she seemed more like a well-to-do family’s daughter than an orphan.

“…Excuse me.”

Realizing I had been staring at her, I apologized.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, yes… ah, um… uh, that…”

She stammered, her voice barely audible, suggesting she might be shy.

Such personal traits were unknown in the game, where every general simply recited their programmed lines.

This time, Airen initiated the conversation.

“Are you alright?”

“Ah… yes, yes…! Th-thank you… thank you so much…!”

Her eyes darted around nervously.

Given her veiled face and demeanor, it seemed she was on a secret mission.

Was there a particular reason for her being here?

At that moment, my thoughts raced.

“…If this woman is indeed Reika, it’s crucial to establish a connection now.”

The continent’s first and strongest magician would undoubtedly be a significant asset to Lunarien’s forces.

Though her presence here was a mystery, stumbling upon her was fortunate.

Currently unknown and without fame, if I could persuade her to join me gradually, that would be ideal.

With that decision, I bowed slightly and asked for her name in the most polite tone.

“We haven’t been introduced. You are…”

“…I am Reika Nightheart.”


Reika was a good start, but Reika Nightheart?

That was unexpected.

I knew Reika as an orphan without a last name.

Moreover, Nightheart?

That surname sounded familiar…

Though I couldn’t recall the exact connection, it was definitely stored in my memory.


Now that I knew her name, it was time to act.

“Yes, Miss Reika. We are from Aeshers’ forces, patrolling to maintain public safety. To ensure you face no further harm, we offer to escort you discreetly to your residence.”


She reacted to “discreetly escorting” her home.

Maybe I should dangle the bait a bit more.

“There’s no need to feel burdened. Maintaining the safety of our citizens is essentially why we exist.”

“That’s correct. You don’t have to be so wary.”

Fortunately, Airen backed me up.

As always, having her match my stride at critical moments felt incredibly reassuring.

“Is… that so…?”

After hesitating and considering, Reika slowly nodded.

“Then… I would appreciate your help.”

Her shyness was palpable.

Not knowing her personal qualities in the game, her demeanor now felt refreshingly new to me.

As we led the

way with Reika following, she continually looked around, vigilant.

Did she have a particular situation?

I wanted to ask more, but pressing too hard might spoil things.

“First impressions should be natural.”

There was no rush.

I would be with Aeshers’ forces for a while, and if she lived in this castle, there would be more opportunities to meet.

Soon, we arrived at a large mansion with an expansive courtyard.

“This is the place.”

“You live in quite a nice spot.”

Her expensive-looking attire hinted at wealth, but it seemed this world’s Reika wasn’t an orphan.

Maybe she was adopted by a wealthy family?

I offered a simple farewell.

“We will ensure more thorough patrols to prevent such incidents. Please take care of yourself.”

“Yes, yes…! Thank you so much to both of you. Then…!”

After Reika entered her mansion, Airen finally questioned me.

“Swen, do you know her?”

“No, it’s my first time meeting her.”

While I knew of her, it was technically my first time seeing her face, so it wasn’t a lie.

“Is that so? It seemed like you were treating her as someone you knew.”

…Airen’s observation skills were sharper than I expected.

“Still, Swen, you’ve impressed me anew.”


“Most people would ignore such incidents on the street. But you didn’t.”

Airen remarked, then added with enthusiasm,

“Indeed. I must always be by your side.”

“Why do you conclude that?”

“Well, if I weren’t there, you might have been harmed.”


If it came down to a physical fight with those thugs… I would have lost.

My confidence in addressing them boldly was partly because I was an officer of Aeshers’ forces…

But also because I was certain Airen would protect me.

“I’m happy to be of help to you. Hehe.”

Airen continued to smile, seemingly overjoyed.

Was being of help to me that pleasing to her?

“Shall we head back?”

“Yes. How about a cup of tea for a change today?”

“That sounds good.”

So, Airen and I returned to our new home.


“Miss Reika, I’ll keep your secret outing confidential, but please ensure this never happens again. If the master finds out, there will be trouble. Understood?”


Back home, Reika apologized repeatedly to the scolding housekeeper, then retreated to her room, hugging her pillow on the bed, lost in thought.

Despite the strict orders from her adoptive father to avoid going out, she hadn’t anticipated encountering thugs.

She could have dealt with such lowlifes using her name, but that would have exposed her secret outing.

Caught in this dilemma, she met him.

“He was quite handsome… that man.”

The white-haired man who saved her, along with the red-haired woman beside him, both struck a chord in Reika’s heart.

The woman’s prowess in defeating the thugs single-handedly was captivating.

Both embodied the ideal man and woman she envisioned.

If they were from Aeshers’ forces, could she meet them again through her adoptive father’s help?

But that thought quickly faded, drained of hope.

Her adoptive father was unlikely to entertain her personal requests unrelated to her training.

Though she appreciated living comfortably in a luxurious home, thanks to her adoptive father, the confinement felt suffocating.

She didn’t wish to return to her previous life, fraught with near-death experiences, but she began to question it, yearning for the freedom of her wandering days.

“You should focus on mastering mana without external distractions for now. I’ll lift the ban on going out when the time comes. Understand?”

She mulled over her adoptive father’s words.

Understanding the importance of mastering her mana-reading ability, she yearned to bring peace to the continent with this power.

Yet, the solitude and monotony of her existence weighed heavily on her.

“If only I could meet them again.”

With her heart aching for connection, she could only wish for a reunion that seemed impossible.

* * *

Time passed, and three weeks later…

“Are you ready?”


Airen and I rose early to prepare for our visit to the royal palace.

Our first meeting as members of Aeshers’ forces.

It was, in a sense, our debut.

“Let’s walk side by side, Airen. Proudly and boldly.”

Sensing my intent, Airen smiled and responded,

“Yes, Swen.”

Thus, unmistakably together, we made our way to Balhart Castle, ready to face whatever awaited us.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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