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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 65

Episode 65. Regular Meeting / Aeshers’ Forces (2)

“First, let me introduce myself. I am Jinor Nightheart.”

“It’s an honor to meet the esteemed Mr. Jinor.”

Jinor, without much response to my greeting, asked,

“Before coming here, I heard you were part of Brans’ Forces.”

“That’s correct.”

“I’ve heard rumors about the ‘white-haired magician’ who performed miracles at the northern fortress. I’m curious if those rumors refer to you.”


Here I was, worried he might start with, “Have you forgotten my face? What do you think now? Is an intelligence of 99 still trivial to you?” given he was one of the reasons I was sent here, along with Serphina who executed me.

Of course, a different timeline might not lead to such events, but isn’t this a typical cliché?

Regardless, there was no reason not to answer if that’s not what he was asking.

“Yes, that’s what’s been reported.”

“Then, there’s another question I can’t help but ask.”

“What would that be?”

“It’s regarding whether you truly are a magician.”

Jinor looked me straight in the eyes and asked again,

“Is that ‘miracle,’ as it’s known, truly a form of magic?”

Why ask that?

Why is my being a magician so important to Jinor that Yuuri had me stay back to discuss it? Clearly, it was a matter of great importance to him.


To date, the continent hadn’t acknowledged the existence of “magicians.” Not recognized as a magician myself for not employing traditional magic but instead conducting unnecessary rites, it was hard to label me as such.

Yet, somehow, Jinor seemed convinced of the existence of magicians.

So, how should I respond?

While I couldn’t read his mind perfectly, I could infer based on what I knew.

Jinor recently adopted Reika, given their shared last name. Considering Reika had no surname that I knew of, adoption seemed likely.

Thinking along those lines, Jinor’s conviction about magicians made sense.

Reika was destined to be the greatest magician. If Jinor adopted her, it was for one reason:

“He must have recognized her talent.”

Jinor was an intelligent character.

Despite his 99% accuracy rate leading to his demise, there were very few characters with intelligence of 99 in the game, and none contemporary to Jinor.

This was why I persisted in the game, even when respawned near Serphina’s territory.

Unlike me, who was transplanted into this world, Jinor was a living entity here.

His intelligence score likely went to his brain, so guessing he discovered Reika’s talent wasn’t far-fetched.

Back to the original question.

Why inquire about my magician status?

If I say “I’m not a magician,” that’s the end of it. But if I confirm “I am a magician,” might he seek advice on Reika?

She hadn’t fully awakened her talent yet, so if I were a magician, he’d surely have many questions.

“The answer seems clear.”

But lying wasn’t an option. Lies are easily exposed.

I’m not a magician. I don’t possess any magical powers.

However, establishing a connection with Reika was crucial for the future.

Given the opportunity, I couldn’t let it pass.

“As a magician… if that’s the term, I suppose I could say yes…”

I deliberately trailed off.

“I’m not sure if that qualifies as a true magician.”

“What do you mean?”

Jinor asked, prompting me to explain earnestly,

“Well… it might be hard to understand, but I can read the heavens’ energy.”

I described in a plausible yet suggestive manner, allowing him to infer if he had any “information.”

“There’s something floating in the air… The more I meditate, the stronger I feel it. I can draw out something indescribable by reading this energy. Though, the more I use it, I feel as if my energy is draining.”

Jinor listened intently.

I was describing the concept of “mana” without naming it.

Though undiscovered in this era, Jinor, housing Reika, might vaguely understand mana.

Thus, I led him to possibly misinterpret.

Using this misconception was vital for survival.


After pondering, Jinor concluded,

“It seems you indeed are a magician.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes… not entirely sure, though.”

“Now, I have a question for you.”

“What is it?”

“Why ask me this?”

Jinor glanced at Yuuri, who nodded slightly.

After a silent exchange, Jinor revealed his request,

“I have a favor to ask of you.”

“A favor?”

“Since you’ve been honest with me, I’ll be frank… ‘Magicians’ do exist.”

My mind flashed to Airen in her underwear, the most shocking moment since arriving in this world.

Surprised, my expression must have mirrored my thoughts.

“However, she hasn’t fully awakened yet. It seems you’re somewhat aware of that power. Otherwise, opening the heavens to perform miracles would be impossible.”

“So, you mean…?”

“I’d like you to watch over that magician and become her mentor.”

Perfect. The bait was taken.

But rather than eagerly agreeing, I pretended to ponder.

“A mentor, you say? But I rarely use this power as it seems to shorten my lifespan, and I don’t feel like a true magician, so I’m unsure if I can be of real help…”

“Don’t worry. The concept of that power definitely exists. I’m sure you can assist her.”

I reluctantly agreed,

“I’ll meet her, but I can’t guarantee effective teaching.”

“That’s enough.”

With that, Yuuri spoke up,

“Swen, keep this conversation a secret, even from Airen. Also, I haven’t assigned you any specific duties, so please help Jinor when you’re free.”

They even cleared my schedule to utilize me.

From my perspective, it was a favorable proposal.


With my acknowledgment, I finally left the audience hall of Balhart Castle.

* * *

After Swen left,

Jinor and Yuuri quietly discussed.

“It seems certain he feels mana.”

“Really? Then Swen truly is a magician?”

“Though slightly peculiar from the traditional magicians described in ancient texts. But without firsthand accounts, the reliability of those texts is debatable… To me, he seems aware of mana but hasn’t fully realized it.”

“Complicated. I’m not very bright. Without seeing it myself, I wouldn’t have believed in the young lady’s magical abilities either.”

“Worry not, my lord. Magic is powerful. For a minor nation like Aeshers’ Forces, magicians are indispensable for continental conquest. I’ll ensure Reika becomes a useful magician before my time ends.”

Yuuri, amused, suggested,

“What if Swen proves to be a valuable magician? Considering him as a son-in-law wouldn’t be bad. What do you think?”

“A son-in-law?”

“Yes. Oh, would Airen dislike that? Well, a man can have multiple wives.”

Jinor pondered, considering the firm bond of marriage.

“But if he truly is a magician… Perhaps caution is warranted.”

Swen was known as a traitor to his former lord, Lynns Brans.

“Extracting what we can before aiding Reika’s growth might be

our only option.”

Intelligent as always, Jinor planned to make the most of Swen.

Unaware, he was being used by Swen in turn.

* * *



As expected, Airen waited for me outside the castle.

Seeing her assured me I was back where I belonged.

“What did you discuss?”

“It’s complicated to explain. Our new lord requested secrecy. If you’re curious, I can share, though.”

To anyone else, I might have hesitated, but not with Airen.

However, she declined,

“No need. Knowing might inadvertently reveal I’m aware. I’m not perfect, after all.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. I don’t wish to burden you.”

Her smile was beautiful, leaving me momentarily lost in thought.

“…By the way, what mission were you assigned?”

Proudly, she answered,

“Training the soldiers. It seems the others are preparing for war.”

Ah, to deal with Charam and Alephel.

No one but Airen was more suited for the task.

“I’m glad you received a mission.”


Her smile indicated relief from being previously excluded from tasks.

Betraying Brans’ Forces for Airen felt entirely justified.

Airen mattered more than any allegiance.

That remained true here.

Let’s protect her smile until Lunarien’s forces rise.

With that resolve, I returned home with her.

* * *

Days later, at the mansion’s gate.

A servant greeted me promptly,

“Are you Mr. Swen?”


The servant, bowing, led me inside,

“Mr. Jinor awaits. Please, follow me.”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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