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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 66

Episode 66. The Magician Reika

Following a servant, I entered the spacious mansion.

On the way, I encountered several maids.

“Being a national strategist really does seem to hold high status.”

I couldn’t help but feel the reality of Jinor’s position anew.

Back in my days with Lunarien’s Forces, I practically acted as the national strategist from a dilapidated house, relying on a single blanket for warmth.

Lost in old memories, I soon arrived at my destination.

“This way, please.”

Entering the room, I saw Jinor, dressed to the nines, seated at the head of the table.

“Swen, you’ve arrived on time.”

“Greetings, Mr. Jinor.”

“No need for formalities. Please, take a seat.”

I found a spot and cautiously asked,

“So, the ‘magician’ I’m supposed to teach is…?”

“My adopted daughter, Reika. She’s currently in her room. As I mentioned, she possesses ‘talent.'”

“Your daughter, I see.”

Having already met Reika, I pretended this was new information.

“Go straight to her room and begin teaching about ‘the power floating in the air’ you felt. I’ve informed her that her teacher will visit today, so she won’t be alarmed.”

Jinor then gave me directions to her room.

“Anything else I should know?”

“Well, she’s a bit shy. Please be understanding.”

“That’s fine. I tend to feel the same when meeting new people.”

“Meeting her might change your mind.”

Though my comment was partly in jest, Jinor was dead serious.

Was there a lack of personal affection towards his adopted daughter?

“Hopefully, your efforts will help her talents blossom.”

“As I mentioned, I’m unsure how much I can help, if at all. Is that alright with you?”

“It’s fine. Just share your experiences. Even if it doesn’t directly help, your encounter with the miracle will be a learning experience for her. Don’t worry too much.”

“If you say so…”

“I have some matters to attend to. Before I go, Swen, one request.”

Jinor spoke gravely.

“You’re free to roam the mansion, but please don’t take her outside.”

“Why not?”

“I can’t explain in detail. Just, please.”

Though it’s common for fathers to be protective, this felt different.

It was almost as if he feared his plans would be disrupted.


“Then, I’ll excuse myself.”

After Jinor left,

“I should get going too.”

After a brief pause, I headed to Reika’s room.


“Is this the right place?”

Despite the mansion’s vastness, I managed to find my way.

I knocked lightly on the door.

“Co-come in…!”

That voice. It was indeed Reika, Jinor’s adopted daughter.

Upon entering,


I heard a loud noise.

“What’s that?”

Before me stood a woman with pink hair tied in two braids, trembling as she spoke.

“Welcome…! You’re… the teacher, right? I… I’m Reika…”


The sight of a delicious cake on the table and the overly dramatic woman caught me off guard.


After completing her prepared speech and meeting my gaze,


She sighed, her eyes deadening as she began apologizing.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry for sneaking out… You must have come to catch me… I’m truly sorry…”

“No, wait… just a moment.”

Sighing, I realized,

Even after 10,000 hours of gaming and manipulating her character, I never truly knew her personality.

* * *

Once she calmed down,

“So… you’re not here to catch me, but to be my teacher?”

“Yes, Jinor asked me to teach you, starting today.”

“Then… you haven’t told him… about me sneaking out?”

Reika, sweating with fear, seemed worried I’d report her outing to Jinor.


“I’ll keep your secret. Don’t worry.”

“Really?! Th-thank you…”

After settling down,

“Shy, huh? She’s definitely unique.”

Observing Reika, I noted her distinct pink hair and slightly lighter pink eyes. Her white sleeveless dress revealed a bit of her shapely figure, though she usually covered up outside.

In this world, she’s Jinor’s adopted daughter, recognized for her potential as the greatest magician.

The reason for keeping her indoors remained unclear, but considering she sneaked out, perhaps Jinor’s handling was problematic.

“Maybe focusing on that aspect will help us get closer.”

No rush. My goal was to show her I could provide what she desired.

Right, I had a question.

“May I ask something?”

“Of course! Anything!”

Curiously, she seemed eager.

Cute, in a strange way.

“What was that booming sound when I entered?”

“Ah, that! I gathered air and made it explode. It’s just noise, but I thought it would liven up greeting someone new…!”

Interesting. She conceptualized “fireworks” in a fantasy setting, albeit in a somewhat naive manner.


Enjoying the cake, I complimented its taste.

“Really good!”

“Is it? Did you make it yourself?”

“Y-yes! I… I made it for you…”


“Really? I’m glad…”

Her shy smile made me wonder if she’d be happier baking than being trapped here due to her talents.

“Let me ask you something else.”

“Another cake or sweet?”

“No, it’s time for magic.”

“Ah… sorry. Understood.”

She took a deep breath and extended her hand, creating a small flame that danced beautifully but vanished quickly.

“Right now, this is all I can do.”

Her early stage was evident.

“Amazing… both the sound and this magic prove its existence.”


Surprised, she must’ve found it odd to hear this from her teacher.

I had to avoid seeming deceitful.

“I’m not a magician. I merely sense something else in the air, which I guess is called ‘mana.'”


“That’s the term? I feel a connection to something beyond the heavens, possibly a supreme being watching over us. Jinor believes my ability to sense this could help you.”

“Is that so?”


Disappointed, she looked down.

Perhaps she hoped for a fellow magician’s guidance.

Sensing a critical moment, I asked,

“Do you have a goal as a magician?”

“A goal?”

After pondering, she carefully responded,

“My father said my power could bring peace to the continent.”

“Wondering if that’s your only goal.”


“Could it be you desire freedom?”

Shocked, she asked how I knew.

It wasn’t hard to guess, given her secret outings and yearning for freedom.

“Though not a magician, I’ll begin our practice next week.”

“Why not today?”

“Currently, the energies are unfavorable. We risk being consumed by mana. I’ve experienced it.”


Skeptical, she watched me bluff.

“Next week, I’ll bring a thorough curriculum to enhance your abilities.”

“Looking forward to it, Swen. Please, take care of me.”

Thus began my official role as Reika’s teacher.


After I left,

Reika leaned back, sighing.

“Never thought the handsome

man who saved me would become my teacher.”

Despite hearing he joined Aishar’s Forces, she didn’t expect to meet him again, fearing he might report her outing to Jinor.

But he promised secrecy and even recognized her desire for freedom.

The highlight, though, was him enjoying her cake.

Despite her reservations about having a male teacher, she felt hopeful about their future together.

“Swen, please help me.”

Her pessimistic outlook brightened with the prospect of gaining freedom and mastering mana sooner with her new teacher’s help.

Swen’s arrival filled her with optimism for the future.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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