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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 70

Episode 70: The Defense of Valhart’s Western Fortress (3)

I mulled over the prediction again.

[It depends on the will of the heavens]?

I had seen this prediction before.

It wasn’t literally up to the heavens but indicated that the outcome hinged on my actions, not someone else’s.

But… what does it mean that the outcome of the war depends on my actions?

I had high intelligence, but my combat strength was laughably low. Likely, my leadership was low too. Those were qualities of a general, not a strategist.

Of course, it wasn’t unusual for a strategist to lead a battle to victory with ingenious tactics, but I was hardly a strategist in the practical sense; I was next to useless in tactics.

Yet, the battle’s outcome depends on my choice?

And that retreating was somewhat close too?

Confused by the two predictions that were correct but seemingly unrelated, I was lost in thought when,


Epinel, unaware of my confusion, prompted me for a response.

Finally, I managed to reply with a somewhat calm tone.

“Huh? Ah… Yes, I think you’re right, Epinel.”

Though my response was delayed, it seemed the situation was smoothly handled for now.

“Hear me, everyone! The decision has been made to fight from the fortress, so prepare for battle. Musel, Jayden, and Airen. I have high expectations for the three of you.”


With that, the decision was made to fight as per Epinel’s opinion, not Jinor’s suggestion for retreat.

“Then, let’s return to our respective posts.”

After Epinel’s words, as people left and the meeting room emptied, only Airen and I remained.

“Swen? Is something bothering you?”


Airen was one of the key forces.

In a situation where even one or two generals were precious, her destiny was to fight on the battlefield.

If I couldn’t find the “optimal move”… she would be in danger.

“If you’re troubled, it’s alright to talk to me about it.”

“No, it’s just… seems I’m a bit nervous about the upcoming battle.”

“I see.”

Airen smiled softly.

“Don’t worry, Swen. Even if it means turning our backs on Aeshers army, I will ensure your safety.”

“Turning our backs on Aeshers army, you say? Such bold statements you make.”

“It doesn’t matter. What’s important to me is not others but you, Swen. Didn’t I tell you? I live for you.”

Airen’s words weren’t just bravado but genuine.

She had even tried to interject when Epinel suggested performing a ritual, willing to face potential backlash for speaking out of turn as a newcomer, possibly seen as the cause of Brans army’s invasion.

The reason wasn’t hard to guess.

She believed that performing such an action… conducting a ritual to invoke a miracle, was risking my life.

If the only way for us to win was for me to summon another meteor, she’d rather choose defeat.

For her, and to find an answer, I had to find the right solution.

“I, too, will do the same for you, Airen.”

“Yes… I know.”

Seeing her smile, I found her incredibly endearing.

Maybe that’s why.

I approached Airen and hugged her lightly.

It was a somewhat impulsive act, and I could feel her body tense up slightly, but-

She soon placed her hands around my waist, accepting me into her world.

Her warmth made me feel alive and motivated me to keep going.

After sharing a moment of silent embrace.

“…Swen. I’ll go down and do what I need to do. If you need me, you can always come to find me.”


After Airen left the meeting room, I sat alone in the now silent space.

I whispered to myself, settling into my seat.

“Alright. Let’s try this one more time.”

The very “deduction” I had relied on to survive as a modern person who could do nothing but make 100% accurate predictions and knew nothing about strategy or tactics.

The time had come to employ that “deduction” again.

Eliminating the impossible.

And what remained, however improbable, must be the truth.

This time would be no different.

I started to think calmly.

I was given two “absolute truths.”

Retreating and evacuating the troops was [somewhat close].

And the outcome of this battle [depends on the will of the heavens], meaning it depended on my choice.

Let’s sort them out one by one.

At first, it was confusing, but after considering that the prediction’s “my choice” referred not to me personally but to the position of “Aeshers army,” my current affiliation, it seemed more likely that…

It implied that if our army makes the right choice, we could win.

Thinking calmly, that’s how it seemed to settle.

So, if our army is to “do something,” it could mean…

“Taking some initiative… or, preparing for something from the enemy… one of those?”

Slowly, I began to see a clearer picture.

I pulled out a piece of paper from inside my clothing.

This place was to the west of Valhart Castle. In other words, it was to the east of Brans army’s most easterly position, Raclain Castle.

That meant this location was included in the “Map of Brans Army’s Border Areas” I had previously drawn.

If we need to prepare for something, surely the terrain would offer some clues.

I spread out the map, examining the terrain from Raclain Castle to Valhart Castle, including the surroundings of the fortress.

“There’s quite a bit of forest around here.”

Could these forests provide a clue? Using them in some way, or…


Let’s change the perspective.

Not from our position but considering the enemy’s perspective.

“If I were with Brans army, how would I act?”

If I were Chel Brans.

If I were Brans army’s strategist, Parfalle, what thoughts would have guided their decision to send “troops towards the fortress”?

I concentrated, clearing my mind.

If I were in Brans army’s shoes…

“…Then, I wouldn’t have sent troops.”

Upon reflection, the very act of deploying troops felt inexplicable.

The reason.

It might sound silly from the listener’s perspective, but I had to voice it.

“Because… I, ‘Swen,’ am here.”

“Due to Swen’s presence… they wouldn’t just clash

their troops head-on.”

I had predicted natural disasters and acted as if I had caused them.

And that was while I was with Brans army.

It was inconceivable that Brans army, of all factions, would overlook this detail.

The current strategist of Brans army, Parfalle, wasn’t foolish enough to ignore such basic considerations.

She would have definitely taken this into account.

So, the reason they sent troops despite this…

* * *

At Raclain Castle.

Chel and Parfalle were having a private conversation.

On the table lay a single map detailing the surrounding terrain.

“Strategist. I’m relieved to see you’ve been well.”

“I’ve heard the lord commanded you to conquer Aeshers army’s territory?”

“That’s correct. Having you, Strategist Parfalle, by my side is reassuring.”

“I feel like I’ve gained a thousand troops with General Chel leading the vanguard.”

After the pleasantries were exchanged,

Chel got straight to the point.

“First off, the enemy commander defending the fortress is Epinel Rosencross.”

Epinel Rosencross.

Renowned for her balanced and exceptional capabilities within Aeshers army, she was considered one of the most formidable generals.

Parfalle was well aware of Epinel, a prominent figure among the famed “Aeshers Trio.”

Among them, Hernandorf had the strongest military might, Emma was known for her leadership and intelligence, and Epinel could unite both with her leadership.

If anything were to happen to Yuri Aeshers, it was almost certain that Epinel would be the successor, which said a lot about her character.

“We’ve confirmed there are about 48,000 troops stationed there. Though it’s a fortress, not a castle, bringing a full array of siege weapons and tackling the exposed troops could give us a fighting chance… But the lord mentioned sending additional troops from the western front as soon as it’s secured. I’m contemplating whether to wait for those troops or to attack immediately without giving the enemy time to prepare.”

After finishing his explanation, Chel looked directly at Parfalle and asked for her opinion.

“I’d like to hear your advice, if I may.”

“…May I speak my mind?”

Pointing at the map, Parfalle said,

“Regardless of the strategy we employ, attacking the fortress as it stands is deemed impossible. Engaging in a frontal assault is out of the question.”

“Impossible? I’m sorry, but I fail to grasp your meaning.”

“Have you forgotten, General? What happened at the northern fortress.”


The incident in the north.

Within Brans army, it was long since solidified as “that time when stones fell from the sky.”

Hearing this, Chel seemed to understand Parfalle’s point.


“Not just Airen Juliet is a traitor. There’s a commander named Swen under her. He’s extremely insightful, intelligent enough to see through Aeshers army’s schemes. Rumors have it, Swen orchestrated that miracle by conducting a ritual to communicate with the heavens. If our forces directly assault the fortress, exposing our full strength, will they simply engage us? Or might they perform another ritual to knock on heaven’s door once more?”

Chel, unable to respond, listened seriously to her words.

“Whether his ability manifests through magic as the rumors suggest, or something else, is unknown, but there’s no need for us to test his capability on our behalf, is there?”


“Thinking this way, ‘why hasn’t he used that ability to attack us directly before?’ might leave some questions… But as I mentioned, there’s no need for us to experiment with his ability.”

“Then what should we do? Are we essentially without a chance?”

“There’s not entirely no way.”

Parfalle moved her finger towards the location of Raclain Castle.

“To ultimately win this battle, we need to make it appear as though we’re deploying directly to the fortress. No, to be precise… the act of deploying, that fact itself, is what we need.”

Hearing this, Chel seemed to have an epiphany and nodded,

“So, you’re suggesting…”


Parfalle nodded.

“The troops deploying towards the fortress-”

* * *

“…are bait to tie me down…?”

I found myself murmuring the conclusion I had reached after deep contemplation.

Considering “If I were Brans army, what would I do?” led to this answer.


The idea that the vanguard approaching this place was bait kept lingering in my mind.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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