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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 77

Chapter 77. Tectonic Shift (2)

The capital of the Serphina army and the former capital of the old empire, the castle of Aingart.

“Lord. The task force for the assault on Kelstein Castle, led by General Ilian, has set out on the date you designated without issue.”


The news that a rebellion had occurred within the Brans army.

And that soldiers sent to suppress the rebels who had sided with the Aeshers army had also failed – naturally reached Serphina’s ears.

Exactly why it had come to this she didn’t know, but Serphina was not the type to miss such a golden opportunity.

Naturally, she gathered her soldiers as a priority and immediately carried out an invasion towards Kelstein Castle.

She had not expected the long-cherished ambition of advancing into the central continent to be realized in such a lackluster manner… but she was a woman moved by practicality, not honor.

The outcome was far more important to Serphina than the process that led to it.

Serphina extended her hand towards the messenger who brought the news with a satisfied expression.

Was it because her face was so beautiful?

Even the mere act of stretching out her hand seemed to give off the impression of a goddess from a fairy tale.

Anyone would have to agree upon seeing her brilliantly shining blonde hair and her intense golden eyes that seemed to devour even the light.

“This woman was born to reign above us all,” one might think.

“You’ve done commendable work. There’s nothing more to report, so you may rest until the next command.”

“Yes, understood!”

After dismissing the messenger.

Jena, the national advisor next to Serphina, approached her and asked,

“If it’s General Ilian leading…”

“The son of General Kremten Al Kaski who died last year. A young man who has just come of age this year.”

“Indeed. I heard he was the valedictorian of the Aingart Academy.”

Serphina nodded with interest at Jena’s words.

“Is that so? This is the first I’ve heard of it.”

“Generals fighting across the border have great expectations for him. He is said to possess genius-level spear skills, even by the Al Kaski family’s standards.”

“Is that so.”

Serphina spoke with a somewhat cold tone.

“Titles and such trivial things mean nothing in this country. It’s not like the imperial times where being from a noble house meant something… If he’s as outstanding as you say, then he should prove it on the battlefield.”

“I agree with your words, Lord.”

Apart from Ilian Al Kaski, the Serphina army was brimming with young talents.

Although the land was relatively barren compared to the central region, the vast northern continent, where the Aingart Castle, the former capital of the old empire, was located, was under their complete control. Thanks to the overwhelming legitimacy inherited from the old empire, the talent pool of the Serphina army was incomparably richer than that of other armies.

While there might not have been many legendary generals who would leave their names in the annals of the continent’s history, there were more than enough generals who could more than prove their worth in any situation or location within the Serphina army than in any other nation on the continent.

“More importantly, the report is late.”

“If you’re referring to the report…”

“About the white-haired man, yes?”

Jena’s words made Serphina turn towards her for the first time.

“Yes. Didn’t I say? I want to see that man’s face for myself.”

“That’s… I was hesitant to report it late, but the man’s movements have been quite elusive.”


Serphina raised an eyebrow with interest.

Just making an expression, her beauty and dignity overwhelmed the room.

“First of all… here’s the information about the rebellion in the Brans army.”

“The red-haired knight Airen who defected to the Aeshers army?”

“Yes. It turns out she wasn’t the only general who betrayed at that time.”

“That means…”


Jena nodded and continued,

“The white-haired man was also a traitor who betrayed along with her.”

“I haven’t heard his name yet.”

“They call him Swen. He wasn’t very famous until he performed something akin to magic at the fortress.”


Serphina mulled over the name several times internally.

It was certainly the first time she had heard it.

However, the way her lips formed the sounds “Swen” seemed to instill a strange sense of calm in her mind.

Why was she enveloped in such a feeling just by murmuring a man’s name she had never met before?

“Anyway, he’s currently affiliated with the Aeshers army. He hasn’t stood out much since then.”

“Is that so.”

Serphina tapped the armrest of the throne with her fingers.

“What will you do?”

“Brans army is already finished. With the crucial border line collapsed, it’s right to assume there’s no hope left. Starting with Kelstein and moving into the central part, there will inevitably come a moment when we border the Aeshers army, won’t there?”

“That means…”

“Simple. I’ll just repeat what I’ve done whenever I wanted something until now.”

Serphina smiled leisurely.

It was quite a bewitching smile, indeed capable of enchanting others.

“If that man is hiding in the Aeshers army, then I’ll just crush the Aeshers army. Once I desire something, I must make it yield.”


Jena cautiously asked her lord,

“Lord, may I ask one thing?”

“What is it?”

“Why do you wish to meet this Swen? That is… is he such a necessary talent for our army? I mentioned he might be a mage, but since the incident at the fortress in the northern Kelstein, there hasn’t been any news of him using similar magic.”

Jena initially thought that if Swen could be brought in, he must be. After all, he might have been the mage that finally appeared on the continent.

But since that day, not a stone stirred, nor a similar miracle occurred, and he had been quite quiet.

Especially since the Brans army’s defeat to the Aeshers army had nothing to do with his “miracle.”

Moreover, he was a traitor who had once betrayed his own lord.

Regardless of the reason, she honestly thought his merit as a subordinate general was diminished.


Serphina easily guessed why Jena would ask such a question but did not offer a specific answer.

Or rather, she couldn’t – because the desire to “meet the white-haired man” was a deeply personal wish, not really related to recruiting talent.

Initially, she thought, “Maybe he’s the man I’ve seen in my dreams several times.”

But after realizing the white-haired young man truly existed, at some point, she began to feel an inexplicable, almost transcendental pull towards him.

It was the first time in her life she had felt this way.

“…I’m not sure… It might sound foolish, but it’s the truth.”

“Is that so.”

Jena did not press her lord further.

“For a while, it seems we’re headed for another series of noisy days.”

“All for the day Serphina-sama quickly reunifies the continent and continues the great legacy of the Aingart Empire.”


Serphina did not respond to Jena’s loyalty-filled words.

After Jena left to attend to her duties, leaving Serphina alone in the audience chamber, Serphina sat on the throne, pondering Jena’s words.

The great Aingart Empire.

The taste in her mouth was unavoidably bitter.

The so-called “great Aingart Empire” and everything it had swallowed up to this point flashed through her mind.


She quickly banished the emerging memories, sealing them deep within her mind like black ink spreading through fog.

To her… indulging in past memories was not permitted.

The only thing allowed for her was to become the perfect sovereign who would unify the continent.

[From that moment], ever since [that event] happened to her… she had lived solely for the reconstruction of the continent.

The thoughts of cursing her lineage or resenting her fate had long been discarded.


This feeling of wanting to meet Swen might be a small deviation for her, who lived solely for the empire.

She just wanted to quickly see his face and confirm if he was the man from her dreams.

That way, she wouldn’t have to wrestle with the resurfacing old memories anymore.

“Swen… If you are indeed the man from my dreams…”

Just before her train of thought could extend further, Serphina quickly suppressed her personal desires.

She had to be Serphina von “Aingart”.

Whatever it took, meeting him even once would be the end of it.

With that thought, she continued to wait for something that seemed ever elusive.

As expected, the Serphina army began its advance on Kelstein Castle once more.

We could probably stop them if we put all our effort into it, but doing so would be the moment we expose our flank to the Aeshers army.

The Brans army, which once boasted overwhelming influence in the central part of the continent, had fallen ridiculously fast.

And a few days later…

The news came that the Alephel army had vanished from the continent, absorbed into the territory of the Aeshers army.

It seemed the ruler of Alephel had vanished into the mists of the scaffold.

Having already been on the brink of collapse before the withdrawal, it appeared the conquest was not difficult.

Though the Charlam army remained, Yuri’s goal wasn’t to conquer the easily defeated Charlam but rather Brans’s Racline Castle, not sending additional expeditions for now.

Certainly, acquiring Racline Castle would make one a lord with considerable influence.

Now, the Aeshers army began to expand its territory and assert its presence on the continent.

Airen and I returned to our duties at Balhart Castle after that day.

The invasion was led by Epinel and the three jewels of Aeshers, with Airen remaining in the capital to train troops as the capital defense general.

I had my tasks, assisting Leika with her training at Génor and Yuri’s request.

Yuri preferred to consistently rely on generals who had supported him, a practice that could have caused discontent for achievements and appointments. However, neither I nor Airen felt any dissatisfaction; in fact, we were quite content with such treatment.

The best part was that she didn’t need to be sent to dangerous battlefields.

She was expected to fight plenty under Lunarien’s banner later on, and we felt we had done enough for the Aeshers army.

“So, I’ll be off.”

“Hmm. Let’s meet for dinner later.”

“Today, let’s have that tea. You know, the one with the smoky aroma.”


Airen nodded, smiling.

Living together with her had become so natural that it felt odd not to have her in the room.

“…I wonder when Lunarien’s forces will move.”

Perhaps that was why.

Lately, I’ve been eagerly awaiting the moment Lunarien’s forces reemerge on the stage of history.

The moment we join Lunarien’s forces, I plan to propose to Airen.

Of course, there’s a chance she might refuse… but I felt it necessary to speak up, so I wouldn’t have any regrets.

“If only there was a way to predict whether Airen would accept a proposal.”

Most likely, the answer would be “Unknown.”

A brain with an IQ of 100 could predict the outcomes of wars between nations but not the intricacies of a person’s heart.

In moments like this, this cheat ability felt inconvenient, but having it was better than not.

After all, it was thanks to this ability that I could save Airen.

With these thoughts, I arrived at the Nightart family mansion.

It was time to spend with Leika.

“Then, let’s go inside.”

I stepped into the mansion, ready for the day ahead.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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