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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 80

Chapter 80: I Will Become Your Wings

Upon my hasty arrival at the royal audience chamber, Yuri greeted me with a warm welcome.

Kneeling, I spoke in a respectful tone, “I, Swen, have arrived at the castle upon the lord’s summons.”

“Swen! Welcome. It’s been a while. Have you been well?”

“Thanks to you, I’ve been well.”

“And Airen? She’s doing well? It’s been some time since I’ve seen her.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Any news yet?”


Looking up in confusion at her question, I saw Yuri chuckling as if amused.

“Just kidding, just kidding. Still, I hope to hear some good news soon.”


I could guess what she was hinting at but chose not to add anything more.

Fortunately, she quickly moved on to the main topic.

“Actually, I was hoping you could fetch someone for me.”

“Someone, you say?”

Yuri laughed awkwardly, as if in a bind, “It’s just… you’re the only one I can ask right now. The other generals are busy with their duties… Of course, it’s not like you’re doing nothing by helping us out.”

“That’s alright. But may I know whom I should fetch?”

“One of our generals has gone on a training journey.”


Her words made me think I knew who she meant.

“I’d like you to find them and ask them to return. Tell them I really miss them.”

“Could you provide more details?”

Yuri nodded, “Their name is Anima Ingram. They’re very precious and grateful to our army.”

“As I thought.”

Anima Ingram.

A general who used to handle the role of national strategist in Aeshers Army.

According to Jinor, after being replaced as national strategist, they went into training to hone their skills.

‘But why seek them out now?’

If it weren’t for the surprise attack, Jinor would have been replaced. However, since it was successful, he remained active as the national strategist.

Though his absence at Yuri’s side was somewhat worrying, it meant he hadn’t been dismissed.

“I’ll tell you where they are. Find them and ask them to lend us their strength again. Oh, and be sure to deliver this message.”

Yuri spoke with more seriousness than ever before.

“I’d like to offer them the lordship of Racline Castle, so please ask them to return.”


The bait to lure her back was the lordship.

Lordship, though not equivalent to a national strategist’s power, was a coveted position for those seeking authority. Some might even see it as a higher position than a national strategist, given it allowed one to wield considerable power in the absence of the sovereign.

I wasn’t fully aware of her character, but being exiled from the strategist position and then disappearing seemed to indicate she might be interested in such a position.

“Is that all for the mission?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. You’re already busy with tasks from Jinor and me… We’ll make sure to reward you handsomely.”

“That’s really fine, but I’ll accept what’s offered out of courtesy.”

“Haha. Alright.”

Yuri smiled slightly at my response.

She definitely wasn’t the type to emphasize her status as a sovereign by ruling over others.

Such a demeanor might not fit the image of a ruler in these times, but in the world I came from, she would have made a great boss.

Is this the irony of the times?

“Please, take care of this, Swen.”


I nodded, showing my respect before leaving the castle.

* * *

After Swen left, Yuri sank into deep thought for a long while.


“Yuri. We can do this. No, let me be precise. You can do this. And I will become your wings.”

“Don’t be scared, Yuri. Epinel, Emma, Ernandorf. Ultimately, they’ll act according to your decision. It’s something you’ll have to get used to.”

“Let’s end this chaos with our own hands. Imagine the entire continent under our red flag. Wouldn’t that be splendid?”

In her memories, Anima was a childhood friend who instilled in her the mindset of a sovereign when she was struggling.

That day.

The day the empire fell – Piola Academy, where she and Anima were, also collapsed.

It was Anima who saved her life from the brink of death.

“I feel I still have much to learn, so I’m considering going into training to reflect on myself.”


Even in her current state, Anima was indispensable to Aeshers Army.

At least to Yuri.

Though she wanted to find her personally and indeed tried several times,

Anima never showed herself when Yuri visited in person.

Epinel, Ernandorf, Emma. None of them had succeeded in meeting her.

Perhaps Swen, having no prior connection, might be able to meet her.

“Please return, Anima…”

Yuri sighed deeply.

* * *

“Is this the place?”

I found myself halfway up a mountain, not far from Balhart territory.

It wasn’t too far from where I took Reika for meditation, but going much deeper made me gasp for air by the time I arrived.

“It should be around here.”

According to Yuri, there should be an old shack somewhere around here.

Despite looking around, I couldn’t see any sign of a house, let alone a person.

“Let’s take a break…”

As I sat down on a rock, thinking back to how Reika felt the immense mana in this area, I spotted a small shack hidden among the trees.

“So hidden…”

Taking a moment to rest actually helped me find it. Though I felt a bit deflated for not noticing sooner, finding it meant I couldn’t delay any longer.

I made my way towards the shack.

Rustle, rustle.

The sound of stepping on the grass soon brought me to the door.

I knocked slowly.

“Is anyone there?”

Feeling almost like a tax collector at that moment was oddly unsettling.

From beyond the door came a voice as fragile as thin glass.

“…Who is it?”

“Are you Anima Ingram?”

After a pause,

“Yes, but…?”

“I’ve come on behalf of Lord Yuri with a message for you.”


After another moment of silence,

“Please wait.”

A few minutes later, the door opened, and there stood Anima Ingram.

Her brown bobbed hair seemed somewhat lifeless. Her eyes, though overall tired, had a certain sharpness.

Her attire was unremarkable except for one thing – her right arm was completely covered by a cloak.

“Did Yuri send you?”


“I don’t recognize you… May I ask your name?”

“I’m Swen, recently joined Aeshers Army.”

“I see.”

Closing her eyes briefly, she nodded and said, “Please, come in.”


Her dwelling felt familiar to me.

The worn-out floor and the nearly empty room with only a blanket felt reminiscent of my time in Jerant Castle.

“I’m sorry for the lack of hospitality after your long journey.”

“That’s fine.”

I carefully observed her face. She smiled faintly at me, but there was definite caution.

Seeing the emblem of Aeshers Army on my clothing, she seemed to trust that I was sent by Yuri, but…

“How is Yuri doing?”


“Anima also speaks freely about her, it seems.”

“Well, she’s doing alright for now.”

“And what did you tell her?”

“That you would hopefully aid her again.”

“I see.”

Anima sighed softly and asked, “How is our army doing?”

“We recently succeeded in taking Racline Castle.”

“Is that so? It seems they’re managing well without me.”

Her expression revealed a complex mix of emotions.

Initially, I thought her actions might be a form of rebellion due to being demoted, but perhaps it wasn’t just about losing her position in terms of power or command. Maybe it was something deeper, more personal.

It wasn’t easy to summarize in a single sentence, but her empty gaze didn’t seem to crave power.

Given Aeshers Army’s appreciation for its founding members, not bringing her back now would likely result in another attempt to fetch her.

Climbing this mountain was quite the task for me. I preferred to complete the mission in one go.

I cautiously began,

“It doesn’t seem to be the case.”


“Yes. Lord Yuri, General Epinel, General Emma, and General Ernandorf, among many others, miss you deeply. I may not know the full extent since I’m new, but it appears you played a crucial role in Aeshers Army.”

“Why do you think so?”

“One can tell after spending some time there. Your name comes up often.”

Of course, I hadn’t actually heard such discussions; it was just a convincing fabrication.

Nevertheless, bringing her back would likely please Yuri and the other founders of Aeshers Army.

Anima closed her eyes again after hearing my words.

“Everyone who worked with you is eagerly awaiting your return. Won’t you come back with me?”

She remained silent.

This time, I decided not to press her, waiting instead for her to speak.

After a while, she finally broke the silence.

“Swen, do you know why I wear this cloak?”

“The cloak?”

The question seemed out of the blue, but sensing its importance, I responded seriously.

“I’m not sure.”

“It’s nothing.”

She then let the cloak fall to the floor with her left hand, revealing…


Where her right arm should have been, there was nothing.

“An amputee?”

“If I startled you, I apologize.”

“No, it’s not that… How did this happen?”

Anima opened her eyes slowly, her gaze becoming clearer.

“It’s just… our story.”

“Our story” – did she mean Aeshers Army?

Thinking about it, Aeshers Army did exhibit an unusually strong bond among Yuri and the founding members.

Why did they act this way?

Perhaps this was a chance to learn more.

Even though I planned to leave, understanding their story wouldn’t hurt while I was still part of it.

“Would you like to hear it?”

“If you’re willing to share.”

Anima nodded once and began to tell her story, revealing what had happened.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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