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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Their Hearts

“What happened afterward?”

“We fled as far as we could, seeking the safest place possible. After continuous fleeing, we finally established our flag near the Balhart territory. That was the beginning of the Aeshers Army.”

Anima spoke in a remarkably calm tone, explaining what was undeniably a tragic event with equanimity.

“Unable to wield a sword anymore after losing my arm, I started devouring every military strategy book I could find from that day forward. I thought what our army lacked was a strategist. Fortunately, it seems I had a decent knack for it, as studying wasn’t as difficult for me.”

“Is that so?”

Listening to her, it became somewhat clear why this nation operated the way it did.

The profound sense of camaraderie among the founding members of the Aeshers Army, was it born from surviving a tragedy together?

Having established a nation of this scale with just five people, and even recently capturing Racline Castle-

In a way, they could be considered quite successful lords.

“A deep bond with comrades” barely scratched the surface of their true story.

Their strong bonds, while undoubtedly shining in these tumultuous times where deceit is the norm, could potentially become the Aeshers Army’s Achilles’ heel.

At that moment, Anima suddenly spoke up, looking at me.

“Jinor Nightart.”


“The last chancellor of the unified empire. A man fed by the Aingart family.”

In that instant, a flash of intensity sparked in Anima’s eyes, hinting at the anger she must have kept well concealed.

“Someone of his stature couldn’t possibly be unaware of the empire’s happenings. If he was, that in itself would be a problem. I acknowledge his talent, but… If I had been more capable, perhaps we wouldn’t have needed to entrust such an important role to a former imperial official. It’s all due to my shortcomings.”

I began to understand the reason behind Anima’s defiance.

Although Jinor hadn’t done anything wrong, there seemed to be a resistance towards him, being a “high-ranking person” of the empire.

It was imperial soldiers who attacked the Pibiol Academy where she and Yuri were.

And those soldiers could only have been moved by someone from the Aingart family.

Having experienced that, not just Anima but Yuri and others likely felt the same, yet she seemed to struggle with accepting this situation more than anyone.

And then I thought.

Luna had lost something important due to the Aingart family’s internal strife, and so had Anima.

The exact reason was unclear…

But didn’t it all seem a bit contrived?

Wasn’t too much blame placed on the Aingart family?

It was as if the world’s resentment was focused solely on Serpina von Aingart, the last known heir of the empire.

Almost unnaturally so.

Of course, Serpina was a tyrant capable of pulling me from another dimension to kill me, but…

I couldn’t shake off a strange sense of dissonance.

Was it right to resolve everything by labeling her as the villain?

“Let’s leave it at that for now.”

Regardless, that was a secondary issue.

The priority was to return this young lady to Yuri.

Perhaps it was time to pique her interest.

“Anima. There’s something I haven’t mentioned.”

“What is it?”

“Do you remember when I said we had retaken Racline Castle?”

“Yes, but…”

“The lord wishes to appoint you as the lord of that castle.”


Anima’s eyes widened in surprise.

Maybe it was time to scratch where it itched more.

“As you know, becoming a lord grants you a certain level of authority. An authority that even a national strategist cannot interfere with.”

Then, looking straight into her eyes, I pitched the idea as if I were a salesman.

“What do you think? Isn’t this the perfect opportunity to showcase your abilities once more?”

After hearing my words, Anima took a moment before responding in a subdued voice.

“The lordship, you say?”

“Yes. Once again, I’ll mention that this position grants you unique authority that even the national strategist cannot interfere with.”

I deliberately repeated the point about the strategist’s limited interference.

Realizing my implication, Anima gave me a meaningful look.

“Swen, was it?”


“It seems we have an interesting person in our country.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

Finding my response amusing, Anima smiled.

“Alright. I’ll follow you down the mountain.”

“You’ve made a wise decision.”

My words were 100% sincere.

I had no desire to return here and fret again.

Muttering something under her breath, Anima looked at me.

“Would you mind waiting outside for a moment? I need to sort a few things out. It won’t take long.”

Swen nodded at Anima’s request.

“Take your time, no rush.”

“Thank you.”

After Swen stepped outside,

Anima, with her hand on her chin, fell into deep thought.

“Capturing Racline Castle means… Brans Army has fallen.”

The greatest threat to the Aeshers Army had been Brans Army.

In Anima’s mind, there was no way to overcome Brans Army by their own strength.

They could only hope for some turn of events while enduring.

While secluded in the mountains, she had spent her time devouring various military texts, rewriting them to organize her thoughts.

News from the outside world was effectively cut off, whether she liked it or not.

She had sent away all visitors from the Aeshers Army, hoping to achieve something significant during her retreat.

But if the situation had dramatically changed…

What exactly happened within Brans Army? Or had Jinor played a significant role?

“Either way, it won’t be too late to think upon returning.”

She had done a lot of thinking while secluded in the mountains.

Though she no longer intended to stubbornly insist on her views about the empire’s former officials.

Still, if an opportunity to prove herself arose- she would gladly take it.

Anima recalled the white-haired young man who had confidently asked if it wasn’t time for her to demonstrate her abilities once more.

That look in his eyes. Anima recognized it.

It was similar to the look she had seen in Yuri’s eyes during their academy days, a look of unwavering confidence and clarity, possessed only by those certain of their path.

It might be too early to judge him, but he didn’t seem like just any ordinary person.

A time when talents gather.

The fall of Brans Army.

“Maybe… this is an opportunity for the Aeshers Army.”

Honestly, more than the prospect of becoming a lord, it was this sense of “opportunity” that motivated her.

Having lived her life with the unification of the continent as her goal for the Aeshers Army, wouldn’t it be a shame to miss this chance?

After organizing her thoughts, Anima stood up, packed the bare minimum, and left the room.

In front of Balhart Castle.

Anima stood, gazing at the red flag waving from the tower for a long while, feeling a tide of emotions wash over her.

I waited silently beside her, not saying a word, respecting her brief moment of reunion.

“Thank you for waiting.”

“It’s nothing.”

With a light nod, I followed Anima as she entered the castle.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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