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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Anima’s Return, And…

“I’m back, Yuri.”


Anima Ingram had returned to the Aeshers Army.

Yuri, who had been sitting on the throne, got up and approached Anima, welcoming her warmly as if greeting not a subject but rather a returning friend, reminiscent of a puppy greeting its owner.

Within the Aeshers Army, this kind of reception seemed fitting for the five founding members, including Yuri.

Jinor, standing beside Yuri, didn’t seem surprised either.

“Welcome back, Anima. Have you been well? I couldn’t see you last time I visited…”

“I’ve been fine. Sorry about last time. I didn’t want to be disturbed by anyone.”

“No, it’s alright. I understand completely. Everyone has those moments.”

The interaction between them hardly seemed fitting for the lord and subject dynamic of their era, their mutual trust notwithstanding.

“Never mind.”

I had considered delving deeper, but Anima’s words made it clear.

The unique sense of camaraderie and special relationship that stemmed from their circumstances wasn’t something an outsider could hope to alter or even fully comprehend.

No matter the prestige in the empire, if someone as renowned as Jinor couldn’t change it, what chance did I have?

Their unique bond might be a strength unique to the Aeshers Army, but if it were to eventually hinder their greater cause, what could be done?

I was destined to return to Luna’s side eventually. My only hope was that nothing untoward happened during my stay.

As Yuri and Anima shared their heartfelt reunion, Yuri suddenly noticed me and came over to greet me.

“Swen. Thank you for safely bringing Anima back. You’ve done a great job.”

“It was my duty to fulfill the command.”

“Right. Don’t worry about work today and take a good rest.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

After saying so, I slowly left the castle.

Yuri had said it was okay to rest, but there was still so much time left.

It felt awkward to visit the Nightart estate now.


Airen would likely still be away on duty.

Feeling the chilly breeze, it seemed like a suitable day for what I had in mind.

With that thought, I headed straight for the market district of Balhart Castle.

After Swen left the castle, Anima was inquiring Yuri about something.

“I heard about the lordship of Racline Castle.”

“Yes! Anima, I couldn’t think of anyone else but you for such an important position—”

“Yuri, you don’t have to praise me so much. I know you don’t underestimate me.”

“Ah, that… sorry… I thought… because of the change in the national strategist, you might be worried…”

Anima smiled softly at Yuri’s response.

“It’s okay, Yuri. I admit I was a bit emotional.”

“Uh, yeah…”

“More importantly, the man who came to fetch me.”


“Yes. What kind of person is he?”

Yuri briefly summarized the events and people involved, including Swen and Airen, and everything that had happened up to that point.

Listening to Yuri, Anima fell into thought.

“Lynn Brans doesn’t seem fit to be a unifying monarch, hence the betrayal, huh…”

She couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was something more to it.

Even in their brief encounter, that man had given off a special aura.

Hearing Yuri talk about how “he performed a miracle at the northern fortress” made her even more convinced.

His ambitions might be beyond what we imagined.

If he could become a leading figure under the Aeshers flag, he would be a formidable ally.

But if there was a chance he might become our enemy someday…


Anima shook her head.

This wasn’t the time to doubt our allies.

As the future lord of Racline Castle, there was so much she could do for the Aeshers Army-

There was no change from the past. Since the day she decided to live for the name Aeshers, having lost an arm, her goal had essentially been singular.

“That’s enough training for today. Great job, everyone.”

“Sir! Thank you, sir!”

Hearing the soldiers’ robust response, Airen, with a stoic expression, nodded and retired to her private room within the training facility to change.

Shedding the heavy armor, she stood there, drenched in sweat.

“…The smell of sweat.”

She planned to bathe as soon as she got home.

Reflecting on the day, she wondered if she had pushed too hard.

Determined to give her best in every task, she had trained from early morning till evening with minimal rest.

Luckily, the soldiers had been cooperative.

Unlike other commanders who merely conducted drills without offering much guidance, Airen had taken the time to check each soldier’s form and correct their posture.

Though it ended up requiring twice the effort from the soldiers, she found this recent routine quite fulfilling.

Serving a lord who needed her and fulfilling the life of a knight in response was a rare period of contentment for her, who had been largely ignored no matter her achievements.

Generally, commanders, especially those renowned for their martial prowess, tended to shy away from training duties.

In these turbulent times, many preferred the battlefield over attending to their followers.

While not all commanders were like this, the trend was more pronounced among the stronger ones.

Generals like Emma and Ernandorf of the Aeshers Army weren’t the type to fuss over their troops.

However, Airen had felt instinctively since her first battle, wielding a sword, that every person has only one life.

On the battlefield, it’s the soldiers behind you that matter.

During her time in Brans Army, she was mocked for her approach, but her views hadn’t changed.

With that thought, any worry about overexertion vanished like smoke.

“War is ultimately fought by soldiers, so all this effort will strengthen the nation.”

Even if she were to leave this country someday, training excellent soldiers for Yuri, who had taken her in, was her way of repaying a debt.

Though the soldiers had switched sides during the surrender process, and she had played a significant role in the defense, ensuring their readiness eased her conscience.

As she left the barracks and headed home, Airen noticed a stand selling dessert pastries.

“Swen brought cake before…”

Lately, anything related to food reminded her of Swen.

Not just food, but whenever she saw beautiful scenery or happy children, she naturally thought of him.

She wanted to share good things with him, offer him tasty treats, and imagine his happy smile.

“Maybe I’ll buy some.”

With pastries in hand, the moment she arrived home,

“Oh, you’re back?”


Inside, the room was decorated with various ornaments.

The table was set with several exquisite dishes, and at its center was a small pot with a star-shaped decoration at the top of a tree.

Such decorations were new to Airen.

“What’s all this…?”

“I finished early today and wanted to repay you for the past, since I had some extra time.”

“The past?”

“Yes. Remember? When we first met, you welcomed me with grilled meat because I hadn’t settled in yet.”


Recalling their time at Anel Castle, she remembered the initial awkwardness of having a male commander stay at

her home, especially by the lord’s command.

She had thought to make him feel welcome by preparing a delicious meal…

“You remembered that?”

“How could I forget? Come, sit down.”

“But I need to bathe…”

“We can eat first.”

“Still, today’s training was intense, so… I…”

Swen, noticing Airen’s embarrassment, nodded understandingly and smiled.

“It’s okay. It’s a sign of your hard work. I like that about you, Airen.”


Flustered and blushing, Airen stammered before softly replying,

“Swen… you really know how to say such things.”

“Thank you for the compliment. Oh, is that pastry in your hand?”

“This? Yeah.”

She placed it on the table.

“I bought it wanting to share with you. Lately, I’ve been receiving a lot from you… Looks like I’ll be receiving again today.”

“Most of it was bought with money you earned. It’s fine. We can have the pastries with tea after dinner.”


Sitting at the table, she felt a strange warmth.

Watching Swen prepare the meal and looking at the set table filled a deep void in her heart, a warmth she hadn’t known during her time in Brans Army.

“Let’s enjoy the meat today. There’s plenty.”


This warmth was something she wanted to protect at all costs, a first in her life.

“And Swen, I was curious about something.”

“What is it?”

“This pot… What’s with the star-shaped decoration?”

“Oh, right. I meant to tell you. In my homeland, around this time when it gets colder, there’s a tradition of eating delicious food with loved ones and decorating a tree. It’s not exactly today, but the weather’s cold, and I won’t have another chance, so I thought we’d celebrate early.”

“Is that so? That’s an interesting tradition. I don’t think I’ve heard about your homeland before.”

“Well, it’s just a simple, not very interesting story.”

“Is that so?”

Airen didn’t press further. Knowing what he was willing to share was enough for her.

Still, she was glad to learn a bit more about him and respected his homeland’s traditions.

“Anyway, on that day, everyone spends time with their loved ones… and they exchange a special greeting.”

“What greeting?”

“‘Merry Christmas.'”

Looking directly into Airen’s violet eyes, Swen said,

“So, in that spirit, Merry Christmas, Airen.”

With a genuine smile, one she hadn’t shown to anyone else, Airen replied,

“Thank you. Merry Christmas, Swen.”

Though it wasn’t the exact date of the “Christmas” from his homeland, the dinner they shared was sacred to both of them.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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