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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 86

Chapter 86. Encounter, Serpina Army (1)

Shortly thereafter, a woman with short purple hair confidently walked down the red carpet of the audience chamber. Soldiers stood in salute on either side, but she walked unwaveringly to where Yuri was seated on the throne.

Upon reaching Yuri, the woman knelt and bowed her head to speak.

“Greetings. I have come today to relay a message from our sovereign, Lord Serpina.”

Yuri looked down at her silently for a moment.

Before she had been allowed entry, Yuri thought she would be able to handle it. However, facing the envoy from Serpina Army, memories of a loss-filled past naturally resurfaced. Memories that could never be forgotten, from their time at the Piola Academy.

The soldiers who had attacked the academy bore the insignia of the Aingart Empire.

It was later revealed that after the sudden death of the emperor, a sort of ‘final battle’ for succession had taken place among his children…

The one who survived that battle was the very lord this woman served, Serpina.

The victor of the north and a ruthless tyrant, a woman who wrote history with blood—Serpina von Aingart.

She was, with very high probability, the enemy of Aeshers Army.

As a ruler, Yuri did not show it… but she had not forgotten that fact.

Whom did we lose?

For whom did we raise the red flag?

“Lord Yuri?”

Prompted by the envoy’s words, Yuri finally nodded, responding in a calm tone.

“Speak. I will at least listen to what you have to say.”

The purple-haired woman looked at Yuri for a while before delivering a shocking message in an utterly indifferent tone.

“Lord Yuri. The course of events is already decided. We ask that you make a rational decision for the sake of your people. This is the wish of our lord, Serpina.”


“As I said, Lord Yuri.”

The envoy bowed her head after speaking.

The course of events is already decided.

Make a decision for the welfare of your people.

Yuri easily grasped the true intent hidden within those two sentences.


They were saying to surrender and join Serpina Army, now that their borders had touched. That’s what this woman was implying.

“Are you telling me you came all this way just to say that?”

Yuri suppressed the rising anger within her, speaking in a restrained voice, but the envoy, who had come to suggest surrender, replied as if dismissing a trivial matter—like tossing garbage into the street.

“That’s correct. We kindly ask for a wise decision.”


Unknowingly, Yuri clenched her fist around the armrest.

The most infuriating part wasn’t the suggestion of surrender itself.

It was the realization that Serpina had not sent this envoy to mock her.

From her perspective, it likely seemed a rational choice.

Even if they now held four castles, they were still a significantly smaller nation compared to Serpina Army.

It must have seemed better to have them surrender voluntarily than to waste resources on a needless confrontation.

Yes. A needless confrontation.

It was clear Serpina Army regarded the idea of subduing Aeshers Army as nothing more than an unnecessary skirmish.

Instead of venting her anger loudly, Yuri, with a voice as low as it could go, her eyes holding a dual shade of determination, delivered Aeshers Army’s stance as its ruler.

“Return and tell Serpina that we have no intention of surrendering, nor do we intend to share the same sky as her.”

The envoy nodded, stood up, and said,

“I will relay Lord Yuri’s message as is. Farewell.”

After the envoy left,

Jinor cautiously asked Yuri,

“What are your plans?”

“What do you mean?”

Despite Yuri’s unusually sharp retort,

Jinor unflinchingly replied.

“It was right not to accept the surrender suggestion. I wouldn’t have accepted it either. However, was it necessary to say ‘we have no intention of sharing the same sky as you’?”

Jinor’s point was valid.

Even if the other party had provoked them first, in diplomacy, it’s usually not in the interest of a weaker nation to confront a stronger one so aggressively.

Humiliation can be ignored. To survive the chaos of the era, it’s crucial not to hold grudges for too long.

Yuri knew this too.


“It’s not just anyone… it’s Serpina von Aingart we’re talking about. We can’t be seen as lesser.”

Yuri spoke with more determination than ever to Jinor.

“I know. But… no.”


“You wouldn’t understand even if I explained.”

“You wouldn’t understand,” huh.

Jinor sensed a bitter taste in his mouth.

He was aware that there were things even he, as the state’s strategist, couldn’t intervene in…

Without responding, Jinor just looked at Yuri’s profile.

The desire for revenge burning in her eyes was unmistakable.

While Yuri had always been cool-headed in dealing with Brans Army,

The moment it came to facing Serpina Army… it was worrying to see her display a mindset similar to that of the founding contributors she had accompanied.

“It’s alright. Brans Army hasn’t completely fallen yet, and the south won’t stay quiet forever. Serpina Army can’t extend their border that far.”

For now, should they focus on consolidating the newly acquired territories?

Jinor decided to think about the future he could shape rather than sighing.

* * *


“Yes. They have no intention of surrendering.”

The woman who visited Aeshers Army as an envoy reported back to Serpina, kneeling before her.

The purple-haired woman—Erin Rise.

A long-serving officer who had known Serpina since their academy days.

Had it not been for Jenna’s presence, Erin, a highly intelligent woman, would have taken on the role of the nation’s strategist.

“If they’re unwilling to share the same sky, so be it. Interesting.”

Though she said that, Serpina, resting her chin on her hand, looked utterly bored.

Aeshers Army.

A small nation in the continent’s east, led by Varan Yuri Aeshers.

Not entirely powerless like other minor nations, but to Serpina, who had unified the north, it was just another insignificant country.

In fact, Serpina hadn’t considered anyone besides Brans Army and the four southern nations as rivals.

From the moment she began unifying the north, she had always first suggested surrender to the weaker nations.

This was just another instance of that practice.

Even though Aeshers Army had absorbed Charam Army and Allepel Army, sending one envoy instead of three didn’t make much of a difference to Serpina Army.

“Must blood be shed, after all?”

If they refuse to surrender, then there’s no choice.

The fact they explicitly said they have no desire to share the same sky might indicate some hostility towards her, but…


Being hated was nothing new to her.

From the moment she accepted the name Aingart, being despised became her burden.

So, was it time to wage war against Aeshers Army?

With Serpina Army’s morale at an all-time high after consecutive victories against Brans Army, conquering them shouldn’t

be difficult.

“You’ve done well, Erin. You may leave.”

“Yes, my lord. If you’ll excuse me.”

After dismissing Erin, Serpina pondered for a moment.


Jenna cautiously asked,

“Lord, it’s impractical to face both Brans Army and Aeshers Army. Even if we have more soldiers, doubling the length of our border would create various complications.”

Serpina looked at Jenna and asked,

“Jenna, that’s unlike you. Have you been neglecting your studies?”

“Excuse me? What do you mean…”

“I mean, we won’t attack Brans Army for now.”


Jenna tilted her head, confused.

Serpina explained her plan.

“Did you hear about Carlince Brans and Chel Brans retreating from the frontlines recently?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean their forces have completely withdrawn, so—”

“That’s why we’re not attacking.”

“Apologies, my lord. My understanding falls short.”

“It’s simple. Why did they withdraw their skilled commanders and troops from the front instead of reinforcing?”

“To avoid losing Anel Castle, perhaps?”

“Right. You should understand by now.”

“Yes? Oh, I see.”

Finally, Jenna nodded, understanding Serpina’s intention.

“Whose decision it was, I’m not sure, but it’s an excellent choice. Assessing their own strength coldly and protecting what can be saved. Knowing when to abandon a territory that’s bound to be lost is the key to having a future. If it was Lynn Brans’s decision, then it’s fair to say the Brans name still holds some weight.”

“But what if I choose not to advance further? What will the soldiers and generals left to defend the border think?”

“Are you aiming for internal division?”

“If it can be resolved without our intervention.”

Jenna nodded, saying,

“It seems like a good strategy. Even if we leave the territory, replenishing their forces will be challenging. If they had the means, they would have reinforced before facing us. Troops raised in such a condition wouldn’t be very strong… Indeed, it’s just like you, Lord Serpina.”

“Jenna, save the uncharacteristic praise.”


Whether things will go as planned remains to be seen.

“But in the meantime, if Aeshers Army… Oh.”

Jenna stopped mid-sentence, realizing what Serpina might do next.


Serpina’s golden eyes sparkled as she slightly smiled.

Regardless of her words, anyone who saw that smile would inevitably come to deeply admire her.

“In the meantime, we’ll deal with Aeshers Army.”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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