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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 87

Chapter 87. Encounter, Serpina Army (2)

* * *

“Is it true that Histphil Castle has fallen?”


Upon hearing Vanessa’s words, Carelia stroked her chin thoughtfully.

“…It feels as though Serpina’s forces are right on our doorstep.”

While Roland and Hesna armies still lay to the north, keeping Serpina’s influence at bay for the moment, the rapid fall of Brans Army, which they had counted on to block the central region, was shockingly unexpected for Carelia.

“An incredible blitzkrieg. Once Kelstein Castle was breached, they advanced like lightning, straight south.”

“We must prepare ourselves as well.”

“Prepare how?”

Vanessa nodded.

“Even if Brans Army is currently holding on, with this momentum, it won’t be long before Serpina’s forces reach the borders of Roland and Hesna armies. We should attack at that timing.”

“Vanessa, I understand your intention… but, stretching their front lines that thin, even Serpina Army would struggle. Besides, Aeshers Army, having consolidated the neighboring countries, lies to the east. I doubt Roland Jenis is foolish enough to move first, leaving Hesna Army by his side.”

The four southern nations were in a perfect balance, neither attacking the other nor proposing alliances due to the delicate relationships between them.

This equilibrium, long maintained among the continent’s lords, was starting to wobble with Serpina Army’s advance into the central continent.

“Opportunity will surely come. Serpina is a highly aggressive figure.”

“Hmm… But even if we manage to attack Roland Army at an opportune time, doing so would extend our front lines directly against Serpina Army… Do you think we have the capacity to handle that with our current forces?”

Carelia was bordered by two nations: Roland Army to the north and Ohana Army to the east, with rugged mountains to the west connecting to the western continent and the sea to the south.

If they were to invade a nation attacked by Serpina, they’d inevitably have to confront Roland Army.


Vanessa shook her head and responded.

“My lord, that’s not what I meant.”


“We should not attack Roland Army.”


Vanessa emphasized strongly.

“When Serpina Army invades Roland and Hesna, the place we should attack is Ohana Army, next to us.”


Carelia was taken aback, then, realizing the implication, nodded in agreement.


“Yes, that’s correct.”

Vanessa bowed her head slightly, explaining in a very polite tone.

“Roland Army will be too preoccupied with Serpina to pay us any mind. Of course, attacking them wouldn’t be a bad decision either. But then we’d inevitably share a border with Serpina Army. Instead, we should strike at Ohana Army while Roland and Hesna are distracted.”

If Carelia could take Ohana without interference from the two northern nations,

The years-long stalemate among the four southern countries would end.

In other words, Carelia would likely emerge as the victor in the south.

“Has the time finally come…”

Carelia fell into quiet contemplation.

The key to attacking Ohana would undoubtedly be the forward base of Tepelo Castle.

“Lord, may I take charge of this?”

“Entrust it to you?”

“Yes. For efficient war preparation, I’d like to borrow your absolute authority as the monarch for a while.”

Power in Carelia was concentrated in the hands of its monarch, Makana Carelia.

This wasn’t so much due to her personality, but rather because Vanessa, the trusted state strategist with considerable autonomy, had shaped the power structure this way.

In this nation, entrusting full authority to someone other than Makana Carelia meant essentially handing them the reins of the state.

Carelia hesitated for a moment but realized upon brief reflection that this wasn’t even a question.

“…When it comes to war, objectively speaking, Vanessa is far superior to me.”

Her principle was to use talented generals where they were most needed, regardless of their personal achievements.

That’s why she could appoint Lunarien to Tepelo Castle so soon after their arrival.

And now, she was acting under the same principle.

“Very well. Vanessa, I entrust this to you.”

“I will surely bring you good news.”

Vanessa bowed deeply.

This was the first time in Carelia that someone other than Carelia herself had taken power.

* * *

“You’re ordering a draft?”


Lord Luna of Tepelo Castle expressed her concerns.

“But, as you know, we’ve just had an outbreak of plague within our castle. If we were to conscript soldiers now… I fear many of our people would lose their protectors.”

The castle, including several territories in Ohana, had been hit hard by a devastating plague.

Thankfully, the situation had mostly been contained, but the scars left by the epidemic ran deep throughout the land.

Conscripting able-bodied men would inevitably burden the people, already struggling in the aftermath.

However, the officer sent to convey the order spoke in a decidedly firm tone.

“The lord’s command is to amass a fighting force of significant size, no matter what.”

“The lord’s command? Are you certain?”

Luna could hardly believe it.

Carelia, who was as concerned, if not more, about the well-being of her people as Luna, had issued such a harsh command?


The officer let slip an intriguing comment.

“Yes, it’s as good as the lord’s command. Please execute it promptly.”

“…What do you mean?”

After a moment of hesitation, the officer bowed his head and said,

“Lord Luna. All I can say is that this is the lord’s command. Please understand.”

Though the officer finally referred to it as the lord’s command,

“The lord’s command, or something like it,” implied it wasn’t directly ordered by Carelia.

This detail couldn’t help but concern Luna.

If not Carelia, then who had issued such a command?

Pondering this, Luna eventually shook her head slightly.


This person was merely here to relay an order received from above.

Pressing him for more would only make his position more difficult, something Luna understood well.

“…Understood. I will comply with the lord’s command.”

“Thank you for your understanding, Lord Luna. Farewell.”

After the officer departed,

Luna sat in the lord’s chair, lost in thought.

“Reinforcement of troops…”

Direct conscription of able-bodied men from the people was not appealing.

But, wanting to follow Carelia’s command, who had unconditionally accepted her, was one thing; apart from wanting, it was her role to execute the lord’s orders.

“Is there a better way…?”

As Luna pondered, the image of a certain man came to mind.

When at a loss, he was always the beacon guiding her way.

“Lord Swen… What should I do in this situation…?”

She repeated the unreachable question in her mind several times, wishing only for his counsel, or perhaps longing for the atmosphere of the night they danced together at Jelant Castle.

Though unsure of the exact reason, one clear fact shone brightly:

Luna missed Swen.

Very much so.

* * *

After discussions about marriage with Reika,

Many events had transpired.

Ernandorf had moved to Racline

Castle, now under Anima’s lordship, and Epinel and Emma were stationed at Zelstrom Castle, formerly a territory of Charam Army.

Here, Epinel was elevated to the lord of Zelstrom Castle.

The division likely occurred because both castles were located along the border with Serpina Army.

Balhart Castle, too, was situated along this border, but being the furthest away and with Lord Yuri present, it was considered adequately prepared.

Aeshers’s key generals were thus distributed to guard the border tightly.

Initially, there was a suggestion to quickly gather troops and attack Brans Army’s castles—

But with Serpina Army descending and their forces meeting ours, we no longer had that luxury.

Engaging in battle with Brans Army only to be attacked first by Serpina Army would put us at risk.

“And yet… it seems Serpina Army’s advance has slowed a bit.”

After breaching Kelstein Castle,

Serpina Army had moved south with incredible momentum, as if intending to swallow Brans Army in the central continent in one go.

But since capturing Histphil Castle, their advance seemed to quiet down.

There were no reports of battles between Serpina and Brans Armies.

“Something feels uneasy.”

They say the calm before the storm is the quietest.

As I was pondering this, a now somewhat familiar female voice reached my ears.

“Lord Swen…?”


I turned towards the source of the voice.

Reika’s pink eyes were gazing at me, sparkling.

“Do you… have any worries…?”

“Me? Well…”

Here we were, in the garden of the Nightart family’s mansion.

We had considered going out, but the weather wasn’t great, so we decided to spend some time in the garden instead.

“It’s nothing. Focus on your meditation.”

“Oh, I’m sorry… It just seemed like you were worried about something…”

“Can you tell?”

“Yes, I’m pretty good at noticing these things…”

Reika replied in a shy voice.

Since the marriage discussion, her behavior towards me hadn’t changed much.

We continued our usual practice sessions, checking her magic skills.

She was now fairly successful in casting “Ice Spear.”

Though she currently perceived it simply as a “spear made of ice,” it was encouraging to see her repertoire of spells expanding.

What remained was “Thunder Storm,” a spell that calls down lightning, along with “Fire Ball,” forming the trio of basic elemental spells in this world.

While fascinating and impressive now, these spells wouldn’t be considered strong once magic becomes more widespread.

However, I didn’t dwell on that.

Being Reika, she would naturally progress and start using more advanced spells.

For now, mastering two spells at this pace was remarkably fast growth.

“Anyway, don’t worry about me. Aren’t you more concerned, Miss Reika?”

“Me? Concerned about what?”

“About the marriage discussion.”


Her face turned bright red at my mention.

Confused and bowing her head, she soon fell silent again.

Was it that embarrassing?

After all, the only men she interacted with in the mansion were her adoptive father, Jinor, and perhaps servants, making her understandably nervous around men.

“There’s no need to overthink it. Just decide as you feel. Whatever you choose is fine.”

“I’m sorry…”

“There’s nothing to apologize for.”

As we were talking, a maid came running towards us from a distance.

“Lord Swen…!”


Assuming she was here for Reika, I was surprised when she addressed me.

“You were here…!”

“What’s the matter?”

“The royal palace is looking for you, Lord Swen.”

“For me?”

The maid was visibly distressed, sweating despite the cold weather.

If it were just a call, her expression wouldn’t be this grave.

Soon enough, my suspicion was confirmed by the bad news she delivered.

“It’s… war…!”

At the word “war,” Reika looked at me in shock.

And right at that moment, I had a feeling I knew what she was about to say.

“Serpina Army… seems to have invaded our territory…!”

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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