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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 88

Chapter 88. Encounter, Serpina Army (3)

Upon arriving at the royal palace, I saw Airen among the generals who had remained in Balhart Castle, all gathering swiftly.

After a brief eye contact with her, I found a spot and waited for the rest to arrive.

Soon after, Yuri, seated on her throne, began with a serious tone once she confirmed everyone had arrived.

“Sorry for the abrupt call during your duties. You must have heard the news on your way here, so I’ll skip the greetings and get straight to the point.”

Yuri closed her eyes for a moment, then slowly opened them to speak.

“Serpina’s forces have launched an invasion on Zelstrom Castle with a force of approximately 70,000 troops.”

Zelstrom, the former capital of Charam now defended by Epinel as its lord, lay north of Balhart Castle.

From Yuri’s overview, it seemed Zelstrom Castle currently had about 53,000 soldiers, Balhart Castle 60,000, and Racline Castle 69,000.

“The situation is as follows. Personally, I think it would be problematic to lose Zelstrom Castle—it’s a territory we’ve worked hard to expand. I’m considering sending reinforcements to fight back. What do you all think?”

Jinor, after a moment of contemplation, shared his concerns.

“We might be able to hold them off, but I’m worried about what comes after.”

“What comes after?”

“If our forces leave to assist, Serpina’s army might immediately push additional forces toward us.”

“Well, they can’t attack three castles at once, can they?”

“That may be true… but wouldn’t draining our soldiers this way eventually put us at a significant disadvantage?”

“So, Jinor, what do you suggest?”

“Abandoning Zelstrom Castle could be one option.”

“Abandon it…”

While Yuri pondered with a slightly bowed head,

Jinor elaborated on his viewpoint.

“Serpina’s army is a powerhouse. It’s impractical for us to maintain three fronts against them. Given our troops aren’t inexhaustible, focusing our well-trained forces on defending Balhart Castle and the forward base at Racline Castle seems wise. If we must hand over a castle, strategically, it’s better to cede Zelstrom Castle, which is harder to defend due to its northern position.”

“And after? We can’t just play defense after giving up a castle.”

“Forming a temporary alliance with Hesna or even Roland might be beneficial.”

“An alliance?”

“Yes. Both are facing the calamity that is Serpina’s army, just like us. Fortunately, our army isn’t perceived as a significant threat to them. An alliance to build a defense line would make it difficult for even Serpina’s army to take us lightly. It would be ideal if Brans Army could also take action during this time.”

Even a superpower like Serpina’s army would find it challenging to manage simultaneous fronts on all borders.

In this sense, Jinor’s strategy offered the most optimal approach available to us.

If I were Yuri, I would have likely chosen to evacuate Zelstrom Castle’s forces and materials before reinforcing the defenses of Balhart and Racline Castles, based on Jinor’s advice.

Distributing Zelstrom’s 50,000 soldiers evenly would result in roughly 80-90,000 troops defending each castle, creating a formidable defense line.

Though it might feel like a setback, from a long-term perspective, this approach was more efficient.

It may feel unsatisfying, but such strategies are essential for a smaller nation to stand a chance against a superpower.

Enduring and waiting for an opportune moment is a surefire strategy.

Thus, Jinor’s “abandon the castle” plan appealed to me.


“Please wait, my lord.”

Someone from the side raised their hand.

Though I’d seen him a few times, his name hadn’t stuck with me.

“Glen, explain slowly.”

So, his name was Glen.

Glen, the young man with brown hair, passionately appealed to Yuri.

“Retaking a castle once lost is extremely difficult. A vast territory signifies more people under our rule, translating into national strength. For us in Aeshers Army, who value every piece of land, it’s hard to accept the idea of surrendering a territory without a fight, even if it’s the strategist’s suggestion. And!”

Pounding his chest, Glen continued,

“Who are we? We are Aeshers Army, united under the red flag. Currently, Zelstrom Castle is defended by none other than our finest general, Epinel Rosencross, with Emma assisting. No matter how renowned a commander might be, taking Zelstrom Castle from them with merely that difference in troops will not be easy.”

The difference in troops between the defenders and the besiegers was 17,000: 50,000 against 70,000. Not so drastic that the defenders were at an insurmountable disadvantage.

Battles in such scenarios often hinge on the capabilities of the commanders. Given Glen’s argument, Epinel and Emma were indeed SS-tier generals.

Indeed… it felt like we could win.

“Even if we send reinforcements as the strategist suggested, I won’t deny the risk it poses to the departing castle. I also acknowledge that our troops aren’t infinite. However, if I may boldly say— Serpina’s army faces the same limitations. Besides, they’re also confronting Brans Army. So, hastily abandoning the castle might not be the best move.”


you’re suggesting we send reinforcements?”

At Yuri’s question, Glen shook his head in response.

“No, I believe there’s no need for reinforcements. Even without them, the capabilities of Epinel, Emma, and Aeshers Army should suffice to hold them off. I earnestly suggest we trust in Epinel and grant her the decision-making authority.”


Considering Epinel’s character, she’s unlikely to flee, so if given authority, she’d probably choose to stand her ground.

As Yuri pondered, I internally weighed both arguments.

Jinor’s proposal: Withdraw from the castle and strengthen our defenses here. I too thought this was the better approach.

Glen’s proposal: Trust in Castle Lord Epinel. While it might seem far-fetched to others, given Epinel and Emma’s presence, it wasn’t entirely baseless.


That was just their opinions.

Now, it was time for my ‘definitively correct’ opinion to be sought.

I could have just let it pass but, before starting, Yuri explicitly asked us what we thought about sending reinforcements to fight.

Given the question, I had the right to respond.

I logged the question in my mind.

“Is it right to fight Serpina’s army head-on?”

The answer came absurdly fast.

[You will win, for now.]



We will win, for now?

Given Epinel and Emma’s excellence, it seemed to suggest we’d somehow manage to win…

Then shouldn’t it simply say [You will win]? Why such a result?

If there’s “for now,” does it imply there’s something beyond just winning?


No, think the opposite.

When do we usually use phrases like “for now ~~ but”?

When something is provisional… when it’s not the whole story…?

“When it’s not the most efficient way…?”



Someone lightly nudged my waist.


It was Airen, standing beside me, who managed to pull me out of my confusion.

Thanks to her, I regained my focus, only to find Yuri looking at me.

“Is something wrong? You seem troubled.”

“No… it’s, well, nothing. I was just deep in thought. My apologies.”

“Swen, I asked for your opinion. I want to know what you think.”

“That question?”

“Yes. You were the one who noticed the ambush during the fortress battle, right? I’m curious about your thoughts. What do you think?”

“So, you’re asking whether we should defend Zelstrom Castle?”



With “you will win, for now” in mind, winning seems possible without retreating…

Yet, I couldn’t shake off the feeling that this wasn’t the ultimate answer.

That feeling inadvertently seeped into my response.

“Well… the strategist’s point has merit, but as Glen said, we will win. Epinel and Emma are exceptional generals.”

“Oh… You think so too!”

Glen smiled, seemingly pleased, but Yuri, sensing something in my words, asked with a puzzled look.

“You’ll win? What does that mean?”

“That means… they’ll, well, manage to hold off the troops. Because of Epinel…”


How should I explain this? Just when I was at a loss,

An unexpected lifeline was thrown my way.

“Swen, do you perhaps think there’s a better way?”

“Excuse me?”

Jinor, who had been listening from Yuri’s side, now posed the question.

“A better way?”


At this crucial moment, he naturally offered the question I desperately needed.

“Are you wondering if there’s a more efficient method than what’s been discussed?”


Hearing Jinor’s words, I finally grasped the source of my unease.


“Winning, for now,” meant—”Winning, but it’s not the most efficient method.”

If there’s a more efficient way, that implies…

Thanks to Jinor asking if I was contemplating a “more efficient method,” I could form the right question.

“Is winning through a siege not as efficient as withdrawing troops?”

Well, the answer is just a query away.

I quickly entered the question: “Is there a more efficient method than holding off Serpina’s army through a siege?”

The answer flowed effortlessly.

[Meet Serpina directly for negotiations. That’s the most efficient method.]


Among the expectant gazes of those around me,

Once again, I found myself cast adrift in the vast sea named “What does that mean?”—holding a compass pointing in an indistinct direction but guaranteed to lead me the right way.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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