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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 89

Chapter 89. Encounter, Serpina Army (4)


“No, just… give me a moment.”

I’m supposed to negotiate directly for a resolution?

Not someone else but me, personally?

Why would negotiation not work with others, but work if I go?


Such an outcome, demanding a foundational inquiry, overheated my mind again despite being the clear conclusion within.

Yet, no matter how many times I posed the question in my mind, the answer remained the same.

It has to be me.


As always, I wished it would plainly tell me the reason, making convincing others far easier.

I cautiously observed those around me before tentatively speaking.

“Engaging in battle might not be the only solution.”

“What do you mean?”

“That is… considering negotiation might not be a bad idea.”

Despite the conclusion drawn from my mind, my inability to understand why negotiation was possible seeped through my words.

After all, there seemed no reason for Serpina’s forces to engage in negotiations with us.

Negotiations require a mutual gain, and without anything to offer, why would they withdraw their forces?

Of course – I had no doubts this was the most efficient route.

Just like during the negotiations with Lynn in Lunarien, negotiations always find a way. That’s why it suggests “negotiation.”

But if there’s a difference from then –


“Ah… yes.”

Yuri looked puzzled as she asked.

“You mean to say we could potentially reach a ceasefire agreement with Serpina’s army?”

“That’s correct.”

“But how?”

This wasn’t Lunarien, but Aeshers.

Yuri, unlike Luna, wasn’t a ruler who would blindly trust me.

If it were Luna, accepting my word as “that’s correct” would’ve been enough for her.

But Yuri was different.

To persuade her, I needed to logically explain why my opinion was valid.

But I couldn’t think of the right words.

“It’s… I think I need more time to consider.”

“More time? Didn’t you come to a conclusion already?”

“That is, I have organized it in my mind… but due to my limitations, articulating it into a clear sentence is somewhat challenging.”

“Really? That’s a bit hard to understand…”

Yuri gestured in frustration.

“Anyway, if that’s your stance, it’s difficult to accept. Opinions need a basis, right? Blindly saying let’s negotiate won’t fly here. Especially since we don’t possess anything Serpina wants. Given her character, I doubt she’d even entertain the idea of negotiations.”

Without more time or more information, convincing her was impossible.

Like cooking requires ingredients, I lacked the necessary components to present a convincing argument.

“So, Swen. Your suggestion is rejected. Sorry.”

“That’s alright. I understand.”

Seeing my acceptance, Yuri offered a bitter smile.

“Don’t be too disheartened. Honestly, I wasn’t really considering negotiations anyway. It’s a confrontation we must face eventually, and even if we temporarily avoided it through negotiation, it would only be a short-term solution.”

Maybe that was a valid point…

But if my intellect, with a score of 100, predicted this as not just the most efficient but also the “most correct” decision for Aeshers Army…


At that moment,

Rarely seen in Yuri’s usually gentle eyes, a spark of anger flashed.

“I don’t really want to negotiate with Serpina’s army, not by a long shot.”


I immediately understood Yuri’s emotional state.

Like Anima, though not as openly, she too had traversed the hellish ordeal at Piviola Academy.

The roots of the imperial troops that attacked them led directly to Serpina.

To persuade her, it wasn’t enough to overcome logical objections; I had to address her personal aversions, which was impossible with the limited information I had just begun to predict.

“Should I give up pushing this idea?”

Ignoring my advice wasn’t my loss but Yuri’s, as the sovereign of Aeshers Army.

And since we were “going to win” anyway…

It wasn’t the most efficient, but not a bad solution either, right?

Moreover, this decision, overwhelmingly favorable for Aeshers Army, could benefit Lunarien, but whether it was the ultimate benefit for my future ruler, Luna, remained uncertain.

Given the prediction that Lunarien would unite the continent, it was inevitable.

Thus, I had no pressing reason to persuade her.

“Right. It’s just Aeshers Army’s issue, not Airen’s, nor is there a need for me to stand out.”

Having repaid the gratitude for accepting us in the battle against Brans Army, opting not to insist seemed like an acceptable choice.


Jinor gave me a curious glance, but regardless, no opportunity was presented for me to delve further into the subject.

Various opinions were exchanged thereafter.

Seeing generals, even those of modest renown, freely offering their thoughts to Yuri suggested she wasn’t entirely rigid.

If only she weren’t so uncompromising on certain issues.

“Thank you all for your input.”

Yuri stood up, extending her hands forward.

“We’ve decided to confront the situation. I understand the arguments for withdrawing troops, but without facing the challenge, we can’t progress. While we won’t immediately send reinforcements, depending on how things unfold, we might. I’ll inform those who will be deployed to battle later, so be prepared. Understood?”

“Yes! Understood!”

I, along with the others, nodded in agreement to Yuri’s decision.

So, it’s a confrontation.

Though not overly worried since “we will win,” a lingering unease remained.

“Everyone, you may return to your duties. Unless otherwise instructed, proceed as usual.”

As I left the royal palace,


Airen approached me with a concerned look.


“Is negotiating with Serpina’s army necessary? Is that the most efficient course for our army?”


“I see… Well, if that’s what you believe, then it must be right.”

Her trust in my judgment, despite the lack of a concrete rationale from my side, made me think of Luna once more.

Airen, unlike Luna, had witnessed firsthand how my seemingly illogical assertions consistently turned out accurate within the context of Aeshers Army.

“Perhaps I should try to persuade the sovereign myself.”


“Yes. Yuri is open to hearing the opinions of her generals.”

“But how will you explain?”

“I hesitated for a moment, then decided to be truthful with Airen.”

“Honestly, it’s just a hunch.”

“A hunch?”

“Yes. I just have this strong conviction that it’s the right course of action.”

“Is that so…”

Despite the potential absurdity and irresponsibility of my response, Airen did not retort but instead looked at me with a serious expression and nodded.

“It makes sense now why you couldn’t persuade the sovereign.”

“I apologize for that.”

“No, it’s fine. If Swen, of your caliber, believes in his intuition, then I trust it too. I’ll believe in you.”

Her unwavering faith in me reminded me anew of my former ruler, Luna.

Would she be faring well now?

I pondered over her current circumstances with newfound curiosity.

“Thank you for your concern. As it seems we won’t be defeated in battle, there’s no need to worry too much.”

“Alright. I’ll see you later this evening, then. Farewell.”

After parting with Airen and exiting the royal palace, I looked up at the sky.

Luna’s face, who had unconditionally and absolutely trusted me from the moment we met, came to mind vividly today.

Despite her seemingly fragile nature, her gaze was always intense and compelling.

How are you doing, my sovereign?

Here I am, having switched allegiances twice, managing to survive day by day.

Until you reemerge at the forefront of history… I will do whatever it takes to stay alive.

With those thoughts, I stepped out of the palace.

* * *

When Swen suggested “negotiation,” the person who took his proposal most seriously was Jinor, the national advisor standing beside Yuri.


Why would Swen bring up such a suggestion?

Not just anyone, but Swen.

Jinor held him in high regard, believing that Brans Army began its downfall the moment Swen left for Aeshers Army. He was certain of it.

Though Swen claimed to be “asking the heavens,” given his ability to sense mana and significantly improve the magical prowess of an actual magician like Reika, Jinor was convinced Swen was a mage.

He didn’t press the issue, preferring not to sour relations with someone who might become a son-in-law.

If this more efficient method involved using some unknown magic that only Swen was aware of to persuade Serpina’s forces…

“Perhaps it’s time I stepped in.”

If the suggestion came from the national advisor, not just any general, it might hold more weight.

After all, Yuri was fundamentally wise and likely to listen if explained well, having seen her deliberate and considerate nature firsthand.

Yuri seemed preoccupied, nibbling on her fingernail – a sign of her anxiety. Knowing her habits well, Jinor understood her concerns about the impending battle.

“Now’s not the right time. I’ll wait until Yuri is more at ease before making my proposal.”

Thus, in Jinor’s mind, Swen evolved into a figure capable of manipulating even people’s hearts with his mysterious magical powers.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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