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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 9

The Invasion of the Brans Army (1)

On the Garand continent, when asked who was most likely to unify the land, one name was invariably mentioned.

The legitimacy of royal blood.
Vast territories conquered in the north of the continent.
Numerous talents under her command.

The tyrant, Serphina von Aingarht, was widely believed to be the one who would end the turmoil and unite the continent. Tavern storytellers and common folk alike would proclaim her as the new unifying monarch.

And next in line, if Serphina failed to unify the continent, who would be most likely?

That person was Lin Brans, the talented leader of the Brans family and the third daughter. Her long blue hair and noble beauty naturally endeared her to those she met. Controlling the richest lands in the center of the continent and constantly expanding by absorbing smaller nations, Brans’s army was undoubtedly poised to dominate the central region.

And now, Lin Brans, who sat on her throne with a slightly bored expression, received a report from what appeared to be a subordinate.

“Lord, we have triumphed in the occupation of Tyrandi, liberating it from the Walnut army.”

“Really? Well done, brother♡”

Lin smiled contentedly, having finally dealt with the persistent Walnut army. She turned to Calintz, her second elder brother, kneeling before her.

“How many prisoners were taken?”

“We captured five prisoners, my lord. Please decide their fate. Guards!”


At the man’s command, soldiers brought in five bound generals, including Walnut Castra, who once led them.


“Let’s see.”

Lin scrutinized the prisoners. Among them, one notable talent had once successfully ambushed her forces.

“Attention, everyone! I believe we have the general who once seized Haizel Castle among us. What was his name… Ah, yes. Gurupa. Who is Gurupa?”

“…I am Gurupa.”

A long-haired man raised his head and spoke.

Lin approached Gurupa with a seductive expression.

“Oh my, you’re the one? You caused me quite a bit of trouble. Haha♡ I thought there were no forces bold enough to attack our territory. You’ve got some guts, huh?”


Gurupa remained silent. Lin laughed lightly, then stood up, approached him, lifted his chin with her fingers, and looked down into his eyes.

“How about it? Want to be mine? I treat those who are useful very-very well. It’ll be much more enjoyable under me than serving some Walnut or whatever. Eh?”

“…Kill me.”

Gurupa, not avoiding her gaze, answered with his remaining strength.

Lin looked at him with a smile, but soon her expression turned icy.

“Hmm. So you have no intention of serving under me?”

She pushed Gurupa away roughly. He collapsed with a thud, and she ordered a soldier.

“Take him away and kill him.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Gurupa was dragged away to his inevitable execution, a fact clear to everyone present. The remaining prisoners watched the scene with wide eyes.

“Ah, boring. I don’t get why they refuse to join me. I could show them much more exciting sights than some outdated old man.”

Lin pondered for a moment, then slowly spoke.

“I’ll ask the rest of you. Will you serve under me, or not?”

The offer was less enticing than the one given to Gurupa, almost indifferent. Perhaps because they had just seen Gurupa’s fate, the remaining prisoners unanimously agreed.

“We surrender.”
“From today, we serve under Lin Brans.”
“Please, spare my life! I swear loyalty!”


Lin approached the overly eager man and asked,


“Ah… Please, spare me…!”

Lin sighed deeply.

“Let him go.”

“Yes, my lord!”

“You’re freeing me…?”

The man looked up at Lin in disbelief.

“You’re free to go. I don’t want to waste money on someone like you.”

Despite the insult, the man was ecstatic about his life being spared and kept thanking Lin profusely.

“Thank you, thank you…! I’ll never forget your kindness!”

“Okay, okay. Take him out. Guard, escort him.”

“Yes! Come with me.”

As the freed man was led away, still in tears, Lin turned and addressed the remaining two prisoners.

“And you two will serve in our Brans army from now on. Understood?”

“Yes, my lord!”
“We will obey!”

Lin was not overly pleased with the new recruits. The most valuable prize had slipped away, and the rest were mediocre at best.


“Oh, right.”

She then remembered Walnut and approached him.

“Do you have anything to say, Mr. Walnut?”

“…I am.”

Walnut, a balding older man, shivered slightly.

Despite being a prisoner, Lin spoke to him with a hint of respect, perhaps acknowledging his past status as a war leader.

“If you spare my life, I will serve you to the best of my ability.”

“Oh? Really? It’s pleasing to hear that Walnut, once a leader of a nation, is willing to assist us♡”

Lin smiled faintly, then her expression became serious as she lowered her voice.


“Put Cain at the forefront and fight back. This is the best strategy we can employ right now.”

This unexpected answer from my brain, with its 100 intelligence, left even me surprised. Cain, despite being politically astute, wasn’t known for his prowess in battle. The situation demanded a more direct and martial approach, which didn’t seem to be his forte.

“Really…? Cain, you mean Cain Nerchis, at the forefront?”

Luna’s question, laced with disbelief, was understandable. The idea of positioning a primarily political figure in a leading combat role was unconventional, to say the least.

“Yes, I’m certain. This is the best course of action.”

Despite my own doubts, I had to trust the judgment of my 100 intelligence. After all, it had never led me astray, even in situations that seemed counterintuitive.

“But how? Cain isn’t a warrior, he’s more suited for administrative tasks and political maneuvers.”

Tifa interjected, her confusion mirroring Luna’s. The suggestion seemed to go against all conventional military strategy.

“I understand your concerns. However, we must also consider the unconventional. Cain’s role as the forefront does not necessarily mean engaging directly in battle. His political acumen and experience can be invaluable in strategic planning and morale boosting. He can play a pivotal role in coordinating our defenses and utilizing our resources efficiently.”

The more I spoke, the more I began to see the potential in this plan. Cain’s involvement could bring a different perspective to our strategy, one that might just give us the edge we needed against the numerically superior Brans army.

“Furthermore, his presence on the frontline, even in a non-combative capacity, can serve as a significant morale boost for our troops. It symbolizes unity and shared purpose.”

Luna and Tifa exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of skepticism and consideration. It was a bold plan, undoubtedly risky, but it might be our only chance against the impending attack.

“Alright. We’ll trust your judgment, Swen. Cain, are you willing to take on this role?”

Cain, who had been listening quietly, nodded solemnly.

“I will do my best, my lord. For the people of Jeilant and the Luna Rienne army.”

With Cain’s agreement, the plan was set into motion. Despite the odds, there was a new sense of determination in the air. We were going to face this challenge head-on, with every ounce of wit and resourcefulness we could muster. The battle for Jeilant was about to begin.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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