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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 92

Chapter 92: The Battle of Hisfil Castle (2)

“Indeed… That was your plan.”

“Exactly. It’s much easier to draw the troops out of the castle and deal with them than to assault them in a siege battle.”

After explaining several times, Serpina didn’t reproach Yuwan, who seemed to barely grasp the concept. Regardless of her past life, the current monarch Serpina walked the path of tyranny, refusing to tolerate the existence of anything beside her, almost as if she was an absolute being.

There were no small number of people who detested her, considering her a tyrant, and indeed, countless individuals regarded her as a devil or witch.

Surprisingly, however, she wasn’t the type to enforce a reign of terror within her own nation. Given her negative external image, it was crucial for her to ensure the loyalty of those who served her.

Even though she was the sole monarch with the bloodline of the fallen Aingart Empire, the empire’s nobility originally expected her elder brother, Algott von Aingart, now deceased, to succeed the throne, not her.

Of course, using fear could ensure immediate obedience. By ruling with an iron fist and purging anyone who showed the slightest hint of defiance, the state could function superficially, especially since Serpina’s forces had inherited the entire infrastructure of the northern continent and the imperial capital.

But such methods wouldn’t allow for the establishment of a unified empire. If her soldiers couldn’t deeply pledge loyalty to her, the monarchy would inevitably collapse at crucial moments. This was the conclusion she reached after delving into famed treatises on monarchy multiple times.

She made it a principle not to demean those who followed her, no matter the circumstances.

That’s why she didn’t govern those who served under Serpina’s banner with fear. She adhered strictly to the principle of appropriate rewards and punishments, explaining her decisions repeatedly even if they weren’t understood at first, and offering generous treatment as long as there wasn’t a betrayal or catastrophic failure.

This approach was particularly pronounced compared to Lyn Brans, the ruler of Brans Army, which had a similar governance style. Lyn was intelligent, albeit having made some unexplainable mistakes recently. Despite inheriting a strong foundation, expanding her territory wasn’t easy, affirming her wisdom as a monarch.

However, Lyn was emotional. Her judgments often depended more on personal feelings about the individual than on the severity of their wrongdoings, coupled with a cruel streak of casting aside those who didn’t listen to her. She ruled with fear.

Until her downfall, Lyn’s leadership was praised in many circles, especially since the central continental territories that submitted to her rule didn’t rebel as those in the north did.

For instance, if there were a person named “Airen Juliet” whom she personally disliked, Lyn Brans would have taken their life herself, whereas Serpina von Aingart would have given them a chance to prove their worth.

This didn’t mean she would have a personal relationship with someone she disliked, but it meant she would treat them according to their merits as long as they fulfilled their duties in a vassal-lord relationship.

As a result, despite being known as a tyrant, Serpina’s approach to looking after her people was clear. The loyalty among her generals was exceptionally high.

Rebellious generals were usually those who had held significant roles in the old empire or had been aligned with other successors like Algott.

Tyranny could be stable when the ruler’s authority was absolute. But as that authority began to tarnish and rust, the regime would become highly unstable.

Serpina instinctively understood this. That’s why she chose the harder path instead of the easier one. Considering the current downfall of Brans Army due to Lyn’s temperament, her decision seemed all the more correct.

Her goal was the unification of the continent. The more she focused solely on being an ideal monarch to fulfill her promise, the more her aura as an absolute ruler intensified.

“However, my lord.”

Yuwan cautiously asked, sensing her invitation to speak.

“The strategy is brilliant… but doesn’t it depend on Racline Castle’s forces attacking us to work?”


“And if the enemy doesn’t attack… what then?”

Serpina paused before slowly parting her lips, which seemed as beautifully sculpted as the rest of her, making her look like a goddess of war as she discussed battle strategies.

“True. It would be a waste of provisions, and since there’s no ‘absolute’ in battle, there could be other variables, like Brans Army moving or another unforeseen event. But I’m confident that Aeshers Army will bite the bait.”

“May I ask why?”

“It’s simple. They hate me.”

Yuwan mulled over her words in silence.

Indeed, finding someone in this continent who liked Serpina would be much quicker than listing those who disliked her.

Yuwan deeply respected and followed his monarch, but he wasn’t foolish enough to ignore objective facts.

Yes. Serpina devised this strategy knowing Aeshers Army hated her.

“We share no sky… Such strong words are rarely used in diplomatic relations, even by weaker nations against stronger ones. Other nations that refused our surrender offers never expressed direct hatred.”

Baran Yuuri Aeshers.

What is the source of your hatred?

At what point did I paint your heart with hatred?

“…Unnecessary sentimentality.”

Such thoughts were unfit for Serpina von Aingart, the monarch.

She swiftly banished these thoughts from her mind.

If they hate me… then I’ll use that thoroughly.

Suddenly, she remembered something Jena had told her.

A young man with white hair was now with Aeshers Army.

Would this war eventually allow her to see his face?

The chances that this man was the one from her dreams were slim.

Yet, to settle her turbulent heart, she wished to meet him soon and verify he wasn’t the same person.

Seeing his face would resolve everything.

Just then, a young man’s voice reached her ears.

“My lord!”

Turning, she saw a young, handsome general with black hair approaching her and kneeling in homage.

“Ilian Al Kaski, upon hearing of your arrival, I came to find you.”

Ilian Al Kaski, son of the late great general Kremten Al Kaski and top graduate of the Aingart Academy.

A promising young talent in Serpina’s army, having made significant contributions in the conquest of Kelstein Castle and the campaign in central continent.

“Indeed. I’ve heard of your achievements. You’ve done well.”

“Thanks to your trust, my lady. I’m grateful to be able to repay it.”

Serpina looked down at the kneeling Ilian with an enchanting smile.

“Place me at the forefront of this operation, my lord. I promise to achieve great success.”

“Are you not overexerting yourself?”

“No, my lady. I’m deeply grateful for your concern, but I, Ilian, am still fully capable…”

“That’s not it.”

Serpina cut him off sharply.

“If you fail while not in peak condition, the responsibility falls on me. So, speak truthfully. Can you guarantee success?”

“…Yes. Please entrust me with this task. If I fail, you may take my life.”

Serpina silently regarded him.

Ernandorf Arisian was said to be in Racline Castle.

It was

worth testing how capable Ilian was.

“Fine. I’ll give you another chance. Just don’t bring shame to Aingart’s crest.”

“Yes! Leave it to me!”

After sending off Ilian, Serpina left the castle, lost in thought.

Even as she focused on dealing with Aeshers Army, she had to keep her eyes and ears open.

“It’s time to see how Brans Army will act.”

If they moved as she desired…

With that thought, she continued her conquest of the central continent.

“Maintain formation and don’t panic!”

Anima tried her best to control the troops at the rear, but speaking from a palanquin instead of a saddle made proper command impossible.

The central column became increasingly chaotic, likely due to engaging Serpina’s forces at the front.

That would have been fortunate, but for some reason… the enemy soldiers attacking from the rear felt unusually strong.

It was as if Aeshers Army was being pushed back, likely because these weren’t regular troops but mercenaries specialized in ambushes, a fact Anima couldn’t possibly know at the moment.

“I should have left a reliable general at the rear…!”

There were two other commanders at the rear with Anima, but neither was particularly strong. They were chosen more for their ability to lead troops than for their combat prowess.

Looking back, it was a fundamental mistake not to consider the possibility of a rear attack, even if it seemed unlikely.

Her haste might have led her into this predicament.

“Screams and chaos… If only I could check the front, but I must stay here to keep the formation and prevent us from being sandwiched.”

“Ern… I’m counting on you to handle the front. Please, stay safe…!”

At the front, as Anima suspected, Ernandorf faced Serpina’s vanguard, Ilian Al Kaski.

“Are you Ernandorf Arisian?”

Ernandorf didn’t respond to Ilian’s question. His silence wasn’t an issue; his imposing stature and characteristic weapon made his identity clear.

“I am Ilian Al Kaski of Serpina’s army! Remember my name; it’ll be the last you hear before you head to the afterlife!”

Ilian’s taunt didn’t provoke Ernandorf, who simply gripped his weapon tighter and said,

“You talk too much. Come at me, boy.”

Without further words, Ilian signaled his troops.


Serpina’s forces and Aeshers Army clashed, the battle raging on.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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