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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy – Chapter 93

Chapter 93: The Battle of Hisfil Castle (3)


As Ilian’s spear clashed with Ernandorf’s mace, it signaled the start of the engagement between the two sides’ soldiers.

In terms of sheer numbers, Serpina’s forces held an advantage over Aeshers Army, which was spread across the front lines. However, more than half of Aeshers Army’s troops were elite soldiers originally mobilized to invade Racline Castle from Balhart Castle. These were veterans with significant combat experience, further trained by the exceptional general, Airen Juliet.

While Serpina’s forces from the north were formidable, the process of invading the central region had left them with a considerable number of injured soldiers. Moreover, they had absorbed many soldiers previously belonging to Brans Army, making it difficult for them to maintain formation and engage in combat as effectively as Aeshers Army.

And then…



Ilian, who had bravely led the charge against Ernandorf, quickly realized the difficulty of the encounter.

“This bastard… Why is he so absurdly strong…?”

Having graduated top of his academy and participated in the slaughter of Brans Army, Ilian had once thought himself to be far superior than he had imagined. Although he regretted not having the opportunity to face Carlince Brans directly, he had been on a winning streak, delivering victory after victory.

But, of course, Ilian was merely a young man entering the prime of his life, vastly inexperienced compared to a general like Ernandorf, who had played a significant role in founding a nation.

Comparing the currently peaking Ernandorf with Ilian, who still had much potential for growth, might not have been fair, but this was a battlefield, not an academy. Failure here meant death, not a chance for improvement.

“If you lose here… you die…!”

Ilian slowly retreated, blending into the ranks of his soldiers.

Ernandorf swung his mace, shouting as he did,

“Running away!? For all the big talk, that’s pitifully weak!”

“Hmph, babble all you want.”

Ilian, though prideful, was not the type of general who would risk his life for honor in an unwinnable battle. Death meant the end.

This lesson, left by his now-deceased father, held true not just for life but also for battle. Engaging in a losing fight could result in not only his death but also a rapid decline in Serpina’s army morale, potentially ruining the advantageous situation crafted by his sovereign.

Ilian feared ruining this advantageous situation through his misjudgment more than death itself.

“Pathetic wretch!”

Ernandorf, rather than obsessing over chasing Ilian, began to decimate the surrounding soldiers, his mace sending several of them flying at once.

Ilian, switching to his bow, fired at Ernandorf and his men, drawing their attention while shouting,

“Maintain the line! We have the upper hand!”


Thus, at the front, Aeshers Army was managing to slowly gain ground against Serpina’s forces, despite not overwhelmingly dominating them.

The problem lay with Aeshers Army’s rear, now facing the mercenaries.


“Save me!”

“Fight till death!!”

Unlike the front, where soldiers were somewhat prepared for combat, the rear had been taken by surprise.

Naturally, their formation was in disarray, and they were gradually being decimated without putting up much of a fight.

“What should I do? Should I call Ern back from the front? But then, what about the Serpina’s forces we’re facing…?”

Anima desperately racked her brain for solutions but couldn’t find any viable way to turn the situation around, despite her extensive study of military strategies.

“Damn it…!”

When she had lost her arm and could no longer wield a sword, she hadn’t felt truly despairing. She had chosen the sword out of necessity, not passion, and derived fulfillment from watching her childhood friend Yuri’s talents flourish rather than from her own abilities.

Thus, she had easily given up the life of a swordsman to focus on her studies to become a strategist, believing that was her true path. Even after handing over the position of national strategist to Jinor Nightart, her belief hadn’t changed.

But now…

“Am I really just… an ordinary person?”

Was losing her position simply the result of being the weakest link among the five?

Yuri was superior in every aspect, and Anima knew this better than anyone. From the moment Yuri chose Jinor, had Anima already fulfilled her role?

“Snap out of it!”


Anima harshly slapped her own cheek.

Remaining in the carriage was dangerous. If the enemy soldiers, realizing the significance of the carriage, decided to target it first, she, the commander, would be captured.

“I must escape…!”

Deciding this, Anima cautiously opened the carriage door and surveyed her surroundings. Fortunately, the enemy’s influence hadn’t reached her location yet.

“Lady Anima! This place is dangerous!”

A soldier guarding the carriage spoke urgently, but Anima responded calmly, trying to reassure him.

“I plan to leave this place. Would you cover me?”

“Lady Anima…!”

Realizing her intention, the soldier silently met her gaze, then solemnly nodded.

“I will ensure your safety, Lady Anima.”

“Thank you. I’m truly grateful.”

Anima smiled reassuringly and, with the soldier’s support, slowly stepped out of the carriage.

“Come this way. I will ensure your safety…”


Suddenly, the soldier collapsed toward Anima, who barely caught him with her remaining arm and examined his face.

As if malfunctioning, his expression had vanished. A closer look revealed a sword piercing through his armor into his abdomen.


With the sword’s withdrawal, blood gushed out, drenching Anima in a crimson spray.


The Aeshers Army soldier, or rather, the man who had been

a soldier, collapsed to the ground, revealing behind him a middle-aged man with black hair, holding a blood-stained sword. This man, not unlike Ernandorf in his imposing stature, exuded an aura of someone born and bred for the battlefield.

Anima immediately recognized the man’s face and realized something critical.

This man… was missing an eye, not bothering to hide the deep scar over the closed lid.

And in that moment, she understood the identity of the ‘Serpina’s Army’ attacking from the rear.

“…Sad Astron?”


Sad Astron, the infamous leader of the Astron Mercenary Band, known for its ferocity and specialization in ambush tactics. Unlike other mercenary bands that pledged loyalty to a single nation, Astron’s band was notorious for its lack of fidelity, willing to undertake any job for the right price. Despite their questionable loyalty, their effectiveness was undeniable, making them a sought-after force by any lord with deep enough pockets.

Now, were they operating under Serpina’s banner?

“Do you recognize me? Ha! This is why fame matters. Even a one-eyed cripple gets treated with respect.”


As Sad scanned Anima from head to toe, his gaze settled on the cloak draped over her right shoulder.

With a swift movement, he used his sword to pull away the cloak, exposing her right side. Anima didn’t resist; there was nothing to hide.

Upon realizing the absence of her arm where it should have been, Sad burst into laughter, finding the situation amusingly ironic.

“So, you brought a carriage because of this. I’ve heard you were ambitious, Anima Ingram!”

Anyone traversing the battlefield knew of Aeshers Army’s strategist who had lost an arm.

“Just as my missing eye made you recognize me, your condition was enough for me to identify you.”

“I’ve caught quite the big fish unexpectedly.”


“Whoa, whoa. Why the glare? It’s ruining your pretty face. We should stick together as fellow cripples, right?”

Anima sensed it.

This moment was as perilous as when the academy was attacked.

“…We’re running out of time…!”

Ernandorf, covered in blood yet refusing to falter, led the fight. However, he could sense the soldiers from the rear pushing towards them.

He realized early on they were sandwiched and had planned to quickly defeat Serpina’s forces at the front before turning to face the rear. But…



The front lines, particularly Ilian and his men, were not easily crumbling, making the situation dire.

“If this continues, Anima is in danger…!”

Dragging out the battle would inevitably lead to defeat due to the numerical disadvantage and the surprise assault on the rear, weakening their position even further.

“Damn it…!”

After Anima stepped down as the strategist, Ernandorf felt it was all his fault. He believed he hadn’t executed her plans well enough, leading to this predicament. He had trained harder, fought at the forefront, aiming to prove himself to Yuri once again.

He had promised to win, to turn the impossible into possible. And now, despite bleeding out, he fought with the determination to keep that promise, even if it meant taking down Ilian.

With the sole intention of not letting Anima down, Ernandorf’s resolve fueled him, pushing him to charge into the enemy lines, his very presence terrifying Serpina’s forces.


“Don’t be afraid! He’s just one general! Surround him and focus your attacks! Achil! Berdo! Come here! I’ll join the assault!”

At Ilian’s command, Serpina’s soldiers regrouped, and several commanders appeared, ready to confront Ernandorf.


Just as Ilian and two armed Serpina’s commanders prepared to charge at Ernandorf, the atmosphere on the battlefield shifted dramatically.

“Fall back! Prepare to retreat!”


As Ilian hesitated, puzzled by the sudden orders, Serpina’s army began their retreat.

“What’s happening?”

Ernandorf, watching Serpina’s forces withdraw, was left wondering what had caused this unexpected turn of events.

At an indeterminate hour, within Balhart Castle’s throne room.

As Yuri and the others waited anxiously, the doors creaked open, and a young man with white hair approached the throne.

“Swen, you’ve returned safely! What happened?”


Swen kneeled and reported to his sovereign, Yuri.

“We’re not too late.”



Lifting his gaze, Swen smiled confidently and delivered the news Yuri had been eager to hear.

“Don’t worry. Serpina’s army will retreat.”

With that assurance, the tension in the room lifted, replaced by a sense of cautious optimism for the next moves in this grand chess game of warfare.

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Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

지력 100의 적중률 100% 책사가 되었다
Score 7.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I possessed a character with an intelligence of 100 in a classic medieval fantasy land-grabbing game. An intelligence score of 100. That meant my predictions were always accurate. However, since I was physically weak and didn’t quite understand why that was the case, I thought it best to just live quietly. But then… leaders who began to recognize my ability started to become obsessed with me.


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