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Debuting With 100 billion Won – Chapter 1

“Everyone, thank you. Today’s performance was also fun!”


[Han Jin-seong has completed a successful solo performance in Times Square, New York.]

[Stage Rank: SSS Perfect Performance.]

[The reputation of Jinseong’s group ‘Olios’ is increasing.]

Notification windows popped up one after another along with stage greetings from the characters on the screen and Jinseong.

‘My Idol’, a game that has been consistently ranked in the top 10 in recent mobile game sales.

As the title suggests, it was a game that nurtured trainees into idols. The point of being able to raise various trainees from grade F to grade SS into idols was the point of attraction.

It was famous not only for the cards with handsome male idols, but also for 99.9% of them dubbed by voice actors.

In addition, all of the albums that appear in the game were recorded, including songs and music, and some songs even reached number one on the charts.

Did you get on the news because of that?

Anyway, the factor of being able to raise good-looking idols by yourself was enough to stimulate the fandom of countless idol fans.

I wonder if there was a separate fan club related to it. How was I?

I also joined a fan club in my own way and was active. The Han Jin-sung fan club that I am raising right now.

“Stage rank SSS, perfect.”

Based on his instinctive sense of understanding consumer needs and natural sales skills, Yoon Gun-ha turned a cosmetics company that started with a capital of 50 million won into a giant company.

Yun Geon-ha, that’s my name.

After fully exploiting the potential of men’s cosmetics business, he used the money he saved to invest in various businesses.

Investing in real estate, stocks, bitcoin and other promising businesses.

Looking at other companies with eyes that thoroughly grasped the needs of consumers, I was able to find out.

Whether or not the startup I want to invest in will make money. I invested in every company with visible success.

Shareholders said I was crazy, but they believed in the vision of the company I invested in, and they believed in my eyes.

The first success brought me wealth and the growth of the company.

Thanks to success, success, and success, he became an asset of 100 billion won at the young age of 30.

The aforementioned real estate and stocks and Bitcoin, etc. The money in my bank account grew terribly.

Since I didn’t have a lot of money, I started to spend money on games as a hobby.

The first billing was this game, ‘My Idol’.

How much did I spend raising them all?

I think I spent a billion dollars on this game alone.

It’s not that I don’t like alcohol, but it was the only luxury I could afford, even though I didn’t have any special hobbies.

It’s all about making money to spend, but can you do this much?

Thanks to that, I got closer to the final ending of ‘My Idol’ faster than anyone else.

“All that remains now is the announcement of the Grammy Awards.”

I tapped the screen of my cell phone. Grammy!

It is a reward that can be obtained by completing all the numerous achievements in this game, and is the highest prize awarded by broadcasters around the world.

It was a prestigious award for broadcasters, to the extent that there are words such as the Oscars for movies and the Grammys for broadcasting.

And Han Jin-seong, whom I raised, was nominated for the award.

[This year’s Grammy Awards…]


[Congratulations. Han Jin-seong of Olios!]


The moment the name of Han Jin-seong, the idol I raised, came up, I clenched my fists and cheered.


I finally did it.

I saw the final ending by growing the last remaining SS-level idol into the best top star.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

I saw Han Jin-sung, who went up to the podium and gave his impressions of the award.

Han Jin-seong’s voice dubbed to match the character gave the impression that there was a real person on the screen.

It’s just a picture, but why does the carefully moving hair and eyes feel so real?

Maybe it’s because of the affection I gave him.

He expressed his feelings in a voice that seemed like he would cry at any moment.

“Thank you so much. I think I was able to come this far with the help of many people.”

Mama, no daddy’s heart will be like this.

It was as touching as when a child who could not even walk properly expresses gratitude to her parents after growing up.

No matter what anyone says, Han Jin-sung was an idol I raised with my own hands from trainee to top star.

“My manager hyung, the Olios members who have been with me from the beginning, the dance trainer hyung who told me I had talent, and the vocal trainer noona…”

Han Jin-sung continued his impressions by telling the names of the people he was grateful for one by one.

Every time he said his name, Han Jin-seong’s eyes grew redder.

It was a scene that could not be seen in other award speeches that he had seen before.

It was the position he wanted, and it was a scene that was no different from the final ending, so it was a directing that added emotion.

Han Jin-seong, who had been speaking calmly, shut his mouth for a moment.

“… And you.”

Han Jin-seong met my eyes on the screen.

“I was able to come this far because of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Han Jin-seong, who met my eyes, nodded his head with his eye smile. Under.

What is this?

This game, what is it that moves me at the end like this? Unknowingly, I cried.

Running a business has never been more difficult than this. Thank you so much more than this.

‘Thank you, boss. I live thanks to you.’ ‘Please help me this time.’

‘Sales have increased tremendously. Thank you.’

However, there was a resonant in Han Jin-seong’s words that could not be given in the hypothetical gratitude that comes from the relationship of interest.

“Keuheum, you suffered too. Be happy in the future.”

Without realizing it, I told Han Jin-seong on the screen.

Saying hello to a game character from the bottom of my heart, what is this for?

“Yes, I want you to be happy too.”

And Han Jin-seong greeted me as if he was answering me.


As the screen gradually darkens and white letters appear on a black background, the ending of the game is completely over.

Returned to the initial screen.

[My Idol!]

There stood a building housing a huge entertainment company.

SD characters of idols whose endings I watched were wandering around in the huge building.

Jinsung’s SD character also walked between the buildings.

It was only then that I realized that the journey with Jinseong had come to an end.

I looked at the drawing book.

Jinsung’s Grammy Awards cutscene was added to the encyclopedia with the sign ‘NEW’.

99.9% perfection.

Incompleteness caused by the lack of just one thing. 99.9%.

Except for one, everyone made them the best stars. It’s all thanks to billing.
I have filled all the encyclopedias that others have not filled even 50% of yet.

I was so crazy about this game that I broke all the side stories of the idols who had already seen the ending.

‘In the yard where I’m not interested in real idols…’

It’s funny.

But the moment I first saw the advertisement for this game, I was drawn to it without even realizing it.

It was because of the advertisement that I decided to charge.

When I saw an ad where a character with the same name as me, ‘Yun Geon- ha’, was surrounded by countless idol trainees and grew up together.

I thought I was destined to be with this game.

‘Actually, it was lousy.’

I clicked on the only trainee’s room that was not targeted.

The only starting character among the trainees who does not have a skin or dubbing.

The only F-rank trainee.

An abandoned outcast who no one raises.

A trainee with numerous nicknames, including ‘Dung Tong’, ‘Newbie Cutter’, and ‘Mangkae’.

The only character I couldn’t attack until the ending. Class F trainee Yoon Gun-ha.

As the only F-grade idol in My Idol, she was a starting character and at the same time a character abandoned by everyone.

As befits the F-class label, her appearance is normal.

To put it bluntly, the facial features were set to be hidden behind the shadows of the hair and invisible.

It must have been deliberately staged that way.

The obscure features and the unconfirmed face, unlike other idol characters, may have been intended to make people recognize that he is a player playing this game.

‘That worked well for me.’

Before I became a successful businessman, I had no parents, no family, nothing.

The past me, who had nothing, was assigned to Yoon Gun-ha, who was treated badly because he was not recognized by anyone in the game.

The me of the past who worked tirelessly since high school to raise capital.

It was my daily life to starve while desperately saving money even while saving meals.

My eyes, which had been grasping the success or not, spoke. Class F trainee Yoon Geon-ha is a lumber to fail.
So he raised other characters first.

I realized it after raising the characters with the highest potential for success and settling down one by one.

That I neglected Yoon Gun-ha, who was the reason I started playing this game.

So I made a room for him in one corner of the building. To the largest and most stylish room.
That was the consideration I could give to Yoon Gun-ha, who was neglectful.

‘Then what are you doing?’

Even after collecting all the characters except for Yoon Gun-ha and seeing all the endings, he still has the status of a trainee.

Yun Geon-ha, an unfortunate trainee with a slightly larger room. The culprit of 99.9%.

‘Does this guy have an ending story too?’

I suddenly became curious.

Can we see the ending with him?

With that disastrous ability like an F-class?

I searched for My Idol’s community and searched for Geonha’s name.

-How to read the ending as Yoon Gun-ha.

There was an article in the community that someone sorted out. Could someone have finished the raid?

I read the article out of curiosity.

– This character can never wake up without charging. The basic stats are so poor that if you don’t charge, the stats are significantly lacking. I have to see the ending within the limited time of 5 years of game time, but it’s not enough. To see it, you have no choice but to raise your stats with string rather than tree.

Even if the lack of ability is covered by good members, the original version is so stupid that it can’t be solved. He just doesn’t have an answer. Roughly calculate how much you have to charge to get the ending specs.

To raise this from F-rank to E-rank…

Beneath it was a long text written with a complex calculation formula.

-10 billion. To see the ending as Yun Geon-ha, you need to pay 1 billion won.

The conclusion was one.

I’m a guy who can see the ending only if I pay a lot more money than I’ve ever paid.

It’s been eaten from the root, so there’s no other way. Comment added.

-What? Even SS-level endings cost 100, but F-level endings cost 1 billion?

-He has a characteristic penalty. Because of that, the goods cost several times.

-Then who sees the ending?

-HahaI just told you not to grow it.

-Did you decide to prevent the completion of the encyclopedia?

– To be honest, the character is not very attractive. Isn’t that just blindfolded? Even he wasn’t even dubbed.

– The fact that there is no dubbing is honestly Eva.

-So that’s why the production company emphasized 99.9%?

-Geonha is trash. Is this kid a starter? It’s Eva.

-Are there any black cows that didn’t get released as soon as it started?

⌎ Aren’t you pitiful for Geon-ha who works hard for her dream?

⌎ Yes~ My life is more pitiful.

-I couldn’t turn the track because I knew I wouldn’t be able to attack it anyway. Aren’t you a little pity? You’re a trainee every day because you’re so talented.

⌎I’m sorry but I can’t help it. If you lack ability, the bottom line is that you can’t debut.


Teeth were split

It is said that Geonha is garbage. It’s like there’s no attraction.

It is said that the ability is poor. I agree.

Not a single word was wrong.

Her appearance wasn’t exceptional, her rank wasn’t high, and she wasn’t a good singer, and she didn’t have a skin that she was good at.

I was no different.

Because I saw Yun Geon-ha and judged that he was a vessel that would not succeed.

However, after seeing the harsh criticism of others other than me, his head became hot and the back of his head felt sore.

All of those comments seemed to insult me. Class F trash.


Shredder material, reinforcement material.

I’ve grown it once, but it’s no use.

Not trainee Gunha Yoon, but me who decided that I would fail after seeing him.


“Isn’t there a single one who tried to attack properly?”

This made me even more angry.

The fact that there are a lot of comments that evaluate him without even trying to attack properly.

It was like looking at my ugly self in a mirror. After his self-loathing, he thought soberly.

Cursing can be like that.

I know the performance is poor and it takes a lot of effort.

I know that it is difficult to raise Geonha because of the penalty of being ordinary as an idol and the basic stats that are laid on the floor.

But at least if you want to curse, shouldn’t you raise it with all your heart?

Wouldn’t it be right to spend 100,000 won, if not 1 billion, on this character and talk about it?

Because of the F-class title, it’s just a rough criticism. They were hurting and criticizing Yun Geon-ha at will.

“Yoon Geon-ha isn’t a bad guy.”

Skills that cannot be salvaged for F-class?

He says he can’t succeed because he has nothing? It was the same for me too.

Born into a family with nothing to hold on to, he has succeeded so far. I knew very well how miserable it was to live a life of being ignored. That made me even more angry.

You need 1 billion to attack? So you couldn’t?

That’s not the same excuse.

If you truly had affection for this game, if you were attracted to the character of Yun Geon-Ha, you would have screamed more than that, right?

I’ll show you.

With that billion, I’ll show you that even the F-rank you ignore deserves a happy ending, and that you can stand on top just like the other trainees.

[Payment has been made.]

So I screamed 10 billion.

That 1 billion you need to see Yoon Gun-ha’s ending.

Just ran out

“One billion is not a small amount of money.”

However, 1 billion was cheap money to change the public’s gaze.

‘I’ll change it.’

The lax perception of those people. It’s just the name, why is that?

A name has a lot of power.

The fact that I kept this friend in the end.

It was because of the sense of solidarity that comes from the name that I did not abandon this F-level trainee with pretty skin and no fancy clothes.

I can’t stand being ignored.

If you lack 1 billion, I will invest 10 billion.

I will show you how Geon-ha, who has always been ostracized and left empty in the corner, succeeds.

I invested 1 billion won and invested all the goods I got in Geonha.

“Thank you for choosing me.”


This guy must have no voice?

Yoon Gun-ha in the screen looked up at me and said. She said clearly
There was no dubbing, so no voice was applied, the guy looked at me and spoke.

Looking at me too.


Wasn’t Han Jin-seong like this?

As if talking to me at the end of the game… What?
At that time, I felt a strange sense of incongruity.

“For a moment! Is this my voice?”

I realized it belatedly and got goosebumps.

That Yun Geon-ha, who has the same name as me, spoke in my own voice? I rubbed my eyes and looked at the screen again.
On the screen, Yun Geon-ha was also looking at me.

He told me

“I can do it with you. I am like them…”

An ordinary opening dialogue to start the game. However, a slightly different comment was added. I had a hunch.

That this line is not an ordinary opening line.

[The conditions for achieving 100% completion rate have been met.] [Start My Idol’s special mode.]

A dazzling light obscured my vision.

When I open my eyes again after the light completely obscuring my vision has disappeared.

“Where are you?”

I was sitting in an unfamiliar space.

The ceiling you see for the first time, the bed you see for the first time. Cramped room.

The ultra-luxurious Han River View apartment in Gangnam, where I always stay, was replaced by a shabby and narrow room.

What is this!


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Debuting With 100 billion Won

Debuting With 100 billion Won

Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist:
Businessman Yoon Gun-ha is an icon of self-made success. When he has a surplus of money and spends a billion on a male idol training game, he ends up being trapped as an F-grade trainee with the same name. It sounds bullshit? But it's true. And they want me to win a Grammy Award if I don't want to die? Why are the members acting like this? At this point, I have no choice but to grab them by the collar and carry them. With a solid Billion.


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not work with dark mode