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Gacha Addict in a Matriarchal World – Chapter 28

“Wow! A virgin!”


With her usual enigmatic smile and a flushed face, Eve froze solid. Comforting her by patting the back of her hand, I said,


“Hey, it’s alright, really! It’s well known that elves age slowly, both physically and mentally. I don’t know how old Ms. Eve is, but… if you’re running a shop of this size, you can’t be that old.”




Eve, the oldest living mortal who was still a virgin and without money, shivered.


She wouldn’t think I did it on purpose, not knowing her secret. But sometimes, innocence can be the greatest weapon.


…In my case, it’s a strategic backhanded compliment!


Seeing Eve lose her composure was precious in many ways, but unfortunately, it didn’t last long.


Eve quickly regained her composure and cleared her throat a couple of times before continuing.


“Ehem. These are top-grade horns that are practically impossible to find nowadays. If you’re selling, I can connect you to a good buyer. …Of course, I’ll be taking a small fee.”


Let’s skin her to the bone (X)


Let’s change the subject (O)


“I’m not really interested in selling. If it’s such a good item, I’d rather use it myself. I’m confident I can make a lot of money over time if needed.”


“Hu-hu. Your confidence is fascinating, Yona. It feels less like the optimism of a child and more like a firm conviction based on solid grounds… It’s quite admirable.”


Eve licked her lips and nodded her head, seeming to have regained her usual composure.


But I know. That’s just a habit formed from her days reigning as an elf queen!


A person who rose to a position bearing the fate of a whole race cannot afford to panic at every issue, as it would only stir up the anxiety of those below her.


So, what she learned was to act as if she had anticipated everything, especially when flustered, displaying an air of knowing something important.


This is the “Ah, I see. So that’s what happened… You don’t need to know yet” strategy!


Over time, the ambiguous tone and relaxed demeanor became a habit.


Although Eve’s suspiciously peculiar appearance did have its effects… now, it’s just a relic of her past, causing misunderstandings.


Inside, she’s probably still bothered by the recent virgin confirmation.


It’s not nice to tease her too much, so I should reward her next time. I wonder what would be good…


While I was pondering, Eve lightly clasped her hands and set the mood on the desk.


“If you’re planning to use the horn yourself, let me process it for you. What form do you want? A dagger, a protective amulet, an elixir… anything is fine. If you’re not satisfied with me, I can introduce you to a skilled artisan. Will you trust me and leave it in my care?”


Demand the unicorn horn from me (X)


Please stop with the virgin jokes (O)


“Hmm. Since I don’t know anyone well, it’s probably best to leave it to Ms. Eve. Seeing how shiny it was earlier, it seems the horn wants that too!”




My remark instantly shattered the millennia-old virgin’s carefully maintained facade.


Her overly self-conscious demeanor about her inexperience sparked something in me.


A man worried about being a virgin. And the virgin witch who laughs and says she likes virgins…


This is going to work!


Holding the unicorn horn, I pointed it at Eve with its bright glow.


“And… it’s no coincidence that the unicorn’s horn ended up in my hands. I prefer virgins too. Maybe because I’m still a virgin?”




Really? (X)


Let’s get married (O)


“Ah, how embarrassing. What am I saying? Anyway, I’ll leave it to you, Ms. Eve. Considering my fighting style, a dagger would be ideal.”


Initially, I considered eating the guise of gluttony I obtained… but it was too hard to chew. It was also too big to swallow.


Of course, I thought about crushing it to eat, but with my equipment and strength, it was impossible.


Since it’s come to this, I decided to process it and use it as equipment. I still can’t forget the feel of Lydia’s dagger that I briefly borrowed.


It’s important to increase my physical specs, but if I’m not going to live off brawling, I naturally need to invest in equipment.


“Hu-hu… Alright. I’ll do the initial processing and then notify the Dwarf Forge Union. Fortunately, I have connections there, and with such materials, there will be artisans willing to work on it, even if it means waiving their fees.”


I have such connections (X)


Let’s get married (O)


“Yes! I’ll leave everything to you, Ms. Eve! …This is my first time, so I’m a bit nervous.”


“Oh? It’s natural to feel special the first time. Leave it to me, who has plenty of experience.”


Trust me (X)


Let’s get married (O)


The emphasis on “plenty of experience” sounded somewhat pitiful and touching…


Understanding that feeling, I smiled warmly and continued.


“If Ms. Eve says so, I naturally have to trust and leave it to her. We’re partners, right?”


“Partners… Yes. That’s right. We’re partners.”


If I mess up, so do you (X)


We were already a couple! (O)


Murmuring absentmindedly, Eve tried to pull her hand away, but I wasn’t about to let her escape.


The pressure from the Eyes of Truth was incredibly overwhelming, making me slightly nervous, so it’s only fair to return the favor.


Gripping Eve’s hand trying to escape, I stood up and brought my lips close to her long elf ear.


“Eve noona… my horn is weird…”




Whether it was the coquettish tone, the breath on her ear, or the content that was just right for wild imaginations, Eve twitched as if electrocuted.


Satisfied with her reaction, I placed the unicorn horn on the desk and bowed to the still dazed Eve.


“Thank you for today. I’ll be going now. When the item is ready, please send Lemon or Apple to fetch the fairy silver. I’ll always be at that place.”


“Yes? Yes…”


Leaving the still bewildered Eve behind, I picked up the twin elf spies, who were sneakily chewing jerky and watching.


“Both of you, come with me for a moment.”


You have your own task to attend to.


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Gacha Addict in a Matriarchal World

Gacha Addict in a Matriarchal World

남녀역전 세계의 가챠 중독자
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
Gacha – Civilization’s Ultimate Game. Spin now for a shot at fortune. Spending that doesn’t disrupt your lifestyle? That’s virtually free-to-play. Keep spinning until you strike gold – success is guaranteed. … … Today, yet again, I’m at the gacha wheel. “Did I get a 5-star?!”


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