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I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World EP.121

This Chapter Is Paid By Matt

No, she has also become a hegemon!

The decision to leave the deep cave was made by her, who had just been born.

Although the deep cave was comfortable, resources were ultimately limited, and the variety was limited. The outside world could not always remain so peaceful.

The moment she realized that she was among the first to be born into this world from the modern world, the ambition to plunder this world was born in her cradle ahead of others.

In fact, not long ago, Kesna said that it was an illusion that the gods encouraged war, but that was actually wrong.

It wasn’t an illusion.

The protection of the Demon King is the best proof of this.

The Demon Kings would devour each other and become even stronger.

There is no possibility of peaceful coexistence. Those who surrender and those who do not fight will both die.

This world will inevitably witness a chaotic war among the myriad races, called the War of Kings!

The Devil Spiders are going to devour the entire world in this war!

Since there will eventually be a Demon King who becomes the king of all, why can’t it be her?

However, Xu Yiyi’s eyes were somewhat compassionate because three people had already disappeared.

Veena and the others should not have stayed here to participate in this dangerous interethnic war. Perhaps it would have been best for them to leave here early and hide.

“Enclose that place!”

Xu Yiyi’s mount, the hegemonic-level Devil Spider, let out a sharp screech.

In an instant, countless Devil Spiders surged out from behind it, rushing towards the eerie forest indicated by Xu Yiyi, completely surrounding the area.

The entire forest was instantly filled with the terrifying figures of Devil Spiders, densely packed, outlining the deepest fears of humans.

Before long, the hegemonic-level Devil Spider, carrying Xu Yiyi, arrived at the depths of this forest. Looking at the traces left behind, especially the torn white lace dress that Veena had just changed into after taking a bath, as well as Veena’s underwear casually hung on the tree swaying in the wind.

There were all kinds of unsightly traces on the ground, on the trees, on the rocks.

But there was not a single figure to be seen.

Xu Yiyi’s face immediately darkened.

When she realized something was wrong, she didn’t alert the enemy. Instead, she directly led the group of Devil Spiders to surround them. She even informed the surrounding Devil Spiders to keep an eye on this place. However, she didn’t expect the other party to leave before they arrived.

How did the goblins know their movements? And how did they manage to remain undetected after leaving such exaggerated traces?

Could there be more than one?

Xu Yiyi affirmed her own judgment. She didn’t go to rescue alone out of caution.

No, that’s not right!

Xu Yiyi gritted her teeth, pondering a possibility.

Although goblins were foolish, their growth cycle was faster than that of Devil Spiders. Perhaps some of these goblins also possessed the protection of Demon King seeds.

If that were the case, it would explain why goblins, creatures that shouldn’t have been able to rise to the level of having several hegemonic-level goblins, could do so in this world, which was originally impossible.

They encountered enemies of the same status as the first four catastrophes as soon as they emerged, didn’t they?

“Let’s go back. Inform the queen to change the invasion site and abandon the human territory controlled by the goblins, which is not of much value to us for now.”

The hegemonic-level Devil Spider under Xu Yiyi’s feet paused, somewhat puzzled. “Are we going back to the cave now? The ecology of the cave has been destroyed due to our extensive consumption.”

Xu Yiyi said solemnly, “Change the invasion site. We’ll go to the Strange Misty Forest to invade the Exploding Monkeys there. As for human matters, we’ll deal with them later.”


It was already impossible. They didn’t even know where the other party was. No matter how unwilling they were, it was just futile rage.

The Devil Spiders relied on devouring other lives to become stronger. Therefore, launching a war meant that some Devil Spiders would perish in the war, but a large number of Devil Spiders would quickly become stronger.

By the time the other party reacted, their strength would have increased.

Only those who were also Demon King seed travelers would be vigilant enough. Most importantly, Exploding Monkeys, such ferocious beasts, could not become a dominant species in just half a year.

There might not necessarily be no travelers among the Exploding Monkey tribes in the Strange Misty Forest, but even if there were, it was very likely that they wouldn’t have had enough time to gain sufficient status within the Exploding Monkey tribe.

Without status, there is no intelligence.

So by the time the other side knew about them, they might have already devoured half of the Exploding Monkey tribe, appearing before them with a formidable posture that the other side couldn’t resist.

As for Veena and the other two, the deed was done, and there was no way to rescue them.

The other party was goblins, a dirty race. Once it was confirmed that they were not Demon King seeds, they were unlikely to be in life-threatening danger.

However, they would have to endure being mothers for the goblins for a while.

As for how long this while would be, Xu Yiyi couldn’t say for sure.

Fortunately, even if goblins possessed Demon King seeds, their upper limit was much lower than that of Devil Spiders. As long as the goblins’ Demon King seeds had not devoured other Demon King seeds to reach the second-tier Demon King level, the further they developed, the less likely they would be able to compete with their Devil Spider group.

After a thorough search, the enemy was still nowhere to be found. Xu Yiyi could only tidy up the torn clothes and discarded dirty underwear of her sisters, and silently leave with the Devil Spiders.

This Chapter Is Paid By Matt

In the nest of the hegemonic Devil Spiders, Xu Yiyi remained silent for a long time, thinking of the two sisters still in the Spider Cave. In the end, she came out.

An hour had passed. Yaya and Xixi should have left with Yaya, right?

For ordinary people, hiding in a sparsely populated and resource-poor place would be much safer than staying here.

The fact that Veena and the other two sisters disappeared under her nose proved this.

Let’s go and see them. Confirm their safety on the way back.

With this in mind, Xu Yiyi quietly rushed back along the way.

“Why hasn’t sister come back yet…”

Yaya curled up in her own silk cocoon, wiping away tears in fear.

As a fragile modern person, she was the kind of girl who would be scared by watching poorly acted horror movies. She couldn’t withstand this kind of fear of danger.

Fourth sister Huixiang Xiuyi was the most timid among their six sisters. But this was actually because Yaya usually seemed cheerful and lively, giving the illusion that she was brave. But when she encountered something, she panicked.

“It’s okay, nothing will happen. Look at me, still in the cocoon. If something happens, I won’t be able to run away anyway. I’m not afraid, Yaya, what are you afraid of?”

Xixi expressed without any problem.

In the gap between Xixi’s words, the figure of a smiling man slowly appeared outside the dim spider cave, until he stood in front of Yaya.

And in front of this man, there was also a beautiful naked woman.

It was their eldest sister, Veena.

Behind him, there were also five human women with indifferent faces, three of whom were each holding a naked and dirty woman.

Among the three women being held, Yaya recognized her three missing sisters.

But just by her instincts, Yaya knew that the man in front of her and the several cold female servants behind him were not of their kind.

However, at this moment, Yaya relaxed.

Because her sisters were safe and unharmed.

Of course, Yaya knew what had been done to her sisters.

No, it should be said that they had secretly gone out and done something.

One after another, they went out and didn’t come back, which made Yaya extremely angry.

Looking at the handsome man in front of her, Yaya said angrily and aggrievedly, “Outrageous! Absolutely outrageous! You guys, having a party without inviting me and then leaving me behind!”

Yaya immediately took off her clothes on the spot.

Brave Yaya chose to join in!

Xixi inside the cocoon was puzzled.

“A party? What party?”


Just as she was puzzled, there came the sound of Yaya’s pain and injury from outside the cocoon.

Someone was hurting Yaya?

Xixi became anxious, but she was completely helpless.

During the process of evolution, she couldn’t make any movements.

Although her body had been reshaped, her magical power was still a mess, and it would take some time to complete the entire process of evolution.

“Your fighting power is far inferior to your sisters’.”

“Darn it…”

There was a man’s laughter outside, along with Yaya’s unwilling yet weak voice.

“Yaya! Don’t hurt Yaya! If there’s a problem, come at me, you jerk!”

Xixi inside the cocoon only now realized the seriousness of the situation and hurriedly shouted.

At this moment, a hand pressed against the cocoon, and magical power was injected from the outside.

The other party had heard her voice and was checking her condition!

“Oh, so you’ve completed your development, just lacking a bit of magical power. Let me add something good to your evolution process, to help you develop better.”

What did this guy mean?

Xixi felt a bit scared.


Suddenly, a pair of large hands tore open the cocoon, and then a person squeezed in through the gap in the cocoon.

Xixi: ???

Wait, what’s going on?

Ah, wait, what are you doing…

No way, wait, no no no!!!

How… how could this happen!!!


Xu Yiyi arrived at the Spider Cave that she and her sisters had built together. This was their temporary nest, which they had agreed to leave together after the eldest sister suggested building a larger Spider Cave in the vast outside world, where they could establish their own queenhood.

But now, three sisters had been abducted by goblins.

How could such a sudden and drastic change occur?

It seemed as if in just a moment, everything had changed.

Sensing that there was no movement in the Spider Cave, Xu Yiyi made sure that no one was coming from inside before she couldn’t help but enter, taking one last look at this nest they had just recently built.

An hour ago, when she left, she had left a safe route behind, which was monitored by other Devil Spiders. She believed that the other Devil Spiders around, upon seeing them, would follow her orders not to disturb them, but rather to bid them farewell in secret.

With these thoughts in mind, Xu Yiyi entered the Spider Cave and looked at the empty home in front of her. Before she could even react, she stepped on a cute pair of underwear on the ground.

It was Yaya’s.

This Chapter Is Paid By Matt

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I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World

I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World

Goblin Emperor, 哥布林皇帝
Score 7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
This is only update to those who read till 106 I haven't got the copy of the previous chapter that was posted on Galaxy. Thank you!


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