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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 14

Ten Attendants’ Rebellion (1)

With the resolution of the Heuk San Jeok issue, one of Bing Province’s major concerns was alleviated.

The wealth, soldiers, and population gained from subduing the Heuk San Jeok greatly bolstered the struggling Bing Province.

“We never imagined we could farm near the city like this…”

“I thought I’d spend my life hunting in the mountains. Ha ha!”

Thanks to Jang Gak’s idea, the sparsely populated lands began to be cultivated.

If their farming succeeds and a portion of the harvest is sent as tax, Bing Province will no longer have to worry about military provisions.

Of course, support needs to be provided until the first harvest to ensure the newly farming population doesn’t starve.

“If you need rice, just write it in the ledger and take what you need.”

The wealth obtained from the Heuk San Jeok was used to buy food to sustain the lands until their first harvest.

This food was considered a loan, to be repaid from taxes after the harvest.

“We borrowed a sack, but you won’t suddenly demand three sacks in return, right?”

“We’ll only take back what you borrowed, so don’t worry about that.”

I avoided imposing huge interest like a loan shark, only expecting repayment of the exact amount borrowed.

Natural food stockpiling would occur without needing to be greedy for small gains.

The surrendered Heuk San Jeok were assigned to different military roles based on their strengths.

“Heck… Huff…”

“Hey! I can see your feet! Run properly!”

Those adept at moving quickly, who specialized in ambushes in the mountains and forests, became elite guerrilla warriors.

Even now, these guerrillas were running through the mountains alongside Lü Bu.

“I’ll make anyone who gets caught run mountain drills until sunset!”


Correction: they weren’t running with Lü Bu; they were being chased by her.

Despite their seemingly casual pace, the distance between Lü Bu and the soldiers quickly closed.

With widened eyes, the soldiers desperately increased their distance, while Lü Bu mockingly closed the gap again.

“See? You can do it! Faster! Faster!”


“Run like that, and you won’t get an arrow in the back of your head!”

As Lü Bu pushed them, the soldiers truly started to run faster.

Humans are indeed strange creatures.

Whenever I see this, I feel fortunate to be Lü Bu’s superior.

“Keep your eyes forward. Hold the shield firmly. Trust the comrades around you.”


“Coordinate your movements. Breathe together. If one falls, all die.”

Some, strong in endurance and natural strength, were recruited into Go Soon’s Hamjin Camp and trained with existing veterans.

Although always powerful, Hamjin Camp’s problem was its small size.

However, with the Heuk San Jeok joining, the once triple-digit Hamjin Camp joyfully exceeded a thousand members.

Commanders like Weisok were training with Jang Ryong, honing their martial skills.

“I feel like dying… Save me…”

“Stop right before you die, so don’t worry.”

“I’m also a general…”

Weisok, beaten up by Jang Ryong, sobbed while supporting himself with a spear.

Song Hun was knocked out cold after an uppercut from Jang Ryong.

After being hit by Jang Ryong’s spear, Hou Cheng lay motionless.


Even Weisok, who had held out till the end, finally collapsed with an incongruous sound under Jang Ryong’s follow-up attack.

I thought they should be fine since they’re tough… Maybe I should send them a bottle of liquor later.

Turning around, I locked eyes with Seo Yeow, who was watching me.





Our unexpected staring contest ended when Seo Yeow, blushing, turned away first.

I won.


If asked about the primary reason for the Han Dynasty’s corruption, everyone would mention the Ten Attendants.

A group of eunuchs who controlled the young emperor and enjoyed power for over a century.

Originally created to counteract the influence of external relatives manipulating young emperors, the Ten Attendants now controlled the young emperor themselves.

The current emperor, Emperor Ling, was immersed in indulgences by the Ten Attendants, who were also responsible for rampant corruption and embezzlement.

The Ten Attendants would take bribes from corrupt officials in exchange for government positions.

These corrupt officials, having bought their positions, exploited the people to recoup their losses.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion, sparked by the exasperated populace, was ultimately caused by the Ten Attendants’ actions.

…That’s how it’s described in “Romance of the Three Kingdoms,” but the reality was even worse.

In fact, the most active in selling and buying official positions was the emperor himself.

While corruption and the sale of offices by external relatives or eunuchs were already rampant, this money-hungry emperor was unprecedentedly involved in such practices.

And yet, he had a penchant for indulgence, suffering from various diseases at the age of 30.

A foolish emperor with no redeeming actions.

In an era already rife with corrupt officials, such a person as emperor meant the downfall of the centuries-old Han Dynasty was inevitable.

Soon, Emperor Ling would die young at 30, and the ensuing chaos would trigger the Ten Attendants’ Rebellion.

Then what? Dong Zhuo will seize control of the court, and warlords will take over cities, forming an anti-Dong Zhuo coalition.

By the time of the Ten Attendants’ Rebellion, the Han Dynasty could be considered finished.

Currently, the central government is caught in a tense standoff between the external relatives led by He Jin and the eunuchs led by Jian Shuo.

There, Yuan Shao is probably urging He Jin to wipe out the Ten Attendants, but the indecisive He Jin is ignoring him.

He Jin, you’ll die like that.

With some time left before Emperor Ling’s death and the Ten Attendants’ Rebellion, it’s better to focus on internal affairs and prepare for the upcoming storm.

After a few days of such thoughts, I received shocking news.

The emperor was dead.

Why did he die so soon?

He was supposed to live until 189 A.D., but he died shortly after

186 A.D.

It seems this Emperor Ling was more frail.

…But doesn’t this mean the Ten Attendants’ Rebellion will start earlier?

Facing an unpredictable situation, I started to feel a headache.


Emperor Ling’s personal army, the Serpent and Crane Guard (Serpent and Eight Loyal Guards).

Gan Seok, the head of the Serpent and Crane Guard, was in shock over the emperor’s sudden and unexpected death.

He had been planning to depose Crown Prince Liu Bian and install King Jin Liu Xie, but the emperor’s death was not good news for him.

Despite their fierce competition, Crown Prince Liu Bian, supported by He Jin, ascended the throne.

With the emperor, always their defender, dead, the Ten Attendants were now without protection.

The young Liu Bian would rely on his uncle He Jin and his mother, Empress Dowager He, and the power of external relatives was bound to grow uncontrollably.

The corruption of the Ten Attendants was already beyond measure, and some fools had even been caught collaborating with the Yellow Turbans, documented by Wang Yun.

Now, He Jin could sweep away the defenseless Ten Attendants at any time.

Having finished his thoughts, Gan Seok called the Ten Attendants.

“…We must kill He Jin.”


Startled by Gan Seok’s words, the Ten Attendants showed shock.

“Our beloved emperor, who always defended us, died suddenly without a will. With Crown Prince Liu Bian’s ascension, we’re all dead men.”

Silent, the Ten Attendants realized they could be killed at any moment.

Ever since the emperor’s sudden death, they had been walking on thin ice.

The Ten Attendants were well aware of the hostile glares from the palace officials.

“The longer we delay, the more disadvantageous it becomes for us. We have no time to spare.”

Gan Seok, with the authority to command the emperor’s personal army, spoke.

“He Jin must be lured into the palace alone. Then…”

“We must kill him.”

Jo Chung, the leader of the Ten Attendants, nodded.

“Send a message to He Jin. Tell him to come to the palace alone as we have urgent matters to discuss.”

With Jo Chung’s decision, the Ten Attendants bowed and complied.

Jo Chung laughed coldly and continued.

“That butcher, who only knew how to slaughter pigs, rose to Grand General thanks to us. The ungrateful cur─”


“It’s dangerous.”

A golden-haired woman, like molten gold, warned Grand General He Jin of the trap.

He Jin laughed heartily at her words.

“My nephew has ascended the throne; what danger could there be?”

“This is surely a trap planned by the Ten Attendants to target Grand General.”

Her golden hair flowed long behind her.

Her golden eyes sparkled like gold.

“People with nothing to lose act recklessly.”

Convinced by Yuan Shao’s assertive words, He Jin’s expression hardened.

“As soon as Grand General enters the palace alone, the Ten Attendants will surely…”

“Enough. I don’t want to hear it.”


As He Jin showed displeasure, Yuan Shao stopped talking.

“Would the Ten Attendants do such foolish things? Those cowards would never dare.”

“…Then at least let us escort you to the palace.”

“Do as you wish. Tsk. So much unnecessary worry…”

He Jin, clicking his tongue, turned and headed towards the palace where the Ten Attendants awaited.

A girl approached the silent Yuan Shao.

“You said it was pointless.”


Cao Cao turned his gaze to He Jin, walking alone.

“Seems a storm of blood will soon blow.”

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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