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Romance of The Three Kingdoms – Chapter 15

Ten Attendants’ Rebellion (2)

Grand General He Jin was murdered alone in the palace by the Ten Attendants. Amidst the chaos in the palace, with Yuan Shao’s army clashing against Jian Shuo’s, the Ten Attendants fled Luoyang with the Emperor and Prince Jin.

“They abandoned me and fled!”

Learning that other Ten Attendants had deserted him, Jian Shuo’s face turned pale. Overwhelmed, Jian Shuo’s imperial army was defeated, and he was captured and brought before Yuan Shao in chains.

Jian Shuo desperately begged for his life.

“Please spare me, General! I had no choice but to eliminate the Grand General for the sake of the Han Dynasty!”

“Save the dynasty? I never thought I’d hear such words from a eunuch.”

Yuan Shao smirked at the irony, prompting Jian Shuo to plead again.

“General Yuan, you are also part of the Imperial Guards! Please have mercy for old times’ sake!”

“You held all the real power while I was just a figurehead.”

Yuan Shao shook his head.

“Execute him.”

“General! Please, I beg you───!!”

After killing all the eunuchs in the palace, Yuan Shao quickly mobilized his troops to search for the Emperor, who was lost amidst the bloodshed.


Not far from Luoyang, a man in black armor read a letter.

“Drive out the Ten Attendants by marching into Luoyang and showing force… Ha ha!”

Dong Zhuo laughed while reading the letter supposedly from the already deceased He Jin.

“Are you pleased?”

“Of course! They’ve given me a reason to lead my army into the capital!”

Dong Zhuo carelessly folded the letter and placed it in his pocket. He had deliberately moved his troops slowly, expecting a clash between He Jin and the Ten Attendants.

Now, hearing about He Jin’s death and the chaos in the palace, he quickly headed towards the capital.

“Just as Yi Ru predicted. You truly are my brain!”

“I’m flattered.”

Dong Zhuo, stroking his thick beard, asked Yi Ru.

“Is there anyone in the capital who can oppose our elite troops?”

“Who would dare oppose the elite forces led by you?”

Dong Zhuo’s forces, having subdued the rebellions in Yang Province, were formidable.

“Still, it bothers me that we couldn’t completely crush the rebels.”

Before heading to Luoyang, they had defeated Han Sui’s forces but some rebels remained.

“Don’t worry. Didn’t you leave generals Li Jue and Guo Si in Yang Province?”

Reassured by Yi Ru, Dong Zhuo nodded.

“Then I have no worries. Let’s go rescue the Emperor!”

Dong Zhuo quickened his pace towards Luoyang.

“We’ll speed up! Rescuing the Emperor from the Ten Attendants will be our glory!”


During the aftermath of subduing the Heuk San Jeok, I received a letter from my mother, prompting me to lead an army towards Luoyang.

“Nothing ever stays calm in this country.”

“You can say that again.”

I had planned some leisure after settling things down…

Let me rest.

My mother decided to stay in Bing Province in case of unforeseen circumstances, entrusting me with full authority.

Mother’s love is heavy.

Lü Bu, curious, asked me a question.

“What does ‘show of force’ mean in the letter?”

“Just intimidate with our troops.”

“Against those eunuch bastards?”


Lü Bu looked displeased.

“So they’re using us for their political games.”

“If the higher-ups say jump, we jump.”

That’s the fate unless you hold a high office, which is impossible without bribing the Ten Attendants.

“…Shall we just slaughter them all?”

Seo Ye, usually quiet but sometimes overreacting to anything about me, suddenly made a chilling suggestion.

“….Let’s not. I’m fine, really.”

Given Seo Ye’s capability, she might actually carry it out.

We’re almost at Luoyang.

I sense a clash with Dong Zhuo approaching.

Although only a month has passed since the Emperor’s death, the central situation has shifted faster than ever.


Upon entering Luoyang with my army, I met Jang Ryong, who had been waiting, and was briefed on the situation.

The Ten Attendants had killed He Jin.

In the ensuing battle between Yuan Shao’s and the Ten Attendants’ forces, Yuan Shao emerged victorious.

In the chaos, some Ten Attendants had fled with the Emperor and Prince Jin.

I was dumbfounded by how quickly events were unfolding, much faster than the original history.

“What should we do?”

After pondering, I spoke.

“Let’s just protect the panicked citizens.”


Let Dong Zhuo take care of the Emperor. I need to handle the chaos.

With everyone eyeing the Emperor, the city’s people are in the greatest danger.

Crimes like looting or murder are bound to occur amidst this turmoil.

“Sir! I’ll give you anything, just please don’t harm my wife and daughter!”

“Of course we want money, kid! Ha ha, we should share the good stuff, right?”

“Help! Someone, anyone, please!”

Right on cue, a group of thugs surrounded a family, intending to commit a crime.

I called Lü Bu.

“Lü Bu.”


“Make sure those guys can’t use their lower bodies ever again.”

“Got it. Just smash them up, right?”

Lü Bu took a spear from a nearby soldier and used the shaft to shatter… something. I’ll refrain from specifying what.

“Thank you! Thank you!”

“Don’t mention it. …Ugh. Disgusting. Here’s your weapon back.”

Lü Bu casually dismissed the family’s gratitude, grimacing as she returned the borrowed spear.


The soldier looked dismayed at his spear, now smeared with unidentifiable remains.


The Ten Attendants who fled with the Emperor and Prince Jin eventually jumped into a river and committed suicide as the encirclement tightened.

Dong Zhuo, securing the Emperor and Prince Jin as in the original history, triumphantly entered Luoyang. His powerful Western Liang cavalry followed, silencing everyone in Luoyang.

“Look, Yi Ru! No one dares meet my eyes!”

“Indeed, General. Your overwhelming authority has everyone bowing their heads. It’s the dawn of your era.”

Pleased by Yi Ru’s flattery, Dong Zhuo shared his future plans.

“I can replace the Emperor at will without repercussions, right?”

“Yes. There’s no one in Luoyang who can oppose you.”

Yi Ru advised confidently.

“The forces formerly under the Grand General are gradually being absorbed into yours.”

Realizing the situation, others began flocking to Dong Zhuo.

Yuan Shao, trying to counter this, was unable to stop the momentum.

“Most of the eunuchs, including the Ten Attendants, have been killed by Yuan Shao, so they’re no longer a concern.”

Yi Ru felt grateful to Yuan Shao for reducing his workload.

Dong Zhuo’s face brightened at the news.

“However, there is one concern…”


Dong Zhuo listened intently.

“One force, like

you, has entered Luoyang with their army.”


“They also received the same letter as you, which He Jin sent to several forces before his death.”

Yi Ru’s words enlightened Dong Zhuo.

He had entered Luoyang using that letter as a pretext, and others would have done the same.

“Almost everyone declined, citing various reasons, but one force entered Luoyang alongside you.”

“…Who is it?”

That person must have smelled the same opportunity as him.

Yi Ru spoke.

“Only one other force has come to Luoyang, besides yours.”

Dong Zhuo’s face turned serious as he anticipated the answer.

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Romance of The Three Kingdoms

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Foreigners’ Choice for ‘The Best Land to Live In’ – Byungju. It seems I’ve brought a child who chose the wrong time to be born in that land.


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